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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, June 5, 1958 ADA Invites Millard People to Special Baseball Games This Month People of Millard county this week were given a special invitation invita-tion by the American Dairy Ass'n of Utah to two outstanding baseball base-ball games at which truck-loads of free dairy prizes will be distributed. dis-tributed. The dairy festivities at the games are part of Utah's observance ob-servance of June Dairy Month. The special games are: All American Boys' Baseball Game at Affleck Park in Ogden at 7:45 p.m. on Monday, June 9. Salt Lake Bees vs. Seattle Rain-iers Rain-iers in the Pacific Coast League, at Derks Field in Salt Lake City at 7:45 p.m. on Monday, June 16. Utah's pretty Dairy Princess, Marilyn Anderson of Lehi, Utah County, and her attendants, Carol Ralphs of Ferron, Emery county, and Sherry Bunting of Kanab, Kane county, will attend the games. J. Sterling Rose, Ogden, chairman chair-man of June Dairy Month special events, said that Jack Dempsey will also be a guest of honor at the Ogden games admission prices pric-es to which are a dollar for adults ad-ults and fifty cents 'for students. "There will be free dairy prizes To Report Mission Elder Wayne Western will report his mission Sunday evening, June 15, at 7:30 p.m., in Deseret Ward. Friends are cordially invited to attend. Elder Western returned home Monday from two years in the New England States Mission, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Western, of Deseret. Harry Crane reports that on May 29 he received a letter 'from his son Claude, at Las Vegas, Nev., saying say-ing he would start for Delta by car at the end of his day's work on a company dump truck. Soon after midnight he arrived and next day took his parents and brother, Grant Crane, to Levan, where Harry has fourteen graves. At noon Dr. and Mrs. Clair Porter and family from Payson, joined them, bringing flowers to decorate the graves. Later Lat-er they all went to Springville to the races, and supper later at the Porter home. Claude and his six year old son visited until Sunday noon in Delta, and then left for Las Vegas where Claude has a truck driving road job, and his wife tends a motel. So everyone is busy, Harry said. Mr. and Mrs. Will Killpack returned re-turned to Delta Friday from a trip of two weeks in the east, where they visited their son and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Hall Killpack, at Chicago, and went on by airline to Baltimore, Md., and visited another son' and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Don Killpack, and three children. Their son Hal receives his degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery in June from Loyola University School of Dentistry. ri ;' ,r FOR FARM BUILDINGS WAREHOUSES COMMERCIAL CUCKLER STEEL SPAN frames are precision engineered, strongly constructed, designed for fasf easy construction. Attractive appearance, weatherproof construction and very reasonably priced. Ask us about CUCKIER buildings. . .with 100 usuable, post-free space. USE OUR NOTHING DOWN x UP TO 40 MONTHS TO PAY galore at the Salt Lake-Seattle game," says Howard J. DeLong, chairman in charge of Dairy Night at Derks. "Also, arrangements have been made for a 50-cent reduction in adult admission at the Bee game to each Dairy Night patron accompanied by a full-paying adult. ad-ult. Children's tickets will also receive re-ceive a 25-cent reduction on each one accompanied by a full-paying adult." Fans were urged to come early at both games as record crowds are expected. Last Call for Master M-Men, Golden Gleaners There is still time to make your reservation for the banquet especially es-pecially for you and your partners-- partners-- a special June Conference event. Contact the YWMIA General Office, 40 North Main Street Salt Lake City 16, Utah, and obtain your tickets, which are $2.75 per person. To assure your obtaining reservations reserva-tions before they are sold out, you should act immediately. The event is to be held at the new Uuion Building at the University Univer-sity of Utah, Thursday