Show if 10 cathl it stute t 1 office salt lithe lake City utah aluc 1 4 1906 I 1 hereby elen lur wh elwe m omen addam 14 I 1 4 ali it kaije aitt city I 1 altah t a h han in accordance wilt wit the requirement requirements of 0 chapter kweli ladof utah 10 to appropriate two 0 unil n d three hundred I 1 wrenty r e et pr keend 0 ater from front green river rive car lar bon county utah sah bs mean ot a dam und and billits at a pt point int which beart a south 26 2 8 west wet 07 67 1 feet distant from the southeast corner ot sec ie it I 1 p 10 routh r kl ito nwe 19 lat suit salt lake oa till w und meridian tiomi where it will tx tw conrey 4 tw for it distance of tnt tn t fort feet ami and there tied ti ed 1 from January to 10 december slit 31 of each year to develop tower for the purpose of electric 11 lu ault bake lake alle alley and town towns after having licen w NO Z til ive averted arted and used the at erwill bo be return fj 4 to the matur 1 I ch tant I 1 of huld said i it at a point which beam muth 26 H N 67 7 77 feet front the de do 1 scribed corner this apt lloa tic 14 1 deigna designated ted in the state en a at no N all protest at the ua of mald up ap loti ln the tho reusens for buist be b ninde by in dellic mo and billed in this thi in cw within thirty 30 bals after the ion Ile cletion tion or tha cati lot this notice CAT f stall state 1 r nit inver date ineat of pub aug I 1 oth late of completion comp leilon of pub beat I 1 ath |