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Show To Perpetuate MODERN memoruPresident MOLLY PITCHER MEETS DEATH FIGHTING AMERICAN MARINE8 IN NICARAGUA. Professional Cards J Dra. ROBERTSON ts PETERSON Physicians and Surgeons 302 East Main St., SANDY, Utah Hours, 9 to 10 a. m., 12:30 to 2:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Phone 5-- DR. K. M. CHRISTENSEN d Waa Trying to Load Shell Into Rebel Field Piece When Bullet Fired by American Struck Ono-Poun- Her Down. ono-pound- SHERMAN SERIOUSLY ILL. Confined to His Homo In New York. N. T. James S. Sherman, of the United States, is seriously 111 and steadily failing at hiB home here. While hie physician. Dr Fayette II. Peck, believes there Is no immediate danger of death, yet the patient's condition Is such that It is a matter of conjecture how much longer he con withstand the ravages of the disease with which he Is afflicted. For the last three weeks, since he came back from Connecticut where ho went to rest, he ha3 been dressed only once, and that was a week ago Friday, when, against the doctor's protest, he went out to the polls to register. MINERS WILL RESUME WORK. Utica, vice-preside-nt Strike at Ely Declared Off by Vote of the Men. Ely, Nev. The strike of the copper miners, mill and smelter men was declared off Monday by an almost unanimous vote. The Lane Miners union and the Steptoe Mill and Smelter mens union held meetings and Instructed delegates to the Ely Central Labor league to use every effort to bring the strike to an end. The action was to ratify agreements between Samuel W, Belford and the agents of the Western Federation of Miners. Robber Captured by Bulldog. Chicago. Through the determined pursuit of a bulldog here Monday night, was one of three alleged animal the after the captured by shase had led through a crowded street car, under a freight train and through a hall of shots which failed to injure the dog. Policemen rescued the alleged who was. shouting for help. SOMETHING FOR DINNER. Braieed Beef- - Try out two thin slice of fat salt pork and remove the acrapa. Wipe three pounds of beef cut from the found or rump and sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour; brown the surface In the hot fat, turning carefully not to pierce the meat end allow the Juices to escape. Place on a trivet In a deep earthen pan or baking dish, and surround with the h of a following vegetables: cupful each of onion, turnip, celery and carrot, all cut fine; add a half of peppercorns and salt. Cover with three cupfuls of boiling water and cover closely, cooking four hours. Baste the meat every half hour, and turn it after the second hour. Keep the liquid at the simmering point, as too much heat toughens the meat. Serve with a brown sauce made from the liquor in the pan. For Company Dinner. A fillet of Beef With Vegetables Wipe a three-poun- d fillet and remove the fat. Put a half pound of butter In a hot frying' pan, and when melted add the fillet and turn frequently until the entire surface ia well seared over and browned, then turn occasionally until done, cooking about thirty minutes. Remove the meat to a serving dish and garnish with a cupful each of cooked peas, carrots cut In fancy one-hashapes, and well seasoned: pound of mushrooms sauted In a little butter. Serve with: Brown Muehroom 8auce. Pour off a fourth of a cup of fat from the frying pan, add five tableepoonfule of flour and etlr until well browned; add a cup of aoup stock, a third of a cup of the mushroom liquor and a half pound cut in pieces and of mushrooms cooked in butter five minutes. Season with salt, pepper and Just before serving, while stirring constantly, add tbe butter remaining In the frying pan. To obtain muehroom liquor, cook the tame of mushrooms in cold water to oover and reduce to a third of a cup. One-fourt- lt DENTIST E MAY enrouraae others our faith and cheer, but we have no rlaht to dishearten them b doubt and sloom. Since Eve ate applce much depends on dinner. New Tork. When American mar rlnee, on October 4, charged up and captured Coyatepe hill, near Maaaya. Nicaragua, after having raked the position with their batteries of rapid-fir- e guns, they found among the dead rebels a Nicaraguan woman a modern Mollie Pitcher. Clutched tightr ly In her hands was a ahell which she was trying to load Into a rebel field piece when a bullet from the American force struck her. This story and other details of the battle were related Monday by Lieutenant George W. Martin of the first provisional regiment. United States marine corps, who came from Colon on the steamer Cristobal to have wounds he received in the battle treated at the navy yard hospital. The rebel losses