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Show I. TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, March 25, 1966 High School Civilians lake League Title Hi-Ligh- ts CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT presented by DFG Commander, Col. Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., is examined by Sp4 and Mrs. James C. Wilson. It was presented for his outstanding work as driver for the installation commander. He was cited for his initiative, military discipline and exemplary dedication to duty which contributed rignificentiy to the timely accomplishment of many military talks from September 1964 to March 1968. (U.S. Army Photo) A By Judi Alg Four students from Dugway High School attended the Fourth Intermountain Junior National Science and Humanities Symposium, that was held at the University of Utah and at Camp Williams from March 10 through March 13. These students were chosen to attend the symposium on the basis of their grades in science and their interest in nce as a profession. The students that were chosen were Linda Hatch, Terri Meyers, Richard Broome, and Craig Geerlings. TERRI MEYERS entered a research paper entitled The Effects of a Flashing Light on Mouse Metabolism. This experiment took a great deal of time and study and proved an interesting experience for Terri. Mr. Thomas Everton, the science instructor, helped Terri with her paper and accompanied the students to the symposium. This symposium is by Dugway Proving Ground, and every year it brings new insights and ideas to over a hundred high school students from the Intermountain area. This provides them with an excellent opportunity to visit science labs at a University and talk to important scientists in their particular field. Also at Dugway High at this time of the year, spring sports are getting underway. The sports-mindboys have a chance to try out for the teams in golf, tennis, track and baseball. We have a good coaching staff and should come up with some winning teams this year. THE JUNIOR High has formed a basketball team of its own and played its first game in Tooele last Thursday. The Junior High has also elected cheerleaders for their teams. The seventh grade cheerleaders include Anne Harlow, Sandy Spendlove, Yvonne Rojas, and Janelle Nebel. The eighth grade cheerleaders include Kathy Shirts, Linda Norton, Patti Skimin, Carol Ritchie, and Sandy Critchlow. The experience these kids will receive in cheering and playing ball will help them receive experience in becoming eligible for the older teams and pep . I I i 3 ; i i i i i i i i i i i Barrus Motors Announces the Appointment of Harry Medford i as one of their capable new and i used car salesmen Harry has i i been connected with various phai ses of the automobile industry i for most of his life and he would like to invite his many friends to i come in and see him about a deal i i on a new Barrus" Buick or Plyi mouth or check the selection of i i fine late model used cars. i i i i BARRUS Buick-Plymou- 83 N. Main th By PFC C. M. Boyd The Civilian team won the Dugway Intramural Basketball League Championships by defeaton ing Headquarters Team 75-5March 8. The Civilians had won the second half of league play and had tied with Headquarters for the first half of league play. THIS WAS the playoff for the first half of league play, but decided the championship when the Civilians won the playoff for the first half 7556. The Civilian team was sparked by Art Colston who totaled 23. points and Roy Ritchie who was second with 20 points. High scorer for the Headquarters team was Frank Scarborough with 13 punts. MIA AND Hospital played off a tie