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Show as rsywM ;i 2aqle V. E. Smith Editor. Sitsrvi ytraiua. ts.cc 4wi a mlmr ha S-p- beautiful SuoM Ik 41 r. L. u y. S. A. to Suit Lake Snifti.-l4.i.g(iii- made Thomr-m- it flying to Salt Lake yesterday. tri; a candy dealer fnnii it Salt Lake, wan here Tuesday. Huh. KUi-- . and N, L. Shcflleld witnesses. Mrs,ll. Maiist-1are at Suit Lake Tills is 1 lie 11 fill week of school and attendance la Increasing daily. Mis Sylvia Phillips had a pleasant visit with friends in Ogden tills tlia a eck . Frank Williams and Alvin Kvam were at Salt Lake Tuesday with a load of oats. A HARROW ESCAPE. A Faroi>oa Itemi Msa Meets vitk a Etjirills Serum Accident. Win. Morgan's career upon this lcrrcstri.il globe came near bnniL'lit to an abrupt and unpleasant termination on Tuesday last. He straw in a hcadi-r-lsiwlun sniiietbiiig unrlennatli tills large receptacle gut out of gear and he went under the wagon to make repairs. A slight movement of the iores and tlm reach caiunout, lei ting the heavy box fall mid pin our friend uTiirely to terra firma. It was very fertiui.'ile that vane neighbors were at work near of the accident, who hastened at once to renew the unhappy fellow from his perilous sit uation. There was an ugly gash over hl right eye and his ihim was badly liruiM-d- , but a few stitches .and a juilicl ms application of sticking-plaste- r oou placed the injured mania h 'iniditioii to go home and await the profess of nature's healing jmwers It was fortunate indeed that Nome one win at hand to revue him or the result would have lmeu more serious. Is-in- ng e Four pounds and fourteen minces for three la vis county potatoes. How Booth Weber Jumbles. is that for weight? We (lid not have a verr large IVin'l forget the dance next Friday a Sunday school yesterday, evening at the hall. New dances will there lieing Sunday school con fere tice he lnt ns need In Farmington, Mrs. Henry Kras and family from Elder II. II. Flood of Kaysville was Idaho are spMidlng a few weeks our sN':ikcr at the meeting yesterday visiting In Kaysville. All were delighted wit h Ills remarks. Jus. U. Pnnidfo'it will, perhaps, lie Me gave good advice to both old and seen o i our streets again slmrlly, lie young F. I. Prophet Is building a very is slowly convalescing. nice house, which will be Unlshed in Koine of the hoya of Kaysville eXKTt a few days. to have mime fun on the side Saturday South WKHKit.SepL.25, K. W. Kikes. night. I'aitlciilarancxt week. H. J. Sliefllcld went to Salt Lake A Grand Baal CaniraL yesterday on business connected with All the necessary arrangements arc the recent fire In that city. now being perfected to have a grand Oscar and Geo, Durton will noon go ball, concert und festival at Farming-to- n to Salt Lake to attend the Latter Hay two weeks from next Friday eveSaints College. We wish them sucIt ning, or on the night of Oct. 13. cess. will be one of the must elegant affairs What la the matter with our Lay-to- n ever had In Ihecounty and will he givand Centerville cnrresKimlcnts en for and undei tbo auspices of this week. We should like to hear Farmington, Centerville and Kaysville brass bands. Music from each baud from you ofteuer. wl'l be In order during t he separate Maultnu, Mascnlt, Princess, La Ias ceremonies and the hands will nlso Klcrian and Arura are among the new render several selections together. Mudances to be learned by the young sic und amusements until you can't Talks of Kaysville. rest. We have send In an order to the From present Indications we would gixl of the storm fur a goodly supply Judge that the Rite from Darts coun- of One weather on that evening, some ty to the Midwinter Falrat San Fran- of Utah's best. cisco will not he much less thau It bus hern to Chicago. PITHY POLITICAL ' PARAGRAPHS. Tim precinct registration closed Pumpkin and squash have been passing Till Laolk ofllce In wagon yesterday. load lota this week. Wp suppose Wlio Is to lie our next mayo? Ecli j