June 12th at 6:30 p.m. Dinner, wonderful company, com-pany, beautiful surroundings and atmosphere, together with inspirational inspir-ational entertainment, with Elder Spencer W. Kimball as speaker, should make this an evening you will long remember. Awards Received . At CSU Assembly Annual Awards and Conventions Assembly at College of Southern Utah was conducted Sunday, May 25, at Cedar City, with A. W. Steph-ensen Steph-ensen as chairman. Among those honored were the following students from west Millard: Mil-lard: Elwin ; Wright, Hinckley, Art Mary L. Bastow, Distinguished Service Award. Zolet Prestwich, Delta, Education Elementary Education. Julia Bogh, Delta Education Scholarship. Scho-larship. Theron Johnson Delta, Utah State University scholarship. Marlon Steele, Delta, William H. Manning Distinguished Service Award, Aw-ard, Music. Gay Ogden, Delta, Physical Education. Ed-ucation. Mr. and Mrs. Fera Little, of Delta, and Mrs. Little's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mangum, of Salt Lake City, made a trip of 700 miles over the week-end. Memorial Day they spent in Tropic and Saturday drove on to the Glen Canyon Dam, Kanab, Panguitch, and back to Tropic. Sunday they visited in Es-calante, Es-calante, attended church at Tropic, and then made the trip home. Phillip Black, son of Mrs. Deona Black, of Delta was brought home Sunday from Salt Lake City, where he had spent the week in a hospital following major surgery May 26. During his stay at St. Mark's visitors visit-ors included his uncle and aunts, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Church and Mrs. Grant Church. His sister and husband, hus-band, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Roper, of Oak City, brought him and his mother home. Mr. and Mrs. LeRay McCallister and children, Anne and Douglas, returned Saturday to their home in Mesa, Ariz., after a visit in Delta with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCallister, and also in Springville with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ver-non Roper. WORKSHOPS STRUCTURES ,s. ' mm - r 1 "P' EASY PAY PLAN - - --- - Fishlake National Forest Roads Damaged, Restored The Forest Service had made ari all out effort with equipment and men to restore road damage that resulted from travel during Fall storms and heavy snow melt of the past spring. According to Acting Act-ing Forest Supervisor Grant G. Williams 5 road patrols and other equipment have been working al different times to restore the roads for opening of fishing season and summer travel. The damage was so extensive that $5,000.00 additional road restoration rest-oration money has been made available to cope with the problem. Also road crews are working overtime over-time on 6 day week to prepare the roads for normal travel. Roads in the high areas are still blocked with deep drifts of snow that will not be cleared until the last of June. However, most all roads to your special fishing hole are In satisfactory condition for travel. (Don't go too high). Acting Supervisor Williams would like forest travelers to report any bad conditions to the Supervisor's Office, Fishlake N. F., Richfield, Utah. With 800 miles of national forest road on the forest, It is difficult dif-ficult to follow the snow back and correct damaged areas as they develop dev-elop from day to day. An Open Letter On behalf of the Utah Safety Council and at the request of the Utah Highway Patrol to join with us in commenting upon the fine record of safet, set by the people of Utah over the Memorial Day weekend, we want to congratulate and highly commend all of you for this outstanding accomplishment. We believe that Utah was the only state in the nation which was unmarred by an accidental death of any kind. This is a convincing demonstration that where there is a willingness to abide by the rules of safety and widespread cooperation cooper-ation that such accidents can be truly eliminated. We hope that this weekend experience ex-perience will set a pattern 'for the rest of the season so that all of us will have a most pleasant and safe accident-free summer which will extend