for third place in the league on March 10. MIA pounded Hospital 73-4High man for MIA was Jerry Sandstrom with 24 points. Hospital's top man was Wilbanks with 15 through the hoop. The final league standings were: Civilians, 16-- 4; HeadquarMIA, 13-ters, 16-Hospital, 12-and Sig Met, CBR, 7t h 7. ACTION was hot and heavy during the Dugway Intramural w.A.rK.1! League playoffs as No. 13 Jerry Sandstrom of MIA and Tabor of Hospital go forth tip-o-ff during playoff March Hos10 far third place. Watching is No. 12, Spicocchi, of the for the Referee Now Thomas. 34 game won pital team and 73-4-7 (U.S. Army Photo) Colston. Art was MIA by 8; 5; 9; V0U WHISTLE Arthur N. Howell, Metropolitan1 Insurance Consultant, will be at Dugway Army Depot, Friday, April 1, to review and make policy changes. Anyone desiring assistance see your unit Insurance Officer or call Mr. Langondorff, Personnel Affairs Officer, os this service is available on your request. Civilians leave name with Patricia Russell, phone 2751. 6; 9. ed TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: 5 casts per word - Regular (light face type) 10 cents per word - Business (dark face type) SO cents per issue Up to one inch (monthly rate) $1 per inch - Over one inch (monthly rate) $150 per inch - Display ads MISCELLANEOUS FOR a job well done feeling clean carpets with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Gordon Furniture Co. 60 So. 5 Main St. NEW WURLITZER Spinet Pianos from $495. Parkers Music Co. .W N Mjn CRI FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY UNTIL JUNE 1 Lawn mowers, precision sharpened. All makes. Small engine repair. Saws, scissors, knives sharpened. Cal Farrington, 287 Marvista Lane. Full lima May 30 FENDER GUITARS - Marie Chau-doiAmps & supplies. Salt Lake prices. 220 S. Main, call FOR SALE - 3 bedroom home in 882-33or Grantsville. 134 baths, new caro March 25 peting, full basement, fenced. Make offer. 112 McMichael ELECTROLUX - America's lar- SAGE KENNELS -- .Boarding small breed dogs. 75 cents a CRI Aye. gest selling vacuum. Let me ' day. Heated. show you how to do your o March 25 FOUR UNIT APT INCOME $200 cleaning faster, easier and have can owner or month cleaner. and Sales Service, per bedroom three apartment Charles M. Palmer, 35 East SEWING MACHINE REPAIR-A- ll makes.'' Dealers In Pfaff, with 2 baths and $100 per CRI Main, Crantsville. and Etna; Sewing maNecchi and lot month income. Large chines. R. Williams Call HemstitcfaingCfilespies James garage. MINDED 8. CRI FOR THE QUALITY 5 or Sewing Machine Goiter, 281 Grade A ' pasteurized milk. S. 1st West, Tooele. Phone Fresh daily at the Farm, one ' 88241681. CRI . .. SACRIFICE split level home. lVi mile east of Drive Inn Theatre. baths, three bedrooms, carpets, Monday through Saturday. DRAPERIES Ready Made or Cus- -. . . o April 6 drapes, fenced, partially finish-tom Build. All fabrics, modern $ V"red 3rd level, sprinkler system, Gordon Furniture Co. designs. , $18500. Will arrange terms. 60 South Main. '7 o 19 4. HAY FOR SALE April CRI o March 25 n. C-2- MONTHLY RATES are for consecutive insertions only, with no changes. Except with business firms and indivi- sls who maintain open accounts with the Transcript I Bulletin, all classified advertisements are CASH IN " . JVANCE. P1 i;., ERROR in a classified, ad should be' reported imme-diatlThe paper is responsible for one incorrect insertion only. . ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be included in the TEST RUN, squads. The Dugway Lettermen will a newspaper distributed to 200 Dugway Proving Ground be bedding their annual Letter-men- 's residents and workers, twice monthly, without additional Carnival on Saturday, April charge. 