Show HONDURAS RELEASES AMERICAN LAUNCH No Nov rep on time the part of the department have resulted In iii the re release release lease by the tho government of Honduras of the American gasoline launch Per Perlas las has which was seized and held at Puerto Cortez The Tho launch whIch Is the property of the Port banana plantation company compan of New York was recently pressed Into service by the of Nicaragua When the launch arrived at Puerto Cortez Comics to Puerto Barrios time vessel essel ran out or of fuel and was obliged to put in One was on board and the launch was seized b by the Honduran authorities on the gro ground nd that she carried a sym sm of time rev lu lulion lion tion and that her clearance papers were I The fhe United States Slates however Insist Insisted ed cd that the tho vessel be returned lo 10 It Its owners but only after repeated rep was the restoration ae ac There Thero seems no doubt that troops of the Nicaraguan government now fighting the revolutionists have In Invaded Costa Cosla Rica on the southern hamik of the San Juan river The gO gov government of Costa Rica the state de department department is informed has asked ed Nie aragua for an explanation Recent developments seem to In l cate that Honduras Is in full wIth the government and that she has given aid In time the operations the r rev revolutionists v This 1 be a viola violation then tion of article 2 of time the convention The Tho State department Is watching ill in the disturbed section Costa Rica ls Is believed to lo bo be acting in good faith and invasion or her territory Is thought to be e with without without out her knowledge or connivance DIspatches to the state slate department In Indicate indicate that time the revolutionists fire are makIng substantial headway |