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Show DAVIS NEWS WEEKLY REFLEX JOURNAL, MARCH 1, 1979 special election will be held in Davis County School District, Davis County, State of Utah, on the 27th day of March, 1979, at which election there shall be submitted to the tor the purpose of raising money tor purchas- At 7:30 p.m. - The request of Dale L. Jost and Margaret M. Jost to rezone approxima- and l to from Agricultural Neighborhood Commercial NOTICE OF PETITION AND HEARING SECOND THE IN JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF DAVIS COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: FRANK KEARNS, Deceased. 1. Notice is hereby given that on February 13th, 1979 whose McBride Pauline address is Treasurers Office, Courthouse Building, Far- in the the courtroom Courthouse Building, Farmington, Utah, on the 13th day of March, 1979, at 9:00 oclock A.M. Dated this 13th day of February, 1979. 1979 R-- 7 with State Engineer Appl. to appropriate 52122 .015 sec. ft. of water in Davis County. The water is to be diverted from a well, ft. deep, at a point S. 1300 ft. E. 100 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 20, T4N, R2W SW mi SLB&M (2.5 Syracuse); and used Jan. to Dec. 31 for the domestic purposes of 1 family; and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the 400-50- 1 irrigation of .25 acs. in NWV4NWV4 Sec. 20, T4N, R2W, SLB&M. Protests resisting the granting of this application vith reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 231 E. 400 S., SLC, UT 84111, on or before 17, 1979. DEE C. HANSEN State Engineer Published in the Davis News Journal First publication Feb. 22, 1979 Last publication March 8, 2910 Suite 100 Ogden, Utah Telephone B 19, 33, Reflex in The Weekly First publication Feb. 22, 1979 Last publication March 8, Civil No. 3870 UTAH WESTERN BONDED COLLECTIONS, INC. Plaintiff, vs. ROBERT N1ESER and FI, Sealed proposals are invited by the Davis County Com-mission, Davis County, Utah with plans and specifications prepared by Don L. Frand-sen- , K Street, Ogden, Utah. Proposals shall be filed with L16, 19, CLF L 10, 11, 12 1, as provided by law, at his y CONTINUOUS ALUMINUM GUTTERS I I I 773-856- 6 LAYTON, UTAH No Seams No Leaks Requires No Maintenance of- fice during regular office hours, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and except during the ten-daperiod immediately preceding the special bond election, any person eighteen (18) years of age or older who on IS NOTICE PUBLIC HEREBY GIVEN that a I the day of the election will be a qualified elector. The County Clerk will make available or will cause the registration agents to make available at each of the above described polling places, a registration list or copy thereof listing all registered electors entitled to use such polling place. DEE C. HANSEN State Engineer Reflex Last publication March The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Davis County throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. Locations in SLB&M. 52287 Doyle G. Olsen 2920 West 300 North, West ! Point Utah 84015 .1 second-fee- t of water is to be diverted from a sump, 30 feet deep, at a point N 175 ft. E. 462 ft from the SW Cor. of Sec. 33, T5N R2W (in West Point); and tion will meet at its regular meeting place at the School Administration Center, 45 East State Street, in Far- mington, Utah, at 7: 00 oclock P.M. and canvass the returns and declare the results of said election. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Education of Davis County School District, Davis County, State of Utah, has caused this notice to be given this 6th day of 1979. LUCILE C. READING President Board of Education of Davis County School District Davis County, State of Utah Attest: Roger C. Glines Clerk Board of Education of Davis County School District Davis County, State of Utah I I J the office of the Clerk of the Board of Education at the School Administration Center, 45 East State Street, in Farmington. Utah. Notice is further given that on Tuesday, April 3, 1979, that being a day not laler than ten days after said special bond election, the Board of Educa March 14. in The Weekly 1979 8 1979 Last publication March 15. 