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Show PRONOUNCING DOER NAMES. Iryborg la Called Iraittur, Kmrr Is Krtr. Of tho four dlffcrtnt ways of pronouncing pro-nouncing Krugtr's name which aro current. No 1, Kroojor, Is a vulgar er-' ror. No 2, Krimier with hard g ns In "gold," Is ponlble. No. 3, Krecgar, whercJUis.ee h an, yirrapj at the Frenclr,'vowel soundj'rl'?rlin1'the most aristocratic, while Nn 4, Krcer (rhyming With Krero) In which tbe g entirely lliapiears, Is tho ono most frequently Vard among tbo Cape Dutch thcmielves Tho name of tho other prcsldtnt, Stcyn, I pronounced "Stain," nudUbo time sound Is given to the dlphthW el or ey, nnd nlto to tho tower y wherever theso occur In Dutch words Examples are Loyd (Ijildt), Iteltz (Kates), llotraeyer, the name Illotmfonteln (Illoomfontano) and Oraaffrelnet (accented on the last syllable), Vrjburg (Krayburg) and Vryheld (Prayhade) Tbo last two also Illustrate the sound ot f, which Is always given to Initial v In Dutch, other Instances ot which are tho family fam-ily name Vlllleia (Plll-yce or Kllt-Jeo) and VHJoen (Plllyuns or Kill-June). It will be observed that alternative pronunciation! pro-nunciation! are allowed of the J In both theso names In literary Dutch this consonant It like the English y, but at the Capo thero 1 a strong tendency ten-dency to give It tho samo sound at J In English Cronje, therefore, may be called Cron Jay, or, preferably, Cron-yay, Cron-yay, and Joubert either Jew-bmr or You-beur fiplon kop, ot doubtful fame, la called Rpewn kop or flpuoo kop South Africa, |