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Show COALVILLE TIMES. UNCLE SAM S POLICY. WUI Held Aloul ft ruiu I'ullilctl Krhci j H WHAT REPUBLIC13 8AY- Do A'',U Oailta of Pie fora aguinaldo ALL PLANNED TO KIL) AMERICANS. BTEUNENBERG htiray does-nieLt- e n u pro-te- hand-writio(- - 1 a . bolo-otn- . con-de- ' w 5 Provo capitsliala are considering the proposition of erecting a canning factory in that city of sufficient capacity to handle the large quantity of fruit and vegetable raised in the valley. Farmers of Sevier county feel very mnch encouraged over the prospects of an abundant harvest this season. The prospects have never been better and crop art at least two weeks further advanced than usual. Mrs W, II. Jones, of Salt Lake, will probably be the only woman who will socupy a seat npon the floor of lha national Republican convention In Philadelphia by grace of an elrction at the hands of tha atata convention. While Martin liohne and wife, of Mt. Pleasant, were out driving the bores ran away and threw the couple from tha vehicle. Aa Mrs liohne fell tha horse kicked her in the bead, inflicting Injurles wblch may prove fatal, ,.. Smallpox baa mads Ha appearance la the asylum. An employs, David Hiatt, formerly of Mercur, bad a light attack af varioloid. Aa soon aa tha aymptoma appeared ha was removed, and It ia not expected tha disease will spread-Thera are rumors at Fort Dnchesoe that the Ninth cavalry (oolored) la soon to ta transferred to the Philippines aod tkeoWaa'a.4aaa-aa.- . Vijry anxious to go. Many of tha man trera la tha flghiat Sao Juan hill, R. D. Westwood has bean appointed sheriff of Orand county to fill tha caeaed by the death of Tyler. It la generally believed that Daredevil Dick," as Westwood la familiarly known, will make an excellet officer. .J va-ean- . A meeting of thsstate board of loan commissioners will be held tbia week to arrange for aa overdraft loan for tha atata treasury nntll tax revenue are Available In the fall. Tha amount to be borrowed will be about 1250,000. A resident of 8all Lake last waek observed A large carp In an irrigating ditch, and npon landing it waa surprised to find It Upped tha ecalea at twelve pounds. Ilia carpahlp ia supposed to have come from Utah lak. John & Graham who waa found guilty on May 20th of unlawful cohabitation, has been sentenced to pay a fine of 1350 or be confined la tha county Jail for A period of 250 days A nolle of appeal has been filed with the ei-Act- ly court . Applicants tor permits to grace sheep on tha Dintah forest rascrv are ad vised that if they have not yet received their papers from Washington to drlvt their aheep so that they may be tth reserve by July lst, by which timer tha permit will have arrived. Governor Well has issued a proclamation offering t reward of 11,000 each for the arrest and delivery to a safs jail of tha tbiee persons who murdered Sheriff Jeaae Tyler and Samuel Jeokloi of Grand county, near Hill ereek, on Lha 20th of. May. Nathan C. Davia, who died af Vernal last week, had a wide acquaintance with thq pioneers. He crossed Iowa with the exodus from Nauvoo and remained to Nebraska three year, making ox yokes aod outfitting the for Utah. Prof. James W. Dilley, who has been principal of the public schools in Scofield for two years, hits been engaged to teach in Manila, P. 1., by Prof. J. A. Christensen, assistant superintendent of public instruction in the Philippines. Mr. Dilley will accompany her husband aod will also accept a poastion aa teacher. Vernibavta, Provo boy, 15year-ol- d waa run over by a frightened team, tha horses stepping on him with tha result that he w as badly bruised and had bia skull fractured, a piece of bona thaalxeof a quarter being removed. Hs will probably recover. Alex Stevenson, night Inspector of tha Utah Light and Power company of BaJt Lake, waa killed, Saturday night, A current of electricity while engaged In fixing n street lamp. He fell ncroae the wire and the body waa badly burned. - eml-gran- ts . that ha believe in pector