Show OGDEN HIGH TO TOME ME MEET ET GRANITES Tomorrow at Glenwood park the tho Ogden Ogen high school and the Granite Granito high school will meet in the second game for the state championship Je Ac According cording to Hole Hoylo the local eleven elOon should blank Granite and at the tho same time run up mm a large score on their own side of the tally sheet sheeL The star man of the Granite team Ashton nill be out of the game gamo and n the star oath end man for th tho Miller play lla ou oa the bench Both Bolh of these men were hurt hurtIn In last Saturdays game Salt Lake Ogden will lineup just as It did last Saturday Although Douglass Douglas ma may tie lie In a suit he is still I suffering with water all on the knee and he will most likely direct his team from the side lines Granite has hns not recovered from the thu drubbing administered to them last week by the Salt Lakers and they are arc still sUll sore though determined that Og I den will vill n not t turn time the trick tomorrow Their team will be accompanied by bJ tIme the entire corps cors of the thc school Thc They realize that It will bo be a harti job to smother the local students and the team has 1 been practicing hard antI aud faithfully simico week weel The Tho Thomen men on time the last bench are arc equally confident t of trimming the farmers au and the thc expect to make tIme the job a l lood good on one The Ogden Osden team has been workIng hard on good days and bad badI I and are arc ill im excellent condition to lo put up the fight of their lives I The meeting place has been changed chanell from the Fall Fair grounds to od park on account of the races being held at the tho fair grounds ground I |