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Show Early Pioneer Woman is Laid at Rest Susan A. Lund, wife of Ex-Representative Louis P. Lund and sister of the late President D. D. Mc-Arthur Mc-Arthur of the St. George Stake of Zion, died Sunday morning at 5 o'clock, October 19, at her home in Pleasant Grove after suffering with heart troubles for nearly a year. She was born September 22, 1843 at Navoo, III. and came to Pleasant Grove in the year 1S50 with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc-Arthur. Mc-Arthur. At one time her father was the Life Guard of Prophet Josep Smith. In the year 1860 they moved to Mount Pleasant where she lived until 1870. Feb. 8, 1870 she married Louis P. Lund and from this union seven children were born butat different time death has claimed claim-ed therr all. July 3, 1870, they moved t Pleasant Grove their present pres-ent home. Here her husband engaged en-gaged in farming, dealing in machinery ma-chinery and stock raising. He left their home as an elder April 9, 1883, for a mission to England, but was ordained a Seventy by Apostale John Henry Smith in Liverpool, Jan. 14, 1884, being called to preside over the London Conference, which positon he held until he was released to re- turn home, in charge of the first company of Saints of the season. On i returning home he was chosen one i of the presidents of the 44t.h quorum : of Seventy. Very impressive funeral services , were held at the Alpine Stake Tabernacle Tab-ernacle at one o'clock Tuesday afternoon, after-noon, October 21. Bishop S. L. Swensen presiding. "Sister Thou , r Art Mild and Lovely" was the j opening hymn given by the choir. Elder Alexander Bullock offered the opening prayer. Mrs. Eva Driggs rendered a vocal solo "I Know That My Redeemer Lives." Many beautiful beauti-ful eulogies in tribute to the memory mem-ory of Sister Lund were given by those called upon to speak in the services. Elder Thos. Gleason, Elder Wm. Haynes of Pleasant Grove, John Carter of Mt. Pleasant, Pres. A. J. Evans of the Alpine Stake and Bishop Swensen of Pleasant Grove spoke in the most endearing terms of her mild and pleasant disposition and the many friends she had made in life. It was said that not once had anyone ever heard an unpleas- ant thought spoken of the good woman. A trio was given by Bro. and Sister Mork and Sister Christen-sen. Christen-sen. "0 My Father" was sung by Sister Lorinda Holman. The choir sang "Guide Me To Thee" and the services were closed by Elder Thorne. It was a beautiful funeral, yet a ead parting to the mourners. A richly decorated white casket covered cov-ered with a profusion of cut flowers and wreaths in mild designs brought to the memory of her family and friends the love she had for nature and its beauty. She was a woman who made life pleasant for all around her and a great lover of flowers which always adorned her beautiful home. Amasa' Scovil, J. H. Amitstead, Edgar and Burke McArthur were pallbearers. The remains were laid at rest in the Pleasant Grove cemetery. ceme-tery. Susan is the last of Duncan Mc- , , . " ' . Y "' Kf v - 1 " " ' . ; f X 1 Mrs. Louis P. Lund. Arthur's family who came to Utah in the early Fifties. She braved all the hardships of the early pioneer life saw the steady growth of this great state from the days of privation privat-ion to its present prosperous condition. |