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Show New Ruling On Auto Inspections A Command decision has been made requiring Utah Highway Patrol safety inspections for all privately owned vehicles permanently registered on the installation. This includes vehicles licensed in Utah as well as other states. The Dugway PX Service Star tion is authorized by the Utah Highway Patrol to conduct the safety check. The cost of $1. The deadline for obtaining the 1966 inspection sticker is May 15. Owners are not required to notify the Provost Marshal Office. However, those who fail to comply with this requirement will be cited by Military Police after the May 15th deadline. DPG Regulation 190--2 will be amended in the near future to include this requirement. "7'K GH sugar CAN SUGAR SHURFINI PUHIK ,AG School Offers New ADP Course FT. BENJAMIN HARRISON, The Army Adjutant General School has announced a new course .now available through its extension program. Entitled Special Extension Data Processic familing Systems Analysis, it iarizes the student with the fundamentals of data processing. Inrlmtad are fundamentals on and computer the punched-car- d and the prinutilized, equipment ciples and procedures for analyzing current business type applications of ADP systems in the .FRUIl. fCOCKTAil. Course-Automat- 1AY)UN6-1&E- R er firm, large CALAVO mr A Avocados 2 for 25a surprise Reft. Nfc fresh from Hawaii taste-trefl- t, Papayas ea ' This new course is offered free of charge to all military personnel and civilian employees of the Federal Government. Application for enrollment should be submitted on DA Form 145 to the Commandant, Army Adjutant General School, Attn.: NRTD, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, Ind. 46216. ? IS Sfc ' Army. JUKI TOMAVB ' 39 Ten Commandments ofis Safety 29 visors. t : Tropicana, fresh from Florida, Pure Fresh, flavorful, Orange Jc. 3 99 Coconuts 2 large r -- very important. Super- Leadership in the matter of safety visors should lead their workers into thinking safety as well as ; working safely day by day. far Super- - ., Following are 'Ten Commandments of Safety ' are a supervisor and thus, in a sense, have two tam- - j ilies. Care for your people at work as you would care for your ? and ao , people at home. Be sure each of your men understands for his safety. responsibility personal cepts 2. Know the rules of safety that apply to the work you super- - ; vise. Never let it be said that one of your men was injured be fmmi you were not aware of the precautions required on his job.. ' 3. Anticipate the risks that may arise from changes in advice that equipment or methods. Make use of the expert safety hazards. new to available is help you guard against 4. Encourage your men to discuss with you the hazards of ' their work. No job should proceed' where a question of safety ideas of your remains unanswered. When you are receptive to die workers, you tapd a source of firsthand knowledge that will help;. you prevent needless loss and suffering. 5. Instruct your men to work safely, as you would guide and counsel your family at home with persistence and patience. 6. Follow up your instructions consistently. See to it that; If necessary,', personnel make use of the safeguards provided them. enforce safety rules with disciplinary action. Do not fail the comor your men who need mand, which has sanctioned these rules them. VI 7. Set a good example. Demonstrate safety in your own work habits and personal conduct. Do not appear as a hypocrite in the eyes of your men. 8. Investigate and analyze every accident, however slight, , that befalls any of your men. Where minor accidents go unheeded crippling injuria later strike. 9. Cooperate fully with those in the organization who are dedicated purpose'; actively concerned with personnel safety. Their is to keep your men folly able and on the job, and to cut the ; roll of accidents. 10. Remember: Not only does accident prevention reduce human suffering and loss; from the practical standpoint, it is no more than good business. Safety, therefore, is one of your prime obligations. 1. You Irw JUICI DRINK KraM JES-Q(- ' . - - THE HAPPY WINNER OP OUR HOTPOINT PRYER MERE IS Mrs. CHARLES GOURLEY !lw8urr LIBBY PINKAPPU ss. IP 5YoTfi for Lk likWMU Ibyneldi 24-t- Heavy-Dut- 714-o- ft cone-St- No. ar .......79c com BEEF Drink Cans' . 47c aaaaaaaaaaaaaa S0 SO.T" I LOTION mo &! micioos CHOCOLATE BROINWIES LUSTRE CREME FRESH 6 for 87c . V 0 0 DREAMTIME j can. DONNKENNY BLOUSES - 3 6 ' HM SPRAY 155 tad une Cwjponewf y.i cons IAby Vionna SAUSAGES...... 5 for 95c I RM.'Jf 2for89c ' Nol 303 libby STEW ' Libby ferand.dksd, cut or shoe siring. Concentrated Fruit Juice ft BGETO K'at CHUNK TUNA . . 3 for $1 24-o- 1 SEGO MILK Xing can-U- bby CRAB MEAT No. .....;. ; 49c Csete Son OREOS... Akim mum y OFF FOIL-l- Oc ftg. Nates (I NEW SPRING! DRESSES 6M - Losaoos FROMflER BREAD, 24 North Main 1 9W i I . ! W |