In the fight. Lieutenant Martin said, were more than 200. Vice-Preside- Horn of all hours the pioat blrea'd upon earth, lileeaed hour of our dinner. H, A 722 Kearna Building, rtone, Wasatch A small chicken, coating alxty or seventy cents, le not an extravagance for the small householder who likes to buy economically, for a chicken may be used for several meals ; of course, the number depending upon how much Is eaten. A few pieces, like the wings, a sec--; end joint or a leg. If parboiled and then fried In butter, will, with the gravy and mushed or baked potatoes, make a most satisfactory meal. Re-- j move the chicken when it is tendi-and brown, to a small platter, arrang-- j ing the pieces as nicely as' possible; add s tablespoonful of flour to the pan In which the chicken was fried and when it is well browned add a When cup of milk and seasonings. smooth and thick, strain into the gravy boat. If the amount of meat seems too meager, have a satisfying salad and a hearty dessert, and the meal will prove sufficient for almost any appetite. The giblets, if cooked slowly in a cup of water, then chopped and addt d to the broth with a little thickening and cream, will make a sauce to acne r buttered toast. Tbe back and neck may be used a stew with dumplings, making a quantity sufficient even for a chance visitor. The breast may be sliced and served cold, or make, with the addition of celery and a little good salad dresssalad for two. ing, a most Then, after all has been eaten, the bones and gristle will make a small tureen of broth, which may be further eked out by the addition of cream or milk and a beaten egg. One may, with careful planning, have fried chicken two meals, stewed chicken one meal, minced chicken on toast, a salad or sliced cold breast of chicken and a soup, which will have the flavor of chicken, if other foods are added to make it nourishing. If one would make a two or three-pounfowl serve for three meals one need not feel that they were too much of a luxury to enjoy often. If one le fortunate enough to have fresh mushrooms in ones own garden or grounds, the combination of chicken end mushrooms le especially delicious, each bringing out the flavor of the other. s FALL FESTIVITIES. V F WE try to The pumpkin la the vegetable for the Hallowe'en table, and many and various are tbe uses for The little papier-mach- e It ae a decorator. Imitations may be used aa bonbon boxes or ae receptacles for salted nuts. The real pumpkin, however, Bold Burglary in Brooklyn. lends itself to almost anything the ina genuity of the hostess wishes to creentered Brooklyn. Burglars branch office of the Prudential Life ate. Insurance company in Brooklyn MonA very happy arrangement was gagged the cashier, placed last year upon the table of a day afternoon, Alice Brenneis with a handkerchief young housekeeper for a Halloween saturated with chloroform, left her party. A round pumpkin was bored lying bound on the floor and after loot- with holes and pretty chrysanthemums were thrust in, the flower resting a safe, escaped with $500. on the rind of the pumpkin. After ing Operate on Human Ostrich the flowers were all placed the center-piec- e Pittsfield, Mass. Luke Parsons, the looked like a great fluffy chrys"human ostrich. was operated on Mon- anthemum. One might have ribbons day In a Pittsfield hospital, and the attached to the flowers, which could surgeons removed 132 nails, two keys, be drawn by each guest, and eo furand a partly digested nish a boutonniere. The pumpkin la a button-hoo- k three-inc- h Iron spike from hii stomach lined with paper and filled with fruit and Intestines. A nail had punctured or bonbons. the abdomen and caused peritonitis. Sandwich plates, salad bowls and meat platters may be cut from small Crime of Wisconsin Farmer. oblong-shapepumpkins; these lined Sheboygan, Wis. Alvin Roehr, 33, with lace paper doilies make most a farmer of Plymouth, shot and killed fetching dishea his father-in-law- , Gnome Salad. Add a half cup of Philip J. Ott, Mrs. Ott and Mrs. Otts father, Fred Haut, chopped almonds to a chicken and 30, when he was refused permission celery salad, two finely chopped red to see his wife, with whom he had peppers, half a cup of pineapple juice not been living, and then hanged and the Juice of a large onion. Mix himself. well, then add mayonnaise. Garnish with olives stuffed with almonds. Turks Surrender to Servlana Charm Cake. Bake any desired advices re- cake and put a ring, a thimble and a Belgrade. port that the Turkish army, which re- dime In the batter. Cover the rake tired from Uskup to Voles, surrend- with white frosting and decorate with ered Monday to the Servian cavalry chocolate