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Show t ' t PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY You owi It to yourself to eupport the paper that eupporte you. The COUNTY ENTERPRISE Is that paper. Southern Salt Lake SANDY, VOL. I. NO. 29. COUNTY UTAH, OCTOBER 30, 1912. $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Miss. (Ioffe has taken the place quartette chorus was highly a union apCOUNTY ENTERPRISE the audieuce. The preciated by school. large in Pile the of Mrs. scab a Do not grade paper. patronize paper. receipts were highly satisfactory. Southern 8alt Lake ENTERPRISE. The COUNTY ENTERPRISE has f largest circulation and la the nj popular paper In tha county. Aov tisers get results. . The Ticket of Strength Safety and Success. Republicap Ticket. Tuesday L the last day for registraTwelve scrapers for the new Salt tion be sure your name Is on the Lake Canal at Riverton were sent roll. registry NATIONAL. over by the Bandy branch of the For President William Howard Taft. Consolidated Machine and Wagon Dr. A drunken sneak thief entered For Vico President James Schoolcraft Sherman. Robertsons office and purloined the Co. last week. Work on the canal Is STATE. being pushed. doctor's small bag containing surgiFor President al Electors Mrs. Margaret feme Witcher. Sail cal instruments. He was put off tlie lake; Eph Homer, Utah county; John N. DaiD, Uintah county, and M. It. Walker, car at Union Avenue and attempted John A. Walker of Union Coop, Salt lake county. to sell the contents of the bag. store has been taken to the L D. 8. For Congressman at Large-Jos- epli How. II, Ligau. and Jacob Johnson Marshal Stokes was called, caught Hospital with a bad case of typhoid fever. the to him Spring City. the fellow and brought For Governor William Spry, Salt l.akp. Midvale jail. He is now in the For Justice of the Superme Court .1. E. Frick, Sai lake senThe school children held a dance be will and likely County jail Midvale. For Secretary of State David Matt sun, Ogden. school at the afternoon house one Pen. for to year. Friday tenced the mat mall second class Entered as Phone 50. Fbr State Treasurer Jesse IX Jewkes, Emery county. and evening. ter, April 17, 1912, at the post office Is building a back Dunn For State Auditor-Liuc- oin John (i. Kelly, Millard county. at Sandy, Utah, under the Act of Mr. Geldner of the Vienna Bakery Golden Rule Store. For Attorney General A. H. Barnes, Salt lake.. to the 400 people preeted the speakOver poorch March 3, 1879. ' was a Salt Lake visitor Friday night. i ers at toe Republican rally last Fri- For State Superintendent of Public Instruction A. C. Nelon, Salt lake. There will be an important Re- day night which shoe's the strength THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. The coal shed at the Rio Grande publican rally to West Jordan Fri- of the ticket In MIDVALE PROGRESSING. Sandy. Eminent For C. W. Morse, y. l,. Ritchie, T. IX Lewis, . (X Judges Armstrong, and crossing has been razed to make day night. Senator Reed Smoot and speakers pointed out wlutt ruin would F. C. Loofbourow. sidewalk on W. Mont room for the cement Uie will be principal 1b Ferry noticeable come In the wake of democratic free For District that the It particularly Attorney E. O. Center street. orators. business houses of Midvale are protrade In Utah alone. i SIXTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. 1f you would destroy the principal John Dunn, of the firm gressive. Senator? W. Mont Ferry, Salt Lake; I). O. Rideout, For on cement sidewalks of The & NOTICES FRATERNAL buildlaying the Draper; Charles of Durn leading Wright, industries iu Utah, namely beet Cottrell, Jr., Sat Lake. Acclca Lodge No. 60, Ancient and sugar, wool and lead, then vote for er of this end of the county, has Center street is being rapidly pushed EIGHTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. just finished the fixtures for the store along and the property owners are Accepted Symbolic order of Masons the Democratic ticket and free trade, For Dr. Jane W. Skolfleld. Salt Lake; Mrs. Edyth Eller-hec- k street Representatives from Bd cement the walks meets In I. O. O. F. Hall 1st and of Wm. Waters, clothier, on Main laying said Mr. Frick. The principles con-- I Mrs. Anna II. King, Salt Lake; Salt Read, Lake; to doors 4 and front m. their repairing each at of month Mta Annie