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Show NAMED THE FIRST REQUISITE Boy May Have Lacked Originality, but Ho Surely Had Correct Answer. Bright This PARALLEL STORIES THE CRIMINAL Tells How Tie Planned the Deed and Sought to Close Every Avenue of Knowledge Leading to His Guilt. The Detective Shows These Efforts Were and How the Old Adage, Murder ulator at a good figure. lie hipl a wlte and a siily daughter. Tha wife was a nice old lady, aud everybody had a good word to say for Aunt Maria,' as she was known. "There was common talk among the villagers In Oyster Bay tha the old man's daughter became silly through the starvation treatment which she received in her younger days. Tte this as It may, the old law of compensation gut In Its usual work, and she gave her father the hardest blow that ever he received in his lfe. "When I got over to Struble's cottage. which was In a jretty spot. I found both him and his wife in a sort of stupor, the result, the doctor said, of concussion of the bruin. Their fares and heads were covered with bruises, and they were unable to give an Intelligent account of ths affair They had been found lying In their beds early In the morning by Rube Thompson, a colored man, who had for years done chores fur the family. He gave the alarm. In the first Instance there waa no thought of robbery. CHANCES HE WAS TAKING NO 6mall May Hava but He Still Boys Precautions Been Excessive, Had ths Suit Different Youth. "Good morning, Mrs. Ales" said a grocery boy au siting an order from s lady In a suburban town. "Please call me Alices, answered the ludy "That's my name. don't know you veil enough The Rev. John N. Underwood, one to "But cull you Alice, rejoined the youth, of Pittsburgh's most eloquent and earnest ministers, said the other day: confusedly. "In a temperance address in the spring Probably. I pointed out that drunken husbands A is never so when It ft kill every year, with revolvers and not so.thing hatchets and clubs, 3,600 wives. That Til bet it is If your wife says 2,600 babies are killed by drunken Is." .fathers who crush them in bed. That a 0 per cent of all our divorces are due to drunkenness." Mr. Underwood paused, then added: "1 beard recently of a little boy to whom a warm and comfortable suit had been given. The boy's father was BE a drunkard, and it waa feared that the suit would soon find its way to the pawnshop. But a week after the lad had get the suit he waa still wearing Against So Many Surgical Op 1 brave man, beloved by all France, waa then burled with full military honors, a Baltimore boy i How-Futilread from the loaaoa, when hie name I I bad been called. "What are military honor' in thli j connection?" the teacher naked, and ; V ill Out, Always Holds Good. TERRY II- By HENRY aeveral boy a aeeiaed to be possessed j Idea. the of right "And what muat one be to receive (CwwnsU hrf.L Kobe auch honor?" waa the next question. RED TRAIL THE OF THE "RED homes to be robbed were widely scatA general?" A capA hero?" tered for the first week. After that ROBINS. tain?" were a fear of the tentative rethey were all close together, tbe idea plica. Only the "bright boy of the claaa remained ailent. 7 HAVE! before called atten- being that people, after hearing of the tion to tbe passing of the first robberies, wtKdd think that they "Have you no anawer, Jamea? the eld "gangs" In New Tork were safe, aa the lightning did not teacher auggeated, what muat one This has largely eem to strike twice in the same her city. come about through the re- place. "Why, I should any dead, 11 las 'We had to get transportation from clamation of those sections Mary, was the reply. It. of the eity which were their breeding place to place. I had a rig of my own erations. How Mrs. Bethune 'Good for you. Johnny!' said a city a as to was with fitted start more. Is that no up places. Mulberry Bend ITCHING AND BURNING Still The allly girl, whose name was missionary to the little chap. and Mrs. Moore Escaped The Bowery has lost Its criminal char- farmers wagon. It was large enough waa missing, and it was my be- wearing your suit, I see. Sarah, as to hold such the and a is property gang " 'Yea, air,' the urchin explained. T 1768 West 46th Ave., Denver, Colo. acter. The Gas House district It was worth taking away. This scheme lief that ahe had something to do with in it.' " Chicago Record-Herald- . "I had a very sore leg. It troubled Sunday school compared with whatde- did