2. This carnival is to help raise DEADLINE far classified ads is 11 a.m. day of publication. money for the clubs activities during the year. Every spring the SPECIAL NOTICE FOR RENT club gives a recognition gift to the departing senior Lettermen FURNISHED APARTMENTS two-,S- i BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 for their help ana support in the and three rooms. New kitchens MEETINGS 2nd and 4th past. With thisnd the awards TUESDAYS at 8 w and appliances, including elecpjn. given at the end of the year for trie ranges, automatic gas heat, N. MAIN CRI 61 at the best players, the club and air conditioned. Large reerca- coaches have provided a good intiou area. Rates start at $75 . LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE centive for boys in our sports no' NO. 2031 per month with all utilities gram. This incentive together furnished. Rent by day, week, WED. 8 MEETINGS p.m. with our great coaches, have month or year. Linen service 2 PHONE made the best teams Dugway High available. WESTERN APARThas ever had. We would like to MENT, 515 North Main, TooROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE 191 North Main see everyone out to support this ele. Phone NO. 11, F&AM offers carnival. CRI c. MEETS 1st and 3rd TUES. OF EACH MONTH, 7:30 pm MORE LIFE IN YOUR AT THE FRATERNAL HALL FOR RENT - two and three bed-- - PUT LIVING - Beautiful 3 beds, room apts. with attached room brick rambler; 2 baths; electric stove, refrig, oil WANTED living room with fireplace; heat..' Newly painted. Imme- wall to wall carpet, drapes, diate occupancy. $65 and $75. WANTED building lots or acregarage and enclosed patio, - School bus, mail delivery, choice location. age in Grantsville or Tooele. Ph. Deseret Chemical Depot. Call Doran Hunt. CRI 1 o Phone April Evenings: LEAVING FOR VIETNAM -- FOR RENT - 2 bedroom apt. furINCOME TAX nished or unfurnished, wall to Would like tenent three bedNOW and State, p Fed. unwall carpet, drapes, $105 room unfurnished hone in TooH&R BLOCK CO. Ph furnished. furnished, $130 ele for my family. Immediate Americas largest tax service 260 N. 1st East.CRI occupancy essential. Colonel 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. C. P. Holm, Tooele Army De191-N- . Main Small RENT bedroom two FOR pot, Tel. 2828. Phone unfurnished apartment. Range, frig, heat, water furnished. Private bath and entrance. $50. UNFURNISHED APT. private Call 884-39after 5 p.m. WANTED TO RENT Accessible bath. 'Suitable . for one or two tight coop or bam. Ph. middle aged. 1 THREE ROOM furnished apt. 5 427 South Coleman. Full basement HELP WANTED Rambler Style Home FOR RENT - Duplex apt two FOR SALE bedroom. Range and refrig MEN WANTED: Good opening. Brick Veneer, Fully 1 after furnished. Call Sell Rawleigh Products. Year 7 ' 6 p.m. Carpeted, Fenced Yard day time. around. Steady work; good P-4 646 No. Brook profits. Write Rawleigh Dept: o April 19 UT C 71 137 Denver, Cola 884-347- 882-108- 1. 36 P-t- o P-t- 7. 884-505- 5. P-t- 884-394- 884-663- HAINES ' . P-t- REALTY ' - P-t- 882-487- 5. 882-108- SERVICES REAL ESTATE 882-323- P-t- YOUR, insurance rates gone up? Check our low rates. HAVE FOR SALE - piano console size, walnut finish. Take over small monthly payments. 882-385- 0. PEDERSENS AGENCY, INSURANCE 882-357- 2. T-C- 1 . 882-006- 2. 882-287- 4 pfeoor 6 ' I I fehi-e- f fll 117 CDHDTU FOR SALE - brand new HotPoint electric clothes dryer. $100. 5 Ph. 8824)492 . PHOTOCRAPHY Portraits Weddings - Children Specialize in Industrial MARK WORTHINGTON 3 CRI 882-439- gar-age- ar 882-351- 6. 882-302- 3. P-t- Was $5-U- 1530 2295 1975 2385 2045 !. 