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Show f r I lW . YOU 1. KAY.SV1IXK, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, 1'B. INGRAM I l.AWl.N.s Jt JTeue VRWKJL Y AN J i l ; J.. utail IYSY1LLK. W. HAUSEN AGENT. or f.UK-K-S IK oi u Murm NATHAN REEVES Manufacturer of tA)Ml;l NATION FKSUIXG - Kxvsvjlle !0" chicken wauled at ShdiicltlV er. to till orders now In. That great metropolitan press says J. II. Larkins, slarteil for Soda such advice is ininora! and its end is to the trusting creditor. Springs last Hon Jay. Wonder if th it is a fact? J. 1. of Uriahs liK'ily a mail lias honestly become in town over Sunday. in is that any reason why the F. Ii. Williams ret nrm.il Sunday liume should lie taken sway from hi from a visit to Salt Luke. Innocent wife and helpless family? Js received a fresh supply of that a Just cause wliv they should bc Just tobacco at City Drug Store. t uriied out upon tlie cold world withand Supra out shelter? Kay, verily, no man has a Mrs. Schafer, a sister of our fellow to sell for debt any honest mail's townsman liusel llyde. is here on a right home under (he hummer, if (hat per. visit. son is trying with all his power to pay You can get anything In the Geiicr-.- as soon ns possible those dues. Tlie Mdse, line, of II. J. Sliclticld and holy scriptures themselves do nut upSht-flie'- 1'lUgMA.Vt I'l XU iKHClM e AkSKTSuVEU $3.lllNtU0ML(k) NKTILJEUEXT I!. eln-.it- . Insure your buildings WITH Editor. pr urns. 1titcV--n. Utau d-- bt 1 save money. hold sueli doings. A man's own conscience tells hftu it Is wrong, no matMiss Rirdio Kaowlton left Sunday ter liow hardened and depraved it evening fo Salt Lake Ci ty to spend a may hare become. And more, UnKKS&CtVff few days with friends. laws of nearly every nation on the All Kinds Whip Lashes Henry A. Tuckett, the Salt Lake face of mother earth exempt certain confectionery dealer, was rustling properties from execution, and why? I anies.s because right and Justice demand it. among our merchants Saturday. Even our own dear Utah lias laws exNeat ly done on short notice. It. G. Lambert, a representive of empting many properties from sale Satisfaction guaranteed. Provo Wooion Mills Co., was looking under execution, and that our read- UTAH. KAYKYILLE up trade In Kaysvilie Friday. ers may become more thoroughly acwith them, tliey are producquainted John Flint has raised some very ed . large water melons this year, one tipChairs, tables, desks and books, to W. R. ping the beam at forty-eigpounds. tlie value of two hundred dolla.8, beThat's immense. longing tn the Judgemeutdebtor. Merchant Tailor and Gents Miss Allie Evans of Cokeville, IdaNecessary household, tabic, and kitchen lias liecn to the town in ho, belonging furniture, visiting during Furnishings. week. She 1. now the guest judgment debtor of the value of three the past uta. XinvtU. hundred dollars; also one sewing maof Miss Minnie Williams. chine; family hanging pictures, oil Evans & Layton consigned a carload K. Williams & Son and drawings, portraits and paintings of hogs to the Utah Slaughtering com their necessary frames, provisions, pany last week. They were all raised actually piovided tor individual, or Dealers in the vicinity of Layton. family use. sufficient fur three months: Home m issiornrles from Centerville, two cows with their sucking calves Messrs Smith and Wooley, were speak two lings and all sucking pigs: all ers at the Tabernnrle last Sunday. wearing aparel of every person or family, also all beds nr liedding of evTheir remarks were Interesting. or family. ery Messrs. Hampton and E. A. Cottrell The farming utensils or implements of Farmington were in town Monday of husbandry of a farmer not exceed to Invite nnr band fortune to Farm- ing in value the sum of three hundred S. A. ington to tlie