not work sleep For seven yean I sufSikes ton, Mo. the old folks. Injuring bad She been well, as tbe wagon beI waa in bed for foul me for some twenty yeara and finally used to be. Many sentimentalists abused fered for It waa everythin?. and yeara, In many came different known seen landby being -j or five days at a time broke ont to a running lore with plore the passing of these old IN natural BUGVILLE. worm only should that the parts of the island, ao It bad to be turn much fever and terrible itching and marks and lament the "good old order and strike some time. The first every Month, and ao We that relied upon after up. given vioof things." But while crimes of weak I could hardly abwaa circumstance burning. It burned and Itched ao bad- lence suspicious the we own which pickrigs, still exist, and probably will con- tbe farmers walk. I cramped and sence not could reat I of or and the horses and from ly day night wagon to come, ed up aa the occasion required, had backache and waa obliged to lie In bed. The sores tinue to do ao for some time the barn. Sarah was afraid of horses, of Mike Robins' Tied "The consisted headache, and w were In spots Just aa raw aa a piece I think I am safe In saying that life Feeney, Jim Wilkee, Zip Ireland, and she would not go near the barn. so nervous and weak While I was trying to settle Sarah's of beef. 1 used medicine, yet It In a great city la being mode safer all Slasher Kelly, Nigger Foster and Joe that I dreaded to see wouldnt heal. Seeing the advertise, tbe time. connection with discase and the her reason for McGinnis. There no was If any one Is disposed to call attenanyone or have anyment for Cutlcura Soap and Ointment she appearance turned up unexpectedof this having eo many In the gang, for the one move in the room. 1 Immediately wrote for some. The tion to recent crimes In diapute footsore and ly, a after weary tramp numbers our dead was hut game easy, The doctors gave me Immediate cure waa more remarkable statement I wish to put In evidence gave ue a chance to work trlcka In of many milea. The neighbors were Robmedicine to ease me 11 anxious to . than I can describe. I was complete- tbe record of the famous "Red talk with her. but I got who left a trail of robberies, different parts of the Island on the her alone as soon as I those times and said that I ought to at and she ly cured. (Signed) Mrs. Curry ins," could, same night. This dvove the people have an operation. I would not listen to beatings and murders around New Brown, April 11, 1912. and police into a frenzy, and they did told me in her simple way the story York like a ago. generation something of that, and when a friend of my husband the visit of several men to the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Bold After reading "Left" Flannelly's story not know which way to turn. The house In the him about Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegtold world. the of and all about each her Sample throughout night, work at Riverhead was very hot, and I leave it to any student of criminoletable 32-Compound and what it had done with Skin Book. Address free, I was surprised at the large amount giving away the hiding places of the for his wife, I was willing to take it. ogy whether In this day of Bertlllon old post-car- d man's Ms save to life "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston. money Now 1 look the picture of health and feel measurements, the finger-prin- t system of money that these old miser farmers Then I made a thorough aearch of . AdT. The first six ind the portrait parte, auch a gang of had stowed away.' like it, too. I can do my own housework, the place. I found In the corner oi hoe my garden, and milk a cow. I can A Nice Distinction. acknowledged murderers could go so houses that we called at turned up tlie room a torn cap and a an of piece $15,000 In cash and quite a wad of entertain company and enjoy them. I Senator Gronna, discussing a knot- long undetected and unpunished. axe handle which were covered with bonds. It took about two months to can visit when I choose, and walk as far a tariff in said problem, ty speech: Aa soon as the girl saw them Mr. Beetle At the Inquest of Mr. aa get down to Babylon, and from there blood. "LEFT" FLANNELLYS STORY. "There is a nice distinction involved any ordinary woman, any day in the she said that to Rube they belonged Bumble Bee they called in Bcveral month. 