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Show MRS. MARY JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ogden drove down and spent the day Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCardell. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Grcathouse and three children left last week to drive back to Maine, home state of Mrs. Greathouse. They have been here with the Fred Great-house Great-house family Ronald assisting his father with the spring work. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Wilkins and family drove to Salt Lake Tuesday on business returning Wednesday. Thursday they spent the day at Manti Mr. Wilkins is on vacation now. Mrs Lucille Overson and Keith drove to Salt Lake Tuesday and took Ralph where he took the plane for Fairbanks Alaska. They made an over night stay with the Lloyd Christenson family. On their return home Wednesday evening they had the misfortune of hitting a deer this side of Nephi, which did considerable con-siderable damage to the front part of their car. Mrs. Lucille Johnson spent last weekend in Cedar City with her mother, Mrs. George Casen. On Wednesday Mrs. Johnson and son George left for San Diego for a stay with daughter JoAnn and husband hus-band John. Tuesday Mrs. Erma Roper drove down from Springville and with her were Mrs. LuJean McCallister and children and Mrs. Clinton Roper and child. Here they took Mrs. Eunice Nielson and went on to Sutherland and spent the day with Mrs. Hazel Walker. Mrs. Hazel D. Sherriff and daughters daugh-ters Velda, Gwen, Sybil and Nona were down Saturday for the day. Mr. and Mrs. RCbert Nielson went to Salt Lake City Thursday, with Mrs. El Donna Anderson where they visited Mrs. Andersons young son at the primary childrens Hospital. Hos-pital. It was his birthday and a party was held in his honor while they were there. Master Daniel Johnson of Sutherland is a room mate of his and they got acquainted acquaint-ed with him also. a - You can tfo something about it! The railroads are the second largest industry in the nation, and are the fourth largest employer. They are one of the country's largest purchasers of lumber, sleel, oil and many other basic products. Their tax payments in your state, county, city or town lend substantial support to your schools and other civic projects. For years upon years, the railroads have been operating and ttempting io compete under the burdens of out-moded legislation and regulation. At the same time, they have been doing everything possible to give you better transportation service and fighting to keep from being annihilated by their subsidized competitors. The country is now at the crossroads. The crisis U here, now. , E . . Down one road is the ultimate destruction of the railroads as private industry, the nation's most vital transportation link . . . its very lifeline. . .,. .. -&jn. . ' Up the other road is the greatest good for you, your community, state and all America ... a highly efficient, economical service geared to today's transportation needs. . Which is it to be? You can give the answer. NOW IS THE TIME---TODAY Write to your Senators and Representatives in Washington, Let them know that you recognize the vital part your railroads perform in a prosperous America. Ask that" they be given the right to serve in fair competition. ... x j Ask your Senators to support S.3778, and your Representatives to support H.R.1248& Your Mi I Mr. and Mrs. Bernelt Tolbert and 1 children are down from Salt Lake over the holiday weekend with parents, par-ents, the Lile Johnsons and in Delta with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Tolbert. Friday dinner guests at the Lile Johnson home besides the Bernell Tolberts wore Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson of Sutherland and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson of Los Angeles who had spent the first part of the week in Salt Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hogan drove to Orderville for Memorial Day. They visited their son-in-law. Mr. Tone Blackburn and his wife and their two grandsons and several sev-eral other acquaintances along the way. Mr. and Mrs. Curtice Jacobs and children visited briefly here Wed-aesday. Wed-aesday. They were returning 'from a 'business trip to Los Angeles so stopped to say hello to their grand-.nother grand-.nother Mrs. Mina Overson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turner and Tommy were here from Pioche Nevada Nev-ada for Decoration Day. Tuesday the Relief Society held .heir closing social. Games were played and refreshments enjoyed. Next work meeting to be held on June 10. The Bee Hive Girls of the ward and their leaders and mothers attended at-tended Swarm Night, at the Stake House in Delta, Tuesday. Miss Shirley Shir-ley Sheriff and Mrs. Mina Over-son Over-son are the leaders. Miss Gladys Banks and Fred Banks and family, were down for Memorial Day, with the Herbert A'begglen family. Mr. J. A. Banks was over from Manti. Saturday, they all went to Salt Lake for the day. Paul, oldest son of Fred Banks, s staying on for a longer visit here. Miss Linda Greathouse was home with her family over the weekend. She is working in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot are home, after a month in Salt Lake. Grandsons, Keith and Gordon, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Talbot, are visiting here with them. A nice crowd enjoyed the American Ameri-can Legion ceremony at the ceme-'ery, ceme-'ery, here, at 9:15, Friday morning. morn-ing. Mr. and Mrs. Clead Nielson and xpaymi Mr. end Mrs. LaVer McCUUaa received re-ceived a telegram