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Show ANOTHER I KIND OF INVESTIGATION LOOKS BAD THE TURKS FOR COUNTY ENTERPRISE: PUBLISHER Enclosed find HAVANA'S STREETS d The Day When They Would Have Backs Against Wall Seems Now at Hand. Often-Predicte- AUTHORITIES WILL ENDEAVOR TO PREVENT DISORDERS DURING POLITICAL CAMPAIGN. Rival Leader Have Agreed to All Political Meeting! From Now Until Election, and Bloodshed May be Prevented. Sue-pen- London. The swiftness and efficiency of the onward movement of tbe armies of the allied Balkan states Is making Europe open her eyes. From the north and all along the line from Greece on tbe south they are crowding back the boundaries of the Ottoman d d empire. The and day when the Turk will have his back against the wall seems at hand. The two pivotal points of Turkey's defense on the north were Adrlanople and Uskub. The Bulgarian army in the east haa defeated the Turks at which is the strongest outpost of Adrlanople, and appears to have almost Invested that fortress. The Servian army in the west walked Into Uskub at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon without opposition. The Turkish garrison there withdrew on the railway toward Salonica. How far It Intends to retreat and why are qeations. The only answer to the last question la that the strength and supplies of the garrison did not justify an attempt to make a stand. d often-predicte- Havana. Whie not actually under la now under absolute military protection against disorders arising from the heated political campaign. In accordance with orders issued by General Pablo Men-lltwho has been appointed to take charge of all the police and military forces In the capital by President Souses, the streets are being patrolled by mounted guardsmen. Conferences Sunday night between government officials and leaders of the political parties failed to reach an agreement to suspend all political Several meetings. large meetings were held, but the military precautions were effective In checking all tymptoms of disorder. It is reported that an agreement UNCLE SAM MAY BE has been reached between General Menocal and Alfredo Zayas to susCOMPELLED TO INTERVENE pend all political meetings from now antll election and that assurances kave been given by the partisan press that they will refrain from exciting utElection in Cuba will Be terances in order to avoid all danger Approaching a Critical Test of the Stability tf hostile collisions on election day. of the Republic. JURY CONVINCED THAT POLICE DIAZ SENTENCED TO DEATH. LIEUTENANT INSTIGATED Frienda Fear the Worst, as Madera Is SLAYING OF ROSENTHAL. Washington. The serious situation Not Inclined to be Merciful. in Cuba, as demonstrated by Friday's Mexico City. General Felix Diaz, riot In Havana, Is exciting the grave leader of the revolution recently in- solicitude of the United States govern- Becker Did Not Flinch When He augurated In Vera Cruz, and three of ment. Reports indicate that there are Heard the Verdict, But Hie Wife kls confederates have been sentenced grounds for the apprehension that has Swooned. Announcement That existed some for time here that the to death by the court-martibefore Appeal Will Ba Taken. approaching election period In Cuba which they were tried In that city. would be a stabilof test critical the Efforts to save their lives, especialunabated. ity of the republic. ly that of Diaz, continues New York. Police Lieutenant Disorder is likely to occur on elecProminent women, men high in afCharles Becker was found guilty of fairs, and high army officers have ap- tion day, affording tbe chance for a murder in the first degree by the Jury pealed to President Madero for clem-anc- declaration of fraud, and on the whole which has been trying him for Instibut to all he has given the same all the elements seem to be present that are required to start a revolu- gating the death of Herman Rosennegative answer. thal, the gambler. The verdict was tion. Old Indian Fighter Dead. The partisan