1 wish I could talk to every over to Oyster Bay, where there was here. Tou don't notice it at first Thompson. Several of the neighbor! fireflies. Mrs. Dema "In the days when I was a kid," said a rich mine among the old retired corroborated her. I sent for suffering woman and girt. Once It is pointed out to you, however, Rube. Willie Bug Well, I suppose they Bethune, Sikes ton. Mo. fishermen and oystermen. yon perceive its immense importance. Left Flannelly, "the Bowery was a When I showed him the club and enp wanted more light on the "The last place we struck was the subject I have taken LyIt'a the sort of distinction that stream of life and joy, and there were home Murrayville, I1L of August St ruble, In Oyster he seemed to change color and tc more inch to Indians the than E. Pinkhama dia Gobaa Golde'a beautiful young wife square Compound' Vegetable shake like a leaf. I him with charged Bay. He lived with his wife and an Surprise for Mother. a very bad case of female trouble ' for revealed to him during a conjugal ever ran loose on the- plains. Among idiotic in the as taking part crime, and, A to certain mother, given mysti- and it made me a well woman. My daughter. The general Impresthe old shiners who used to sparkle quarrel over a diamond tiara. many another innocent has done be cism and Impressive theories regard health waa all broken down, the doctors de- sion about him was that he had a big wisdom as overflow and with such old the aay, fore he lied In "'People quavered him, the effort to exboodle stowed away somewhere on her highly natural children, one said I must have an operation, and I waa man, trembling with rage. People lights the heart of a crook was Jeff the premises. Jeff had marked his plain away the presence of his car ing was entertaining visitors evening In who was died born and to go to the hospital, butdreaded it jay yon only married me because I had Henry, same with a double cross. That meant and club In the Louse. He denied be- Suddenly came the sound of little feet ready State I began taking your Compound. so that prison. near 1 the house at all, money.' ing pattering to the head of the stairs I got along so well that I gave up the "Jett was a dandy and no mistake. that he was away up In money mat- had positive evidence of although The young woman smiled superbly. Ms The mother raised her hand In solemn doctors and was saved from the opera" 'Rubbish!' she exclaimed. 'My pri- His mother was Just a shade tbe best ters. We started for Oyster Bay on a there from several witnesses. being I ar a but tdfl bit there got Saturday night, warning. a woman ever confidence lifted that tion." Mrs. Charles Moore, R. R. mary reaaon for marrying you waa were lights burning In rested Rube and sent him to the "Listen," she said, softly. The chil No. S, Murrayville, I1L yaller ticker. She was doing a stretch early. Thero that I had no money myself."' Queens was He Jail. Indicted county dren are going to deliver their good of five years when Jeff saw the light Strubles house. We did not know for the robbery two days later. message. It always gives me a of day. His early education was who might be there. We stopped In night I believed that Rube waa In the Sacrifice Made for Dress. feeling of reverence to hear them in the books during the off the rear of'a shanty, and Zip Ireland plot as much as ever I believed FREE picked up anyUsing the Log Angeles fashion show hours Hn the penitentiary. Well, youd picked up a piece of an axe handle OMOffgHrty A mj Wommm Ikhwff they are ao much nearer the Creator Moor HadtoLrarn Alt About he but innomaintained hia thing, for his text, Dr. Alfred Jones, a distinIfoiMiff liflrttwn than we are, and they apeak ao won be astonished to hear the old cove's and an old cap He bad lost his own cence, and I was able to No mstturwhsiher yu hsveewr trM prove it aft guished nerve specialist of London, talk. There sever was a book sharp hat on the ride to the place and put One of oilier wsslHdir martuiM, we si fom ill erward. I tried In every way possible derfully, sometimes. Hush! kiviwtiifAte, fight now, our now visiting the California city, made lomfullylltHHO on the his bead. cap Is speaking now. them tfl free 7VmI ulTir of who could give Jeff any points when Iktf to get a confession from Rube as tc the assertion that dress is causing It came to When went out In the althe tense lights the BOSSWafthlngMachln Then, through off genuine chunks breaking -W'ho shooting