1979 Alway Prompt Courteous Service Sale lor all types ol Carpet ENJOY FRESH CLEAN CARPETS FREE ESTIMATES members will paint the interior. president. men said they appreciate community support and hope it will continue through seeing the facility completed. Construction is moving into the finishing Both AT THE same time, Don Evans has taken over as president of the museum board of directors, relieving AT THE same time, bills continue to pile up for work already completed, they said, with more funding needed. Those unable to furnish cash can provide labor and time, the men said, tb of 84015 0.015 water is to be diverted from ft. well, an eight-incdeep, at a point N 260 ft, and W 550 ft. from the S4 Cor. Sec. 21, T5N, R1W (2 mil SW of Roy); and used for domestic purposes of one family, t 100-30- h stockwatering 2 Astronomy: Library Topic - Bountiful and during the AsFARMINGTON tronomy - Its Looking Up will be presented jointly by the Davis County Library and the Hansen Planetarium of Salt Lake City in the North and South branches of the library during March. same hours March 12 and 13 at the North Branch, 562 South 1000 East in Clearfield. The first session will explore such topics as where and when to look and what to look at and how to observe and provide tidbits on black holes, quasars and extraterrestrial life. The Wednesday session will cover tele- - sesTHE FREE sions will be given March 5 and 7 from p.m. at the South Branch, 725 S. Main in cattle and scopes and their history, parts and pieces and how it works along with indoor and outdoor use. THE CLASS will be conducted by Karen Mehlmauer and Patrick Wiggins, both employees of the Hansen Planetarium. is requested and may be completed by calling either library, tb Understand Field Trip Okayed For Davis County Student - FARMINGTON Graduating junior high students in the especially in lieu tion exercises. Davis School District will have an even sweeter end of school to look forward to than normal, thanks to a school of gradua- As with most issues, board members reported received both adverse comments from parents saying their children should be able to participate in a cultural graduation exercise to others saying they were so thrilled they didnt have to spend a lot of money for a new suit just so their boy could walk across the stage. (at graduation), tb board decision. FOR THE second year in a row, those students will enjoy a field day to Lagoon in Farmington rather than participate in formal graduation ceremonies. The day of fun will be scheduled for one day prior to school clojng, or May 24. Cost will be $4 a student but those who cant afford it will also be given the chance to attend, Asst Supt. Gavle Child Through Literature The Parent Education Resource Center of Davis School District will present, Understanding Your Child Through Childrens Literature on March 7 at 7: 30 p.m. THIS PROGRAM, for parents of children of all ages, will suggest ways literature can help the parent-chil- d relationship. A bibliography will be distributed. All parents and other interested persons are welcome. The PERC is located at Monte Vista Center, 70 South 300 East, Farmington. This is free. TAX PREPARATION Got the Tax Blues? of a Tax Consultant. will Happiness is the Services provide that service in the convenience of your home if desired. Reasonable fees, and hours from 9 to 9, 7 days per week. I Stevenson said. the JUSTIFYING IN request, he said, The principals unanimously felt that it was the most desirable direction to go and the feeling of the group is to continue Call Don Gibbs 655 East 1st South, Kaysville 376-214- 6 from April 1 to October 31 for the irrigation of 25 acs. in the SEV4 SW'4 Sec. 21T5N, R1W. Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 231 E. 400 S., SLC, UT 84111, on or before held before the City Council of Fruit Heights City on March 20, 1979 at the city offices, 281 South Mountain Road, Fruit Heights, Utah. Purpose of the hearings will be to consider property owners requests for rezoning on the following parcels: - The request At 7:15 p.m. - The request LaMar and Margery Green to rezone approximately 2.5 acres of property located at the northeast corner of Green and Residential-Suburba- US n 89 1979. DEEC. HANSEN State Engineer Notice is hereby given of separate public hearings to be Road Darold & Adams 1542 second-fee- Mar. 24, of r B. 700 South, Clearfield, UT East NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Residential. owner-manage- work stage and Rotary Club . 1, Arles Steiner, Lynn Porter, Ray Phillips, Steven Jones, Ted Stewart, Elsie Heaton, and Kendall Ence to rezone property west of Mountain Road south of Nicholls Road from to Agricultural BILL LILES - h Marguerite 1979 of 000 previously as board vice to Sec. 33T5N R2W. 52312 Byron Mathews 2235 West 800 North West Point, Utah 84015 0.060 second-fee- t of water is to be diverted from an eight-inc- h well, 30 ft. deep, at a point S 200 ft. and W 1250 ft. from the E4 Cor. Sec. 33, T5N, R2W (in West Point) and used from April 1 to October 31 for the irrigation of 1.0 acs. in NE'4 SE'4 Sec. 33, T5N, R2W. 52478 Jesse G. Brown, 2345 West 800 North, West Point, UT 84015 0.015 second-fee- t of water is to be diverted from an eight-incwell, 50 ft. deep, at a point S 75 ft. and W 1800 ft. from the E)4 