Show THEY SHOULD BE FIRST TO ACT ACTA I A great stream of money Is flowing ott of oC this cit city going to C I I lea And how Is this Impoverishing flow to lo he be stopped The people must bo be made to feel that Ogden prices are reasonable PriCes mit 1 that In our local be inspIred while It Is go ml knowledge that a combine rules and dictates destroys an and crushes opposition Tho rho VOly knowledge that thero Is Isa Isa a trust ig I destructive of confidence and b by reason of that lack of faith PeoPle ar arc disposed to seck escape instead or of attempting to toure cure ure the evil eyll hr by send sending in the tho surplus mone money out of this eft city the consumers hould demand the dissolution of the combine That will brIng a better belloI re and amI save savo Ogden the depleting effect of spending mone money elsewhere Tho grocers o of the city should be bethe the first to lo see such to their policy Is driving them and the they should turn back when wIlen called upon to lo do so |