his Tho ONLY Wtuhmr Mud Kbtht confederates were, without the ruination of more lives in Ameri- of Struble house we went to It In single AU yea dels un ths washer for foar learning. success. I looked then In other direc- ienee, came a shrill whisper: weeks washing. If you don't And the ca than malignant disease." He said file. On met we the who a way negro In Mamma! found a Willy'a bug ftaM all we rlam fur it -- if it doesn't was fellow I and a "I then, tions for young Information. wash quieksr end sealer, without the intense competition among Amerwas the cheerful words of had left the place by the back door. When old Struble's senses returned bis bed." strong soaps end wn ican women of all classes to keep up guess It did not see any of ns and disapHe then you here ever weal me Jeff led before-do- nt away from the Job beep the the pace set by fashion was nerve-rackin- g that Ithat down the road. We listened I learned that eyery piece of pa pel machine-ayour trial A had as an apprentice to a butch- peared Girl's he Pity. In that hie money ousts had yea nothing. Oppossession, moment at the door and heard for and a erated by band, water, "It waa King Midas, wasnt It, who er, and started me on the road lifting electric or engine pom old man talking with his wife. amounting to about $28,000, had been Wrus Hr FUKK Ike other people's coin and Jewels. I never the he touched turned marked him with everything tMfer sad HamblM. a red Trial on rroas by was unlocked and I stepped ferns to Mothers I was sorry that I met Jeff, even The door Important Wbisg MadkCi the was no reaaon foi gold? There margin. into the Examine carefully every bottle of place. IkeptMttfTinrlnvrijj Ms advice never brought me so. believe "I though his and was It, It one doing ol for sure safe a only and CASTOR1A, remedy "Ts that you, Rube? said Struble. the "Poor old fellow. miser's eccentricities, but it turnInfants and children, and see that it anything but trouble. T replied that I was Rube. Then one ed "I heard Jeff out to be a "Why do you think he was a poor FREE TOflLLSOFFERERS say valuable In time, talking factor very to bedside the Bears the of the old man I If yna fprl "pat nf sort old to Sam Perrin, as he sat on a billiard going fellow? Snwn,arip Ilk the of criminals the discovery and the flashed a lantern in hie face. lie was from Signature of never "He table in Sheeny Backus Joint, that he could eat chfunie a with of an release Innocent man. pickle frightened, and so was his Irmtniflti, wrliefurnir VIlKIfi book. Ulitlnuiit In Use For Over 30' Years. had in Mb day tried hts hand at every terribly BiMtlrml bul.k rnr wrliira. It UtlW all abuul lh.w sent a notice to all banks. In New hla fingers. I when but came down to wife, it getChildren Cry for Fletchers Castoria line of crooked work from lifting bank Vmu-Hooted, "Til ERA IlON" Ko.l.Nu.XKo.8 Mm to give up the hiding place York, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Philand yoacaa dneldefor juunmlf If ItlskhsmuMly far vaults to tapping tills, and he found ting A Lucky Find. Intent. Hunt (.nd a oenl. li'i slwuliitrlr of Ms gold he would not budge. I hit adelphia, requeating them to look out ,i j.mr I'UKX Ikr.M'lorrMM. that of all the trlcka that he ever him over the head end Of Course. for any bills that were deposited with "Where'd ye git your new hired Co., IlavcraUKk KU., llomvaUHtd, him gave H. Doesnt the sight of a peach make worked he picked up the most money couple of twisters In the ribs, but a red cross on them. In three or four man? Inquired Farmer Heck. Vwi-aiu work m VAOn In country Jobs In localities where the he onrismt. Tin Jiirl you want to smack your lips? "He came along aa a candidate, and Malta -r nn klsht. IJromnsiimird In an lawouldnt tell a thing. The old days I got word from the old Bleeckei simple-minde- d were i ment. a InynM-nall hid indeed. and club of Wmi The Aumrllve, people liaky No, peach sight woman was Just as ugly as he waa Street bank to the effect that money did a little reaping for me. I per- buw fiiriiur libera I pniMniliiini and plan. territheir money In different places around makes me want to smack her lips." They both said they would die first. of that description had been received suaded him that he had no chance of tory. Omni Inliuir lanaq, Im. IkHt.InMIkl. the house. They got a bit of rough treatment, but there. I learned from the caahler that election and he decided to remain Live nrr-tlc Kalnmca