witches. n and delivered up their arms. The SerServe ice cream In halves of and decorate the cream with vians later seized 123 guns. eyes, nose and mouth made of chocoPrince Improving. late. melted, or citron and currants. SL Petersburg The condition of Goblin Pies. These are Individual Crown Prince Alexis continues to Im- pumpkin pies decorated wrlth features prove, according to Information from and given a frill of lace paper for a hood. Spala. time-honore- d influence or ele- vate others, we shall soon set that success la In proportion to their belief of our belief In them. A FEW FALL 8ALADS. safe-blowe- r, d Semi-offici- al .sk-melo- If we have been forehanded when pineapples were plentifully, we have a reserve of choice pineapple to use for all sorts of desserts, salads and cake filling. The flavor of the home-canne- d is much better than that which we ordinarily buy. Take a hair cup each Chiffon 8alad cf dates, figs, pineapple and three orof a cup of anges and three-fourth- s sugar. Cut the oranges In halves, remove the pulp and put the shells on the ice. Cut the fruit in small pieces and mix with a mayonnaise dressing. Fill each orange cup with the mixture of fruit, sugar and dressing and keep a tablespoonful of whipped cream on top. Serve on lettuce. Pickles, peas and peanuts are good served with a very little salad dressing. Date 8slad. Wash, and without paring, cut two medium-sized- , apples into dice, add a pound of stoned and quartered dates, mix with a cup of pecans and pour over the following dressing. Two eggs well beaten, four tablespoonfuls of vinegar, a tablespoonful of butter and a tablespoonful of sugar. Reason with salt and cook over hot water until thick; remove from the Are, and when cool add a tablespoonful of olive oil. Orange and Date Salad. This is a salad particularly nice to serve with duck this fall: Stone the dates and cut in halves lengthwise. Keinot - the oranges In sections, arrange in a mound on crisp lettuce leaves and surServe with round with the dates. French dressing. gond-fla-vore- d Fatal Hunting Accident. A Promoter. Mich. The first fatal sort of a fellow is seaWhat Howell of the accident present hunting son In northern Michigan occurred be? Powell He can make two lemons Monday, when Jerry Coffey, a lodging trainman, was shot, presumably by a grow where only one grew before, and then hand them both to you when you deer hunter. are not looking. Judge. Iloughton, Removed for Cause. Irealdnnt Taft has Washington. removed Edwin L. Barnes, registrar at the land office at Great Falls. Mont., and accepted the resignation of Receiver Wilson of the same office. The action fojiowa an Investigation. A Lively One. hear when you have your children gathered around you, it is quite I a picture. Well, when we all went to our new house, I can tell you It was a moving picture." res Meals for School Children, Expensive 8pot. Gilt Crest is considered a healthy he number of meals given to school dren in England last year was place, yet all the guests who leave the The cost was $765,000. of hotel look sick. Oh, they don't look sick until they ch only $6,875 was received from ents as voluntary contributions. get their bllla 16.-00- 0. A PERFECT BATHROOM run ning water ia obtainable. Obtain out estimate on PLUMBING WORK You will find it surprisingly low when quality of work and materials used are considered. No Job It toe email or too big for ua. FRED ALEXANDER, fiROROiEO MfhlNLtY MEMORIAL 8UJLDH& Sandy R. D. No. 1, Box 15. East Side State Road. 4th llouaa ONl'MENTS and memorials the trustees had contributed I1.00C have been erected to the each. A $5,000 subscrlpt'ion was ae South of O. S. L. Crossing. Ifione, 126. cf distinguished cured from Andrew Carnegie, and memory statesmen, warriors, iitera-teur- s large aunts were pledged by many and heroes of various other philanthropists. During the six characters, for many centuries, and day campaign conducted in the city the types of architecture of these over $58,000 waa raised. tokens or love and loyalty have asFraternal organizations, clubs and sumed as many distinctive designs as Individuals in the city worked and FALL AND WINTER are indicated by the character whom contributed freely, and a iplendid spir they commemorate, as well as that of it pievallcd throughout th entire camthe artist or architect who designs paign. Telegraph and telephone conthem. nections were established at head was in The love and loyalty of one man. a quarters, and a co'nmit-'e142 So. State Street, friend, for one whom he had admired charge of the response to Mm nice MURRAY, UTAH. throughout his momentous career, will sages sent out. This method of raisbe fittingly portrayed