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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 1,1979 Keera Knives will produie a ery sharp edge without unnecessary By CLARENCE MEACHAM the knife, is very, versatile and is often called by a variety of names such as the razor, cleaver, machete, axe, sword etc. Each of these use the single sharp edge but with other variations which adapt them to the particular in- necessary to prevent damage while subject to the rough and heavy use to which thev are intended. These tools aie also weighted to aid the torce ot the chopping blow Thev also have a curved blade to match the arc of the sw mg The axe is designed to c ut trees, fire wood etc. but not rocks and gravel It propel care is not taken to avoid this, it will become a maior task to remove the large nicks and to reshape the blade KNIVES, razors, the hollow-grounblade. This blade is thin enough to pass through the softer materials quite easily, but is not strong enough for rugged jobs. This blade should be used with care. Do not pry or chop with it unless you are willing to or for pay repair replacement. Other special knives as the sword, machete, and cleaver have blades heavy enough to stand the more rugged use. These are sharpened with about a twenty two degree taper which is the taper which SOME TOP SETTINGS By NOLA ANDERSON for the final prize of a complete set of china, crystal or flatware. All the girl entrees will receive a spoon ring; the boys will receive a Debbie Rhoads, Lucy Ray, Jolene Naranjo and Troy Walker took first place in the annual Table Setting Contest held Wednesday, Jan. economics SECOND place winners were Cheryl McCurdy, Layne Flint, Dave Bates, Mary Mueller. Elbe Ferrante, Roger Nesson and Mary Mueller received a third place rating. The most popular table setting was an entry by Elbe Ferrante. Tying for a second HILL AFB CMSgt. Will Sweep Your Parking Lot or Trailer Park or What Ever to Sweep has word of manufactuier who is working on such a machine W e will be watching this development to see how expensive and how efficient it will be THE VLRI1FR a grooves or scallops in one side of the cutting edge. It is somewhat ol a cross between the knife and the saw These CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 773-50- 00 766-18- 70 Quantities Okm! CHUNK TUNA j MARGARINE MUIl CREAMY M QUARTERS SAFEWAY CAN DOG FOOD KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR NUMADE PEANUT BUTTER C0LDBR00K SEA TRADER 25 Ik OR CHUNKY YOUR A CHOICE FLAVORS WATER 01 OIL PACKED TUNA as the Ogden Air Logistics Center commander. FOR welfare of enlisted personnel at the Utah air base Sergeant Riordan reports to Hill AFB from Offutt AFB, Neb., where he was senior logistics superintendent in office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics. trees, tripling last years contest, the largest number any of the schools in the Davis of area. The students were fantastic and did an excellent job, commented Miss Corine Sayler, foods instructor, The judges considered the compe- A SCOTCH TREAT .r $ 14 !. Imivoi THE WINNERS will compete in the state competition NATIVE of Omaha, Neb., REtOLAK U OZ. HALT 13-- PACKS M cl 1IX U ARSON YOON SiRVI PLAIN WHOU FANCYI OR NUMADE SALAD OIL TOWN HOUSE GOLDEN CORN KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE 100 Suet Saveib 6 86' oreme?r Safeway service in support of suggestions from the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs A FABRIC SOFTENER SHEETS MASK a a Mi Ijm S S Eskimo Pies 00 AA Eggs $1450 89 39 39 OZ. can n shoppers 1c I SAFEWAY No Frills Lower Bills r CANTALOUPE NEW CROP LARCE SIZE Sweet Eating Breakfast Treat can often loods that are still per equivalent to national Safeway s own new economy brand is SCOTCH BUY m the bnght plant label its a real inflation Each Scotch Buy product carries Sale lighter way i SEAL OF GOOD QUAUTY and is uitcondi lionalty guaranteed to please m every way or your money back When an terns appearance is chOOS ifkS important mg from Safeway s tower cost Good Quai ily category makes a tot ot sense Some of our or proces Scotch Buy products are manufactured sed by Safeway others are made to out good quai and by approved manu'acturers tty specifications BANANAS OH 6ct I OOLOIN -- 5 processors MIKIOaS m CHERRY 1 I OZ oz 316 eetcis qmo hims hiiciivi 1070 la Flu MARCH Ml 'hall lot W4y RqqsrfrIt Vtrnal J (t4o ORANGES US He 1 LARGE PINEAPPLES fititi Ope Ink So'g (If Wyo Uko WWi POTTING SO'L 1 LEMONS RUBBER PLANTS prunes lot'en Atoms Mvroy bietn Rirr CALIFORNIA ASSORTED MUMS . un Diete 0tm Payton btO'gt AVOCADOS FOR NAVEL OoQr Puce BxMiyld Voon.tk Fork Pioo YrtwoMon (vqmiFok Hen V TOMATOES City CiTf MiOvoie Bngfcan City Hebtr City $! In Quarters lb package ) I a,b I 74 on 07 316 SDvAMfl Dairy Glen Butter -- save by buying lesser grade fectiy sate and nutritionally brands or private labels 31toz $ pack Mrs Wright'S Sliced Crushed Wheat package Detergent 55 46 dozen 9 Bread 60 ct. BROCADE LIQUID PoKhyl Dwt i Wwa Tkwe! This is the title ot one article man official