Mime dearrurallst is shipping a car answers, WlioV" out to feed tlie I ml Inna. It is said that Layton precinct will Sugar from the Utah factory t'aik t he go Ucplmllcan by u small majority prize at tin World's Fair. With the Tabernacle choir and all considered this fall. Utah Is ccrta'nly making an excelLayton precinct registration closed lent showing down at the small village last Tuesday. Denuty llegistrar of Chicago. flrecn reports an Increase of ten In tlm registrathm lists. Horton D. Haight, Jr. and Folly G. Goiinty llegistrar J. 0. M. Harues Worthington. both of Oakley, Idaho, were granted a marriage license by RlMirls the registration of West Ocrk F1iI111m ycaterday. They were Hount lful precinct to lie 01 this year, married at tlie Salt Lake Temple a falling off of two from last year, , today. Hubert M. Haskln has received the A. C. Smith, one of tlie leading nomination for mayor nr Salt Lake whole aile druggists of Salt Lake, was city on the citizens ticket. Judge en on our street Tuesday. He Gaskin has efficiently served the methought that riding on tlie tralu wa tropolis In the same capacity for near to slow u pmcess, so he watched Ills ly two years, and his ion Is chaucesand csuiw down on Ui bley-el- looked uponasuviudictionor Ills ex eeutive sllcy. ' The Atchison, Tiqieka and Santa Fe The isiliilcal antagonism is running Hallway will make a rate to Chicago high In Salt Lake, and last Monday Oct. i). of one cent as n mile from ail lin n' wen; two of (lisagrcemcnlN. Tlie first tIc-liThe decision points on that road. was no less a dignitary than tin will most undoubtedly force like rates over other western roads and Utah plumed knight of tlie Tusciimr.-iOn people may have a $30.00 rate to tlie liiudoW. IWers. The Grand S icli World's Fair lie fore it is over. f t Ids cm. it seems, would persist in Is tlieivse twice ns many Davlscuiuity liegislrarJiw. pl! Walden what people will take tu the Fair us possible lie should and should not do in the could otlierwisc. performance or Ids duties, and he e. jx-- knock-down- s r it m . 1 John Hagshaw of Imrca-V- r, Eng- hung around Mr. Widdeu's oflice. making himself gi n. 'rally olninxioiis until lie got Walden's Kentucky blind heated to the tmiling isiiiii. The iiisliot'of It was thar, lVwcis went to Interview a surgeon and have some st Itches put In Ills lip. WaUleu interviewed a justice. land. Is visiting at Charles Layt on'. Mr. ltagshaw came to America ostensibly to visit the World's Fair, but having friends in I' tab, he concluded to visit tiu-- before returning home. He Is a professor of music ami while here we have had the pleasure or The same afternoon Harnicl Irutt listening to him render a few seler-Hoii- s in hi charming style. Wr wish accused J, '1. Moyle of duplicity in political mallei and Un latter dehim a pleasant sojourn. nied Trait's veracity In language mure forcible than polite. Flows Ai Essay Oa Unlimited Gall. Aa Article were exchanged In the tlrsf. niuml. freai Fratl struck the Laytsa. Main street pave-incIn answer to the impelled by a stinging riglit base (mil team cbaUange I Would say that I hander in the Jaw. Thus do politl ut liinsr frta L HAPPILY UNITED. Sunday School Union was held here today. Hoi li ua-e- t ings were poorly I snjijKise liocause of cunfer-cne- e for tlm last two Sunday, breaking into the Sabbath Schools Frothcr., Ceo. Goddard and John M. Whit uki-- spoke Isdli In the fore arid after noon, also lid win Stephen- Sst.Sail toth Matrinuial 8u- A very liappy marriage which united two of our well known young people, took place at the Salt Lake s Temple today. The emit net lug were Ghurles Cottrell, Jr. and Mbs Minnie Layton. Elaborate son. are Imlng made by the preparations A representation from nearly all bride's parents to coinuieinoralc the tlm Sabbath Schools was prew bliviful event hv a grand wedding, j.ar-tle- r cut. If li lie-gu- this evening. Iinitutlonsliave itcen issiii'il to about twohmidred per ms. TjikEaoi.k regrets