p. street. The shelving, partitions and Sundays trolling the election, he said, are Wells Cannon, Salt Lake county; Robert I Judd, Salt is street fences. the R. W. O. Olesen. Levi taking Daniel Altogether for M.?' J economic ones, and not individuals, displaying clothing lake; compartment MrRae, Granger; Clarence Bamberher, Salt Lake; M. II. Krelbel, are all in mahogany and are finished un an Improved appearance and will E. A. Gildner, Secy. t personalities and private selfishness. i Salt Lake; Claude T. Barnes, Said lake; David J. Cook, Bingham. add to the value of the property on o artistically, second to no other store There Is nothing in the long run, In street. the 8 ALT LAKE COUNTY. In Salt Lake City. Three mirrors for SANDY. talking about liossea. to mistakes four-yea- r For County Commissioner, form to ascertain term A. H. Crabbe, Salt lake. the some individuals have made, but Mewing The Midvale office of the COUNTY For two-yea- r "how that suit fits" !b built in the County Commissioner, term George Ray Walker, Big Cotwhat While is worth whether is of Elizabeth really Mrs. Gunnerson Sandy middle of the north Bide shelving ENTERPRISE Is at the Melk Buildtonwood. Salt Lake, all the people want prosperity to con3 and 4 next office to and her sisters In For Sheriff Andrew Smith, Jr., Salt lake. and one can get eight different views ing. Rooms wheels to whir and Dr. Brown the Midvale dentist. daughters of the late James C. Brown, tinue, factory For of the body and be his own judge County Clerk I p. Palmer Salt Lake. who died la Sandy December 196't, men to be busy and happy under ' For of how the suit fits. Mr. Lunn has County Treasurer Fred C. Bassett, Salt lake. the Republican party and the proThe Commercial Club have taken have become suddenly wealt&y tpr For Auditor Roscoe C. Vlgns, Salt lake. made a model store of it and alCounty the death of their uncle WUIla.n tective tariff principles for which it Fbr County Attorney I. E. Willey, Salt Lake. though it cost Mr. Waters "big a three year lease on the Beckstead Brown In Los Angeles, who left Blands. propmoney It is worth the price and Building, an Main street, and work ale With respect to the protective For County Recorder Clarence M. Cannon, Forest Dale. valued at There $6,000,000. erty will take pattern by on the altering of rooms to suit the other merchants tariff the burden of Justice Frick's For County Assessor Wllliani A. Iaatham. the classy fixtures of Mr. Waters requirements of the club hss begun. other heirs to the property, but eadh talk dwelt with the unwholesome For County Surveyor II. Allen Gardner, Salt Lake. store and soon Midvale stores will It is expected the rooms will be in of the Bait Lake County heirs will effect the SALT LAKE PRECINCT. be made wealthy by their vhare of lifting of this protection compare favorably with those of Salt shape for occupancy beiore January For City Judges Edgar A. Rogers and Nathaniel H. Tanner. would have upon Utahs principal inestate. the Lake City. The spirit of push is 1st, 1913. dustries. He pointed out that votes For Justice of the Peace Harry & Ilarper. noticeable In the streets, and in the for the Democratic ticket meant blows For Constable George P. Tinges. The COUNTY ENTERPRISE has new members were model buildings that are being erectTwerty-flv- e st the sugar, wool and lead Indus' r ' . ed. Center street will soon be lined added to the roll of the Commercial moved Its Salt Lake office to Melk tries. both tb 1 with cement walks on both sides of Club Friday night. D. John Bloem. The audience cheered, the speaker, Sourbern eaft the street with cement crossings, an3 and WmV Waters wire rooms The will editorial frequently. County. Three industries of Utah will receive a death blow if the Demoproperty owners are taking advantage the Board of Governors. It was after 11 o'clock when the be In Midvale. of the opportunity to place cement crats third speaker had finished, so the win: walks from the street to their front Wm. Waters the enterprising and will be a grand Republican other candidates present were mereThere doors. The City Council are up to date clothier has a unique SUGAR; Introduced by Fred W. Price, chairand are wisely making feature in his show windows. A rally at South Cottonwood on Satur- ly man of committee 2. the November The speakcounty speakstreet improvements. Our commercial picture