indefinitely. Cordially yours, F. L. Black President Utah Safety Council George P. Stephenson and brother Fred Stephenson, attended funeral services in Salt Lake City Wednesday Wednes-day in the Imperial First Ward, for their sister, Mrs. Janet S. Cannon. Can-non. Mrs. Cannon, 72, died Monday in a Salt Lake hospital after surgery. sur-gery. In the 1920's Mrs. Cannon resided re-sided at McCornick, where her husband, hus-band, Willard L. Cannon, farmed. Meeting Sunday At Kingdom Hall L. Kraushaar, representive of the Watchtower Society, will speak at a meeting Sunday at Kingdom Hall in Delta, at 3 p.m. His talk will be on man's real needs for happiness, hap-piness, and where these needs are being met. The public is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson and son Kenneth spent Thursday and Fri day of last week in Enterprise for Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Christensen returned recently from a trip to New York, were in Delta Memorial Day, coming to take their children home to Salt Lake City. While they were gone their sons visited at the home of their uncle, Cleo Christensen, Christ-ensen, at the farm, and their young daughter visited in Delta with her grandmother, Mrs. Madge Christensen. Christ-ensen. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Edward Leo Lyman, Jr. deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned under-signed Executor at the office of his attorney, Thorpe Waddingham at Delta, Utah, on or before the 5th day of August A. D. 1958 Edwin A. Lyman Executor of the Estate of Edward Leo Lyman, Jr. Deceased. A CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS jWSWr.v-... INVITATION TO MILLARD County people to attend special June Dairy Month baseball games in Ogden The Happy Homemakers 4-H held their 5lh meeting May 19. We had a demonstration on shoe care. We also learned to make pompoms for our slippers. We planned our community project. For our project pro-ject we cleaned the grounds of the Second Ward Church. Our leader cooked breakfast for us. Those present were Sharon Bacon, Gwen Stephenson, Joan Cahoon, Ruth Anne Lyman and Laura Lee Hansen. Han-sen. We held our 6th meeting May 26. We had a demonstration on pressing cotton. Mrs. Stephenson demonstrated how to make a three cornered scarf. Those present were Joan Cahoon, Gwen Stephenson and Ruth Anne Lyman. Reporter, Laura Lee Hansen Kitchen Kittens was the name we chose for our 4-H Club at Lynn-dyl, Lynn-dyl, at our meeting May 21, leader, Marilynn Eatough and assistant, Tamra Jones. We elected officers as follows: Patsy Nielson, president; pres-ident; Ila Mae Overson, vice president; pres-ident; Cynthia Vest, secretary; Ann Nelson, Reporter; Deeon Budges song leader, and Eloralane Budges, health chairman. "Have Fun with Foods" is our club project. Our next meeting was on May 28, at the home of Tamra Jones, who read the health lesson, "Whose Life Is It?" and "Are You Up on Things?" Work projects and demonstrations dem-onstrations were assigned for our next 4-H meeting, The Busy Bees, 4-H club at Lynn dyl, held their first meeting June j i, ana aiscussea puans ior iuiure meetings. Officers elected were Dina Halsy president; Selma Potts, vice president; Shiela Gross, secretary; sec-retary; Connie Gross, treasurer; Eraina Bridges, party chairman, and Gloria George, reporter. The members are taking sewing, and will meet every Monday and Thursday Thurs-day at the home of their teacher, Mrs. Tony Jiminez. With the fine group we have and the interest they all show we are sure to have a successful year in 4-H here in Lynndyl. Gloria George, reporter Last time we Green Thumbers met at the home of Spencer Ashby. We looked at his garden and had a lesson on flower growing. Those present were Spencer Ashby,, Phillip Black, Sandra Man-is, Man-is, Marva Ogden Janice Bishop, Dennis Whicker and Nadine Iver-son. Iver-son. June 3 the Green Thumbers met at Marva Ogden's home. Our past president Sandra Man-Is Man-Is moved to Colorado so we chose Marva Ogden as president and Nadine Iverson as vice president. Our leader Mrs. Ruby Bunker gave the lesson on cultivating and thinning