grand band concert. dollars; also two oxen, or two horses, or mules, and tlieir harness, one cart and Harriet ITyrum Paeon, Hayes City Drug tore, or wagon, and food f jr snch oxen, both residents of onr sister citv cows or mules for sixty days; were wed it granted fitful, by horses, perraltto ail also, seed, giaiu or vegetables actCounty Clerk nilllips last Tliiirs-daDealer in ually provided, reserved, or on hand for the purpose of planting or sowing Attorney A.Meachen went to rnent at any time with tlie ensuing six Medicines olio. Drugs, Idaho, last Saturday where lie months, not exceeding in value the Toilet Articles. will be Tor a few weeks. Then he will sum of two hundred dollars. return to Kaysvilie and stay here Tlie tools, tool-cheand impleEtc. ments of a mechanic or artisan, ncces Jed. McPherson, who lias liern in sary to carry on his trade, not exceed Southern Idaho for several months, ing in value the sum of five hundred was visit ing lien- - among relatives Inst, dollars; the notarial seal and records THE KAYSVILLE HOTEL week. He went north again Tuesday if a notary public: the instruments and chests of a surgeon, physician, after subscribing for The Eaolk. H. MSNSELL, Prop. surveyor, and dentist, necessary to the We. the merchants of Kaysvilie and exercise of their professions, with 4n IS3SA732 Sis; a CSmXTASLE ul sons Layton agree tosell Pioneer Tea at Vc their scientific and professional libra,1EI I355X lit OTPLY tto TaBLI Will (h a DkorSdc )1h: Farmer's Union, Adams ries, and the law professional libraries K33 T21U3X3SVK3SI & Sons, W. A. lTvde. IT. Stewart, Wil" and office furniture of attorneys, counli.imsKPon. II. J. Sheffield, Wessels & selors and Judges, and tlie librarlesof Co. ministers of the gospel. TT5 K 1 I V'! of the earrings of tlie James Smiths n w house will tie (me One-liaISXliLSOLTJA13ILiL:- - of t he finer brick structures of our city Judgment debtor for Ids personal serand it isgoingupin great haste. Janie vices, rendered at anytime wit.liln sixdeserves iiiueti credit for pushing so ty days m xt pi .ceding the levy of East U. t. Caret. fine a building to completion during execution or hvy of attachment, wlu-t appears by the debtor's affidavit or Utah c tiled !nrl Uni!. those Kaysvilie. such earnings a re necessary oiiierwi.se, On Sund iv hit Tile Misses Know-to- n for tlie use or his family, residing in ple-iini ly enter! Thiel tin folio g hi Territory, supported wholly or in ; fromS-ilfriends Lake party of INirt by ids labors, Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Mack. Jr.. 1 f the debtor bo the head of a family The Missis Alice and Vtcfora Han- then- - shall he a further exemption of -son. Ada Mark, and Idi Haldwin. nd a to be selected by the lionuslcad, Messrs, llcnry Alack, E. G. Hanson debt or, consist ing of lands, together and J. A. Ekmun. with the I'lppiiiteniiiices and ImproveWhile yod are delating A monster lantern parade will bo a ments hereon, not exceeding in value the STt.VEll yVESTICN featumdiirinvconferoncc. The last the sum or one thousand dollars, for AT one was not a pronounced success, ow- the Judgro enL debtor, and the further ing to its preparation lilng liinlt'd to sum of live hundred dollars, for his FOR a few days. Thrre will lie a triple op- wife and two hundred and fifty dol ICE CREAM, COLD SODA, portunity for every cyclist tn the city lars Tor each oilier member of Hie Ui prepare for the coming parade, and family. CHOICE CANDIES, a several prizes will lie offered for the novel illumination, the public & Tobacco Cigar most will In- - treated to a tine dlsplav. A Young Msa of This Plaes Huts Pay a DoEvery body llar Each Visit to Sss His Qirl. Everything first-chin-s. Thursday night. Octobers, lit 7:3n. is Invited to call. t he t lme set for tlie display. The line Two