that it will not lie tu give a d tailed account of tin affair in this Issue, owing to our going to press too eafiy. Miss Layton is the youngest daughter nr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Layton, und Mr. Cottrell is a promising young business man, who lias fur some t iMiM-iltl- c Inn-ha- cat from the Islaud was on exhibition In front of the post ofllce tonight. Mr. Walker took him to Salt Lake City to give him to White & Sons. A person, who neve) saw one, would think an Isthmus connects us with Africa. Walter Hampton last night gate a rccept ion and supper to the members of the baud. Much credit Is due Mr. Hampton for his untiring xcal in be half of the band. AiBtWar XMowrist. A few weeks ago a sociable was held at a certain residence tn Hrigtiam There were probably thirty City. Various games had guest present. lxt'ii Indulged In for several hours, wlu'ii some one suggested that they attempt, a little mesmerism to break the monotony. Some faint objections were smothered by the overwhelming majority, and the game began. A young lady of robust physique as well as st rung mental development consent ed to act as medium. Shi passed in to an adjoining room, wbiletlie crowd decided on a certain object. A knob on a chandelier was selected. The entire company then placed t heir minds upon the knob and were expected to exert their utmost t j influence th'Mr object to find It. IVlien all bad fixed tlu-f- r attention on the knob tlie medium entered the room blindfolded, leading two gentlemen of the company, tlie two principal li pnot Isers each having a strong grasp mi their medium's arm. The nii'diuHi was expected to give up to Ihc influence or the aniatuer me.sme-- r isers. This site accomplished liter ally. Klio sood still a minute; then press's! close up to lie object; went past it; shook ln-- head a much as to say no I am wrong. turned around raised her riglit hand within few inches of the designated knob and fell into a trance upon the floor. Tlie Incredulous persons among the excited throng thought the young lady was playing them a trick--, hut her avimized commit ions and frightful gasps and struggles for breath soon convinced allot thefr mistake. Her limp Ixsly was soon borne out in the air. Tills revived ln-r- , lint she was out of her head'1 and talked wildly Tor some time. Subsequently she was able to join the crowd, but her pleasure for tlieevening was at an end. Tlie effect of till- - u a looked for case of mesmerism or hyp.iot ism, for in truth such it was, blu did not get entirely rid of for several days. Frighani City Fugle. will-pow- er ut SkcrslhiXr'rim' mcrous aeijualntances will follow them. M'ejoin in congratulations. Ynthlbl Tkiivsi Baa la. Our townsman, G. F. Futlllo, Went out hunting one day this week, and to his sorrow, before lie had a chance to t ry his hand on a few ducks, Home vile miscreants had stolen his ammunition and skipped'1 with It. Fletcher t nought they wero getting a little too fresh, so li stayed around Ills hunting grounds for a few days until he discovered his offenders. No sooner were they found then he had them in tlie Iron clutches of the law. They came to tlie scratch, stood trial and each danced to the tune of ten dollars costs. The next time t hey wish to steal they better not do It. r..u-.oth- -n ad r pt the CELEBRATED CORSET WAIST, Beg t oil the market AVc sell thorn on Four "Weeks Trial, H. J. SHEFFIELD. HYEUM STEWART Complete Tlie Rio Grande Western has again gnmtly reduced rate to ail point east: To Grand Junction, 113.00; round trip 30 days, 121.00. To Glenwood, Aspen and all points to De Deque, 115.00; round trip, 30 link of General MERCHANDISE, LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Doors, Windows, Mouldings days. $25.00, 60 days, 28.00. Colorado common points (Denver to Pueblo) $16.00, round trip, 30 day, 28.00, 60 days 35.00, To Chicago, round trip, So days, OGI-DE& continuous passage 54.50; with priSPECIAL DISCOUNTS vilege gtop over west