flowers. Those present were Nadine Iverson, Janice Bishop, Bish-op, Phillip Black, Marva Ogden and Spencer Ashby. Marva served refreshments. Our next meeting will be held at the home of Phillip Black Mon. June 16 at 3:30 pm. Mrs. Lillas Larsen, of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Black, of American Fork, visited their father, Peter T. Black, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Baker were in Cedar City Thursday for Commencement Commence-ment at College of Southern Utah, when their son Frank was graduated. graduat-ed. Frank returned to Delta with them to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jordison of Salt Lake City were in Delta for Memorial Mem-orial Day and a visit with their mother. Mrs. Madge Christensen. Mrs. Christensen returned to Salt Lake with them for a visit of a week. Miss Carol Ann Pratt is spending part of her summer vacation from school on a visit in Cedar City, with her father, Paul Pratt. Mi and Salt Take is extended b; Utah's Dairy Princess, loTely Marilyn Mari-lyn Anderson, center, and her at CLASSIFIED For Sale FISHERMEN: Buy B.F. Goodrich hip boots. $12.98 The DELMART. FOR MINNEAPOLIS - MOLINE machinery and. service, see Done Equipment Co.," Delta RFD, Utah Ph 1125. 12112TF 36 MONTH AUTOLITE BATTERIES $14.95. All sizes on hand. KELLY SERVICE, DELTA. 313tf FOR SALE: 30 acre farm under cultivation. Plenty of water, no drainage tax. Located South of Cropper Lane. See Elmer Cahoon at Deseret. 619 FOR FATHER'S DAY: Give him something to wear. Tie, Sox, Shirts, House Slippers. The DELMART. FOR SALE: 40 gal. hct water tank. Also one used coal range. Wm. Mortensen. Phone 2541, Delta FOR SALE: 2-pc. living room set. Divan makes into 'bed. Has storage stor-age space underneath. Good condition.. con-dition.. Priced to sell at $15.00. 331 West 2nd North, Delta. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Tuesday, Tues-day, June 10, at Delta Livestock Auction Co., one stray horse, sorrel, sor-rel, by order of Deputy Sheriff Ed Mills. After two advertisements this stray animal is unclaimed and will be sold. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom modern 1500 sq. ft. basement home. Built in garage with overhead doors. Linen closets and drawers. Venetian Ven-etian blinds. Steele cabinets, inlaid in-laid linoleum kitchen. Hardwood floor in large front room. Automatic Auto-matic coal furnace. Car port. Lot 123 ft. front by 65 ft. 2 blocks from center of town, 1 block from church and recreation park. $12,000. Box 534, Delta, Utah. 6j5tf ACCORDIONS FOR RENT: The 12- base accordion that is difficult to get. We have a supply available now with lessons. Call for appointments. ap-pointments. Ph. 5572. Mrs. Verdel-la Verdel-la Adams, 696 West 1st North, Delta. FOR FATHER'S DAY, buy him Van Heusen drip-dry white shirts. $5.00 The DELMART. FOR SALE: 2-bedroom modern house on double let, in Delta. Terms. See at 377 South 4th West. Ph. 477J1 619 Mr. and Mrs. Gain Brown and five daughters of Salt Lake City, spent the weekend in Delta visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Avery Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker and son, of Helper Utah, visited at Delta Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Don T. Bishop. The Parkers Park-ers were in southern California several years ago with the Bishops, all serving LDS missions at the time. For glorious burgers Cheezltem! Spoon it! into hot foods Heat it! for cheese sauce Spread it ! for snacks KRAFT'S amazing pasteurized process chees spread for dozens of fast cheese f rears n tendants, Carol Ralphs, right and Sherry Bunting. RE-CORE YOUR BAD RADIATOR so you doVt hurt your engine. Use INHIBITOR to save your Re-Core. Bill's Radiator Shop, Delta. 920TF FOR SALE: Good redeemed Overland Over-land oats, for seed or feed. See Kenneth Adams, or call 39GJ1. 5j29 MACKS 13 Auto radiator rust inhibitor arid water pump lubricant lubri-cant Guaranteed to keep your radiator crystal clear for one year or your money bank. Delta Auto Supply. 