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Show H Ct la wonderful Ilia number ot people H mrioread antwipaper, whoaie not tub- ' H lacrlUri Borne people, who are too H "poar" to taka tkelrhome paper, have H Abe habit vl'tllltg on their nelghbori H ijwat about lb a time tbtlr home paper la ' H iieeuad, to tbat tkey can read It and And H tent what It going on In town. We know Hrj (euecaee where a man quit hit home f reaper, and now happena around at a H , jj.ua Uo plaaa where the paper It and B uea the uewi etery weak. Ha thai J roavT hluitell the price ot lubtctlptton H Aa4 tha editor Je that much out, not- Twltbtindlnj the (act that the latter It aeotapellod to pa (or ererj thing he celt, tamdeonielliiiei quite dtarlx, too. Hut rJhea. man who It too "poor" to take able bqtne paper la not the motl vrMo-aiwake vrMo-aiwake man In hit town. |