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Show lllim, Ir.lMlljInf Apollnarlo Mablnlthe premier of Agulnaldo'aCnblait. (ho I, not only the moat abli amonrihe leadera of the Inturrrctlon, but am the only one whote honealy hae lever been quea-tinned, quea-tinned, hat probab); llulahcd hla career ca-reer III, frlende Ullove he la dying Mablnl runiilnj Inn American priaon In Manila becauw he had nowhere elao to go. Ilefore the niolutloo he waa a wealthy man, aa rlckoa aro rated In the Philippine!, but ill his money waa luveated luthecauwof "ludeiwrnlen. el.." Itcieiitlr (leneral Otla offered lo releaae him from tie prlton In the walled illy where he bat been housed comfortably a.ico hi, arrival In -Manila, on condition tb.t he would not tukoadvautage of hi. liberty to Incite trouble but the otter waa declined |