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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, June 5, 1958 The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday at Delta, Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY H. H. (Bob) RIDING OWNER-PUBLISHER Entered as Second Class matter at the Postoffice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Rate: $3.50 a year in advance; Six months, 52.00 Advertising Hates on Request NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOC'l-ATfCcN Sutherland MRS. DORA ROSE Miss Auline Egan was a visitor of her relatives over the weekend the Bernard Jacksons, the Max Johnsons and the James Owens. Also Al-so her grandmother Mrs. Rhoda Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Beagley spent the memorial weekend with their folks Mr. and Mrs. William Bunker. Mrs. Arlene De Leeuw and little son visited In Sutherland with her family the Ivo Ogdens. Also home after the school term is over is Miss Gay Ogden who has "been attending at-tending the U. S. U. at Cedar City. Bary Roberts, Marlon Steele and Lonny Jackson are enjoying the summer vacation. They have been also been attending college at Cedar. Ced-ar. Mrs. Arva Witbeck spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson and her sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sheehy. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bennett, KSL announcer, and family from Salt Lake City visited in Sutherland with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bennett. Mrs. Zola Bunker and her daughter daugh-ter Bonnie have returned home after quite a few months stay assisting as-sisting Mrs. Prosser Ashby during her illness and who is on the way to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan May, Mr. and Mrs. Richard May Mr. and Mrs. Dale Workman and Mr. and Mrs. Donald May made a trip to Spanish Fork on Saturday to attend the birthday of Mrs. Mays father Mr. Anderson (and grandfather o'f the family). Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Miller were visitors of their folks the Ivo Ogdens Og-dens last week. Mrs. Beth Maxfield and children visited with her folks Mrs. Delilah Ogden Loraine and Jean. Robert and Mary Fowles and little daughter are still with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Fowles. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dalton spent the Memorial holiday with their folks Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Henrie. Mr. and Mrs. Donald May and family visited with their folks Mr. and Mrs. Jan Wright of Delta and the Morgan Mays of Sutherland. Also visiting the Mays were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Workman and children child-ren Home for a few days was Duane Erickson to visit with his folks Mr. and Mrs. Norman Erickson. The immediate family of Mrs. Rawlinson of Delta enjoyed a reunion re-union last week. Most of Mrs. Raw-linson's Raw-linson's children were in attendance. atten-dance. Nathen Day, son of Lemira's is visiting with the Clen Rawlin-sons. Rawlin-sons. Kathy Webb had with her on Sunday her cousin Miss Wildon from Delta. We visited with Mrs. Rayda Chappel and her family on Saturday, Satur-day, who were here from Logan to see their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bishop of Delta. Mr. Doyle Steele is recovering from surgery which he received a few days ago at the LDS Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Owens and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Owens and family spent Memorial Day at Whiskey Creek Canyon having hav-ing fun together. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanford and Phyllis Ann visited in Holden on Memorial Day returning the same day making it possible to attend the dance festival and to seePhyl-lis seePhyl-lis dance in the all girls dance with more Mia Maids of Sutherland who were Jill Tippetts, center girl, Diane Turner, Paige Bassett, Kathy Webb, Susan Hales, Pamila Robison, Loraine Lor-aine Ogden, and Venna Walker. The other group consisting of Beehive girls who were Karen Moody, center cen-ter girl, Annette Moody, Susan Lyman, Annette Rawlinson Margo Rose, Michele Church, Kathy Johnson, John-son, Elouise Johnsan and Judy Turner. Those participating in the couple dances were David and Richard Rich-ard Henrie, Elwin Johnson, Kenneth Mortensen, Lewis, Glen and Rhoda Rawlinson, Michael Rose, Evelyn, Gayle, Kathy, and Annalee Johnson, John-son, Dorthy Thomas and Dorthy Tolbert. In the Grand square Kenneth Ken-neth and JuVene Porter Bishop and Mrs. Max Johnson, Heber and Dora Rose. Church News The infant daughter of Orland and Marlene Ogden was blessed by her father and was given the name of Sharon. Dean Moody was confirmed by his father and NaDene Wood was confirmed by Bishop Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Johnson received LEAMINGTON KLEE FINLINSON Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dutson and daughter Kathy, from Provo spent last Saturday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dutson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dutson. drove to Spring City Tuesday to clean and decorate their Grandparents Grand-parents graves. Mr. and Mrs. Verm Young and children of Sunset Utah spent Thursday to Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lovell and family Mr. and Mrs. Austin Willdon and family spent the long weekend week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lovell and Mr. and Mrs. Bud McCann. Misters Gordon and Lynn Lovell are visiting in Holden with their Grandmother Nixon. Mrs. Clinton Nielson, her two boys Alan and Steven and her mother Mrs. Arams spent Wednesday Wednes-day to Saturday in Salt Lake City taking care of their graves and other business. Mrs. Arams came back to stay for a few more days with her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dutson drove half way to Pioche Nevada to meet Mrs. Liss Summers and her son who were bringing Grandpa Kayle