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Show I It lieconom) to uso hullalr Kxtract. I x i.irc hiki Dt-utii riEi I Mr. W A. Illnei el Manchetter, la., I writing of his almost meracitloni eicape from death, saji "Kip" "" , mea.le. induced lerloui lung trouble, which ended In consumption. I had frequent hemorrhage! and coughed night and day. All my doctor. ..Id I mu.t soon die. Then I began to use Dr. ' King's New Discovery which wholly cured me Hundred, have u.ed It ; on my advice and all My Jt never fall, to cure throat, cbeet and lung rouble! llegular tin 60c. and (1.00. Trial bottle. 1 Iree at John Boydeu & Bona . Call at John Hoyden & Son' drug .tore and get n fice .ample ofChamber-Inln'a ofChamber-Inln'a Stomach and LtverTablets. Thoy nre an elegant plijalc. They alto lm-prove lm-prove tho appetite, itrengthen thodl-kcitlon, thodl-kcitlon, and regulate tho liver and bowel. They aio ea.y to take and plearant In effect. If the itomacu perform II function actively and regularly, the food of which It I the receptacle, ia tnniforired Into blood of n uouriihlng quality, which lurnlilic lforand warmth to Ihewlmli. body. ltKltlllNi: gives tone to the tomaeh and promotea digestion and aiaimllation. Price Men. John Hoyden A Son. A Ouuil Cuugli Mnllclne It ipeaki well for Chamberlain' Cough Itemcdy when druggllta use it In their owu families in preference to any other, "I hate told Chamberlain'! Cough Itemcdy for tho pait tiro yjar with romiilete rati. 'action to my.olf and cuiiomera," sjj Druigi.i J, Qold-smith. Qold-smith. Van Klleu, N. Y. "I ha nl-i)i nl-i)i uied It in my own family both for ordinary cough and cold nnd the cough following la grippe, and find It very efficacious." For rale by John liojdcn A. Son. .tullru. Unltd Stalea Ijtnd Olllce,) hult Lake City, Utah, May I, WOO. ) To Whom if .Vuy Concern: Notice la hereby given that tho State of Utah hai tiled in thia office a llt, No. 87, of land .elected by the eaid State for tho eitabllihment of permanent water rcrcrvolia for Irrigating purpose, under Section 12 of thu ct of Congress, approved Julv 10. 1891. The following tracts, embraced in said Hat, are In n tonnihlpcontalnlng mineral claims of recerd, vlr. : ' The east half rf the northeast quarter and the east half of the I toulhea.tquarter of SoUlon thirty, InTovwiihip tliioo (3,) north, and of Kangoioven, (",) ea.t, Salt Lake 1 Haseand Meridian. A copy of .aid list, so far ni It relatca I to eald tract., by descriptive subdivisions, subdivis-ions, hai ex en con.plcuouily poiteil In ( this olllco for Inspection by any person per-son Interested, and by tho public generally. gen-erally. During the sixty dayi next following thednteof thl. notice, under departmental depart-mental regulations of November 27, lb90 (23 L V , 460), proteita or contests aKalnat the claim of the aama to any of the tract or subdivisions hereinabove described, on the ground than the eaino I more valuable for mineral that for agricultural purpose, will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D O. Kali-uro Kali-uro 10 to protest or conteit within tho time specified will be considered sufficient suffic-ient evideoce of the non-mineral character char-acter of laid tracts, and tha selection thereof, being otherwise froa from objection, ob-jection, will be recommended for approval, ap-proval, Fbank D, Houbi, Ilcglater. nl8 18 (J lo, A, Suitu, Uecelver. (ilorlotla "teite Comes from Dr. I), II. Cargllo of Waih-Ita, Waih-Ita, I,T. Ho writes.: "Klecttlc Utters fill cured Mn, Hrewcr of scrofula, which