mining man who arrlred at El Paso, Texas, from the State of Sinola, Mexico, tells the story in detail of the horrible puisbment recently inflicted on a prospecter named Wilson by Mayo Indians Wilson frequently risited the village and Anally won the affections of a handsome young girl. Instead of marrying her according to the ritea of her tribe, he is said to have decoyed her to his camp and kept her tber against her will. Nhe finally escaped and told tlie story, and Wilson fled. He waa overtaken and carried back. Aa a punishment for hiscritne, it was ordered that he tie put to death by a method common with the Mayoa. The prospector waa stripped of his clothing and bound across an ant hill infested by large red ants. After many hours of horrible suffering, aa the Insects lowly gnawed Away his flesh, Wilson Wilson was reported to be a expired. fugitive from juatica from Omaha. JAPANESE CHANCELLOR MUR- DERED. Attacked as Killed la rkla, t'ktaa bv A C4taM Mdimt Tb ebmoellor (of th Japtniu Sugytamn Akira, while proceeding alone wad unprotected on official dnty.was brntallf murdered by soldier of Tung Fuh Siang, tha favorite body guard of tha empress, at Manigate railroad station Tuesday. A telegram from Yokohama, say a that tha Japanese government has ordered four more warships to proceed to Taku, aud foot) men of all arms are under orders to be ia immediate readiness for embarkation. Tha diapatch saya that tb Japanese government 'trusts that the powers will not misconstrue this action." The Japanese press is urging vigorous methods. WILL CO TO RAND MINES. Representatives III Mlslng CompaslM to Proceed to Jokaaasstmrg. The colonial office has received a telegram from Kir Alfred Milner, aaylng that the chamber of mine at Cape, town, haa agreed npon 580 representative of 131 leading mining and other companies who will proceed to Johannesburg a soon aa Lord Roberto decide that it la practicable to receive them. Kir Alfred Milner asserts that he ia doing all that la possible to reopen buaiueaa, bat la discouraging the return of the Uitlandera, until the question of transport and food supply I more settled. FILIPINO LEADERS CAPTURED. Aetbortile Attack Fm7.Td.r.hi. ae to th Cftptur. General Mac Arthur reports the capture of General Shizoh, bear Mexico, and Cavestaoy at Alcala, both important, the latter a very important leader of guerillas in i'angaainon province, Ltuon. General Corbitt attache! importance to these captures. In his opinion tbs; are more nearly in the nature of surrenders than captures, and indicate that the principal leaders of the insurrection are abandoning the cause, and are coming to Manila to accept American supremaev. BRYAN WELL FIXED. letusf the chief of bureau do their chart f work. He baa handed over to thfiUff officer of tha department many Batter which baa formerly been cooed ered in the 's governor-generaloffice, giving them discretion In the settlsecut of details and only holding theta responsible for results. On of bis first official acta waa to place the lasuace of passes, such aa permits, to go through the line or to be on the streets of Manila after 10 oclock, in the handtof the provost marshal. During the psxt ten months General Otis'a aide, Lieutenant Stanley, baa signed 43,000 of these permits and a large proportioaof tha application had been persoufiy considered by General Otia WILL AID COMMERCE. L'attsd States Pteae t harUa Psrt of Pa- etlte. for the benefit of work Important commerce ia the Pacific is to be per- formed by the navy now that congress haa authorised the appropriation of 8l()0,000 for ocean aud lake surveys Rear Admiral Bradford, chief of the bureau of equipment, has approved a recommendation submitted by - Commander Todd for an elaborate charting of the triangle med by the Hawaiian islnoOs, , tn southernmost point of tbe Philippit! aul the islands of Japan. It ia also purposed toeaablish a path between Honolulu and tie Philippines to be followed by Amrfcan warships 0 that if any become Jsabled others follow iag may pick