Dutson to visit with his children in Utah. Grandpa Dutson came with his son Leonard to Leamington where he is staying for the present with Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dutson. Mrs. Gwen Jackson and daughter of Nephi visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Nielson and family visited Friday in Mona. Miss Nadine Pay spent the weekend week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Randall Bradfield. Mr. and Mrs. LaForge Lovell and family left Thursday evening for Blanding where they visited with word from their missionary son Merrill that he had visited the hill Cumorah and is doing very well Paul Helff and Duane Bennett were responsible 'for the two and one half minute talks in Sunday School. The Sutherland youth choir joined join-ed with the stake youth choir for practice for the stake conferenle which will be held this coming week. Ora Mae May will conduct the combined chorus. The reports from Missionary Phillip Phil-lip Moody are very good. He's really real-ly enjoying his mission and is doing fine. Mr. Herald Petersen and his son Michael made a trip to Panguitch last week where Mr. Petersen was drilling wells. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson visited in Kanosh on Memorial Day. There is still much in this world much of great importance which must be accepted on faith and those who rebel against this fact, those who will accept only what they can positively prove by their own experience, are closing the door upon themselves, the door that opens upon further light, more truth, new discovery. The fact that we may never know all, would be a miserable excuse for not accepting accept-ing gratefully what we do know. f .... -Ai m LI. i .Ik kx M. lilN At., i k J i ; , i All d Li ---S7 Li i.-AuJ 4y .. j (leallii Jake. the. Meat THEY ARE SO LOW IN PRICE AND SO EASY TO INSTALL, THERE IS NO NEED FOR YOU OR YOUR FAMILY TO SUFFER SUF-FER DURING THESE HOT SUMMER DAYS. Coolers any size for one room, or the whole house, are now available. Call your appliance dealer or electrician fcr an estimate. omvam i Mrs. Lovell's family untill Thursday. Thurs-day. Mi-. Bevan Nielson was confined to Nephi Hospital Thursday to Sunday Sun-day to ward off an oncoming attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dutson spent the weekend in Salt Lake visiting their children. They stayed with daughter Arlene Walsh. A group of her frieids had a surprise birthday party for Miss Ethel Lovell Satuday evening. They went to the Sand hills on a bon fire party. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Nielson of Salt Lake, spent Thursday to Saturday Sat-urday with their son Grant and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean and Mrs. Berta Davis were down for Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weagul and Eddie, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foy and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finlin- son and daughter, Judy, spent Friday Fri-day to Sunday, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. T. Finlinson. Sunday, Mrs. Finlinson went into Salt Lake and the girls, Susan Weagle and Elizabeth Foy, with their children, stayed to be with their father for a few days. Miss Joan Bradfield and Miss Inez Nielson were home from their jobs for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Bradfield were at Mr. and Mrs. Randall Bradfield's for the weekend. They had their son blessed in Sacrament meeting, giving him the name of Darwin Scott Bradfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lovell returned return-ed home after a three weeks visit in Redwood city with daughter Ella and family.and a one week stay in Los Angeles with Mr. and Mrs. Jess Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradfield, Eva Bradfield and daughter Eva Lynn spent Monday in Salt Lake City shopping. Mrs. Ruth Nielson, her daughters and Jane Nielson drove into Salt Lake for a music lesson Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Nelson and Janet spent Saturday In Kerns visiting vis-iting with Mr. and Mrs. Lavar Dutson Dut-son and family. Two Dutson daughters daugh-ters Joleen and Sandra came back with their Grandparents for a few days visit. Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson's home on Memorial Day were Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson and family from Lindon Mr. and Mrs. DeLong Banks and family from Orem. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderson An-derson and family from Provo and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Overson from Lynndyl. Grant Overson's sister Joy and family from Delta visited with the Overson family Saturday. Sunday visitors at the John Anderson An-derson home were Mr. Ray Anderson Ander-son and son Miss Betty Woodard, from Washington.Mrs. Raya and two daughters from Mexico. Miss Woodard and the Raya girls are students from the BYU. The group took a picnic lunch and spent the day up the canyon. The Relief Society was reorganized reorgan-ized in Sacrament meeting Suriday releasing Wanda Nielson and her Co-workers after five years of work. The new group installed consists of Eva Dutson President with Myrtle Nielson and Clara Johnson as councilors. Eva Bradfield as Secretary. Teachers: Jean Bradfield, Brad-field, Norma Nielson.Louise Nielson and Alta Lovell. Organist, Laura Nelson and Joy Nielson as chorister. Sunday night meeting was given by Sunday school, with Ray John son conducting. The Jr. Sunday School sang two songs "Tell me the Stories of Jesus" and "The Good Shepherd." Talks were given by Kent Johnson and Nila Nielson of Jr. Sunday School group. Sr. Sunday school talks were given by Dee Ann Nielson and Glen Lee Roper. "Beside Still Waters" sang by the Singing Mothers accompanied by Wilma Lovell. Talks given by Frank Grygla, Nancy Nielson, A. M. Harder and Remarks by Bishop Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Rich Finlinson and ReJeane drove into Salt Lake