hi earned her great suffering for jcare. Terrible tores would break out on her Uandi and face, an I the but doctori oou'd give no help; but now her health ! excellent." I'.lectrlu Hitters la tho belt, blood purifier Known. Ill thu aupremi remedy for eczema, tetter, alt rheum, ulcere, boili and running sores. It stimulate! liver, kidneys and bowel., expel, poisons, nelpi digestion, builds uptliiilrength. Only DOc, Sold by John Hojilen A Son. Guaranteed, A api.lnr.l liikl. (Jultklr Cared "At one time I suffered from a severe praln of the ankle," lay (leorge K. t'ary. editoi of tha (jitldu, Washington, Va. "After utlngievcral well recommended recom-mended medicines will out tuceeit, I tried Chamberlain'! l'aln Dalm, and I am pleased to say that relief came at aoon ai I began ita use and a complete enre speedily followed, John Hoyden A Son Notice. All parties who aro Indebted to Dr J, K. Homier, for lervlcci rendered, are hereby notified to make final lettle-mcnt.at'onco.Sdi4rI!aJ.iEfalk)Mtii, lettle-mcnt.at'onco.Sdi4rI!aJ.iEfalk)Mtii, irirrw7wvi.afo.)tleewr lt-' ., .j Coalville, Utah, June 16, 1000. If you are troubled with that most un comfortable disease called piles, don't neglect It. Don't let the complaint gt a firm hold. Kvery day tho disease Ie neglected It growi worse. Commence at oneo to usu TA11I KR'8 HVCKKYi: 1'ILi: 01NTMF.NT, thetcllcf li Immediate, Immed-iate, and cure Infallible. Price 60 ceiiti ill bottles. Tilbei 76 cent. John Hoyden ,V Son, . IN TIIF. DISTRIOT COURT, PRO-bate PRO-bate division, In and for Summit county, coun-ty, Mute of Utah. In tho -matter of the estate of Margaret Itee., deceased, Order fixing time of hearing return of sale ol rial estate.- David lleei, the executor ex-ecutor of the eitute of Margaret Reel, deceased, having on the 16th day of June, A. I), 1000, made a return to tlili court of hli proceeding! under an order ol sale of real estate heretofore made by this court on the lllhdayof May A.l). 1000, and filed tho laid return herein, It li ordered that Monda), the 25th day of Juno, A. I), 1000, at 10 o'clock a. in., at tho County Court Houie, In the court room of laid court, In Coalville City, Utah, lo and la hereby appointed for the hearing ou raid return, ana that duo nothe thereof he given by publication publica-tion in the CoAtviLia Ti", a newspaper news-paper prluted and published in Summit county, Utah, fortho period of 10 days prior to mid 26i'j day of June A 1. 100O. Witneii the clerk of aild UAl.l court, with the seal thereof nfflxed, Ill's 14lh day of June, A.l). 1W0. , , W. I. 1'aik, Clerk. The Union Pacific will run an excursion excur-sion loOgden and Salt Lake 011 Saturday, Satur-day, Juno 10th, tkketi good returning Juno IO1I1. The Mtn for round trip from Coalville will bo 11.00 to Ogden aud 2.00 to Salt Lake, From Hclio 00 cent! and l.00 ami Park City (1.25 and Mr. W. S. Whedon, Cashier of the Flnt National Hank of W lulersol, la , In a recent letter gives aonie experience with a carpenter In hi employ, that w 111 be of value lo other machlnlc. lie lays 1 "Ihadacarpenler working for me who wn obliged to Hop work for tnveral dayion account of being troubled with diarrhoea. I mentioned to him that I had been ilmllarly troubled and that Chamberlain! Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy had cured me. He bjughtaboltleofitlrora the drugglit here and Informed mo that one doee cured him, and he I. again at hi. work." For lale by John Hoyden & Bon. y; One two-ox bottlo of Ealtalr Kxtrait ,- iv,' eqnali 0 10 cent bottlei, 1lia s KA |