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Show POWDER ROOM VALUABLE ADDITION TO ANY HOME If youre planning to build a new home or remodel a present one soon, among the finest investments you can make is a the powder room. According to InCooling Plumbing- Heatingformation Bureau, a powder room saves countless steps and is a particular advantage if there are very young or elderly persons in the family. And it is easily kept clean for the use of visiting no more rushing to friends clean up the bathroom when unexpected guests arrive. TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, Marrh 25, 1966 v . a Va or?u U"il THE NEW avsud - a red rib-Awaid (VUA), it ranks below the . will be with a goid Distinguished Unit Citation, but worn the right breast pocket. 1 above the Meritorious la The changes will soon be dis-.. t0 unit tributed in to Army Re- A whose heroism would WASHINGTON (ANr) be com par- - .i.fnn ngchanges Awards" ei During 1965 approximately new unit award has been adoptable to that of an individual 48,000 person! died as a result honor to gallaned by the Army awarded the Silver Star. of Motor-Vehicaccidents. More try in action. than 25,000 deaths occurred at night and in places classified as rural. A large percentage of these deaths occurred because the operator of the vehicle failed to post warning devices (or he didnt possess them) in the proper position to warn oncoming traffic whenever his vehicle is stopped inoperative or unable to move for some reason. Failure to post warning devices during darkness sometimes results in serious injury or death caused by fast moving vehicles unable to observe a stalled vehicle on the highway in sufficient time. IN ORDER to avoid a serious accident drivers of Army vehicles should before driving on public thoroughfares insure that Over and under 2 shot warning kits are in the vehicle. Derringer with rifled Drivers of privately owned vebarrel and blue finish hicles should also insure that approved warning devices are available in case of vehicle stop- page, malfunction or flat tire. . Basketball Approved highway warning de- vices are available to operators of government vehicles at dm motor It is the responsibility of thT driver to insure that this kit is in the vehicle before depart- - New Unit Award fe Adopted by Army - Highway Kit Save Lives le and BACKBOARD GOAL ini, ,ti ' V" Tfr mm 1 Whenever vehicle equipped with warning devicrob stopped, inoperative, or unable to move upon a traveled portioa of any highway or on the highway shoulder, the following action will be 4 taken: a. EVERY reasonable effort will be made to move the vehicle completely onto die shoulder. Regulation size board and goal. Heavy steel goal frame. lantern, or during required J0urat'Jt sunrise) will be placec in the center of the lane of traf-- Reg. Value 14.95, Jctor). Vehf 88 VIRGIN DACRON SLEEPING BAGS large and lofty-fu- ll Zippers To Zip 2 Bags Togriher 5 POUND No. 875D Finish Size - 39x81 Water Repellant Green 10 oz. Duck Covering. ssm ii ioui3 W,ach- - lane. If vdimle device will be dfatancealong the roadway. Pd at INCOME tax bon " g the same ride the edge of the vehicle 10 feet rearward there of, in the direction in which traf-fi-e using that lane will approach. d. IF STOPPED within 300 feet of a curve crest of a hill, or other obstruction to viitw die warning device will be placed no less than 40 paces nor more than 4 STATE W. suaraMM A TEAM shot of the Dugway High School Mustangs who took third in the Jordan Division of Region Five with a 7 win 5 loss record are front row (left to right), Lloyd Nielson, manager; Kelly Bearden, guard;. Gary Lee, guard; Lee Critchlow, guard; Den Andrus, guard; Craig Ceeriing, forward and Hal Hude, forward. In the second row (left to right) are Jesse Wactor, manager; Dennis Bearden, center; James Myers, center; Tom Brothers, guard; Mike Norton, forward; Roger Out ram, forward and Roy Ritchie, coach. Players not present for the picture were Richard Broome, center and Shiri Clarke, guard. Dividend OR The high power rifle competitive shooting season is about to From time to time begin within the Intermountain A) Area and the Post Rifle Team ,n needs shooters. 5? tnd emP'yj All military with either or both are nimon publicatwns, Veterans t0 erani Administratio for a special divi-dend on their Cl insurance. The information contained in these articles and rumors b false and misleading, and as a result the Salt Lake VA Regional Office has been flooded with telephone, written and personal inquiries concerning Cl insurance divi- dmnds. Mr Elmer Smith, mana- ukJe dhe Veteranj Ad. ministration Regional Office has gtated . 0 a r- - dividend has been declared the VA authorized the publicity. There b absolutely no tmth in thig infonnation, Mr. Smith emphasized. Veteran, are tQ N0T t l to VA or for yA dividend on insurance that was , Mr. Smith explained further that dividends are payable to policy h olden with participating National Service Life Insurance policies and that dividends are payable on an annual basb and rL rtrong ,d,re to lea t0 cal1 Clyde Hodge (ext. 2991) or Sergeant Chesley Picket (ext. 2612) for further information. High power shooting involves rigorous training and practice and requires the shooter to be willing to give up some of hb off duty time for practice. However, the vHI HER . America'! w RwoUy ymlty r pay 0 BLOCK CO.! Lvifi;nhnln i y . . Opt f G.W.