up. , Elllploo Lrate RIOTOUS STRIKE SYMPATHIZERS fs for faproteeted Women to KU1 oa fit Loa-- Street Cara. At St Louis a mob of furious women and boys Friday night beat and denuded Lena Kaenter, a young woman who makes her living by peddling lunches among the employees of tha California avenuestreetrarline. When tbe mob had stripped her to the waist one woman daubed her with green paint while two others held her. Tbs jeering boy aud women of the mob applauded the outrage and threw mud. Two shop girls were attacked by tb same mob an hour later, and they wew partly denuded before they escaped. An organized committee of women hka begun vigitiDgtho-publi- e schools, entering the schoolrooms, accusing the teachers of riding on the tabooed cars, aod threatening them with bodily harm if tbry do so again. At tbs Mount Pleasant school the ieadet; pf thie committee seized the principal, Mr a. Rosa Fanning, shook her violently and announced that she would be tarred and feathered if either she or any of bet teachers rode on the cars again. C. s BAYS THEY ARE INNOCENT. Isnsnst Fsrtlos mj tha Jit Crtms. Penalty George Dobbs and Mr. Amelia New, now sorvinx Uf tsaWsoes in tbs Kansas penitentiary, for the murder, nee Eureka, of Joseph New, the woman's husband, are to be granted a new trial. Dobbs and Mrs. New were convicted two years ago. The theory was that they were ia leva and conspired to get rid of New ao that they might marry. Alfred Ballard, sent to tb peniten-tiar- g for horse stealing about a year ago, now declares that he and Frank Allgood, also in prison for forgery, and WiUXam Turner were the real murderers, robbery being the object of tha murder. Convict Declares fr Apotinarlo Mabinithe premier of Aguinaldo'sCabloet, rho is not only the most able amonf the leaders of tb Insurrection, but alio the only one whose honesty hs aever been questioned, has probabf; finished his career. Hi friends kelleve he ia dying. GOLD FROM DAWSON. Mabini remains in aa American prison A Ton of the Precious Metal Arrlvua at In Manila because halted nowhere else rat Sis. to go. Before tbe rnolutioo he wae a Monday morning the steamship City wealthy man, aa rickea are rated in of Seattle, the first gold boat to arrive the Philippines, but all bis money waa from the north thia year, reached Seatinvested in the cauaeot tle, with 220 passengers, of whom 150 independen-cia.- " Recently General Otla offered to earns from Dawson. Tbe Seattle release bun from tb prison in tbs brought more than a ton of gold dust, walled city where be tas been housed worth approximately 8500,000. Parser Perm lee had charge of 8250,000 comfortably twice hi arrival in Manila, on condition that he would not of gold which was owned by passentake advantage of hi liberty to incite ger. In addition, many passengers carried their treasure in their statetrouble but the offer teas declined. room. One roan, II. U. Noyes, had 8wr Acthlty. three sacks and one box of gold, the Fifty thousand British troop are whole weighing over 250 pounds, or within half a hundred mile of the or about 850.000. marauding Boers north of Kroonatad, Dooming xrws tlSMiltei. add they are expected, of course, to A proposition to raise the quarantine make short work of thm. Noverthe-lea- a, of Chinatown, San Francisco, for 810,-00outside of the waroffic telegram, has been made to the Chinese Merno one knows what i going on. A Chinaman, a association. chants boulh of Kroonstad there 1 a wide informed the asmerchant, prominent ! gap. The railway only partially sociation two day after tha last quardefended, and aa General Kelly-Kenantine waa declared that an official had baa hurried ail the available troop suggested the scheme. Arrests may northward, the suuapt ion follow. there is danger of Tb vd. t loss of lie Derhvshirea is estimated at (Iqjd Standard Democrats. A meeting of the national executiv froln to Too inon committee of the gold standard Iemo BRYAN AND DEWEY critic party has been called for in In It Thl th I lint. DBofftt8 dianapolis, Indiana, on