leaf let published recently by the U S Ottice of Attairs The Consumer out that article pomts LKHH CHOICE FIIMT TIAVOOS WONOMFkl Tomato Juice Apple Juice Q Tomatoes Green Peas Green Beans vzrczz Grade 00$39.00 MTV LUCERNE YOGURT PURE VEGETABLE C u0ujwe! Twin Size Long Boy ROOM SIZE CARPET WHITE MAGIC DETERGENT cl. a 3A-S- ze 3 DAYTIME Town House $5Q Headboards DIAPERS tALLOH FOR SAVE BOX SPRING & MATTRESS Size Longboy CREAM COMMIT RRIAKFAST1 WHITE fill From Las Vegas Finest tklAT A OR MET CRAGMQNT POP HOTEL FURNITURE FOR TOWN HOUSE PORK & BEANS Sergeant Riordan entered the Air Force in Jan. 1951. He has spent much of his Air Force career in the aircraft maintenance field. The sergeant is married and has three children. tition at Davis one of the most difficult they have had to judge. TOR TRULY FINE HEAVY IHT SCOTCH ICE CORN FLAKES WHITE OR WHEAT FROZEN ORANGE JUICE LUCERNE SAFEWAY MRS. WRIGHT'S SLICED BREAD HE WILL advise Maj. Gen. James J. Murphy on matters pertaining to the morale and design, general appeal and creativity. There were 136 en- $18.00-52- DUTCH BOY MAINTENANCE the senior enlisted advisor to PLACE settings were judged on originality, color, 8. their special birthdav serrations manufacturing companies are now putting out knives with the serrated edge This consists of a series of Mr and Mrs Todd Moigan flew to Miami. Honda and on to Jamaica where thev sjvent a few days on a vacation trip SflfcA Jerry L. Riordan has been named place were Layne Flint and Suzette Frodsham. Frames Holladav, and Kristen Olsen of Pleasant Grove to lunch and shopping to celebrate 9k Retail1 Enlisted Advisor Casdorph, Trivia King, Linda Full took Douglas Stone of Lavton, Heather of Thatcher of most shatpening shops Also the machine would have to be variable enough to fit all MOST family, Mr. and Mrs LaMone Higginson of Taylorsville. The dinner was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Higginson's son, Elder Mike Higginson, who is leaving to serve a I DS mission to the North Carolina Mission He will enter the MIC in Provo on March 15 Named Carrie Whitaker, Tracy Egbert, Sue Bernard, Maureeh Goldsberry, knives Mrs Sally Higginson enter- tained at dinner Sundav in honor of her son and his pewter mug. A special thanks is given to Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Bonnie Kent of Stewarts Gift Shop in Kaysville who furnished large quantities of stoneware, china crystal and flatware. 21, sponsored by the Davis High School home department. d serrated present a problem to one who would sharpen them A partially successful job can be done by sharpening onlv on the smooth side ot the blade. This, however, onlv sharpens the tips ot the teeth, and repealed shatpening will flatten the teeth, or wear them away Ot coutse, they can be sharpened with the machines used in the factory, but this equipment would present an expense far beyond the range This provides the strength tended use. First place winners, Luci Ray, left, and Debbie Rhoads, far right, admire second most popular winning entry designed by Suzette Frodsham, center. as in the bread knife Thev do a fine job while sharp and when used on the soft materials for which designed Jhese Kaysviiie and Mrs Marion Thompson visited in kells-vill- e on Tuesday with his sister Mrs. Anona Maughan It's a family tradition for Mrs. Marjorie Thatcher to treat her grandchildren to lunch and birthday shopping for each of their birthday anniversaries On Saturday she Mr serrations vary from fine, as in the steak knite, to course, fragility THE AXE and hatchet aie examples of those tools whith should be sharpened with a convex taper which is opposite to the hollow-g- i ound The principle of the sharp cutting edge, as employed in etc., employ Sharp lT - V. He BEST US ."'.TV, BUY NATURAL CLAY POTS 1 WITH L FISH CHUNK STYLE TEA SWISS SJ9 tRCAT WITH NAM t RYEI Get to know Saleway s thrifty new Scotch Buy m everything trom mayonnaise to papet brand products canned goods to cieanmg tiems Scotch Buy am t fancy but it suri is good1 Net meets LET Inflation S GET figntmglOei FRESH!" ' ) together, we can be INFLATION FIGHTERS! MILO FLAVOR CHEDDAR FOR COONINC OR SMACKINC Single copies ol 6 Consumer Shopping List ol inflation Fighting Idui may Pe obtained by writing the Con Sumer information Center Dept 6PSG Pueblo CO 81009 FREE limit WATCH FOR OVR INFLATION-FKHTE- R SHELF TADS AND SAVEI 0 SAFEWAY os. 27' MANOR HOUSE FRIED CHICKEN (IS raCFS RR MORI S a. fcra 4.f7) BONELESS BEEF CIIUCK ROAST SAFIWAY IRK I FOR SKINLESS FRANKS A VAIMI MEAT DUCT PUASC1I REGULAR FULL SLABj PORK SPARERIBS ITOS WEIGHT RAM HOTEL SALES Bountiful 100 N. (East of Freeway) 257 W. South Temple, Salt Lake City Open Daily Except Sunday 9:30 PUBLIC INVITED A M. to 6 P.M. EH Boneless Beef Far Stew t Meaty Beef Hearts BWe Cat Park Chops ,C .2 Bottom Roand Steaks 1' .'1 Eye of Rooad Steaks 2 .1 Ana Chock Roast XFood Fbk Fillets Red Sniper FiHets SsrieM -M - Pork Link S outages " Sliced Variety Pack .1" led Cahoesa Pizza V. 1 U"! 49' STX --I vwifttae pttiaM 2 ROUNDS wnnta in s39 |