Colorado common points, final limit Nov. 15, 60.00. To Missouri points, continuous passage, 25.00; round trip, limit 30 days, 45.00. Tu Kt. Louis, continuous passage SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S 30.50; round trip, limit 30 days, and Other Building Material at N SALT LAKE PRICE! OX LARGE LOTS, agent lor $i.50. For farther particulars enquire of H.E. Rkoww, Agent. Plain and Fancy Job Printing at this Office. r A. MKACUEV, ATT3mY-AT-LA- KayrtUbi - Utah, XVlUpnvtlee in all the Court of the Terrl- - lorj. Edward G. Ogden Bill IAY3VSJX Cleans Ticks, Feathers, and Mattresscp. Hi' ?iri' PRICK ltv. PAINTS. A Large Reck of C. H. HENDERSON & COMPANY'S SHOES. Peninsular Stoves and Ranges. We Meet All Competition For Spot Cash or 6 Months Time, niilciuUd Mtinranlion. rF.K bnb Farmfng-tonontVtols-l- uu wu uuiv room be sold to make JOUR OWNPRIOE, they must for Fall goods COME AND SET SOME BARGAINS. Agents for MMUUB BadudHatM. W13SSI33LS sb-ep.- v d cliargeof Ilyruiu Stewart's Interests In Salt Lake City. Mr. und Mrs. er. A large wild at tlnlr home reception suplH-ran- the reverend gentlemen, who so Igu.iraiitiy attacked Hie Sub-IsitSclnsils at a recent meeting, Mid system of sowing seeds of vanity which were reaped in bundles of Ingratitude, had been here, Fni. May lie (M.iby) (sjeaklng earnestly) would have(inviiiced them that the subject of ingratitude were not the scholars of i lie Sabbath school, and that such lacked not the projier training In youth. A Inly and three or four children, from Snake Fiver were driving down main street last Friday- - She struck n the horses mid they immediately to run. The hammer strap broke, Icll ing the horses loo.: and the wagon tongue Rin Into a bank of a ditch, breaking tlm tongue, upsetting tlm wagon, and breaking the reach and bows Into kindling wood. The lady and children were not hurt, although they came within two or three feet of rolling lulu a hollow 15 feet deep. 1 And that tlie woman Is a Mrs. Hatch, who was going to visit relatives at Hountlful. Last Friday night was given a ball in the Social llall. Six Gents, from Kaysvillo und two from Hountlful were here. All seemed to enjoy dancing to the music. Mr. Dumrner surely has the band of Hie county now. The sick list is becoming smallsonn1 of TOUND FOK Fl'TATHKUS. Horae back riding is besoming quite f ibe eians disagree. a fashionable sport aiming the young Tim Democratic Cenlr.if Oonnnit-te- e lad tvs of fairly Kaysville. have flxed the dates Tor the con&Z CO- other vention to nominate candidates tor Cut Tkii Out for Fa tun Rsfimnw. 'tolls. It matters not too whether tlielegisiatlve rlertinn in Novemls r. Uiey claim they are Inn fat, ton lean, In tlie Sixth House The following are cash prices at tlie DRY GOODS, MILL or too tired f whether embraces nil of Davisdistrict, which loo count v. the City Drug Store: liicy euy the umpire was pm fair or ronvouiii.u wiUU held at Warner' Sure Cure ERY, XOTIOXS, Jl.Od m honest. We are open and reailv AH Sarsaparilla The council To mul GENTS' t. match ourselvesagainst the Hooper .ADIES -, for the Fifth District, which 7.Ayer's Hair Vigor c1ul f ir another fair' contest comprises all of the .Sixi h Aleock's lorous Flatter N a h n'KNISHINT, GOODS. iViif the lat two round-i;-- s House tlisi riets, is to he held iu ini 2 for V, GHOCEU1KS. FOOTS ami SHOKS.j Salt at any time and under Lake City (m 21. Frimaric io Grandpas Wonder Soap We agree to ac-- Tor tlie election of any circumstance All ael. Articles V, delegates to these the challenge and will appoint a convention will hr held at. )ress Making in latest Styles, or, a time to Hay Hum. OsMmltti'e to make' arrangements. -, designated by the Central Cmu- ftGlycerine. or tub Layton Hoys. Prices at "Fed Sock." ni it tees of the repectlv Tr. of Arnica, per oz. 05 ?r,mit j,,s " " H- 05 Farogurlc, liTSV&U, iivli highly recommend IIm Jbsqv-- r nine after twice defeated. Tile Layton flub I for tin: ln'shaps" Stock Pmiint Toang Psopli Tw |