July 25th. i'ri la understood that the chief businesi Tsxpsyer m l'rnnl rrnpertv tn The lVmocraie Vate convention of of the committee will be to see tbataa IJncolo. Ohio Miggi-- t, t iii,. nomination of Bryindependent ticket is placed in tbe fieldThe reports of assessor of Lincoln, an a Tut Dewcv .n Those Governor Taylor Dill Not b a Caadldata KnsaCity. Neb, show that William J, llrfan who tn,1 no ll bination of Bry Governor Taylor states that aftei pays more taxe on personal property an and tuoievc there ianodoubt mature deliberation of all interests inthan any other man in Lincoln or Lan- about Dewey the a, I mral accept, volved in the contest be considers It ng. caster county. In 18W bia property bis duty both to himself and his family Smut 1 oiiltfRu was assessed at 2,800, and this year to ask of tha Republicsnsof Kentucky, The senate has confirmod 14,500. The Increase la mostly in bank nomifrom the exactions which a rerelief of nation accounts and credits. Brigadier General Elwell nomination for Governor would impoaa. S. Otis. I'. S. A . to be BULLER'S VICTORIES. aajor generaL 1rrfiUtnii hltl IUf' i Eovwd to Evacuate I. tent a Dsnktrysr Arrvstod tor Murder. ,k and to IIIIL the serious illness of PresMajaba Owing Benjamin John, a general storekeeper Two pieces of uew ident Erraruris of to Constance, Minn., has been arrested at encouraging Chili, tbe minister the Uritish In the official dispatches are of lha interior. Scnor Fernandex n the charge of baviDg fired the shot that the broken commnnications of has taken charg 0f h governthat killed the members of the Wise Lord Roberto are in a fair way to be ment according to the . recently. He proteato hia family eocatitutloo. mended by the forces moving northFith on ItsliTwilp. ward aod southward and driving off Aa Cl result of a Parts Expailkit a Golds Harrs. fight on boartflttl, tbe roving cominandoa, and that Sir Italian bark The iB golden harvest of the Prrla exPenan Pita, at Redvera Bullar ia.at last master of last begun. Twlca ths U. Scotto. the cola. FTa, first mate la position haa at Lalnga Nek. seaman Rafael PiMr WM fatal- past waek the number of viaitorX has dead; Lainga Nek' and Majuba are corn ly injured, and Captain Maxella and exceeded half a million; 8,000.000 Lav pletely evacuated by the Boer. another seamen w er slightly wounded. thus far passed the I c mat ilea. - 0, ny sa ia-th- at 00 - th' B" o, inno-aenoe- - KmLbIb ' g liear-Admir- DffKMcrvU MftUoul n - 1 Rm FiMsSalossilr, ill Gv City SerrsndMwd d Kswpr tow Mlicttd. His mud tilths the declaration The force! of Governor Steunenberg Eight mouths after Robert entered triampeed in the atata convention, of war, June 5th, Lord of the from dispatchea Previous tb delegation contesting Pretoria aeatiag were .hoahonc county, friendly to tbe gov- pa.,,.y of the Roer capital several 77. The were 152 to vote There fight. the being preuiature sult i a practical endorsement of in frool af the city, and one by one the Governor Steunenberg administration defenders driven back, until evacus-iRobert. tbe Coeur d'Alene trouble, as the jRlU was accomplished. al- tbe result ia s. aououuciug fight in the convention was made jram most entirely on that line. follow s: The opposition to the governor made Pretoria. Juue 5, 12.5. p m. Just deand two for a stubborn fight days before dark yesterday the enemy were bate on tbe report of the credential beaten back from nearly all the posicommittee lasted four hours. Only in- tions they had been holding and Ian direct reference was made to the Coeur Hamilton's mounted infantry followed d'Alene trouble by the opposition, tb them to within 2.imo yardsof Pretoria, speakers limiting their remarks to thi through which they retreated hastily then sent sn officer with a flag personnel of the contesting 4eleifa4iOIB aod to tbe regularity of their creden- of truce into the town, demanding its tials. Shoshone county is the scene oj surrender in my name Shortly before the Coeur d'Alene mining difficulties, midnight 1 w as awakened