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Show AU A VC A C of a coon and the coon ia on the PlYlITlflT I house Two alio, excepting the sycamore. and eame to her. Consideration for FAME AND HOUSEHOLD. wlth big. hairy feet some trees are particular as to seBson her grief completely conquered his that look like boxing gloves, have selfish determination to enjoy himself of planting, the maple is not, doing taken np a position on the limbs and la his own way, and he made ah BUILDINQ UP LAND BY HOG- - wall set in spring or fall, and fairly ZOOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT body of a fallen tree. Wolves, wild BEEN AT THE PAIR. further effort to leave her. cats and mountain lions are congreveil in almost any situation. GINQ DOWN RYE. gated here in a World's Fair convenmi The KJaf Bias. tion, each telling foe tale of hie native Drake's CeBactlea of Wild A TalaeMe Crap fa mgs Papular This king of Siam is the most clime in a language plainer than font P. P. writes in Farm and Fire'resolve the country has ever ae Istarsatlag Sight for found in the colored plates In books oa Tsbsrsulsus side: "Whet ie the matter with pies Dla ad Plums my ie is far in advance of his people Here ie to be seen Caws Sail fa Baas ikaap Shserlaga natural Tha Frofoaaer Bo Fnvcd history. poetslors slum trees? Quite often they are he is doing a great deal to civilize asA Bsussholfi Bslps, tbe carcass of a buffalo, over whieh Math KrelUtle. !ull of bloom and bid fair to bear them. Before his second coronation number of wolves ere fighting. Mr. well, when lo, what ought to bo a in 1873 all natives who approached the Dyche found this carcass on foe wests Bps Bad Msg. slum la a large, spongy mass, swel-in-g rWofU-Fslr OamspoadsMAl ern borders of Kansas and got three of king had to do so on all fours They We built up our land pretty well a had to raise their hands in adoration out In a few EASTS OF FREY foe wolves nt the same time There to three or to him and bump their heads cm the few years ago by hogging down rye four time the size days have no terror for iejnet one animal in foe collection of the plum. Ofmats before him. The king did away L. L. Dyche of Ken-se- a that ie not classified ee wild. ' That the email leaves and twigs swell with all of that, and he has introduced and clover, and at the same time ten lie has biv-o- n exception ie Comanche," a sturdy same In manner. These swelthe the American handshake into his re- mode, ae we calculated, flu per acre e k ed with pony who alone survived tbe Custer a soon dry up, leaving the trees haa chased massacre. A few scan show under ception of foreigners. He gives re- for our crop changed into pork. The lings bean, e mountain lions to the bey heirs to tell the tale, and n ceptions to foreigners, and be speaks soil was all run down from exceaslve unsightly and unthrifty for the sometimes found a worm the English tongue, though he never drain on it by their dena treed placard at hie forefeet finishes foe heavy crops, and in the oenter ol the swollen plum, does this when noted foreigners have wildcats end has story. to be done to had it bring something audience with him. He hae The visitor who looks at these things run till exhausted hut often nothing. Is the cause eame At the beck to good fertility. alter penthera Mr. is critical. He is quite sure that the brought the telegraph and telephone time THREE WAYS. known, and whet is the remedy f on waa valuable such land, it into Bangkok, has established a street Dyche holds the rotten timlier n pair of fighting moose The swellings are caused by a Across the field la the aanihlne, car line and lights his harem with which heavy taxes had to be paid, chair of xoology in are breaking into fragments was Bertha aad Annie and ltay. electric lights that we did not feel as if we could fungus growth (Taphnna prunli) the Kansas state picked up on foe Calumet bottoms. With hand full of fathered daisies. The king of Blsm is a Buddhist, and afford to spend several hundred dol-la- which le supposed to live over in the university end bis killed and mounted And tbe pile of rocks he is sure earns Wandered one eununer day. wood of tree. the shows It itself, hundreds of wild animate lie from LeiuonL There is no question he was for some time a Buddhist In turning under green crops, soon Till they eame where the tall con etood to tries t, as is the custom with all men after the blossoms fall, by the that the beer is much maligned, about the treee and stumps and twigs. from it for