City Wednesday. Mr. Finlinson returned Wednesday night bringing young David Finlinson back with him to help on the farm. Mrs. Finlinson and daughter returned Thursday after visiting over night with her folks in Ogden. Mrs. Margaret Bradfield left early last Monday morning with her daughter Opal and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Williams from Fallon, Nevada. She plans to tend Delberts children child-ren in Yerington while he and his wife go on a vacation. Miss Joyce Grygla left Sunday morning by Bus for Eureka where she will stay with her sister Maur- ine for a while. Mrs. Rulon Dutson drove to Em ery Friday to decorate the graves. Mr. and Mrs. Welby Finlinson Mr. and Mrs. William Wood, of Ogden. made an overnight visit in Delta Wednesday of lasi week. This was Mr. Wood's first visit here in 40 years. He will be remembered re-membered as Billie Wood when he was here as a boy in 1915 to 1918 and his step-father, Charles O. Davis, was editor and publisher of the Chronicle. Mr. Wood is with First Security Bank in Ogden and was returning from a vacation in California. He was almost lost in Delta, where the main stem has changed much in 40 years. Mrs. AFTON FULLMER Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, early Deltans now residents of Spring-ville, Spring-ville, visited in Delta over the weekend and Memorial Day with Mrs. Miller's sisters, Mrs. L. H. Riding Rid-ing and Mrs. L. D. Pace, and fam ilies. While here their son, Don Miller, Of Santa Monica, Calif., and family, joined them, and went on to Springville with them for a longer long-er visit. Mr. and Mrs.Roy Allred, of Salt LakeCity, were in Delta for Memorial Mem-orial day, and visited their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Allred, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gardner had most of their family home for Memorial Day and the weekend, with the arrival of Mrs. Paul Ball and children of Gunnison, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gardner and children, of Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gardner, of Salt Lake City. Mr. Ball, who had been in New York and Pennsylvania, visiting a brother broth-er and sister he hadn't seen in seventeen years, joined his family at Delta and accompanied them home. left Thursday for Michigan, Canada and Oklahoma on a vacation. Rita Peterson from Scipio, Ora Burk and daughter Connie from Milford, Richard Thatcher and family fam-ily from Scipio, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Quarnberg and family from Tooele visited with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dutson Dut-son on Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Dutson and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dutson. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dutson and Mr. Kayle Dutson attended the Dutson reunion in Oak City. . Wind and more wind. We always get it, but never like it. Men growl about irrigating and the wind dries it out. I Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Tolbert ' had as guests, over the Memorial '. Day weekend Mrs. Sarah Taylor, (Gladys mother) and sister Lois Levin and family cf Provo. Mrs. Becky Schena is visiting in Bountiful with friend Margaret Jen- , sen. j The Alva Young family are ' spending the weekend at their ! ranch in Tooele County. Mr. and Mrs. Max Holbrook spent the weekend in Bountiful t visiting and attending to. their chicken rancn ousiness. - Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bliss had as Memorial Day visitors Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bliss of Orem, the Stanley Bliss family of Payson, and Bob and Tanny Slaughter of Rock Springs, Wyoming. Also Mrs. Sybil Baker and Rose Nielson of Salt Lake. , . Clark spent his (?) birthday Saturday Sat-urday driving to Monroe with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robison "Many happy hap-py birthdays Clark". Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fullmer of Delta visited the John Fullmers Sunday. The Jay Fullmer family drove to the Strawberry Reservoir to fish Sunday. I've heard that cows and sheep never sleep. Neither do the farmers this time of the yea'r (well I mean not very much). CAR COOLERS -2 Styles- WINDOW and INSIDE CIRCULATING (12-volt cooler) Delta Auto Supply fe must look at the space age through eyes like these One day they'll come to focus on a career-in career-in science. . . law. . . philosophy . . . medicine . . . engineering... engineer-ing... the arts. To prepare our youth in these challenging times, help is needed as never before say educators. Many companies com-panies are responding with financial and other aid. Standard long ago recognized its obligation as a good citizen to help support our education system and for 20 years has encouraged and assisted young minds to explore the wide field of learning. We have helped hundreds of students attend college, 241 this year alone. Included in our program are scholarships, graduate fellowships in engineering, science and business plus financial aid to university departments concerned... broad projects in basic research . . . outright money gifts to schools. Besides these, a program of "learn by doing" kits, motion pictures, film strips, booklets have been used and acclaimed by teachers. To millions of children, the Standard School Broadcast has long meant an opportunity oppor-tunity to hear and enjoy good music. All of these projects are continuing. Worthwhile? We think so, because one of the most productive investments is in human beings those who in time to come will take over responsibilities in industry and in our nation. ek y :mim mm NC?:..-x is W Mm r. .-;rr-- - - yrr- K w 1958 , ( I ,' 1SS wife 1 w( t 1 I ft ; i Progress in education means.. Preparing for 2,500,000 additional students in U.S. colleges and universities by 1968. I9SS 8,500.000 I bA V-'J it 4 "5T ! STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plans ahead to serve you better |