in the magnifi- ing the $100,000, which the building it cent Birthplace Memorial building, designed to cost, has met with tha which Is to be erected in Niles, O.. to most sincere approval 'if the people FOR RELIABLE AND CHEAP the memory of its first citizen, the late of Niles, since it gives them the asPresident William McKinley, through surance that they havo a part In the the efforts of Hon. Joseph G. Butler, enterprise. The building is the t of its type Jr., millionaire SEE philanthropist and to be designed in the world, and is a capitalist of Youngstown. INSURANCE CO. JENNINGS The plans and specifications of this fitting memorial to the great state State Agents, Tribune Building, majestic shrine are now completed and man. In the design an effort la made Salt Lake Ctlyi a portrait of the building la herewith to portray to the present and future WM. AYI.ETT, Resident Agent, ol noble the charaeter presented. It is expected that work generations Phone 216-MIDVALE, Utal on the construction will be com- President McKinley wh'ch shall endure for ages, also the great philanmenced In the early spring. thropic thought of the founder of the PHONES 52.15 Plan to Raise Funds. RES. UY. 973-movement whereby Nllee Is to receive The conception of this memorial this WASATCH 3815 and friend the great gift, lifelong has been upon the mind and heart of staunch supporter of the martyred Mr. Butler since the death of the marpresident, Hon. Joseph G. Butler. tyred president, and he always exThe great generosity of the AmeriCLEANING AND DYEING pressed the belief that Nllee was the can people Is being displayed in the DRY CLEANING FRENCH Alsuch for memorial. a fitting place many hearty responses to telegrams 351 SOUTH 8TATE ST. though he contributed liberally to the and the large volume of encouraging funds for the majestic mausoleum at letters SALT LAKE CTIY being received daily by Mr Canton, he waa then evolving a plan Butler from almost every state In the With to erect a memorial In Niles himself, Union and 4ALT LAKE CLEANING many foreign posts. but on taking the matter under due and DYEING CO. consideration, he felt that there were Will call every Wednesday. many who cherished the memory of CHARMED BY BLACK MAGIC" the great statesman as deeply aa he, who would feel that they were deservEnglishman Made the Declaration That All kinds Phone 37 ing of the opportunity to contribute to a Nalghbor Cast a Spell Over such a cause. A number of friends P. O. Box 336 Potted Plants Him. were consulted, and Mr. Butler waa accorded the greatest encouragement, A man applied to the magistrate at lie planned to make It a thoroughly Unloft I'. -- 11 for redress of various innational movement, aud decided that juries Inflicted upon him by a person, FLORIST It would be a security to the enter- who, he said, had long held him la subAND FUNERAL FLOWERS CUT for a jection by the power of witchcraft. prise to appeal to congress DESIGNS. charter, with the understanding that The person complained of had for Greenhouses in connection with the government was not called upon some time been his opposite neighbor, to provide any of the funds. These and although it had been his constant (tore. are to be raised by private subscrip- study not to offend Llm. being well 214 East 2nd South St. tion, and a bill was accordingly intro- awnre of the Influence he possessed SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. duced into congress by Representative with the powers of darkness. yet he had. Leave orders with S. M. Taylor A W. Aubrey Thomas, who represented In some way or other, been so unfortunMIDVALE. the old Nineteenth district, which was ate as to incur his displeasure, and Co, passed without a dissenting voice, tn severely he had suffered for it both a most stormy period at the close of In person end property, as the utzird COME TO MY FOUNTAIN the third session of the Sixty-firs- t had at different times destroyed his congress, and Joseph G. Butler, Jr., of clothes, tainted his provisions, preFor Ohio; Myron T. Herrick of Ohio. Jacob vented the smoke from ascending the ALL SOFT DRINKS G. Bchmldlapp of Ohio. John G. chimneys, soured the liquor in his celI have a large reception parlor of New York, and W. A. Thom- lar, and on various occasions, when where you can enjoy a lunch of Code as of Ohio were appointed members the complainant had been under the of a commission, to compose a body necessity of go'ng out to business, Chocolate and all hot beverages corporate, which would be known by had so fascinated his povere of vision Sandwiches and Lunch, Candies and the name of the National McKinley that on his return home all his efforts Fruit. Birthplace association, to