service giving pictures of day evening . ' UAD; ers will be Royal B. Young, Edgar ers bureau. They were A. H. Crabbe Club are town boosters and are doing the latest events and are changed of of Cottrell Salt Lake, Charles Salt Oscar Nelson and Wm. E. WOOL. things that will make Midvale the twice each week, the pictures last Rogers, A fine entertainment will Lake, D. O. Rideout of Draper, H. Rydalch. in Salt second City of importance week were of the Turkish war. The Allen Gardner of Salt Lake, W. W. h armors , stockmens, miners and stockholders Lake county. Other towns of the service is attracting great attention be given. interests are Wilson of Sndy and David Cook of at stake. county should be inspired by the and is appreciated. A Grand Republican rally will be Bingham. activity of Midvales Commercial Club The State and Country are prosperous and a held at Riverton Commercial hall on The entertainment provided was change can only be and get action and make the southA. G. Watson, a former Mldvalian, a audience. 2. the for November by worse. the appreciated greatly evening, Saturday change Judge or the county as progressive was visiting friends here last week. ern end J. E. Frick, D. O. Rideout and Julian n as the larger cities. A new Republican administration in County, State and Nation has He is on his way to Idaho Falls, but Thomas will be It is Conceded that Sandy will the speakers. Alex road will soon run through says Midvale is the best town he honor and prosperity. brought 50 turn out per cent republican votes Midvale if the Commercial Club can knows of and he may return soon Campbell sill entertain with songs. at the polls next Tuesday. The delicate Mexican situation has been handled by President induce the projectors to come this to take up business here. MY. Rodney C. Allred, of Taft wisdom and laet and his poliey has been with Sandy unno left is ?tone way and being approved by the It is conceded that the county will high school, will go to the Samoan leaders of the in ('tab. that object. turned to accomplish people Midvale lias very few vacant dwell- Islands to take election. this go republican Many charge of schools Midvalcs advancement should be the ings. will start Jan. 1. 1913. He Bull Moosers are returning to the He there. pride of every citizen or Southern -Hleft high school this week to take a fold and the dissatisfied democrats Salt Lake county. Watch Midvale are casting their lines witii the reHeber Aylett has returned from course In manual at the training grow. Idaho and reports his slieep in lagan Agricultural College prior to publicans. WHAT THE REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION HAS DONE condition. o his departure for the islands. MIDVALE. FOR THE TAXPAYERS OF SALT LAKE COUNTY. THE MAN OF CHEER. Miss Vera Needham and Mary Mr. Reunion will take the place The Commercial Club have Redeemed bonds not due until 1017 Lees of Salt Lake were visiting with vacated $120,000.00 by Mr. Allred at the high By Ruby E. Hines. a committee to orgnrlxe a Mrs. Wm. Waters last week. Saved interest on refunding $3,"i0.000.(m) bond issue, by school. 1 don't know bow he is on creeds, city band. redueing the interest from 5 per cent to 4':. per eent. . 17,.'(NUK) I never heard him say; The Volurteer Fireman will give a of football between the But he's The game Received as a bonus from the bond purchasers, on above a tliut fits Pier-osmile ills got Nick lias returned to Mid- Grand Ball in Imperial Hall on FriSalt Lake and Jordan high schools face. transaction vale after visiting two months wIMi day. November 15th. S.fltiO.OO resulted In victory for the Jordan And he wears it every day. bis sister Mrs. A. F. Clark of Krected an at an of 3.1 1 237.71 Hospital Infirmary ! expense team. Score to 7. Hotchkiss, Colorado. for Wiley Lodge No. 39, I. O. (). F. new and Expended Jail building Sheriffs County If thing! go wrong, lie don't comwill initiate a candidate next meetThe people of Draper will have a 14!),r.40.30 plain The Kntcrprise office and editorial ing night, Tuesday November 5th. house warming next Friday night fur Carficld t.he Just see to tries Expended 3,44.i..rtO joke. building jail room has been moved from Salt Luke at tlie new school house, before the He's always finding little ways Installed a street comph-ton to Midvale, Rooms 3 and 4 Meik Thomas Phillips who has been very furniture