by two offi-- ! and oue of the contesting delegation, cera of the South African republic represented the element opposed to the j Saudberg, military secretary to Corn adotiniklratloO Of affair there. mandanl liotha and a general officer of The issue, therefore, brought the the Boer artnv, who brought me a letCoCur d'Alene matter directly before ter from Botha, proposing an armistice tha convention. The Steunenberg men for the purpose of settling the termaof contended that the Shoshone county surrender. Democratic convention was controlled 1 replied that 1 would gladly meet by Populists, who captured the prima- the commaudant general the next ries under the dictation of those re- morning, but that I was not prepared sponsible for the labor troubles. to discuss any terms as the surrender Ti e resolution passed endorse Bry- of the town must be unconditional. 1 an for president and Colonel James asked for a reply by daybreak, as I Hamilton Lewis bf Washington state had ordered the troops to march on tie for vice president and favor fusion of tow n as soon as it was light. In hi deall reform forces in the campaign. reply, Botha told me that he had The convention elected the following cided not to defend Pretoria, and be delegatee to tbe national convention: trusted women, children and property Colonel W. U. Dewey of Nampa, Dele- would be protected. At 1 a. m. today, gate at large; James W. Reid of Lewis- while on the line of march, 1 was met ton, W. B. McFarland of Coenr dAlene, by three of the principal officials with Judge C. O. Stockslager of Hailey, E. a flag of truce, stating their wish to R. Dockery of Boise, John G. Brown surrender the town. of Pocatello. lt w as arranged that Pretoria should LOCK be taken possession of by ber majesty' SENATE AND HOUSE HORNS. troops at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Botha and Mrs. Kruger are Confress Did Not Adjourn on 8clmdald Tims Fight on Occnn Surveys. both iu Pretoria. Some few of tbe Congress did not adjourn Wednesday British prisoners have been taken aa scheduled, but took a recess until away, but the majority are atill in 10 a tn; Thursday, the two chambers Walerval. Over HW of tbe officers are of tbe national legislature, with heads in Pretoria. The few I have Seen are down and horns locked, were in a des- looking well." General Botha and most of his men perate struggle over tlie item in the naval. apprepriatioBr-btr- l relatrng to got away from Ffeloria. 'Thtk Is inThe final adjournocean surveys. Roberts' message, ferred from ment of congress is postponed until it but the presumption is that the Boer Is over. commandant general can not escape tha The proceedings in the house daring British dispositions without a fight. tbe day were taine an 1 without draOperations elsewhere seem to have Tbia waa due partly dwindled to nothing. General Baden-Powe- ll matic incident. to the fact that tbe firm position taken joined General Hunter ou Sunby the house on the armor plate pro- day at Lichtenburg. vision transferred the fight to the floor IDAHO DEMOCRATS. of tbe senate, and partly to the obstiCoMvento Cojmgum si LcwUtoi m4 nate rsfswl of Mr, Lssts, aa Ohio lelecti Delegate to Mfttlouoi Convention. Democrat, to permit any unanimous The State Democratic convention to consent legislation until tbe Republican leaders agreed to allow Ahe testi- elect delegates to the national convenmony in the Coeur dAlene investiga- tion met Tuesday afternoon at Lewistion to be printed. Mr. Lentz held tbe ton with John Hailey, state chairman, There were 228 delegates bouse by the throat all day, and ex- presiding cept for privileged matters, tilings leg- represented. The full convention conislative were practicaly at a standstill. sists of 426. For temporary chairman the SteunUTAH PROHIBITIONISTS. enberg forces nominated E. M. Wolfe State Tteltet Nominated and Delegatee to of Elmore and the opposition H. C. Jackson of Ada. The vote resulted National Convention Selected. 