882-459- 7, 882-401- 1 - 884-509- 3. 882-367- 0. BALED STRAW - 50 cents bale. Ph. Bishop Charles Stromberg 884-338- 5. FOR SALE - 5 piece breakfast set. Cood condition. $25. 882-384- 5. LOSE WEIGHT safely with Tablets. Only 98c at o Hood Drug May 28 Dex-A-Di- et Of Our Specials 882-208- 882-067- 882-044- VEHICLES -1 or FOR SALE - 1964 Valiant. Call HELP WANTED - Make-$3CRI more per day on local Food Route: Man or woman, part or full time. Experience not reFOR SALE 63 Grand Prix 421-- 4 quired. Write Earl Stetson, P. speed. $1850. Ph. O. Box 4014, Oakland, Calif. o March 25 0 882-460- 3. 4 P-t- FOR SALE - split level home, located at 626 No. Brook. Landcarscaped, fenced, built-in- s, peted, air conditioned, intercom, buy equity and assume 514 loan. Contact at 166 East Brook Ave. per day on local Food Route. Man or woman, part or foil time. Experience not required. Write Earl Stetson, P.O. Box 4014, Oak25 land, Calif. 882-118- 19 6. FOR SALE - split level 256 So. MAKE $30 or more FOR SALE - 1962 Pontiac con- 5th REPOSSESSED - Universal automatic - zig xag. Creative stitches - monogram - overcast SALES HELP WANTED - Male , or female. Gardening experi- ence helpfub Phone after 5 p.m. 882-059- 5 WOMEN WANT WORK 882-405- 5. button 882-489- 2. , SERVICE ANY MAKE sewing machine in your home. $3.75. Tooele Merc, CRI 882-227- 4. 882-227- 4. FREICHT DAMACED - White sewing machine in cabinet. r. Will ap$69.50 with plique - blind hem. Monogram. Sew buttons. Tooele Merc, 4 CRI UNCLAIMED Singer - Repair. Pay repair cost of $1250 and receive sewing machine. Tooele Merc. CRI 882-227- 4. - yellow. Deluxe, 884-397- 1. two-bed-ro- serviceI MOBILE HOME -- 1962 Columbia 55x10 with living room Expanda Skirted porches and patio awnings, air conditioner. Real nice. 882-315- 9. I HOUSE WORK and ironing done. LOOK 882-118- 0. 882-414- 5. 882-287- 4 V Mobile Home bargain ril 25 SMILE DANCE STUDIO Call aM14S7 47 West 1st. No. -7 1. 1964 VOLKSWACON. PRINTING DOROTHY EASTER SPECIALS at Carols Salon in Grantsville. Reg $15 permanents $8. Reg. $7 Tint, $5. Price includes shampoo set. wide oven. $25 Ph. ville. DANCING 11111)1 MOBILE HOMES Excellent condition. Take over payments. FOR SALE - 10x50 ft. mobile home on 45x140 ft. lot with 12x30 ft. utility room and garage with all imlandscaped. Inprovements, l COMPLETE 315 W. Peach, Crantsquire INSTRUCTION 882-227- CE RANCE -1 882-486- 9. Phone 29 882-090- 1. holes - sews on -1 vertible. Larsens Trailer Court WILL DO IRONING at my home Call 83 N. Main St. Utah. Ph. buttons - complete automatic. Take over payments $550 a month. Total balance $58. Tooele Mere. CRI 884-501- Phone 882-487- 5. BARRUS GUARANTEED P-2- 882-161- 1. BUICK-PLYMOU- TH . 27 battery starts a day for the life of your car with VX6. W. I. West, Box 75, Stockton, P-t- P-t- Many Other Late Model One Owner Used Cars To Choose From. Come In And Take Advantage ELECTRIC IRON repairing All makes. Steam irons cleaned and repaired. ELMERS, 38 W. Vine. CRI DOUBLE DOOR Refrigerator. 5 Cood condition. $25 882-421- C-2- 5 New classes starting 8:15 - grade school 9:45 age 4 to 6 1:30 - teen age Sat. 26th: Register Wednesday, and Friday between 5:00 p.m.' and 6 p.m. at the Dorothy Searlo Dance Studio, 47 West 1st Na Ph. 882-142- 7. FOR SALE - Limhi spring seed wheat, cleaned and ready to 8824)475 plant. USED concrete blocks for sale. Also 2000 ft. used 2x4s and 6x2 lumber for sale. 871 8-i- n. 5 Coleman. 882-070- 5 ' LILHAVEN NURSING HOME 376 Na 1st West Salt Lake City A pleasant home for men Catering to senile, incontinent. Ambulatory and bed patients R. N. on Call , Cycle Therapy. Lillie M. Waldron, LPN' Administrator Phone 3554841 . |