is moved in. Governor Wm. lighting system County Of helping other folks. Building, next door to the Elysium ill for rome weeks is improving but roads 1 at of an expense .",000.00 will lie officials other presSpry and Theatre. still confined to bed. Purchased l." street sprinklers for sprinkling County ent. Everybody is invited to attend. He sees the good in everyone, The new school is one of tlie most roads (roads wen- never sprinkled under Democratic Their faults he never mentions; Mrs. T. M. Jones visited her d Qiiocng of the West lxigi- - of the modern buildings iu the state. He has a lot at Tucker last week. of confidence administration) at expense of Relickahs was visited by the Grand ")t2."0.00 In people's good Intentions. Waters the Claes A. dulling man, officers and had a' banquet and a Established a County water system at an expense of . . . lo.OOO.OO Bishop Soren Rasmussen, John and lists t:l finest dressed wlrdows of flue pnigrjni. llought and equipped a building for a Hoys Training Fred Rasmnsscn, of Drais-r- . attended You soon forget what ails you any store south of Salt Lake City and sthool 14.000.00 a farewell party in Murray Second When you happen 'round tills man; that mfcellier with hi judicious adWe have an up to date shoemaker in honor lie can cure a rare of for machines Expended voting vertising iu the Enterprise is making iu Midvale, Mr. L. A. Suniliot, whose Ward meeting house given 2.'),30".r0 hypo large sales of suits and overcoats work is appreciated nnd he is busy of Nels Han serf who leaves today ran. Quicker than a dot-toA fine daily. No waiting for pay day trade all the time. Mr. 8unihot is a live on a mission lo Denmark. In addition to the above improvements, Salt Lake County has, unut this store, lint sales go right along 'Midvale citizen and lionets for Mid- program was rendered and a No matter if the sky is grey. vale all the time. der Republican administration, constructed 30 miles of slag to Mr. purse pre.-pjteYou get his point of view. every day. Hansen. And the clouds begin to scatter macadam roads, built 2 steel bridges, 12 concrete bridges, . Captni- Tlios. Smith, the veteran re And the sun SCHOOL NOTES. comes break 'ng The meetings which have te publican anil grand army man tmk through. Superintendent Ryan of the School purchased 8 road-gradin- g machines, 1 road roller and in tlie grand republican rally at Salt district visited last week tlie school. commencing at 2 o'clock on fii. 2 crushers. o. lil'ifflale. Riverton. lake Theatre Saturday night. lierriniau. Sundays will begin, hereafter at 1 You'll know him if you meet him, o'clock nt. p. Duller and Granite. Lark, And you'll find It worth your while The rorf of the home of Mrs. II. To cultivate the friendship of 1 Mr. U. . Daw, teacher in BingCement walks are being laid in 'Maillist run was set on fire by sparks The man Behind the Smile. witii from of the Ward house. from nil engine which ignited leaves ham high, school Is down o REPUBLICAN SUCCESS 'around the house and the wind car- smallpox. The Capitol Pharmacy have a ried the leaves to the roof. Damages The entertainment given at t1:e Mrs. Pile of Bingham Central Amusement hail on Tuesday night choice selection of articles suitable fully covered by insurance were Blight. ' MEANS for Chrisnuu presents and you would School has been transferred to the was for the benefit ofijie absent do well to look them over before the Condui-tira- , Hull road men, and me High school. The pictures were line rush two months hen-- c. tnissionarys. CONTINUED PROSPERITY. ! Advert elinnio. should subscribe to the and the inglng of a soio with 1 Advertisement. A ' We do all kinds of good printing Published every Wednesday by and can place thereon the union label. UTAH STATE PUBLICITY CO., W. IX 8. Harrington, Manager. 99 East Main St. NOTICE. P. O. Bos 177 BANDY, UTAH On account of Increased business Midvale Office. Meik Building. at my home office I have closed my branch office at U&rfleld and have Subscription Rates: 1 am my office hours. $1.09 lengthened One year In advance . ... 9 to 5 a. m. front office now at my CO 6 months 6 m. 8 to m. from and p. dally, ' .40 p. S months work here my entire time 15 giving my 1 month reasonable prices. and guaranteeing Single copies, 6 cents. DR. J. II. BROWN. m 1 . ; . appoVtrone,;'fll1le e lnter-bnrba- nt - liim-Imn- suli-stanti- al i 4 |