114 each and the chairman declined to The Prohibitionists of Utah nomiOn the second ballot tbe decide. nated a state ticket at Salt Lake W and selected delegates to Uia Steunenberg forces lost three votes national convention. TheAlcket is as and Jackson was elected. Thi; gave of credentials and follows: For governor Judge J. S. Bore man other committees to the opposition. A recess was then taken which waa of Ogden; secretary of state Mary M. ' Boyden of Provo;Judge supreme court subsequently made an adjournment until Wednesday morning to eoable A. Saxey of Payson; state auditor tha Shoshone county contest to be thorMrs. A. B. Gatrell of Salt Lake: superintendent public instruction Mrs. oughly investigated. Frances C. Smith of Ogden; treasurer TORTURED BY MKE. C. E. Smith of Ogden; attorney general C. D. Savary of Salt Lake; presi- Mob Attempts to Extort a Confession from a Nogro. dential electors Rev. Richard Wake, A mob from Hansboro, Miss, took George Denton, Mrs. E. E. Shepard; the negro. Askew, suspected of the delegates to national convention C. D. Mrs. Boreman, outrage and murder af tbe Winter-stei- n Savary, Judge child Saturday, from the MissisEveline Rathbone, W. II. Tibbals, E. L. Anderson of Saline, 1. N. Smith of sippi jail Tuesday night aud carried him iu a wagon to the home of Winter-stei6peigvUle. near Bcloxi. Mr. Winterstelu, GENERAL OTIS ON FILIPINOS. the father, was exiled out and the neAn Irtiy tor Education and Ar Ttrd ot gro was taken to the woods where the Krvolation, crime was committed. There he was General Otis, in an interview, says tortured with rope and fir Iu an atthe Filipinos are crazy for educa- tempt to force a confession. The schools are crowded tc tion. Askew, though badly burned, conoverflowing and every available Amer- tinued to protest his innocence. He ican capable of teaching school in waa returned to the jail. Mayor Nash pressed into service. Already tlie gov- has telephoned to all points for susernment has spent 840,000 in sehoo! pects to be held. books alone. In the island of Negroi Nealejr's Dafale itlnns tlie Spanish customs are fast disapActing Director of Posts Bristow of pearing and the m lltary governor it Cuba says he is almost sure that the looked upon as a sort of fattier in w non extent of tbe Neeley steal will amount the Filipinos have the most epLit to something between 880.000 and faith. 8100.000, but that this will not touch The fact is, said General Ot,s, tht the item of surcharge stamps which is inFilipinos are tired of their 8411.000. dependence and are ready and willing Pile of Iroo Drop. to become a part of the United States Representatives of various iron aud aod this desire Is tbe more apparent steel interests have decided to make s as they beeome the better acquainted reduction in the price of steel billets with Americans laws and customs from 830 to 828 per ton, sod of No. 1 foundry iron from 823 to 820 per ton. WYOMING DEMOCRATS. Usk Istenttl! DwsbmI ftssd CsststsH at P blteA Isstrsttlsss for tbs Mssssare. tor TIWIW riHMSHIMI CO, It has been decided to stand by the Republiean leader The great store of insurgent 40 be policy which has been entered upon in ed their attentioa totlxli,llfor found by General Funstou, toUTAH. China of pushing measure for the pro- adopted at PhlladelpbA A4 a dinner COALVILLE. with some Interesting paper gether tection of the live and property of given by Senator HiA Saturday which Captain Smith found in the indeAiurricaji citixeos and of aet.ng night at Chicago, tbi liatfor,n was of General Pantaleon Garcia beoutlined. UTAH STATE NEWS. pendently aa far as possible Among tb Preaen throw interesting sidelights on the FilIt may be that in the accomplishment tide the host werebsr Spooner, ipino government Most important oi an of this result the force of the powers Davis, Fairbanks, Be marketed Strawberries are being lot ia Agninaldo'a plan for the upthe i 8milbwill hare to act in unison for the pew. and Potimaater-tkfrom Mill Creek that weigh high a in Manila, which was drawn by rising the in will declare tion of all foreign