Wanted to sell oar A man isnt far from right when "Jeff went Into the business so care- It was no use. While we were at work the money had been deposited by with me k.'ouel sruwn Nurm-rnock. Wo aplrndiil linnii-napermanently." an Kluck of Itne Inu-- Id ap- have he's willing to admit that he is in the fully that he had a lot of statistics the idiot girl came out of a room and Lena Chadwick, whose address was man can mako ilir and buolllns etc., Slra.money ororklnx for ua. AiMn-n- Hkl.EM wrong. showing the wealth in the country, gave up the whole business. She took street, a notorious sailors' Kl RKKKY COMPANY, HAI.KM, OKKT.OV Negative Evidence. and how much of it was out of hanks us to where old Struble'a money was boarding house. I hear the gentleman who Is visitHr. Winslow BoMhln Syrup for Chllilrra nd locked up in houses. It was my hidden and turned up a rich prize. "I Investigated Lena, and learned ing your daughter is a coming man.' EVeN-ft- l 'Salve fertbluR. nuflens the gunin, minces inflammaluck when Jeff got nailed for the rob- After we got In sight we that she had sold her interest in the everything "He must be, for he is certainly not tion, nlloyn pain, carta wind colic. Be a bottle. dr. bery of Aaron Burr's old house on took the old mans team and lit out. Boarding house and liquor store at- a W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. going one." Staten Island to get his list of places, We made the idiot girl come with us tachment to Left leadthe Flannelly, in man who invests The green goods which promised well If worked. I and then lost her In the wooda" er of the Red Robins, two days after must want money bad. was in that Job, but, being new to the the robbery of Struble, and he had business, I was left on the outside to DETECTIVE O'CONNOR'S STORY. her $1,500 In cash. She had degiven A woman always suspects another watch the house. I had their extra Just this sum in the bank. posited woman who never sheds tears. clothing to look after. In some way The very business of the detective Every one of the bills had the red the constables of New Brighton got a makes him 'an intense hater of crim- mark. 1 brought Struble over, and he Sloans Liniment is a splendid remedy for backache, stiff tip on the movements of the gang and inals, said Detective OConnor. "lie 1Jontifled every one of the bills as his joints, rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica. You dont need to nailed them. BAD BACKS DO rub it in just bid on lightly it gives comfort and ease at once. gets an Idea that they have not any money. He had handled the money ec "Maybe I waa not tickled when I rights which an honeBt man is bound often that he could tell every wrinkle MAKE WORK HARD found Best for Pain and Stiffness Jeffs hooks In his overcoat It to respect. It is this feeling of Indif- In the Mils. for I have used your LinBackache makes the daily toil, Ml. Geo. Buchanan, of Welch, Okla., writes: was .a rich prise to me. I landed on ference and desire to se a criminal Flannelly took charge of the Join! iment for the past ten years for pain in back and stiffness and find it the best thousands, an agony hard to endure. the Bowery bigger than one of Bill punished which sometimes leads po- that he had bought, and I became Liniment I ever liied. I recommend it to anyone for pains of any kind. Many of these poor sufferers have Dooleys fighting cocks. I got under licemen to stretch the truth, and to frequenter of It as on old sailor fresh kidney trouble and don't know it cover for a couple of weeks Just as a find circumstances, where none from India, with of boodle. Swollen, aching kidneys usually go matter of form. When I came out I which can be used as evidence. exist, There was a lot ofplenty crooked work gohand in hand with irregular kidney got together the gang that will go I speak for myself when I say this. ing on. I picked out Jim Wilkes, action, headache, dizziness, nervous-down Into history as the Red Robins.' Even with a strong desire to do what Slasher ness and despondency. Kelly, Nigger Foster, Joe McThere was not a bloomer In the gang Is right, I have found myself distorting Ginnis and Zip Ireland as belonging When suffering so, try Doan's Kidthat did not have a murder to his evidence to suit my own purpose and to the Red Rubin'-gang- . On different ney Pills, the credit, and they would every one of to cause a conviction in cases where occasions, when I was out