telling them of a new grandchild, the baby boy born June 1st at 4 A. M. to Mr. and Mrs. Walter John Lisiecki, of Duluth, Minn. Mrs. Lisiecki is the former Marva McClellan. The new arrival is the sixth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. McClellan. Mrs. Jane Ashby visited in Fillmore Fill-more Memorial Day, with relatives. rela-tives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCardell and Mrs. Mary Freer, drove to Salt Lake Friday, visiting several cemeteries cem-eteries during the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Nielson and family met Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson Lar-son at Nephi cemetery, Friday. Mrs. Josephine Sudbury came on to Lynndyl with the Nielson's. The Sunday School had charge of the program Sunday evening. Supt. Ray Nielson was in charge, fhe theme, "Feed My Sheep," was carried out. Scripture reading by Miss Ellen Best; talks by Rex Ab-egglen, Ab-egglen, Phill Nielson, Bro. Clarence Clar-ence Greathouse. Two songs from the Junior Sunday School and the Singing Mothers sang "Beside Still Waters," with Miss Jane Nelson as accompanist. Mr. and Mrs. Phill Nielson and family, were Salt Lake and Spanish Span-ish Fork visitors Monday. The Keith Nielson family have moved back again. For the past two years they have been living at Kearns. We are glad to welcome them back. The Kindergarten youngsters from Leamington and Oak City, are brought by bus here for the six week's course. There are a-bout a-bout thirty-one, making a nice group for their teacher, Mrs. Ma-ble Ma-ble Harder. Miss Linda Mills is in Salt Lake for the summer. Little Miss Robin Dutson is here from Salt Lake, visiting with grandma and grandpa grand-pa Mills. Mrs. Roy Nielson and Kathlyn, spent two days in Salt Lake last week. They brought little Liz Fowler back for a visit. The Fowlers Fow-lers have moved into a new home and she is here with her grandparents. grand-parents. o o o noimuor DESisitinr MRS. ABPRILLA SCOW Mr. Charles Dickerson, from Nebraska, Neb-raska, visited several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Palmer. Pal-mer. Mrs. Ina Rae Roper and sun, of Logan, Utah, spent several days with her mother, Mrs. Ines Dam-ron. Dam-ron. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Callistor and daughter, from Idaho, were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Conk spent a short vacation in California. While they were gone, Mrs. Conk's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ca-hoon, Ca-hoon, from Tooele, came up and stayed with the Conk's girls. Neva Cropper, from Salt Lake City spent the week visiting with her brothers, Blaine, Cuman and Lincoln and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Cropper left Saturday for Kaysville, Utah and Mt. Home, Idaho, where they will attend Rodeo's at both places. Mr. and Mrs. Verdon Davis from Deseret, Mrs. Shirley Jensen, from Logan and Mrs. Joan Workman and children, from Salt Lake City, went to Fort Worth, Texas, where they attended graduation exercises for Miss Joyce Davis, who graduated from the Air Line School. Miss Davis Dav-is will, at present, have her headquarters head-quarters at Cleveland Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Humphries and family, from Salt Lake City, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Humphries' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Rowley. Our congratulations this week go to the Deseret Pee-Wee ball team. Our boys played a baseball game Thursday afternoon with the Delta First Ward Team. The score was Deseret, 4; Delta, 2. Congratulations Congrat-ulations to our boys and their manager, Gary D. Dutson. We wish to thank the American Legion for the fine program they presented at the Deseret cemetery on Memorial Day. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Bennett on Memorial Day, were: Mr. and Mrs. Jeone Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Marv Jackson from Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Larsen and family, from Bountiful, UtSh and Mrs. Lydia Western and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Western and family, of Salt Lake City, were here over the Memorial weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black. Mrs. Mable Olson, from Orem, Utah, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crafts and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crafts. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Black and son and -daughter, from Dugway, Utah spent the weekend at the home of Verl's parents, -Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Black. Mrs. LaVern Johnson and daughter, daugh-ter, Helen and children, spent Memorial Me-morial Day at the home of her sister, sis-ter, Mrs. Josie Moody. Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper mm i Cg-T'-o-mriu.z 600 Rugged 4-plew power. Gasoline Gas-oline and tP gas. Standard 4-wheel, single and dual front wheels, adjustable axle. S1 4 and family, from Provo, Utah, spent Memorial Day visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Genevieve Larson and children, child-ren, from Spanish Fork, Utah, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lois Eliason, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bunker and son, from Logan, spent several days at the home of Mrs. Bunker's parents. par-ents. Mr. and Mrs. Alired Peterson spent Memorial Day at Mt. Pleasant, Plea-sant, Utah. Mr, and Mrs. Dee Brush and children from Henderson Nevada visited a few days with Mr, and Mrs. M. P. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Black from Ogden, Utah spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Oral Black. