Show ill HOR FOR democratic COUNTY convention 9 SEPTEMBER 27 the democratic county con convention foi fol caiton county u will ill be beld W at the coult house price utah thursday september 27 17 JOG A ai at 2 p in to elect twelve tN jve delegates to attend the tile state varen bention tion at salt silt lake elt cia 0 october tober 4 1900 1906 to nominate ate lt anty munty ticket and to transact such other business us its may come be v said convention representation to the tile county con convention antion shall hall be one dele delegate ra lite bewry nr every twenty five or illet major j or portion of votes cast C it I t for hon hot or aindow powers dejies representative ieS to c nt lit the tile list general election and shall bo be us ils follows Jol lows it votes delegated delegates h later flater quarters 2 56 S 2 afield aj 13 1 1 otar 1 creek 44 45 2 ackle gate as 2 bel riper r 41 2 spag hog glen 17 I 1 kill 7 76 i I 1 wellington i i 51 alde arg minnie manuil 4 1 1 carbon carbonville Car bonville vallo 1 the eveian prec precinct illet chair chairmen tit aie requested to call vit tiati tia laef td i than september lath to elect delegates to the cour bouny ty con coil and to nominate ate justices of the tile peace ill and constables cn stables LEVI X HARA HARMON 1014 W F OLON secretary county chairman Clial rulan dued dated price rice utah september 11 12 1000 1006 |