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Show SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION AND SALE onnlyek Beginning Monday Morning, Nov. 3. Ending Saturday Night Nov. 8. ononlyEk SAVE $8.00 MAJE5TIC RANGE5-AREMADE-INALL-5IZE5AND-5TYLE5 Z CHILDREN H Asa special inducement during Our demonstra- EPP&S&y (SSr5, pr! SOUVENIR DAY tion week only, with every MAJESTIC RANGE It.tS fSjSj! ffff 4. , , sold (prices always the same) we will give free MlM l'M lEM 150Majestic Birds Free, Monday, H one handsome set of ware as illustrated here. BPSTT ClHfef If ferfTftf fT between 3 and 5 p. m. Every piece of this ware is the best of its M fWB I P gl 1 t feg PM I The first 150 boys and girls who preset to kind. Not a piece that is not needed m every ;.IUfe4Jfe. kWSS"- THE MAJESTIC RANGE SALESMAN at our 1 kitchen. It cannot possibly be bought for less J fjj HlT , ?; i &2FC LJJrTOlTSSt store, between 3 and 5 p. m. MONDAY, written I ?n$8oNmTOSEEIT 10,1 " XW(I WWlr3l HPl answers to the following questions, will receive p store. UON AIL TO SEE IT. ff fmM fe f WSM a "Canary Bird Souvenir" FREE. (jj : I p44 I PfcSf ''W-V 1 What range is your mother now using? WHICH SHALL IT BE? ViOJ SPI&U Lf3J S- d0 you know anyone needing a new range? Do you intend to continue laboi ing, burning ONLEGS IFDE51RED fjZ-- 3Why is the GREAT MAJESTIC the most 1 valuable fuel and destroying high-priced food ' '"""Ja!aHi3i hmM.aMu...m. durable range made? with that old worn-out cook stove? SffiSffl'.nK ffl I'M I tt HCflVY-MnRHLCEEB-PWDB.nPnn- 50-CENT ARTICLE FREE! r You KNOW ihat old stove eats up a lot of rrS JSpS-A The one gwmg neatest and best answer to l fuel each vear. SETTLE: 18 CZ-flLL-tUPPER-TEfl KETTLE- 11111! j' i 'ff j ' 1 1 11 HsJ? WXmmi the last question may select any 50-cent article II You KNOW you have trouble in getting it to 14 in LL-COPPER- ! j M IO ZSImSiP from ur . in addition to the SOUVENIR. 1 bake just right, in fact, spoil a batch of bread wt-t-ttrvi- f"") V Wjr3;J!! i I I-' I LijLlj tnri-flL50-BE- Don't be discouraged if you are not one of 1 M every once in a while-you know it costs con- l5!!- li 5 1 ' the 150 to get a Canary Bird Souvenir. You I ?! siderable for yearly repairs. 1 ,Jl J WFlltM g6t MAJEST1C PUZZLE CARD" Some" Ij Stop and thinK and figure. Wouldn't it pay iM, ST" I J 3B thing for all the boys and girls. II -! to buy a good range- a range with a reputation. MFm--.MWMx , ill 1 lP You can have worlds of fun wlth the MAJES" I i J THE GREAT MAJESTIC MALLEABLE AND WmmmM I tm TI BIRD-it imitates the canary to perfection U CHARCOAL IRON RANGE WWWil MlSS I . Be sure L3"" Tnnv f l You make iw mistake in buying the GREAT " Cl in at our store MONDAY AFTERNOON, be- I !)u i All during the wee j a special demonstrator U can't break-has a movable reservoir and an PW7 MKS direct from the MAJESTIC FACTORY will be q oven that don't warp that's why the MAJES' - M$m PP ' glad to show you "ALL ABOUT RANGES" I TIC uses so little fuel, bakes just right every show you why the MAJESTIC is the best range j' day in the year (browns bread just right all over ', ! on earth at any price. I j' without turning,) heats 15 gallons of water t-v s -i i ii -pv j nni ci1T,j.xj. I $ while breakfjast is cooking-properly hanoled DOIl t UVerlOOK tile Date. i illS IS a hpeCial InVltatlOIl 10 COME, IF YOU INTEND TO BUY OR NOf. I. $ lasts a lifetime, and costs practically nothing ' ? for, repairs. Vnil 51Tirl VAlir "friPHflc HTlf Yt A10llVnrc Education lies in KNOWING THINGS fj Don'tbuy the rangeyou expect to last a life- UU allu XllCliUO dllU IlClgllUUIft. KNOW why the oven of a range is heated- U time "unsight unseen;" you'll be sure to be dis- KNOW how the water is heatedHOW the top "' appointed. Come to our store during demon- Tl JI i JL. "1 's beated--WHY the MAJESTIC uses so little p stration week, see the GREAT MAJESTIC CI "EfT "ffl" 4 f "1 lt T (1 j( &lTtl fuel KNOW how a range is made inside and U have its many exclusive features explained kTS;-1- IJPvL- KJ j LM M E ij outside. This education may serve you in the find out why the MAJESTIC is 300 per cent a future. DON'T OVERLOOK a chance to stronger than other ranges where most ranges KNOW THINGS shown by one who knows. Ij aie eakest- . - Hot Coffee and Biscuit Served Every Day Until 5 p. m. rf . IR g u a ran tee d When you buy a Suit Bl IS irscnoaum that has been made by kd lW VaXTjLGS TAILORED, one of the largest S llllilillllllllllllllllll'lllllir manufacturers in the p H country with years of 1 I 19 11 experience and they 8i S I "ptl tell us to absolutely I 14 ill guarantee every suit S S In I f lrS to give entire satis- gg M IjJ K faction. That they are i HP Irw7 made of a11 wo1, ori' P nil I Mil 11 mf s. ma London cold-wa- i li n f ffl ter shrunk cloth. The S 11 ill trimmings are of the j r " an fuermore ' j llllllli W I the style is correct, g SLA Prices range from $14 A I ,Knf to $21. Don't you f I I 7 I i think its worth while p I Ii '4jf 1 looking over our stock S I I 1 when wanting a suit Jf Ii 1 or overcoat? ly "Process p - c pjl 1 GOOD f I ENTERTAINMENT. J I hy stay at home and 1 worry all the time I when you can see the I best of 1 MOVING PICTURES I for such a little price. We are offering a grade of amusements never before offered in Fair-view. Fair-view. Watch for "THE LOVE OF MEN" I Its Coming. sauTJ ! - . Its Big. ! j Its Good. l THE: ZENITH. |