Show I nEIL IS THE TIfE Paris No Nov Mrs 1115 aided IJ by sonic somo unknown accomplice murdered her husband In order to oh ob obI I tain tam her freedom to wed the wealthy arid and Infatuated but I that the tho killing of her stepson was I I amid an mci Inci Incident dent to lo the h Is the theory ot of time state stale as outlined by judge advocate lii In opening the tho argument for tho be prosecution this ail aft Driven to desperation hy l item hOl finan and situation Mrs 1 rs Stein I hell saw lii In a savior with whom onCe rId iii of em her she sho I could lIve In luxury as wife If We ule or 01 mistress Seeking to lo in a graphIc manner mannel that her husband I had been assassinated 1 by burglars who had and gagged and aud her hel Ito ho argued the hUll hall ht Mme Mine to her home but In iii the haste time tho binding of the mothel hind had been heen verdone a and the found hot lead dead when the slaying of lund hall I been accomplished The judge advocate admItted that lint time crime of parricide did not appear I to be established but ho he was that time tho prisoner had called her hOl husband anti lund had assisted In iii lila his The Tho prosecutor joinell In lie earlier of M 1 Do presiding ing judge that lie he would raise before the jury time the general 1115 of the complicity of the accused This was Interpreted as an acknowledgement that lint time the evidence was not nol to main lain the lie charge that Nine Ime was the principal and therefore he would ask asic for her con as an accomplice TIme judge advocate will conclude luis his argument tomorrow afternoon M r Aubin counsel for the defendant will follow follo a l verdict probably will be returned on Saturday |