resilient As outlined th one ou Dew each. fti pitW at Maloloa, Is in his own disturbed districts, but this is to be the that the insurrection lle PhilipThe assessed valuation of (iarfield extent of Tagalog languagr, and tear The pine baa been the American aetiuty sUmpei1- excepting the date of January 8. Hl Pinned to county, aa reported by the county as- Chinese government will lie looked to .RnerrUlq- warfare tufivil KOTer the document waa lute a translation sessor, U871,iiH, of which 85,CXKi U under the general laws of the comity meut Is being eatabli: conKrt-lateon aheep. done of Kucocam-inain hand the Spanish, make to and of nations to restore order Porto Uloo onit!alablilha,nt Aguinaldo order was addressed Drought and grasshopper are caoa such Iromall of a Territorial lovrt,n4' an H as is propel irparation to hia valiant Sandatibaos, or log the farmer of I lew ret cooaiderable jMilitical scheme-- , in which many of on anexation; ewoda McKinWhen the word of the uprising uneasiness, the hot, dry weather esus-lo- the become involved, the ley ui power administration thoroughly waa given the grasshoppers to batch very feat. I nited .States they were to slay all Ameris to hold aloof This is American and prospers declares for icans soldiers in ManUa. The inhabiThe auger beet crop of ache valley the general policy heretofore outlined, gold standard; favor itbction of war tants were to to the house tops, repair pro tn lee to be a large oua thi year. Sud It will he adhered to taxes; reaffirms 4MoibW foctrine, ad- whence down upon were hurl to ' Thera la a largo acreage aud moat they cabled vise vigorous The navy department ha nd conforeigfc pScy thesoldier heavy furniture and any raiaera report good a tend of the plants. directly to at Kemplf struction of Xlearatif canal, iron insrumentsf which they might Thera wera 308 patient In the atata Taku to Inform him that marine reiu-- i trusts ami inch legislation have, heated red hot. They were also '"tnaano asjTum on )Ty SIsL 1 ti males forceinrnts have been ordered to him passed by tha House; infirm protec- to have ready in their houses hot waand 156 females During the month from Manila Thu the admiral will tion and poxiea, and de- ter, which waa to he thrown on tha reqiprocy eleven were admitted, four died and i be in a position to act with gi eater clares Cuba will be aa gin freedom passing soldiers or squirted at them lour wera discharged a cured. freedom in sending relief expeditions on aa i safe. from bamboo syriDges. The women An uausual interest ha recently to Ieking and elsew here, knowing that and children were exorted to help in MCARTHURS jkfTHODS. mahe will soon be able to replaca the bean manifested by farmer near Rich preparing the water and boiling oil, TArewa KsspossIbliUy ips Subordinates, fleldin the driving for flowing wells rines diverted from Taku. which they were to pass out to the men aad Helds Them RespeeWle for Results. One of the Isat one driven give a flow GNAWED BY ANTS. for use. I about 100 gallona per minute. General MacArthurtndemonstrated Hurrlld I'nlsbmeet liilHsteS I pss Prossootad tn Chinn. BRITISH ENTER PRETORIA. CONTROLS. n Cwfraamss Ssilt4 and Dlfmts U lbs National Coavvatloa (MmImI. The Democratic state convention of Wyoming was held at Laramie Wednesday, and elected the following delegates to the national convention at Kansas City. A. E. Miller, Laramie; P. C. Alger, 8beridan; C. E. Blydenhnrg, Rawlins; Walter L.rLarah, Cheyenne; P. A. Keenan, Rock Springs; William Hinton. Evanston. John C. Thompson of Cheyenne was nominated for representative In Alaska Damoerata. News of tha democratic convention held at Juneau, Alaska, haa bssa reThe convention ceived by steamer. declared for Bryan. The platform denounced the growth of trusts and ex4 pansion. Unltd ftutci Mtnbl for A la It. Gorg G. Parry of Dnbnqae, Ia.t haa been afijioiQted United States marshal for Alaska. He waa former member of the republican state committee and several times chairman of the congressional committee. f V I' - 1 |