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ekins and family and Mr. and Mrs. LaVerl Dewsnup and family and Mr. and Mrs. Newel Dewsnup form Dugway, Dug-way, Utah spent Memorial Day at the home of Mrs. Amanda Dewsnup. Dew-snup. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts from Salt Lake City spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jensen. Miss Evelyn Cahoon, who is employed em-ployed in Salt Lake City was at her home over the weekend to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer El-mer Cahoon. Mrs. Arma Low Stanworth and daughter from Nevada visited at the home of her father, J. Harmon Dewsnup. Miss Rochelle Cropper from Salt Lake City visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cropper. Paul Dewsnup and Richard Dewsnup Dew-snup from Salt Lake City was home for Memorial Day to be with their mother, Mrs. Ruth Dewsnup. Some of the people I saw at the Deseret Cemetery on Memorial Day were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Conk from Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Black and Marion Black from Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Fawn Bennett from Fillmore, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alired of Salt Lake City, Mr. Bryant Moody of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. John Moody from Provo Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Alired and family from Provo, Utah visited with Darrel' s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Alired. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Western and children from Salt Lake City spent Memorial Day and Saturday and Sunday with Harold's parents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Western. Kent Dewsnup from B.Y.U. at Provo was home over the weekend. Miss Diane and Bonnoe Jensen are spending their vacation in Salt Lake City with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Roberts. Miss Gaylyn Cropper is in Provo, Utah visiting with her cousin Miss Dixie Cropper. Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Moody and family went to Fillmore on Memorial Mem-orial Day. Sunday morning at the Stake House at Delta, Chad Kay Ander- F" f tilir" til t tir ,r w r j - ' S v - 1 t l I - S A Millard County Chronicle son was baptized a member of the church by his grandfather, Wells Eoblson. He was confirmed in Fast Meeting also toy his grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Christensen and son from Salt Lake City spent the weekend at the home of Sheldon's Shel-don's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Christensen. Monday morning the Deacon Quorum under the supervision of Newell Knight went to Nephi where they visited the Thermoid Plant.' They also visited the Fish Hatch-1 eries and other points of interest. They enjoyed a good swim at Park-Ro-Shay and then returned home. Deacons who enjoyed the day were Darrel Scow, Gill Dutson, John Western, Jay Webb, Phil Christensen, Christen-sen, Francis Cropper. We certainly thank Brother Knight for taking the boys and showing them such a good time, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dorton from Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dorton from Colorado Springs, Colorado spent memorial Day with Mrs. Maurice Dorton's brothers, Lincoln Cropper, Cuman Cropper, and Blaine Cropper and their families. Mrs. Mae Cropper and Miss Neva Cropper visited Saturday at Fillmore Fil-lmore with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mace and son Marlow and daughters Jane and Rhea and Mrs. Lena Freeman from Fillmore visited Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dewsnup. Airplane Spraying FOR BEST INSECT CONTROL CALL DEL-AERO SERVICE (Leo Burraston, Mgr. - Delta, 286J1) Done Equipment Co., Delta, 5125 PESTICIDES CALIFORNIA SPRAY-CHEMICAL CORP. 1510 South Redwood Road, P.O. Box 2070 Salt Lake City, Utah So different you have to to believe it T -J f 's- & '"4 ! - Senses Doubles Pull Power Instantly Precisely Automatically No shifting Mo clutching No stalling i Cas-amElle 800 Big new 5-plow model. Gasoline, diesel, LP gas or distillate. Standard 4-wheel, single and dual front wheels, adjustable axle, western and rice special models. 1 ff : 3 Little or no cash needed Your trade-in or small down payment gets you a new Case-o-matic Drive tractor right away. Case Crop-Way Purchase Plan sets later payments at times when you have money coming in from crops or livestock. For the tractor thrill of your life, come in and see us now. Thursday, fune 5, 1958 Mr. and Mrs, LaMar Dewsnup and children attended the Dutson family fam-ily Reunion held Saturday at Oak City, Utah. With Kindergarlen starting Mon-' clay morning from Deseret were the following: Amy Conk, Audry Black, Mike Anderson, Kristine Knight Dixon Eliason, Kathy Moody. Mrs. Paul Theobald and son Michael and Mrs. Ted Nielson and daughter JoAnn made a weekend trip to Monticello, Utah, where they visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Warren Henderson. Mr. Theobald Theo-bald joined them there, coming from Wilcox, and they visited the Mesa Verde National Park together. The Sunshine Club of Delta First Ward will meet Thursday. June 5, at 2:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Lynn Warnick, in Delta. WE NEED GOOD USED T.V.'s ON NEW ADMIRAL'S A FULL LINE OF NEW ADMIRAL TV Delta Auto Supply PLANT FOODS feel it CosEO-mSlIc 400 Full 3-plow capacity in heavy going. Gasoline and IP gas; standard 4-wheel, tingle end dual front wheels, adjustable axle. the Load ... w& -1 REED TURNER Delia, Utah i ' - V |