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Show " BAGSESTS. fB .t OSs no business trans-1 j jjjie C)al'nlionK, Courts I ajajl tAT i LIB Vfcion of JuJge Miner In I lBnS electric ureet railway L gjpertrf tote given toJj. j sB Jw tkctrfc Company have cr-l LH 3 1 ce fly-wheel in place of H !ct!utploJeJ last week. LiB rr Fourth Quorum of Sevenliet lifia the Twenty-first Ward Bfl Sj ktuie ' " " ,nl' o venlop H a FranM'n Weiiuo Variety ae Is ncr-i completed and Bl rn on Monday evening next. Bl . Thirteenth quorum of Seven-BJ Seven-BJ J ill nett in the Twentieth BJE-3Trlrv this evening at 7:30 Bl KV 0ie l-nsoner n-lio maue BRiTeOi ro!n t,ie '"Convicts' I mbzsKlhe oilier eVLnint; while BfSitiicii to the i-eulkutiary, has I J 5t!i bail from. I Bl OS SitMilsy, Jujge lanej, in --hisoplnioain the caseol BJ jWrgbt, the tarbsr, for keep-BEh2E3i'i'en keep-BEh2E3i'i'en on Sun Jay, gus-BliJtieo.-JiaiaCJ an J fined the Siat $10 and costs. gtEE ire mea;w at theWrst-flrjBaTeli5nipti theWrst-flrjBaTeli5nipti ofllcefor Mrs. jsOJ'-'rJ, Tai Kaln, T. V. -s; J.M.SpsaA'exWaJe, iV.sJrsr, Mr, U dtevemohn, a p. A til in, Frank Lereche. Boterts, H. V. Stewart. jjreilar monthly meeting of Ji.rf quorum of Seventies will fvj MonJay evening, Dec 8tli, .jsMrentcenlh Ward Assembly ca, t T-), "harp. As hu jlnes l3jstince will be presented, a fijeriancp is requested. A. F gsjlt after Ix o'clock last e-j the mooring part of the ru placed at considerable -Htnlence by the sudden col-, col-, electric car service on gvtau. Broken Witeiwe-e the a. 7 Hi'pensiou lasted 33 Xi December number of (he e; Wunan'i Journal is tints tin-ts ia.erertin;r. A new - i KtraJuced in it "Our Por-iQOaf." Por-iQOaf." It opens with an Je5tllkeces and life sketch of iXirjV.Djugal. ilrs. Gates a&jthu magazine attractive bcplir. bilreruiment in our columns latpedi attention to the open-rf open-rf tie exhibition of Christmas iH st the tore of D. M f. this even! ; ALhoush the sales will ra until tomorrow, all per. infanted to auend this even-."'wpection even-."'wpection of the icjwnfch there is n splendid |