newspapers are indulg- pronounced at 12:02 oclock Thursmorning. Hyde Park, Mass. Brig. Gen. Henry ing in furious recriminations and dayBecker was remanded to the Tombs Beebe Carrington, a noted Indian threats, and both sides are declaring Goff until October 30 for Justice by their to force determination appeal to Bghter and veteran of the civil war, died at his home here Saturday, aged if their rights are not protected. Each sentence. Mrs. Becker, sitting outside "the IS. He was a native of Wallingford, side Is alleging that favoritism is bedoor of the court room, swooned when Conn., but was Judge advocate gen- ing shown their opponents by the the verdict was announced. eral of Ohio when the Civil war beBecker did not flinch when be heard gan and was commissioned colonel SAYS CHILD WAS 8TOLEN. the verdict pronounced by Harold Bl f tbe Eighteenth United States foreman of the Jury. early In 1861. Millionaire Railroad Man Charged Skinner, John F. McIntyre, Becker's chief With Stealing Grandson. counsel, announced Boy Hunter Shoots Companion. that he would Los Angeles, Cal. With the filing take an immediate appeal, but beyond Salt Lake City. Walter Lee Sand-stro15 years old, of Murray, was of legal documents in the superior this he had nothing to say. court Friday, the fight for the posaccidentally shot and killed Sunday Novipazar Captured. afternoon while hunting quail on Big session of J. Ross Clark II., son of London. The M. important Turkish Walter a Titanic victim, Clark, Cottonwood creek east of Knudsons town of Novipazar, in the district of mill by Edward Covington, 14 years and grandson of J. Ross Clark, milthe same name, was captured by the old. Though a load of No. 7 shot en- lionaire railroad man, was begun. Servians Wednesday after severe Mrs. McDonell Virginia rain's Sandst back close at tered range, fighting, according to a news agency in mother declared of the boy, tearing a bole through his body, he from Nish, Servla. The dispatch Los in her petition that relatives lived more than half an hour. troope suffered heavy losses. Angeles had conspired to steal her Glidden Tour Ends. son and that she never intended to Coney Island Scorched. New Orleans. Charles J. Glidden abandon the boy as claimed by memNew York. Coany Island was saved and a score of other mororigts fin- bers of the Clark family, when she from a serious conflagration on Friished the Great 1.akes to the Gulf tour went east a few months ago and was day by the prompt work of the Island sn scheduled time, reaching here Sat- niired to Dr. John Tanner in New firemen, assisted by apparatus from The journey was York. urday afternoon. One hotel and several Brooklyn. without special Incident. bz'.ii houses were destroyed. TO CLOSE DENVER GATEWAY. martial law, Havana two-stor- GEN. FELIX DIAZ y M's-sou- ri May Reduce Cost of Sugar, Detroit. A method of manufactur- ing sugar from cane so that the byproducts will pay the cost of and leave tbe sugar a free pro duct Is announce! by G. W. McMull.-n- , the Canadian agricultural ciicuifiL n McMullen is inventor of a new of prolonging the keeping qualities of eggs, butter and other dairy proilur.'a iu storage. ay.-in- Killed in Collision. American Fork, Utah One m.rn killed and another badly scalded is Gen. Falls Diaz, whose Mexican collision Judge Backus of Milwaukee will pre- tbe toll exacted by a head-oside ovsr the court In which John between two engines running free and revolution has collapsed with his capSchrank, who shot Colonel Roosevelt, a heavy freight train on the D. u R ture at Vera Crus, le a nephew of the Is tried for the crime. former president. Porflrlo Diaz. G. line. Aviator Falls Two Hundred Feet. .Monigomery, Ala. Aviator Lou! Mitchell fell 200 feet hc:o Wednesday and was killed. Mitchell lost control of his machine while attempting a spiral glide. Five thousand people witnessed the accident. Clash In Coal Field. and Charleston, W. Va. Striking working miners clashed at a number of iioints In the Kanawha coal