328TF SPINET PIANO assume payments $15 monthly. Write: Summerhays Music 3719 So. State, S.LC. 15, Ut. 6il9 SINGER SALES AND SERVICE SINGER SEWING MACHINES VACUUMS Special this week New Singer Automatic, reduced $49.75. Buy on Singer's easy budget plan. As little at $2.65 per week. Call 322J5. CAB MATS, front and rear ,n beautiful colors to match your car Red, Yellow, Blue, Tan, Turquoise, Grey,, White, Green. Delta Auto Supply, Delta, Utah. TF AUTO SAFETY GLASS Cut to Fit. L.O.F. Glass. KELLY SERVICE, DELTA. H23tf FOR SALE: New home in Milford, Utah. Built-in Westinghouse appliances; appli-ances; on large corner lot; excellent excel-lent location. Contact Homer Christensen. Chris-tensen. Box 116 or phone DU 7-2373 6112 FOR SALE: Fishing motors: One 5-horse Wizzard, slightly used excellent, ex-cellent, $150.00. One 5-horse Buc-aneer Buc-aneer (made by Johnson) brand new, $215.00. Have to see to appreciate. ap-preciate. Church & Son Lumber Yard. 65 For Hcnt 4-room modern home for rent in Delta. See John Day. tjf FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished house in Delta. Water furnished. Jacobs Apts. Phone 1432, or call at 265 So. 4th West. 9I19TF APTS. FOR RENT: Partly furnished. Jacobs Apts., ph 1432, or call at 265 So. 4th West. 9I12TF APTS. FOR RENT. Furnished. Jacobs Jac-obs Apts. Call 5431, Delta. 215 So. 4th West. 6;5tf FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, furnished, or partly furnished, or unfurnished. Call 5021, Delta. 51TF J, 7, Easiest-to - operate of all self-propelled units 18" MODEL 21" MODEL $136.50 fey-- r'-; PRICES SLIGHTLY HIGHER IN THE WESTERN ZONE Quasi Delta. AD FOR RENT: 2-bedroom modern house in Delta. Large lot and garage. gar-age. Cool house in summer. Place for garden. Furnished or unfur nished. Ph. 5555, Delta. 6,12 FOR RENT: Furnished cpt.. heat end hot water furnished. Automatic Auto-matic washer. Pnone .,j Hex riams, 1S3 . 300 West Dcita. 6,5tf AVAILABLE now loi custom hay cutting. Use 12 ft swatuer. Contact Con-tact Clifford Adams at Sutneriand. G,19 OPPORTUNITY FOR MECfiriWIC with small amount of capital and house trailer. Must have own hand tools. Write Box 248, Millard County Coun-ty Chronicle. NEEDED TO TRAIN Men 18 - 37 For railroad communication and Agency work. Basic pay $370 up. Must be in good health, sincerely interested in training for positions with future. . G. I. APPROVED For personal interview with field representative write Spokane Telegraph Tele-graph School 119 N. Post Spo kane, Wash, giving age, address and phone number. 6112 WE WILL SHIP HOGS every other Wednesday, April 16, April 30, May 14, etc. DELTA LIVESTOCK LIVE-STOCK CO. tf ATTENTION PORZ AND BEEF Growers: Let us process your Beef and Pork properly, under sanitary conditions. We have the best sugar cure and hickory smoke for hams and bacon in the state, at a very reasonable price. We will pick up and slaughter any time as you desire. TALBOT PACKING CO., at D. Stevens Co. Ph 2811. 413TF IF YOU DON'T DRINK Why Help ?ay for the Accidents of Those Who Do? For your automobile insurance in-surance see Clarence C. Hogan, Lynndyl, Utah, agent. Preferred Risk Mutual Insurance Co. 9-6 TF Dr. A. K. Tronrud, D. C. Chiropractor 4957 South State Murray, Utah will be in Delta every Thursday, from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. to help you in room 4 ot HOTEL SOUTHERN '( ff Simplest Control Yet I To start, merely roll the handle forward. To stop, merely roll the handle back, or just stop your own motion. Completely Variable Speed! One convenient knob gives you full control of a range of speeds. Direct-to-wheel Drivel It's foolproof. There are no complex gears, no chains. Check These Features Activated Pilot Wheel keeps cutting-plane level over dips and hollows. Prevents tipping. Low front deck and side-mounted side-mounted engine for close trim under bushes. Easy one-pull starting no wasted time, no strain, no fuss. 2Vz hp. engine delivers maximum maxi-mum cutting power to blade. Aluminum-light, aluminum-strong aluminum-strong for maneuverability and long life. Plus: staggered front wheels, self-cleaning front discharge chute, hi-lo handle, eay wheel-height wheel-height adjustment, self-lubricating wheels, full-triiction tires. Utah |