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Show SOUTHERN SALT LAKE COUNTY ENTERPRISE We recognize and work for organized labor. This paper carries the sheet Union Label. MURRAY. The Villainous blackmailing Is still haniinerirg away at the Commissioners of Murray Clly and will In answering advertisements please y try to get hii:-'..- ' money hut the say: I saw it In the COUXTY wiers wont stail for the4r world For Winter Supplies, SEEj - & C Oldham, Powell com-mlst- : THE STORE SANITARY. J YOU WANT REAL BARGAINS ON DRY GOODS, MEATS, ETC., FROM A FIRST GOOD GROCERIES, CLAS3 STORE, DON'T FAIL TO STUDY THIS LIST, AS EVERY ARTICLE IS PRICED AT A SAVING TO IF YOU. GROCERIES Maple Corn Flakes, 3 pks DRY GOODS line of Ladles, Men's, Misses' and Hoys 8weater Coats just arrived. V4 Carload of Goods waiting to be unpacked. A new Before purchasing your Cotton and Wool Blankets see our large Stock. Men'B, noys', Indies' ldren's Underwear. 12'2c CROCKERY We ha' e a stork of odds and ends in Cr.chery Toilet Sets, Pitchers and now Is, Sugar Bowls, Plates, Cup3 and Saucers, which we will close out at a bargain. New consignment of ail kinds of 15c J The Royal Laundry California are requested to Correspondents cend in Items on Saturday of each week to insure Insertion In the current issue of the COUNTY ENTERPRISE PLAN YOUR WINTER OUTING NOW 8LEEPERS FREE TO LOS. RECLINING CHAIR CARS TRIP NOV. DINING CAR SERVICE EXCELLENT LONG LIMITS STOP OVERS Tickets ond Reservations. 169 RESERVATION EARLY. Salt Lake City. SO. MAIN ST., T. H. MANDERFIELD, A. G. P. T. C. PECK, G. P. A. DjD YOU SEE EP? Luneta Coffee lamp. 3b 17th So. & gives three times the light for each of electricity consumed. candle-pow- them. They sell now at forty cents. WINTER IS COMING, WATCH THAT COAL BIN. JENSEN & KUHRE Main St., Sandy, Utah. Phone Midvale 148. 359-- COTTON BATS 75c Bat!) full quilt Bat size 20o Bats nhic Bats full of the Get a few Wire Type Tungstens today and try MURRAY, UTAH Office Hours, 8 a. m. to 6 p. la else er best artificial light discovered. (Over McMillans) 90c unit For a quarter of a cent an hour you can get twenty State Sts. Phone, Murray It quill 69c sic l7iAe ise CRAPOS THE STORE. THAT SATISFIES SHOE BARGAIN COUNTER Mens work and dress shoes, $2.75 ft $3.00 values LADIES'1 shoe $2.75 values $1.19 CHILDRENS shoo 98c Bargain price $1-9- WE HAVE BUILT UP A SPLENDID SHOE BUSINESS, AND ARE SOMEWHAT PROUD OF THE FACT THAT WE ARE NOW RECOGNIZED AS LEADERS IN THIS LINK IT HAS BEEN OUR MOTTO FROM THE VERY FIRST TO MERIT THE ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE OF OUR PATRONS. THIS HAS BEEN POSSIBLE ONLY BY GIVING SATISFACTORY VALUE WITH EVERY PURCHASE, BY TREATING OUR CUSTOMERS AS WE WOULD BE TREATED. The Summit Shoe REG 1ST EKED DRUGGISTS. Just unpacked a shipment of PACKARD SHOES FOR MEN. Including l, velour calf, tan and patent leather. This is strictly a high grade gun-meta- The Smartest Women in Town patronize our store for all their little toilet niceties, stationery, etc. And among other things they find here are those wonderful, economical producers of new life and coloring to all fabrics, viz: ibadca nan line throughout. THE PACKARD SHOE COMPANY make shoes for men only, devoting themselves exclusively to this specialty. Consequently, they are turning out superior shoes, shoes that are right in every particular, shoes that are uniform in quality and workmanship; always dependable, always stylish and dressy. WE RECOMMEND PACKARD SHOES FOR MEN. package 9lcpi;i9ILfceTV, -- t- --- lb. Rubbers WE HAVE RUBBERS AWAITING YOU THE FIRST SLOPPY DAY THAT COMES ALONG. WE HAVE TOOTH BRUSHES and Dentrifices. JVlGrray Qity PbarnQaoy II A nfc variety af THAT LADY ON THE STREET the other day with a pretty smiling face, but HER TEETH WERE DIRTY, which spoiled her looks. - number of hours of the life of the Packard Shoes For Men Diamond Dyes To w a Capitol Pharmacy WHO? jinnnnr ruirinnr The wire Tpye is strong. Its life is twice the DATES DEC. 21ST AND 23RD. 23RD AND 25TH. MAKE YOUR $40.00 ANGELES OUR SELLING The New Strong Tungsten Lamp, SUMMIT, the top; highest point; highest degree; utmost elevation. This shoe is properly wameif SUMMIT; embodying as it does the highest degree of shoe excellence possible in a $3X0 shoe. Its the utmost shoe value for the money. Built for hard service, rough wear, also comfort; hiq shot easily occupies the highest elevation in its particular class. The uppers are maria of genuine Kip Leather especially treated to keep out the wet, and will not harden and become stiff after exposure to water. The shank and every part that need reinforcement are reinforced. The sewing, and all the work, even, to the minutest detail, in its co nstruction has been done with the view of it the greatest wearing