perpetuate to discover his own dcor had proved I sell bread, cakes, crackers and the name and achievements of the Ineffectual, and he had frequently been canned goods. Give me a call. late President William McKinley, by under the necessity of applying to his Rooms by the day, week or month erecting and maintaining In the city neighbors to conduct him home. Lonat the Marriott House. of Niles, O., his birthplace, a monu- don Globe. L. L. RADDON, Proprietor-10ment and memorial building. West Main SL Sandy, Utah Their Form of Salutation. Will Serve Many Purposes. Some experience of the first days Impressing upon the minds of his associates that hla plan was to es- of schoolteaching In the Philippines tablish s building, far removed from are described by tllre M Kelly In the the usual monumental pile, which Manila Times. She went among the would be a dignified structure of noble Igorots in November, 1901. The na- Us Ills I II I LaUll V UUs architecture, to serve as a civic center tives were frightened at the sight of FUNERAL DIRECTORS. tor the people of the city, to contain an American woman, and not even an auditorium for public meetings, a prized dainties like sardines could LICENSED EMBALM ERS. relic room, where documents, relics bring them to her. They spoke no and she or had not a Spanish and other vaiuablo mementoes of the English MAIN 8T. MIDVALE, UTAH McKinley period would be stored and word of Igorote. But she resolved to M. M. TAYLOR, Manager. statuary apd rare paintings and por- broak this silence and catching one traits of notable people connected old man who could not ran she rewith that period will be placed. An- peated over and over again, Good Office phone 6. Rea. phone 259-- J other compartment will be given over moraing. Mrs. Kelly, till at last, to Open Day and Night. to the free public library. An effort escape, he repeated the words after that will also be made to allow space for her. Not long after she heard were being greeted, regardAmericans notable of men associated portraits NYAL FAMILY REMEDIES. with McKinley's career, both as a citi- less of sex, with a cheery, Good mornMrs. oddest In of all. And, Kelly." zen and as a statesman, and also ing. For many yeara have maintained Illustrations and other representations a court room sever .1 Igorotes solemn- a high standard of quality, which hai of the Industrial developments of the ly walked up to the Judge's bench and admitted them to the confidence oi McKinley policies. A room will be bowing deeply, said, Good morning, American the well Mrs. people. satisfied Kelly, evidently placed at the disposal of the Grand done the correct thing. The enviable position which they Army of the Republic and the Wom- that they had hold lias been gained through merit en's Relief Corps, and here will be found many relics of McKinley's miliNo exaggerated, misleading alone. Kept Secret In Fidelity to Clan. Andrew Lang unraveled many his- advertising has ever been counten. tary career in the Civil war as a private. arising to the rank of a major torical puzzles, but there was one mys- an red by the New York & London general, and also of the Spanisn-Amer-Icatery the secret of which he knew but Drug Co. war. would not tell, lie knew the truth Their wide use Is the outcome ol In order to allow the people of Niles about the famous murder of which to show their appreciation of this Alan Brack wee suspected, and for good words, inspired by the beneficial great gift, it was deemed a courtesy which James Stewart was hanged. results which they have produced. by the trustees of the association to Stevenson. In ''Kidnapped," lays the The formulas of each are yours foi allow them to make such a contribu- crime to the account of a mysterious the asking. You may know exactly tion aa they felt in their power to companion of Alan's, and in so far I wlmt being taken or given to you give, and In order to promote the gen- neither Alan or Jamee was the mur eral good feeling Mr. Butler and hla derer he was right, said Mr. Lang. children. aide came to Niles and conducted a But tbe identity of the assassin was a Previous to this, clan secret, revealed to Mr. Lang ae CAPITOL PHARMACY, campaign. Mr. Butler had headed the list with a a fellow clansman, and he refused to Sandy, Utah. contribution of $6,000 and each of make it public. All trains and cara atop at the doos . j ' . ( , JVlILLIeRY , . j in HENEVER you attempt a good work you will And others doing the same kind of work, and probably doing It better. Envy them not. safe-blowe- Salt Lake City Is essential in every home where - on 474, CHICKEN FOR TWO. ! ire (insurance ffl-s- w.e Waldorf Walter W. P$ii)g Mil-bur- n 1 n y Ipitl |