on a racket kidney remedy. them rather fight than eat I was al- there was ground for a reasonable with these worthies and blowing in Here's an Oregon Case ways a bit lively In any game, and I doubt I hare seen men sent to State my wealth, I noticed that each one of Pie--n Rrrrv won my spurs by doing Jim Bradley prison for a long term of I. Bnnaer-Ru7Wl I years whom, them changed a hill which had & red nMi, Om.Mrt: C with a pitcher In hie Bailors boarding I was satisfied In my own M nminuneilM- mind, were cross on it ere kldnt-house In Cherry street when Jim was innocent; but It is tnmbla Ummgh satisfacI a is managed changalways by money getting good for sprains, strains, bruises, cramp or soreness of the iinim. bnir was in Ms prime and nobody else dared go tion to get rid of the pricks of con- ed also to get possession of bills with a Tkera muscles, and all affections of the throat and chest ache near him. I got the gang by giving up science by the reflection that the con- the red sign of steady arnmstheaamll guilt on them. I was Cot Entire Relief book. Aa I had all tbe facta I viction is the verdict of the of nr . mi-Jeffs Jury. It la satisfied that I had enough evidence knife of Maysville, Ky., RR. I, Box Rlns like shut D. waa made the pilot. Then we started a good way to shirk the R. Buxgovnb, to land them. In order that there responsibility ihiuash me. severe had writes: "I pains between my shoul5. on tour set off the that Island in doubtful cases, but many a police- might not be any trouble or shooting. Long Kid"Doan bottle Liniment of a and had entiie I ders; your got ney lilla cured crazy and made the name of Red man has slept uneasily after the ver- I arranged It so that each one of the doeiura relief at the fifth application. after Robins' aa feared devil all the auw and dict of a Jury, although few will be gang could he picked up by the poby good fulled, back It Relieved Severe Pain in Shoulders ny honeBt enough to admit It. people. I mnaer than lice when I was with him alone. In In befurs yearn. Ma. J. Undzkwood, of zooo Warren Ave., "Jeff not only had the names of per"The peculiar way in which circum- this way we got the whole gang In Jail 111., writes: I am a piano polisher Chicago. Bo 80a a Store. sona In Drvs each house, but he bad stances can be twisted Into making a without It being known by their Gat Daaa'a at Aay living by occupation, and since last September have plana of the houses, the easiest way case against a man If the right start friends that they had been arrested. suffered with severe pain in both shoulders. to attack them and the obstacles that Is obtained appears dearly In the In"Old Struble Identified each of the I could not rest right or day. One of my CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. friends told me altout your Ijniment. might be met with. In some Instances vestigation of the robbery of old Oscar hills I had secured as evidence. The he had gone so far aa to give tbe num- Struble in his home in Oyster Bay. silly girl recognized each of the men Three applications completely cured me and I will never be without it." of dogs, and their breed aa well. Struble was a fisherman for many as being In the party which had carber tTHQMPSONS over After book and the he made studying Pries 25c., BOe., and $11)0 a lot from home. of and her ried CSZEYE WATER I learned that on carefully years, money at AU Dealers. loux I. flUSniM WS SCO, Troy. N. X. I laid out a route which began at kept It The more money he made the the night of the robbery the gang bad Riverhead and wound up in Jamaica. stronger he clung to Send for Bloau's free book on horses. It was like stopped In the rear of Rube's cabin, This would give ua altogether about pulling teeth out of a horses Jaw to and picked up his cap and the sze Address sixty places to vlalt a very fair get a dollar from the old man. He handle. This cleared Rube, anil each S. Sloan, Dr. Bat Omyh lynp. Thus Omd. Um amount cf work for the dull season. had a large farm, and when he got of the Red Robins was sent sway for la Urn, SdUyDmikh Hi Mass. Boston, arranged the program ao that tbe well along In years he sold It to a ipee- twenty years." FOR COUCHS AND COLDS if FAMOUS CRIMES C e WOMEN SHOULD PROTECTED - Dont Overlook This Offer nd nerve-destroyin- J "-- NiCtnllkiw-aii'VimilBi- hwe-iM- s. .-ll-a i Pettit 44-19- 12. Stops Backache LOAM': y fau-k- 1 DOAN'S" FOSTER-MILBUR- iAMhS azBcSb D it Earl |