men wlio hang up their Prop. of m:inli will embrace all' the princi-t- a hats in young this pretty near vicinity were street. Herald. engaged in a friendly game of poke Tlie town's joke for tlie week is on one "veiling not long ago. One of twoof Kaysvilie' pmmincnt.jludios, them suggested hy way of a little Call who went out buggy riding fiw their pleasant diversity that tliey wager tlie health, and like most ladies a rh when atTevtioiis of their best girls on the stepping into rum's shoe atjd trying outcome or the game, the loser to re to do tlicir work, tliey. turned out liiiqui.-ha- ll right and title in favor of Wlien tlie winner. It was agreed, and of without, greasing tlie vdilcle. about two miles from town, a hind course one lost. The broken-hearte- d became fastened and wheel of MEATS. CLASS youth finally pitched up a truce oy For FIRST could not he turned either one way or agreeing to pay one dollar for every the other. And we brmgour joke for- vi-- it to see Ids girl, and at- the rate Tald for ward on hc ladles leaving tlie buggy matters are running now Highest Cash Prices bankruptcy PORK ami footing it bom'!, leading is Imminent. MUTTON and BEEF, Money makes tlie mare the horse. Tlie girls dont know of t his arid a a Handling Pork and Calves specialty go' I an old saying but. I guess Urn la- The Eaolk never divulges sueli dies tlioughta little grease would also precious secrets, tbey probably never will Robert Blamires, Prop make the buggy go. W. S. SMITH, of Repairing -- la-lo- Jamison, ht A. in ZMIeisci3l&jnt:ise ii N B NO. iU. SbtclJ EsUAAtum Eduatioa. On ikYirtiutof Ihchard time with which this great nation has strugiing for some time, but which now. we are happy to say, ure slowly easing up, the city of Itrigliani. one of our sister towns on the mirth, lias abandoned the wort hy. project of erecting a targe, and commodious central stli'Kil building, bringing with it (a the Hrigliaiu Kugiersays) a tlioiiicgii gradation of hII c lie district schools, iiut they are hound ioliave smue kind of facilities for higher cducat imi during tlie winter so they will ojen a temporary high school. G,ssl, let the great cause go on some way if times are hard. It is too bad that t he produrts of the chief Industries of Utah have been no demolished In price and other ways as to cause ahnust a complete stagnation in business and oi lu--r kinds of enterprises. Thu outlook ahead is now bolter. however, the clouds of financial depression are beginning to raise ani the beauty and splendor of incoming prosperity commence ) gleam in the distance. Silver is coming np and the mines are opening one by one until all will soon be in line. Our mips have been a partial failure this season on account of hall, and wind drought, storms but let us hope for the better next year. The Intrinsic value of won! and oilier pruductsof the sheep herds Is down, but it were not always thus, and as it has reached the lowest notch, it will certainly soon be better and those who stick to it will reap a rich harvest. Our achnols and other public institutions will sq)u be able to make more improvements. We understand that Spanish Fork is going tu have a high school this year too In spile of circumstances. That Is right, let us come to the front it there is any earthly show. We would be pleased to see Kaysvilie In It lu-e- Congress Has Convened nnd while our sUurtmen at'e Keeking a solution ol tlie liuiiiuriul problems in the hopes of relieving tho prevailing H : HASD THH EZAlTSVIXiLB gy TT-M-n- , CO-O- P is working for the same purpose by making prices conform to the GENERAL DEPRESSION Remember wc have tho largest and best selected stock of IDisess Goods,' TiLMicrNraS Die, t To be found in the city. grass-liopper- Also a Complete Line Of Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Hats, Shoes, Etc. Our Prices are Guaranteed the lowest, A.LL STJaLASTET GOOIDS JLT 50 CGEHsTTS OBiT XDOIjXj-AJK-LAYTO- N TEAM ROLLER MILLS FLOUR ALWAYS IN STOCK n ESOZDTJOE. THOMPSON kjsy3vuli.e;- y. Patent Stationery lf n s Cl-t.