Cor., Sec. 33, T5N, R2W 52507 1979 At 7:00 p.m. CARPET 1 October 31 for the irrigation of 1.4 acres, in the Swy4SW4 R2W. t ounty or who is disabled, by making application, within thirty (30) days next preceding the special bond election, either in person or by mail at of 4 from April 1 to October 31 for the irrigation of 0.25 acres in NW'4 SEV4, Section 33, T5N, Second publication March the special bond election but who, on the day of the election, expects to be tem- used for stockwatering cattle and from March (in West Point); and used Published in the Davis County Lhpper F irst publication Feb. 28, 1979 Second publication March 7 Reflex Verl Williams of that responsibility. Mr. Evans has served NOTICE TO WATER USERS porarily absent from Davis I 15, 5 Doxey Elementary Wasatch Elementary Pioneer Elementary Published - As a July 1 draws opening closer, work continues on the site of Laytons new Heritage Museum near the Municipal LAYTON planned Center. 1979 PRECINCT Last publication Evans. 1, 1979 by any person otherwise eligible to vote at obtained in The Weekly King Elementary First publication March r Published Hilltop Elementary February, The Layton Museum Board has seen changes in leadership as the museum construction continues in the Layton Commons. Handing over the keys of leadership is outgoing president Verl Williams, left, to 1979 president Don BOARD CHANGES be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 231 E. 400 S., SLC, UT 84111, on or before March 24, 1979. ballots may be Absent-vote- cattle and Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons therefore must So. Clearfield Elementary election and the official register of voters last made or revised shall constitute the register for such election; except that the County Clerk of Davis County will register 15, 2 to October 31 for R1W, SLB&M. Syracuse Elementary hour of 7: 00 o'clock A.M. and will be kept open until and will be closed at the hour of 8: IK) o'clock P.M. There is to be no special registration of voters for such THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF DAVIS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH - 4,5 bond election shall be by ballot, which ballots will be furnished by the Clerk of the Board of Education of Davis County School District to the judges of the election to be by them furnished to the qualified voters. The polls at each polling place shall be opened at the NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION FREE ESTIMATES 3, The voting at such special 1979 Manager ,, CLF 2, 4, 5, 6 1979 Don Pearson .. CLF3, 11 Reflex 6QUGOTLY RAIN GUTTERS SSI CLF 7, 8 in The Weekly For Residential or Commercial Buildings Various Colors Baked on Enamel Custom Made with Precision on Job 4,5 CLF 9, 10, 3 1 the irrigation of .25 in the NWi4 NE4, Sec. 4, T3N, West Point Elementary Clinton Elementary Fremont Elementary Sunset Elementary SS 2, 3. 4 RODNEY W. WALKER Davis County Clerk from April PLACE POLLING PLACE CL 3, SS 5. 6 documents. stockwatering Whitesides Elementary WP 1, 2 instructions 10 bidder are included in the bidding 1000 ft. and W 2000 ft. from the NE Cor. Sec. 4, T3N, R1W, SLB&M (l2 mi SW of Kaysville); and used January 1 to December 31 for the domestic purposes of one family, First publication March VOTING DISTRICTS SI. 2, 100-50- Layton Elementary Vae View Elementary 2, 3, 4 M. Adams, 290 S. 50 W., UT has filed with the State Engineer Appl. to appropriate 52512 0.015 sec. ft. of water in Davis County. The water is to be well, diverted from a ft. deep, at a point S Crestview Elementary Lincoln Elementary 6, 7, DC 8 CL 1,2, Jay Kaysville, PRECINCT FIFTH SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE enter into the contract and furnish the additional bonds required. The Commission reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or alternates and to waive any bidding informality. Plans and specifications are on file in the architects office. A deposit of $100.00 per set is required for release of the plans and specifications from the architect. Complete LOWEST PRICE EVER 5, 8, 9 L14, 15, 21,22 BE Farmington, Davis County. 1 L 13, 20 L NOTICE TO WATER USERS PLACE POLLING VOTING DISTRICTS LI, 7 Kaysville Jr. High 1.2, 3 15, 1979 PRECINCT FOURTH SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE L Last publication March Morgan Elementary So. Weber Elementary East Layton City Hall 1 L 17, EL the Davis County Clerk, Farmington, Utah on or before March 20, 1979 at 2:00 P.M. at which time all proposals will be opened and read aloud in the Davis County Commission Chambers. Proposals shall be accompanied by either a certified check or a bid bond of of the not less than 5 amount of the bid. Such check or bond shall be drawn in favor of Davis County and the check or bond of accepted bidder shall be forfeited in case he fails or refuses to Last publication 5,10 1, 1979 Kaysville Elementary 8, 9, L 18 SW 4 Utah, all the right, title, and interest of the defendants, ROBERT N1ESER and WAN r K 1, 3, First publication March Farmington Elementary Stewart Elementary Centerville Jr. High West Bountiful Elementary Burton Elementary WB1.2, 3 FH1.2, 3, K2 K 4, 6, 7,11 addition to and remodeling of the Davis County Jail in accordance March 3,4,5 Cl, 2, 3,4 for an First publication March 2, Reflex PLACE POLLING C 5, 6. 