a a and not dollar row. get abnormal swelling of the fruit, which and says that bruin is as gentle as a And there is where he makes n Siam. Every one is expected at In lte Bhlmmer of ehade and ehlne: mistake. If the critie oould some time to enter the priesthood and couple of eeasona We concluded, becomes large and bladdery by the ealf until cornered, when it will deneeklnn food They met a of to on the advice friends, For herself aad her batdee nme this royal monarch with his millions finally, first of June. This disease does not fend its own life like any sensible fo up on top and look down over to rye and clover, ie would find that foe eturdy oalc, of treasure, his score of wives and his give the land Theres a horrid mouMl" cried Bertha spread rapidly, but is rather con- creature. Mr. Dyche has a large collection of whose bark ie rubbed smooth by 110,000,000 a year once shaved his and turn the hogs in the field, and fined to certain trees Some varie"I'll klU it with this stone, "No: I t eeufht It In nu tat," said May, in tbe Kansas state building moose andideer, isahollw delusion head and nominally gave up his crown see what we could make in the pork ties are much more subject to it than animale And 111 carry it safely home. at the World s Fair. Taken together mad of puper msche. The pine tree, and his harem to wear ayellow cotton line. and n when troe becomes with the sheaves of wheat and tbe too, is mads of foe sjim material, and others, scarf about his waist and to go fasting It, and train It, sad It shall drew "Ill pet We planted rye end clover, end diseased it is My new red cart so well, and praying. The Siamese priests are apt to remain so sev- tmnehrs of corn and sunflowers, this ao are foe ground end logs and rotting to eat the 'Twill be like a fairy rodmother's sift, about allowed then hogs eral yeara The treatment of It should exhibit compares favorably with that timber. Even the solid rocks are holpicturesque as well as devout The Made out of pumpkin shall. " not to let them consist in cutting and burning the of any state on tbe grounds, not ex- low, end when Mr. Dyche wants to he priesthood is useful to married men. half of It, taking care But Annie cloned one soft hand A man can be divorced whenever he eat it too dose, To prevent this, we infected parta In doing- this, cut cepting Iowa with her fine decorations open one of them and disappears Over the captive small: In corn and grasses and state bend down a mysterious passage. A solulikes by entering the priesthood for a constructed e moveable fence which considerably below tbe I'll send her home to her babies, place where thrown in. The month or sa Nobles do not require we transferred from piece to place so the disease shows principal featnre ia tion of shellac and glue gives e surface That will be beet of all " so as to plainly, the collection of animale. end the vis- to the paper pulp which bee first been such formality. in certain the any to shut up boge off the of tan be itor catching a glimpse of blue skies skillfully molded. Mr. Dyche has If I should meet a parts it that The great event in the life of a of the field, and keeping inside the wood and not may I know whieh way I'd do; vislbleu and mountain ranges ee he enters the made the mountains and trees and tbe Siamese is the function of having his portions What do you say my children, a is othei them from parte Rye Tills treatment has often resulted In doors does not pause until he hae hie ground they eland ia, showing foe Which of the three would you? hair cut. This is sometimes a great valuable crop for the pigs, but lte much benefit skill of n sculptor and tha eye of an bands on the rustle railing. event in the life of an American A Brava Little Boy. war f,f In front is a towering eiiff. Through rt'st The On the top of a value ie greatly enhanced by having also. The Colt's Fast. About 1 o'clock in the morning the tha agency of deceptive canvas and stuffing n tanned hide full of hsr hae head a certain lock of clover or other grass growing with settler, whose cabin was on the Little hair is preserved. All the rest of the it This combination of rye and It ie a great mistake for any one a bewildering lot of bine, with white fallen into disuse in foe Kansas state Colorado river, under the shadow of head is shaved, but this lock is lapiar mache models are clover ie unexcelled as a food for to attempt raising a colt to horse age clouds scattered over it, this pile of university, kept the Mogollon mountains, aroused me