shoe on the market to ret ail at the popular price of $3.00. IT IS ACTUALLY A SUMMIT SHOE. The Ideal ROUND Wire Type 30 Get out and get Into the game, lad; 1 lb. One Crown Coffee' .25 Draw cards, and sit in with the 3 Cans Corn 2 Cans Jam 25 bunch. These prices are subject to For the man who is hopelessly lame, change without notice. FOR CASH lad, the pessimist ONLY. Is the chump with The Booster. hunch. New line of Linoleum, f 1.15 per yard o Goods delivered to any part of MurGulden Shield Japan Tea packed ray without extra charge. for Oldham, Powell ft Co., price per EMPORIUM GROCFRY CO. package (1 lb.) 6A cents. A Japanese 126 South Stat" 8L cup and saucer free with each packUtah Murray (Adv.) age. See them. Dr. A. Blorn of 72 So. State Street, Murray, Is In Sandy every Wednesday EXPERT LA I WHERE US (Adv.) to lock after your eyes. o THE ONLY LAUNDRY IN UTAH Oldham. Powell ft Co. The Store USING SOFT STERELIZED, TRIPLE FILTERED WATER. Sanitary," Invite all visitors to Sandy to come in and make themselves at We call and deliver. Why not have the best Make the store your headhome. quarters while In town. Your parcels will be cared for. No obligation to purchase anything. Just come in EXPERIENCE 18 EXPENSIVE feel at home. (Adv.) and wheel that needs when you ride enrepairing. Life and limb may be COUNTY ENTERPRISE $1.00 a dangered, and when by a little foreMIDVALE ADVANCE $1.00 a can wheel cost small and year. your sight be made as good as new If you bring year, both papers to any address for it to Carlsons. We will keep your $1.50 a year. SUBSCRIBE NOW. wheel in good condition at a small We carry the Union label. outlay. If you have one that needs to us. It bring repairs In answering advertisements please We also handle Automobiles and do general repairing. We have new and say: "I saw It In the COUNTY EN second hand Automobiles from $250.00 TERPRISE. up. I)o not patronize Salt Lake Arms EMIL CARLSON, 'CQPVIMNl when you can get as good bargains UTAH. 47 So. State St., MURRAY, at your home merchants store. $40.00 60 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 Phone Wasatch, 61 ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED For the same lighting bill better light, too. 2-- Oldham, Powell & (q., SPLENDID TRAIN 8ERVICE English Breakfast Tea More Light to-da- We guarantee everything we sell and will Refund Money to any one diasatislied. Goods delivered to any part of the county free of extra charge. Our prices are right. See our announcment each week. 108 to 112 EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. lb. 200 pef cept 60 Mayflower Green Tea 50 Fanflred Japan Tea 1 lb. English Black Tea 25 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea TIS BETTER TO B008T. 60 1 lb. Spider Leg Tea 60 Tie better to boost for 6PECIAL TEA AND COFFEE In a glad, Irrepressible way, PREMIUMS Than to frame up a compact with A 25 cent Coupon given with each sorrow, $1.00 purchase and a 10 cent CouAnd hopelessly hammer pon g'vtn with each 50 cent purchase Coupons good for c nice of any Tis better to jolly misfortune, article In our Crockery Department. Fourfluhing a heartful of joy, $ .25 Than to rail and bewail and impor- 8 boxes Matches S- - 5 cent Sacks of 10 Salt tune Sacks 15 cent of Salt God even Till you arnoy. your 18c 15c 15c Shoulder Steak Beef Pot Roast Rib Boiling Beef Kit.ln.n::. full line of Cotton Bats and up. 1 Registration days are October 29th and 30th. Don't fail to register. FRESH MEATS Pork Tenderloin and Chi- A 25c Ground Wheat gives full strength, best food for bogs, per 100 . . $1.60 Before buying your wiuter supplies get our prices. We carry Spiced Fish and a full line of Swedish Goods. The Chief Faker for the other is worrying over his $75 Emporium Grocery Co. fearful It won't lat long. and is job Winter is coming on and be knows "Reliability Is Our Success. not where the new overcoat Is .to Business increased twenty ptr cent come from if lie loseB the job of "THERE 18 A during last month. chief blackmailer. REASON. 100 lbs. Sugar $5.90 Mayor George A. Iluscher haa reSt. Gr., per sack Flour $1.05 turned from a hunting trip in Idaho. $1.10 Flour, II. P., per sack 11. 00 bushel Wheat, per of Arthur McCleery, Magill, Nevada, $1.45 waa visiting his sister Mrs. Isador Bran Shorts $1.55 Selviu last week. In loose Teas and Coffees we carry Mrs. J. A. Jones and son have only the very best. $1.CC returned from their trip to California. 3 lbs. high grade Crffee 1 lb. Sumatra Coffee .50 1 lb very best Arabian Coffee.. .60 Patronize Home Industry. ACME BOOT AND SHOEMAKER 6tate St., Murray. done. Cripple Work neatly Repairing 116 So. . a specialty. Cheapest Shop In Murray. SIGN OF THE RED BOOT C. C. CRAPO & SONS CO. 2, EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. |