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Show N,,l4 (miu lli IjIt Ytnrlil. Tho Pittsburg coal companies ron-ceded ron-ceded the 20 per rent Increase demanded demand-ed by tho day laborers The woodworker of St. Paul to the number ot 230 went on atrlke recently for n nlno-hour day without change In pay. Tho Hdward II i:crctt Olnaa company, com-pany, Nownrk, O , advanced tho wages of nil employe except btavtcrs 10 per Four hundred boxmakors nnd helpers help-ers In seven factories In Day City. Mich , recently went on a strllto for an advance lu wage ot from 10 to 15 per cent. Tho strike of tho 300 employe of the siroet railway company and the Jenka Shipbuilding company at Port Huron. Mien., was settled, both companies agreeing to Py their laborer IB cent an hour. Tho atrlke of the union plumber at Cleveland, Ohio, waa Mttled by th employer making 11 compromise granting grant-ing the men W for eight hour' worki S(x of tho employing woodworking arms of Minneapolis. Minn . yielded ta the utrlkcrs' demand for higher wage I nd recognition of the union |