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Show Special Rules For Medical and Denial Federal Tax Deduction SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH . . There ire special rules on deductions for medical and dent' expenses on 'Federal income tax returns, said Roland V. 'Vist district director of Internal Revenue for Utah. DEDUCTIBLE expenses in- the taxpayer furnished over half clude amounts paid for diagnosis, his parents support foF 1965. prevention, cure, correction, or Keep in mind total medical treatment of a physical or mental expenses for the year must be defect or illness. Transportation reduced by the ' reimbursement costs necessary to get medical from insurance or other sources care are also deductible. during the year for such expenses. If your own car is used you There limitations on the amount of deductible medimay claim five cents per mile. .Payments for doctor, dentist, cal expenses. They depend on the nurse, and hospital bills, and pay- taxpayers age, physical condition, ments for eyeglasses, artificial and the number of exemptions teeth, hearing aids, medical or shown on his return. For convesurgical appliances, braces, nience, medical deductions may examination or treatments, be claimed on Form 2948, which and premiums for hospital and is available in the District office. medical insurance are dedictible. Document No. 5020, which THE COST of medicines furnishes more detailed informaand drugs is included as medical tion in this subject, and Form expense only by the amount it 2948 may he obtained by writing exceeds one per cent of the tax- to the District Director, Internal payer's adjusted gross income re- Revenue Service. ported on line nine, page one of Form 1040. You cannot deduct payments for funeral expenses, cemetery ' plots, illegal operations and illegal drugs, life insurance premiums, travel for a rest or change, or premiums paid for health and AN KHE, Republic of accident policies covering loss The 1st Vietnam (ANF) of earnings. Cavalry Division (AirmoThe total of the deductible' bile) base camp here has items must be reduced by three officially designated been per cent of the adjusted gross inCamp Radcliif by U. S. Amcome reported on line nine, page bassador to South Vietnam one of Form 1040. Henry Cabot Lodge. IF, HOWEVER, either the The sprawling camp, carved taxpayer or his wife is 85 or oldof the central highlands out er, they are not required to relast September by jungle mediduce the amounts of their the divisions advance party, cine and drug expenses by the is named for the Air Cavs one per cent nor their medical first casualty in Vietnam, and dental expenses by the three Maj. Donald Gv Radcliif. per cent of the amount on line the amount It is made up of adminisone. Also, nine, page trative centers, troop billets, of these expenses paid by a taxand a huge complex of helipayer for a dependent mother or father 65 or older is not required pads, airstrips, and aircraft maintenance facilities. to be reduced by the one per cent and three per cent amounts. If X-r- ay . 1st Air Cav Names Dose Gimp Raddiff We've Nothing to Hide . . . See Both Sides of the Meat, at . . . . - dto. (rnr bmmhr r nmir tesiiM ft taahad a aaft la fha mm bat whoa yaa gat It hosri fa im4 that a laaaa baaa ar tcaw fat oaft vmila laid haaa bit 4aa by tha papar trayT TWa caaMal fcapftta at ffi ar DPG Company News 65th MP PLATOON (SVC) NEWS The last writing indicated that help is on the way. It is our Platoon pleasure to report that help has arrived, and the 65th MP (Svc) welcomes the following: SSgt. Brady Hawkins, Jr. from Detroit, Mich. HU last duty assignment was Supervisor of Korean National Security Guards,. Ilkchon Petroleum Depot in Korea. SSgt Hawkins has almost eighteen years active service in the United States Army. He and hU Harris Street. family (5 children) are residing at 5362-SP4 WILLIAM ZATKALIK is. from Homewood, 111. He . . came from HHC, USA ASCOM Depot in Korea. Sp4 Morris Worsham came from Battery E, 4th Missile Battalion, 44th Artillery in Korea. Sp4 Worshams home U in Geneva, HI. He was ' promoted to Sp4 on March 15. Coming from the US Army Military Police School, Ft. Gordon are - Pvts. Don Carringer, Knoxville, Tenn Sam Spfcocchi, Massilon, (Brio; Charles Druckenmiller, Sellersville, Perm.; Walter Kelm, Akron, Ohio; Richard McManus, Lancaster, S.C.; Gary Reaves, Limestone, Tenn.; and Darrell Bondurant, Westfield, N.G. since SSgt. Jimmy V. Thomas, who has served at Dugway Marshal Provost and Police 1962 as a Supervisor Military August Investigator, was levied for a CONUS assignment at die U SAMPS, Ft. Gordon. He will be assigned to an MP Training Regiment and is supposed to report by March 31. FOUR MEMBERS of the platoon have gone to REFRAD this week: Sp4 Sam Wingfield will make hU home with his wife,. Linda, in Grantsville, Utah. Sp4 Billy Dunn will return to Ferris, Tex. Sp4 Delbert (Joe) Wilbanks to Lubbock, Tex., and Sp4 Randy Kirker to Ripley, Ohio, after traveling from Dugway to New York to southern Florida. These four men did an excellent job while assigned here and reflected a great deal of credit upon the 65th MP Platoon (Svc) On March 23 Sp4 Dunn received a DPG certificate of achievement for outstanding service. With the increased manpower, the Military Police have returned to eight hour work shifts for the first time since late last summer. U)iUonS CORKI SKINLESS A HES t WE HAVE cs LARGE SELEC 300 poonos OF FANCY EASTEI slimy only.' BASKE 46?5 p.m. FILLED UK GOODIE! N :'V ' . u Ostmi Pips 12-- homy Wide EGG iNbODtES . . . . .33c 24-o-r. look large tub. PINEAPPLE JUICE Cricketeera an expert handling them. a'superior Dacron blend with a hand that keeps shape, eheds Then they cut K especially to fit young men. Long, HAWAUAM 3 for 89c No. RAISINS . j. c off - PUNCH a 37c 'L' 1 eom-lib- RIPE by 2&4Z- 25c Crock BROWNIE MIX j ...... 39c - .. 69 lowdal. King' Sue, Pitwd OLIVES'.; ..3for$l r . . ftg itfty Rtg. 85c BRYLCREEM bnttH WINDiEX 4 sizw-fr- ort & Flams, frozen Apple, Peach or Cherr PRminr ra " Summer slack never looked so fine or wore so well. That's because fon 8ft.-Zinch- TALL... CHlLl with-- BEANS . . 75c Its the Cricketeer KING' Frown Pkh, Pnoi and Carroll, Franch Frhi, Loaf or Chop; UGQETTAEILGS , , 1D r.Fki Bonm Pock ....... fc&oz. Plug. Jiffy Com MUFFIN MIX 1 59c Swanson frozen 7Y7 - ...... 10c 0MKIGC3S LA&e.-m- .v WASTE BASKET Assorted FRUIT r DuPont Rg. tlflffb T.M. 'i ' S 5 (wp y i ; t |