Show NEWS OF TOWN and COUNTI in elmoro shiner has ha Ista establish blish ed hian belt elf in the liver with stables abt bt of tho the this house if ou aalt genuine tallo tailoring ting give gle our order choll heffta our clothes on when cut and binsted up thus insuring a it perfect ailt at i I 1 HILet IlIg of tile abato board d of education lust ical prof carl 11 II marcuson of price was granted i 1 temporary high school dip jina jese jes jessed las bought a acre unimproved tract of land from 14 rum frandson Frand sto in the tile east part of price tho the consideration being R 11 W croci att ctt was tho tile agent for frandeen robert A powell reports a splendid crop of apples peaches and pears at his place at Carbot iville somo settle good leathes have liae lia e also been bf en grown lu price thie this season notably at tit the home of ofru R G miller friends of E A mitchell of the froio tailoring Tul loring company will witt regret grett to hear obear that the gentleman is sick at his pro 0 homo home with t typhoid fever feer and will not be able to isit carbon county towns and campa camps for some time e denver deaver colorado springs and return 1775 september 2122 limit october loth stopovers stop overs both ways dining curs cars pullman Pull nina N alfor curs cars the tile scenio scenic hallway railway of the world see that our ticket reads v aa la alio the midland tile democratic state convention Is called for salt luke lake city october ath carbon county la Is entitled to twelve delegates the republican state conven convention tinn la Is next thursday september ahn county haa has it representation of elevi n delegates david S miller has quit the ice lee of uncle sam at white bocks rocks as clerk in charge of tho the indian agency there ho he expects to lacato permanently nt at grand junction colo miller Is succeeded suc weded by major waugh formerly agent for the uintah utes what was left of the headon collision of two to e ng ne fihe f lie klo rio grunde grande western lV estern on the till wr last thursday morning went ent ahro gh price last friday for the agop hg s at helper it will cost hundreds of dollars to pinco the two locomotives ei buck brek in commis slon J a 0 Calla wity of arico 0 Is 1 ham this mak getting matters in shape for opening tit new now saloon in the build in ing nt at occupied by teneen jensen A IL 4 young callaby Call aay brandon are going to ritti it 11 place and they certaine taini will have ime a Is line location Rich neld sun eth ship your ll 11 live e stock to CIRY bohin son soll co stock 3 van ards s kun tas city mo best fee in nil departments export expert sales nien cattle sheep aud hoge hogs let ret ua us send our meekly market letter lettier houses tit kansas city denver dener st joseph omaha sioux city sc paul chicago duffalo buffalo visitors to salt lako city will nod tho the hercules a moat pleasant and re doc sim table rooming place third south between bet Vicen mold and west tempie temple Comen convenient lent to business section election and within walking distance of all places of interest and theaters prices reasonable new now buliung and new now furniture anil furnishings furnishing throughout in a it business letter rece received led till tills week from RA R A kirker ina malinger of tho the harmony coal cont co company he hen n form 5 us its that he will shortly visit los angeles and aind then returning via the tile salt lake kocto go 90 easton east on is bust busl nests trip it rt seem probable that Kirk cra trip ha ila connection connee tion with the tile burp purpose so hinted at by hib ii company of building a branch line 0 ot railroad to their coal properties near nort r harmony iron counte Rf acord frank ji hansen agent for thu the RIO 1110 grande western on an tho the sho oed ond dl won has resigned anti contel cop tel the position of chief lerk a oi of thy daims claims department of tho tile oregon short line hansen hua boell con meted ith the rio 1110 grando grande service nt for two mo past ind liua done good vork ork in trall ing ear car robbers rob bere adjusting ltd against the compans and generally looking utter things alth ith his the tile knuti humid d report of the lie deliver and anti rio 1110 grande railroad kompany for tho the year ending juno june list last gros earnings of an increase u er the pro atar 0 of the net earnings were 11 ll fin nil increase ot of the surplus for the theeart bear after aa ile 1 11 t of dividends and expenses tor for the non no equip meL and betterment nas ue f it decman of new equipment and betterments coat an tin increase ot of prof carl it R announces announce a with this issue 0 of ahe Ado cate for county of sc schools hoole subject to thi action of the tile republican county convention this month professor marcuson Marcu aon Is too well known to the people of carbon count county to torices need ada 00 extended introduction at the hands of the tile great moral and religious he ile has been principal of the schools at price for to u r 3 ea rs 19 a graduate of tho the university of utah und and hold holds it 11 life diploma and hag school he ile ranks high us as a teacher and if it chosen to this responsible position the parents and taxpayers an assured of the educational affairs of tho the bounty county being in splendid bands hands pe ale Is a boung roan deserving of any honors tho the motors oters may place with him |