-- , pM. CIVILIAN AND MILITARY PERSONNEL AT DUGWAY ire finding that they can save tine and nilea of driving by banking at the First Security Bank facility on the Base. Its sensible, too, because all their hanking need can be handled in one euy and convenient atop. h0 10 erms tough military "?T.are ootng against and civi,lan compet.tors and the opportunity to travel to the many excellent matches in the area. th 14 T in its mtfh UMyhai i accumulated more "dividual medals and team 1 hono in competitive mathes- team l best equipment available to a shooter and it b ready for new shotera use for team qualifi cation. The team needs men who are willing to devote some time and effort into a fast growing sport that makes shooting a pleasure and a valuable training aid. Call them todav. Jf rewardahand priviImportant also ia the exclusive inter-us- e lege available for husbands and wives with a Joint First Security checking or savings account The partner working on the Base haa the convenience of the Beae Bank, while either husband or wife may use the First Security Bank Office in Tooele. Open Your Account Today DUGWAY OFFICE -- PMt Exchange Building 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday thru Fridays 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 pm on Civilian Pay Day Lens Filters Uses 8:00 sad Golfers top-mk- k Gsl Silts Farm is toodi rib asd Bud sot kw swell Stic km Mi hit tm sow W sas! -- 70 So. Main 9:30 TWO thru Thursday Open Nightly to Windows Drive-U- p 6:00 pm Z .4 3M S. Fairlans 7 Tocele ladies OFFICE am to 3:00 pm, Monday 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, Friday k m my S82-4M- FIRST SECURITY BANK Western Style Fnl BIOUSE Ivaaaf hiSTaar i White With Coloved Ruffle Rif. BUY NOW A PAY LATOt-- IT NO INTENEST-NOTHI- NO By Ogden Kraut COSTS NO MOM DOWN-- 12 MONTHS TO PAY Have Your Complate Bods Repaired TROLLING OUTFIT Hollow Gloss ROD Now Before The Season Begins. Com-p- m KNN REEL Level Wind Kcpmr 100 yards LEADCORE LINE JCWNB Tefal value HIP 32J5 BOOTS Now oafy 18 Red, RmI ,Um Fresh Rubber ultimate inline trolling equipment. Hollow gloss rod and No. 85M PENN Jfi trolling with level wind, click, large, capacity, star drag,' fret spool, on-ooversized handle, and corrosion-resistan- t. Complete coded with 100 yards leodcora line, with The ff 10-ya- colon. Here's a terrific oppor- tunity to save on these factory blemished hip boots. . ; (Every other Friday) am to 4:00 pm on Military Pay Daya (Last day of Month) TOOELE LeeDurraot SJI aT $mm$ Q Insurance to Mieve accural. pnporaiM Post Rifle Team Needs Shooters Is Stats Fins riM Balds ml Mbs far ysri ITs year ksy to ton cast Ststs Fsne huassra CAPS $g Ml FEDERAL led 100ft.) distant there from in the f"?"? ingin - Filters can lend a helping hand to obtain many special effects. Regardless of the purpose in picture taking, pictorial or scientific, a filter can enhance or change the shade of every color. They function as a means of absorbing or transmitting colors and will thereby subdue or accentuate diem. An excellent illustration b taking a picture of a green tree with red apples. By the use of a red filter the apples will appear very light, but the tree will be dark. A green filter, however, will render the green tree very Iigit, but the apples will appear dark. To lighten a color, for the final print, a filter which will transmit that color must be selected, but to darken that color a filter must absorb th color. Transmission filters will appear the same color as the subject color. THE MOST COMMON types of filters are as follows: CORRECTION: These filters will render the tone of colon more nearly to the sensitivity range of the eye. Since there are no black and white films that respond to colors as the eye, a correction filter must be used. A medium yellow filter b most commonly used for thb correct m. CONTRAST: A very popular use of the filter b the deep red one to produce contrast in outdoor scenes, such as the accompanying picture. This filter will darken the sky and enhance the picture for a dramatic effect. HAZEi HAZE IS A composition of microscopic water vapor which will scatter light and thereby obscure distant objects. A haze filter will absorb ultraviolet rays and thereby derify objects. Successful landscape and aerial photographers find the haze filter an essential in their work. NEUTRAL DENSITY: These filters are of various shades of neutral grey. They are intended to reduce the intensity of light without changing the color quality of the picture. They can be of use when using extreme fast film in very bright light conditions. In some instances the neutral density filter can be used to increase the aperture to lose depth of field and thereby throw the background out of focus. SPECIAL: Special filters can be used in copy, microscopic, infrared, and other scientific uses. With the variety of color films available, many more types and kinds of filters are being manufactured. AN IMPORTANT item in the use of filters b the Filter Factor". Every filter will absorb a certain amount of light and therefore requires an increase of Ugit to compensate for that loss. The ratio between the exposure with a filter and without a filter b called the factor. These bet on can be applied to increase of light by means of the lens aperture of the shutter speed. Many various effects can be produced with an inexpensive set of filten. The photographer can create many interesting and fascinating effects by the use of filters, but above all he can greatly increase the quality of his pictures. jjewtfcaw O O O 0 Westinghouse INSTANT-O- N New 23" Rectangular Color TV In Furniture Cabinets Exquisite Instant-O- n 23-In- Westinghouse ch HICH BRIGHT Color Picture Tube (diagonal measure) 278 Square Inch Picture INSTANT-O- Color 'TV-S- N ound at once, Picture in 6 seconds Instant Color Fidelity Model re Bonded-Etche- d Safety Shield 25 KV Picture Power up to 25,000 volts Automatic Color Control Illuminated Pop-U- p VHFUHF Channel Numbers CK-7D0- Mrriitcii.in.i'.in Anti-Gla- Pc .in Memory Fine Tuning Up Front High Fidelity Sound System A'lthentic Furniture Period Styling in Genuine Hardwood Veneers and Solids. I Radio Electric 14 NORTH MAIN i & Hardware PHONE 882-066- 4 |