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Show jiT RUN, Dugway Proving Ground,' Friday, March 25, 1966 ' r-- .f' . . ; i ' Weve got t . v; ..&s53 i A l. : See Double fc 111 PTHE CHAMPS! The Civilian team which won the Dugway Poet Intramural Champion--i tihiD March 10 hold their winning troohies. They are (left to right) Art Goiston, Jim Baier, b ' Dave Shaw, Dan de Gregorio, Crady Town, Manny Rojas, Roy Ritchie and Chet Rrown. (U.S. Army Photo) CUsc fiiise Q 0 to to Gngdt&fl ftgp Os&Qty gB ctos well-mati- week of our New Chevrolet Qsggd fee Kteez? Easro gforiteil as sed gd o G&itgQ&s) Double Dividend Days Your present car will never be worth more on a Trade-i- n Mantes Chevrolet (onpaay on loud-Camp- fife It's the RIGHT NOW FOR TOO! ' BREEDING: the quality that BUDGET: a mathematical confir- - enable, a person to wait in of our suspicions. --Quaker . mannerKj silence while the mouth gets the service. - Dan' Bennett GtlaXSD QQiXElDstSGQGSCD (fiSGiEt NOW last Dividends "loin Up Job la. Sappoit Yow Red Croaa." Tom Burgess S3 MS-114- 1 tte HHMIKCMIiHMlO smtomow fliDflMlb nswB gvivt fllTKftmp 0 ftennB0EE3k2$2!iEii2$oeii B6mQfeiIEngvie 0 (MbteD OS) F &gnE m Ms 88 ffinllb ata&93) (jffl I i a (5X33 OftwSi1 4ttn DHQhb GtasaQsE GzsCteCQn&'Bn (MlfatMrf 89 fQ fifty ifsKe fflfcnanswn. 63D DCSubG!D!0?Q1d9ecb CgSIIfe QSBDQSE) StaGflRrftaaniiMh MtHro giiib W OfeESQJosD dteBB IMMu MMk Qts) intom NO EXCHANGES 4ib Q 09 dtB0fflMUteQ GBoniniiB hmj HmSfMD All. Kmdsof.OddsTand Ends QfloOnCB0 (5& tefflptbQSGID febGffl Many Colors in Pratt. (MflEGMlEW 33 9H? IViTl 3 oMTOajQB .b flSQmSMMSBoa. m m B && iSRKih asm. ftaadfc toffl 3 & lambertWHalf H M fwgBy tgmm w 98 both for 8GCStea GE03 Off iurv' gnt ffl i |