7 v Published DISTRICTS VOTING in The Weekly Published Oak Hills Elementary Tolman Elementary Washington Elementary Bountiful Jr. High Millcreek Jr. High THIRD SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE INVITATION TO BID WANDA N1ESF.R A AT SOLD SHERIFFS SALE on the Kith day of March, 1979, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, at the north front door of the Davis County Courthouse in 31,32 B13, 16, 17 R-- ll 1979 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF CLEARFIELD, DAVIS B 29, 30, , Published in the Davis County Clipper First publication Feb. 28, 1979 Last publication March 14, NOTICE OF 34,35 20 City Recorder Holbrook Elementary Meadowbrook Elementary B10, 11, 18 B 21 26, 27,28 1979 3 SHERIFFS SALE ON REAL PROPERTY B 14, 15, ALAN B. MANNING PRECINCT POLLING B 22, 23, 24, 25 399-082- 3 Published DISTRICTS VOTING considered. PRECINCT SECOND SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE Washington Boulevard, 1979 TO NSL1.2, 3,4 WC1.2, 3,4 850 24th Connie D. Chamber, 4371 S. 5300 W., Hooper, Ut has filed COUNTY, B 6, 7, 36, 37, 38 Attorney: Stephen A. Laker All persons POLLING PLACE Adelaide Elementary Boulton Elementary Bountiful Elementary Muir Elementary (1) Muir Elementary (2) Orchard Elementary Woods Cross Elementary 1,2, 3,4 DC 5, 6, 7. B 9 B 2, 8, 12 B 1,3, 4, 5 Architects Associated, NOTICE TO WATER USERS March DC l. present will be given an opportunity to be heard, within the time limits, either for or against the propositions. All written comments received will be Education? Said special bond election shall be held in the five (5) school representative precincts in said district at the following peaces within said precincts, and will be conducted by election judges to be appointed by the Board of Education: VOTING DISTRICTS Farmington, BRANT L. JOHNSON Sheriff By Linda Burningham Deputy Sheriff Deputy Clerk Reflex i First publication Feb. 15, 1979 Last publication March 1, at Dated C-- of FIRST SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE Davis County, State of Utah, this 14th day of March, 1979. A-- property under mature serially in not more than twenty (20) years from their respective date or dates. South Mountain Road 201-28- 1 the charge of the Board issue and sell bonds of the board in the amount of $35,000,000 and to PAYMENT TO BE MADE in lawful money of the United States of America. SUBJECT to any liens. Clerk of the Court RODNEY W. WALKER By Wanda Wood Published in The Weekly real t: Lot 10 Blk fi, Smith Village, 114 South 450 East, Clearfield, Utah an Utah, filed mington, Application for Informal Apof Personal pointment Representative. 2. A copy of the Petition is on file with the Clerk of the Court and may be reviewed upon request. 3. The Petition has been set for a hearing in this Court at described following property, tely 5 acres of property surrounding and including the Rockloft Building at necessary apparatus, for improving school Shall the Board of Education of Davis County School District, Davis County, State of Utah, be authorized to NIESER, in and to the DA t: Commercial' Highway "C-- ing school sites, for building or purchasing one or more schoolhouses and supplying the same with furniture and qualified, registered voters residing within said district, the following question, to from R-- S Published in the Davis News Journal First publication March 1, 1979 Last publication March 15, 1979 6 Choosing A Cereal If you want to choose a nu- tritious breakfast cereal, read the label carefully. Look for cereals containing whole grains. ALSO REMEMBER that ingredients are listed ifin order of predominance, so sugar heads the list, you'll know that the cereal contains a lot of empty calories. BUTLER "DID IT. Yes, that is a Butler building. In fact, you probably see beautiful Butler buildings all the time and don't know it. Butler buildings offer total design flexibility and can be as tasteful and dramatic as any building. Yet, they also give you all the important time and money savings of systems construction. To learn more, call the local independent contractor who can build one for you. Call UTAH SYSTEM BLDG. 27 No. 800 West, Salt Lake City 322-130- 7 |