- STOP! 1 Jamison's foatotWbl r Sruy Community TL TheTrlbii.il-censun-- j )Ns 1 K Eagle W. G. Smith WuApwi! Ossmbi Airies Eight! s Apostle Cannon for advising Inisiiands to deed their homes to tlicir wives that they may never is- - taken from the family if anything ii..c'jU)!iioii should over take tin-- great head and provid- SKRT.2S, 18037 Parlors John Jamison, at KAYSVILLE Meat Market. llu-bugg-y d Vesting if Seksd Trusts!. Met with full board present on evening of Sept. S3. It. W. Karnes reported that the necessary repairs had been nruly at tin school fTouses and the same has been ; accepted. II. J. Sheffield reported that he had had windows frosted at all the school houses. Hills were as allowed ful lows: A. lieazer, expense. $12; Philo Dibble. expense, $3.00; J. R. rroudfoot, expense. $8.00; Wm. Allen, exis-nsVi.OO; John liarton, renal rs, $17.34 Tho. liny nton, expense, $10.00. W 11 Strong, frosting windows, $7.iY. E. M. Whin sides, N. L. Sheffield Anna Egbert, ila 11. Rnldwln and Caddie Knowlto , on teacher's salary, '1 $50 $0.7, f.7.7. $.70, $1.7, respective ARE ly- - Assessor and collt"t' r of Kaysvilie. water tat, S7..70. John Itarton, rxpen.-- . $1.00. Mr. Sniltli, late Mom Schools, engaged to teach In district d u ri ng wi n t er t e rms. Communication of A ana Kgiiert asking tristecs to purchase some kind ergarten apparatus for school No. 2 referred to II. J, Slicllluid with powc If so, dont fall to secure your ticket rnidintf Rio Grande Western; Colorado Midland, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rys. Tbs only lme running vm BLEMwnnn sfhiniis. Suit Lake City, at f :80 p. m. Train leaven Rio Q nui'toWostcrn ot, Tickvl Offiee, No. IS W. Second South Kirout. 13L O. SO lk)ly Goncrul Agent BALT John Coaftnacs Bstu- Fapuington Woiida .2.7. Salt. 2 new mBcli cows and 40 tons of hay. For partinlars apply to Jliilo Dibble, Layton. Utah. Inspect our line of ribbons (i .10c: tliey are n turjirise, Huy our Misses, Ladies' and Gents' hose (? .08) ct. II. J. Sheffield. WOALD'8 FAIR RATES. Tlie Union 1aclflc will make a rate of 74,50 from Kasyrillo to t.'hicngo and rcturnrcontliiiious piissiige, on ac- count of Worlds Fair. T. I T. J Itoucche rmux-ngc- r Oeparttn-r- t. UTAH. W. Galley. K. W. Carnes, Cashier John G. M. Da rues. J. II. Larkins. barnesbanking company Surplus $9,000. Capita $25,000. Go; Cross Tor lter Harton K TtKE CITY, L. S. Hills, ViceTrest. Directors. !L Darncs. Trest. - Conference. L. D. 8., at Mtll Lake City, Oct. Dili to 8tti. Inciiilirc, the following rates over tlie Rio Ctiuidc. are nuthori.ed to Salt Lake and return: From llodper $1.20; tki; Layton W: KajNville nl BUneUSTETT, Hulidlcg. ns a coinuittee to see dealers and huy as lie thinks Adjourned. For thcBeini-Anni- botvre;n Oglen, Salt Ltke Oily nnd SlMpIn-jei- Chicago without Change. 5HBHEHY IIKEUILRLBD. Moved to employ J. R. Iroudfool as Janitor fir academy mid sclmo! No. It was decided to purchase a ear of coal and Hn rl Hoaxer was appointed Filin hi SHORTEST, QUICKEST LINE. EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED to art. nnd No. FAIR? WOIRIiIDS . e GOING TO THE YOU Tiiujiasrex. Agent Transacts a General BANKING BUSINESS. Drafts Drawn Payable Hnywhere In the U S Canada or Mexico. Our accommodations for transacting geneal business re as good as can be found In Utah. cent interest on savings We pay 5 deposits and receive any amount lYom one dollar up. Deposits of all solicited. . Special attention to those of children. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS GIVE US Jt TRUCK, |