Show MUD HORSES ARE ARENOW ARENO NOW NO fAVORITES With the sun smiling brightly more although the tho track sUll was a 0 asea sea or of mud in goodly mini num numbers benz bers traveled out to the Ogden track yesterday esterday to wItness the running or of a abOOd goOd bOOd card which furnished plenty or of sport for the tho talent Pa Fa Fao o and outsiders again divided the honors but the tho lIberal prices about the winners gave gaye the tho talent somewhat the tho better or of the argument i Horses that had bad been altIng for I I plenty of mud for many months fairl fairly I 0 reveled lit in the going yesterday Rac I I ers that on a dl dry track mid run at all became slIced hen I the they felt felL the lie mild lund around th them m mand I and even the boys wh rode although b the they came In ove Oe 11 from morn head to foot wIth mud to enjoy the I sensation Horsemen with thud were moro more tb 11 happy all day clay 1 proved l i vernIer In time the going from time the Wilson stable wa waa a other It was great sports I In the tho opener liss Butte BilLie was th the II I choIce on the of a Previous r excellent race going to time tho i st a 2 to 1 ahot The favorite in front lont 1 with Sauna Salina in pursuit anti and a pretty duel between these two ensued In which Miss Butte finally shook of I SaUna anti and seemed to be a sure wIn vin ncr ner when Billy Taylor Talor which had ball 1 been een carefully rated behind began to lo close wIth a rush and catchIng the tha leaders tiring went to to win U by a I I half a length In a mild drive Miss lIss I I I I I I 1 II I I r 1 I I I Bulle Salina a couple of length tom 01 th hip place Albion H Wins a Nice Race Time The pin lii hI I he second resolved it itself th soil self about Albion II H and Dr DI Mayer but the former proved to be the real timing thing with more than us liS mini ual early eIly speed apparently liking the tho mud look the lead for forthe the first part but bUL when Albion H Challenged gave gac way war to her hel and the marc running very a gap of o a couple of and acid faltering crossed the wire an cas easy winner Coble Cobler Cobleskill skill began to lo tire in the stretch hut but lasted just long enough to lo tall stall oft art the final rush of Dr 01 Mayer laer which was third Standing out omit alone In time thIrd SL Joe was as made choice at and justified his backers by br a prelly race a real speed marvel set a terrific pace for a halt half haltI mile with Royal HOJal Stone SLone In pursuit and the two seemed to have It all their theiron on way Wilson sat down to ride on the favorite and St 51 Joe responding easily forged forge up to time the leaders then thea drew away and won b by a length go lOg ing awa away from Chanate which beat I no Royal al Stone for second money Aquil line lime lost her rider as they tile broke roke anti and trailed the field around Revels in the Mud Matt Foster Fosler lut one ouo over In the tho fourth when beat a great field fielda n a length Dorian Prince wIth rare speed In the mud rushed to the front with wilLI favora alongside anti and time the two fought il Ii out all ull through the first stages or of the r race e Rather Hather Royal and Prometheus gradually worked through Limo tho field an and when whon they turned fOI the wire the first four were almost together Prometheus ran clear to I this tho outside fence and lost all chunco but Tn ora hugging the rail mud Rather Ro al tired of It antI and came caine on omi to wIn viii b by a length Rather Royal was second a half length In front of which In spite of his hi hard luck to Lo take thIrd I won cy Father himself a areal areal real wonder on this of a track I when he oko In front of thc tue field I in the fifth and simply galloped all the lie way to lo win b by four ICIl th Ar AI JIll was third a hard battle with Nappa which hail had been almost left 1 but ul closed fast Wilson Gain Popular Victory 4 A Wilson one omme Of bf the horsemen here hert scored score a pleasing vic tor tory In iii the final when his marc Alice Collins coming wit with 11 a stretch rush beat homo a good hUd had a lot lol o of carl early speed IU amid set get a warm pace laCe to the stretch whim Mabel Fountain in Corey COro on Alice Collins bided his hll time and amid when time the straightened for fOl the thc wire sat Iowa to lo Title ride hard bard Time fill filly responded to Coreys 1 efforts handsomely caught tIme the head leat era eru half hulf wa way down antI and thon them to the wire lre winning 1 by a length easily beat Fountain for fOl the th |