Show democratic platform iri ld miniature As enunciated by william jennings bryan surely rely the cleator creator did not so plan the universe un lerio its a to inake the of therace the raco dependent upon wholesale hole Aale bloodletting wo we may promote peace and comi nerce ct 63 b announcing that our na will not iw ie usel for dortho tho of ari private ate debts COLONIAL colonialism PM wo have hae lost prestige b bv our experiment in ili colo to niall ni allent sm we should deal with tho tile filipinos as we with tho the cubans CON OnEss n period of uncertainty after should bp be remedied by amendment SENAT OItS the trebil bovard luis has talen thy tile form of a prow grow ing demand for the aclei election tion of united states senators natora se b a it direct ote te of tho the people INCOME TAX tho people will sooner or later litter det demand natio an amend ment to the constitution will specifically authorize auth orlia an tin income lax fax abolt 1 in advocating dvo cating arbitration of different dif forent between large corbot ato employers ers and their employed emp loyes loes I 1 believe we wa tie defending tha the highest in terenti of tho tilt three 5 to thu disputes tz iz the employers employ era the eni cloyed and the tile f the sti biggle to secure an eight hour flay day Is auro sure to be settled in faor of the tile workingman MONE 1 the increase in product leu of gold has brought victory letor to both the advocates of gold anti tho the nd advocates locates of 0 bimetallism tin tile gold standard ml the lu larger volume of money TICS ONS no part con can tile to so long its it owes its present sue cuclis voss to campaign contributions set secured ared from the trusts ninetynine ninety nine enterprises are menaced must not bo be sacrificed that one great cum bine may flourish A private monopoly la Is indefensible and in tolerable TARIFF Il It of the tariff furnishes nu au ens ell meana of limiting the extortion which tit tho trusta can practice ital abdol absolute life equality of treatment treat nent at tile hands of tho tile rail load loads j would go fai toward crippling tho the trusts mana municipal corruption la Is largely traceable to the fact that franchise cor po pora rations tlona desire M W control the tile city council liall roads must ultimately bacomo public property A trust Is a form of legalized In ament neny plutocracy Is 1 abhorrent to a it la is mure more despotte despo desp Otle ilc than that toon mon arch more je artlas than aristocracy more selfish alan |