fields Thursday, but there were no casualties. The principal disturbance was at Cahin ('reek junction. earthquake in 19t)6. Mines in Rebels' Hands. Oklahoma Gets Congress. Testing Hawaiian Defense. El Rebels Tex. have taken Paso, Lethbridge, Alberta. Utah repreWashington. The twar department officials are delighted over the state possession of the Copper Quei-mine, sent alive i declined' to guarantee $15,-00- J besides entertainment for tbe of Pearl harbor defenses proved by one of the three units of t lie Amerinext session of the Dry Farming conlast weeks Hawaiian war games. A can Smelting ft Refining plant in state of Durango, aud the gress and the session will go to brief dispatch has been received, givRio Tlnto mine iu Chihuahua. ing a synopsis of work. Death of General Morris. Portland, Me. Brigadier General Charles Morris, U. S. A., retired, died at his home here Sunday, aged Ii9. He was in command of the Presidio at Ban Francisco at the time or the Stata Town g 1 year, $1.00; 2 years, Anywhere In tba U. 8. $1.50 We go to the Root of Eye Sight Trouble and wa accomplish great good, The Root the first principle Is a . careful examination and correct diagnosis by latest methods. We thoroughly understand eye requirements and prescribe glaaeee In accordance .e the defects. Satisfaction guaranteed. Biorn Optical Company y Police and Thlevea Engage In Furloua Fight at Funeral of Brigand. St Petersburg. The notorious brigand, Kossowaki, who a few days ago was shot in the suburbs of Odessa in an encounter with the police, has had a funeral worthy of his career. At the cemetery all the thieves and criminals of tbe adjacent towns more than 200 assembled, and when tbe coffin was lowered Into the grave several of them fired off revolvers by way of a last salute to their departed comrade. The police, however, lay In wait In great force outside the cemetery gates, and when the crowd of mourners returned into the street the officers drew a cordon around them. The thieves then made a determined attack on them, and In the fighting thirty were injured and one killed. Save as You Earn And you will always have something to spend as you ' HENRY PHONE 50. H. Bown Dp- - D. Office, MAIN STREET, Over Moving Picture Show, UTAH. MIDVALE, Latat Methoda of Painless CALL AND Office Hours: SEE 9 a.m. Ind. Nineteen persons are reported to have been stricken blind as a result of gazing at a light caused by. workmen welding with an electric process on a trolley wire early Sunday, according to local physicians wbo were called out of bed to treat the cases. Several who saw. the light were not stricken until a few hours G. MARRIOTT BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKEft 15 N. First Wsst 8L near West Malm Equipped with machinery. Wagon,, Carriage and Rubber Tire repairing, Horseshoeing, Plow Work, Pipe Threading, Sawing, Lumber or Lathe Work. Horses clipped. Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. G. MARRIOTT, 15 N. First Watt 8t Sandy, Utah. DENTIST Dentistry. ME. to Murray jjakery 5 p. m. JOHN HAZKLGREN. Propi 140 So. State SL MURRAY. asnussci I make that GOOD BREAD Pies and Pastry. Cakes, Ladles Tailoring a Specialty. Have A line of Groceries, Candies, Clears your next suit made to order. Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- and Tobxcoo. We servo Coffee and Cakee. paired. PHONE S11-Main St. Smelter St. High and Guaranteed Tailoring. opposite MIDVALE, Utah Seven policemen were put out of action. A hundred and sixty-twpersons were arrested, among them being a number of women, boys and girls. Gaze at Light and Lose Sight. Anderson, go. Open a savings account with ue where it will earn 4 per cent annually compounded in January and July, 1 will open an account. SAK3Y CITY BANK W. W. WILSON, President HEBER A. 8MITH, Vlce-PreA. R. GARDNER, Cashier. Utah. Sandy City, EAR o ' UTAH. MURRAY, We will be at Sandy every Wednesday. BATTLE AT CEMETERY. r, Officials Prepare to Strike Blow at Gould and Hill Lines. Portland, Ore. It was stated here Friday on apparently reliable au.Lo.--itthat Harriman officials are preparing to strike another blow against the Gould and 11111 lines in the traffic war now being waged in the northwest, and within a month will isxue an order closing the Denver gateway against the Burlington, Rock Island, Santa Fe and Missouri Pacific roud.t. The order will mean, it is said, that between the Oregon, every point Railroad ft Navigation Washington system and points east of the river must use the Harriman lines west of Kansas City. Name long-delaye- Two Neighbors 8eriously Injured When They Attempt to Enter Death Chamber. Seattle, Wash. Friend Hyde, until recently superintendent of a mining company at Atlanta, Ida., committed suicide Friday night by Inhaling gas. frame in Incidentally, the which he resided was wrecked and two neighbors were seriously injured by an explosion which occurred when they entered Hyde's room. Hyde drove his wife and son from home two weeks ago and has been living In the house with hts two young daughters. When the girls returned from school Friday night they found the house dark and the door locked. They called the two neighbors, who forced an entrance. Opening the door of Hyde's room, they switched on the electric light There was a terrific gas explosion, which upset the bed, throwing Hyde's body to the celling, knocked the men unconscious, blew out the side of the house, split the roof in two and set the debris on fire. vol-ntee- Harriman - acription to the COUNTY ENTERPRISE, SUICIDE LEAVES DEATH TRAP. L JUDGE A. C. BACKUS. tub- Klrk-Klllsse- a, Clark-Tan-ne- for payment for (RENEWAL OR NEW) 9 RUBBER STEEL STAMPS. SEALS, STENCILS, ETC.' House led" Salt Lake City, Utah. 65 W. 3rd So. St. Phone Was. 304 (We make Rubber Stamps) Beta The Fall C. H. BANKS later. Roosevelt Takes Walk. Rush Begins For the first Oyster time since he came back from Chicago to recuperate from his bullet Electric light is appreciated wound. Colonel Roosevelt on Saturday most during the long dark eveHe discovered ventured outdoors. THE COUNTY UNDERTAKER. that he is far weaker than he had nings of winter. It is the most LICEN8ED EMBALMER. thought. The colonel remained out of modern and most efficient illumi-nanOPEN DAY AND NIGHT. the house less than half an hour and Phone 347. 144 State 8trset, he was willing enough to get back MURRAY. UTAH. when Mrs. Roosevelt spoke the word. Become a user of electricity, Bay, N. Y t. j Government Spy Slain. the Chicago. Jennie Cavaglieri, woman murdered In Bridgeport. Conn., was a government spy and was slain in revenge for her disclosures and to prevent more or them, according to statements here Saiurday by a federal official. Packing Plant Burns. Chicago. The plant of the Independent Packing company, a fire story building near the stock yards, was practically destroyed by fire Saturday. The loss was estimated at IIOO.MO. White Slaver Deported. W. Alberta. Oliver Lethbridge, Rates, who was recently indicted by the grand jury at Boise. Idaho, on a white slavery charge, was arrested Saturday nenr ('ardstou. and was deported to the United States. Eloped in Aeroplane. Fort Wuvne, Ind. Arthur Smith placed his fiancee, Miss Almee Pour, beside hliwjin his'ffpiane Saturday afternoon and flew to Hillsdale, Mich., seventy five miles away, where they were married. and acquaint yourself with the! many appliances that can be used from a lighting sockzt. They are both convenient and ecnomical. UTAH LIGHT & RAILWAY GO. F. G. FISHES, Local Agent, Pioneer Ave. SANDY, UTAH. : Pictures That BODELL A CARLSON, Props. 131 So. State St. MURRAY, Utah Automobile and Motorcycle Repairing. Oils and Gasoline. Diamond Tirea. Tire Vulcanizing. Second Hand Automobiles Bought and Sold. Satisfaction Guaranteed. LOOK IN A NATURAL YOUR Murray Garage FRIENDS POSE Like You JUST AS KNOW YOU. THAT 8 THE ONLY KIND WE DO. Mh5- - Hwcr, Photographer, STUDIO, 16 SOUTH STATE STREET Phone, 379 ' , MURRA Y, Utah. see 444444444444444444444444444 44 4444 |