sacred until he reaches the age when rocks appears to be mountain- made in molds, and over foie ie draws have nothing when obliged to keep it stabled on a If animals the hoga from sleep and gave me the news that he officially passes from boyhood to -high. The artist hae helped the foe akin of the animsL Iron rode do the Apaches had crossed the stream manhood. Then off comes the lock. bnt rye to eat they will be apt to plank or stone floor all the time. It deception by painting lofty peaks that for bones and orbs of glass for tha will most not and lame wallow the from some carry the eight-see- r get likely go grain whole; both above and below and were ad- The celebrations Sharp needles and strong beyond the bor- eves. attending the hair vancing on the bouse. He and his cutting of the present king lasted any nourishment from it, but the cause. A run in pasture through ders of the tiunllower state and plant threads do foe rest, and whan finished dover helpe them to digest the grain the summer gives not merely needed him at the feet of the Rockies. This tbs original animal ia there in all bis son, the latter a boy of IS, had been three exercise, but the cool, moist grass imaginary flight is made reslistio by a glory and without hie cares. scouting. My left arm was in a sling The king of Siam has a very large heads without chewing them. from a recent wound, but 1 had ridden assortment of wives, bnt he is so high modeling bis trees end rocks We let the pigs on the field when keeps tbs colts feet and legs In group of mountain sheep perched upon thirty miles the day before to warn and mighty that he must marry no- the rye began to ripen, and then the sound condition. Even In winter it the ledge of rock. The top lodge ie Prof. Dyche one day sat with bis back him and others that the band of red- body beneath him in rank; his only is wiser to let the colt run out of surmounted with a handsome buck, his as skins were making for Mexico by that equals being his own family. His reg- clover was well up in the field, end doors at leact in horns and if he heavywith e held lightly aloft at route, burning and killing whenever ular official queen must, therefore, all through the summer and late In there is a shed for day time, gazes eye glass glittering shelter he can be the World's Fair specte ton. The pose opportunity offered. be his half tester. The queen the autumn they found sufficient to out The rye night as well ae day. With good is natural. The professor believes in There were the settler and his wife, always is not far from twenty years of age; make them grow rapidly. the boy above mentioned, a girl of 10, she rules the harem, and the is a very straw left on the field acts as a good feed a colt treated thus will be much nature as he found it in the fastnesses, another of B and a boy of S or 6. In pretty Siamese girl. Her complexion mulch to the dover for the firat win- surer to make a sound horse than ho end, having mounted his own animals, has succeeded in putting es much acaddition there was a little boy 4 years is a light brown, and her oily black ter, often protecting it from severe will If most, of the time stabled. tion as possible into the paper pulp old, whose parents had been Killed by hair, about two inches long, stands American Cultivator. Is catch a that to good bodice. One ewe ie in the act of climbthe Indians about a month before. It straight up and is combed backward freexlng, of All this straw, was decided that we should get into from a fur open forehead. She has easily obtained. ing up a huge bowlder that atanda at Sheering. Shp and tha clover roots, go to make the an angle of 4ft degreea The knees are the ravine in the rear of the house at beautiful eyes, wears diamond Feed lambs the even before they bent oil rich in the very substances that end foe body pushed forward in once. The man and wife and younghas and diamond a at rings pendant est child went first His boy and the her nock, and her fingers are covered most worn out lands demand. In our are weaned all the grain they will foe effort In all foe cases the poise ie two girls followed, while I, having with precious atones She smokes case, two successive summers of hog- eat or nmr. dycux's exhibit, The future of wool may be uncer- natural that foe Easterner ie tempted skctiox HAXBAS charge of the little orphan, brought cigarettes as does also the king, and ging down the lend with rye and ll'ILDINS. to hands his to see foe tain, but the future of mutton will be sheep clap up the rear. All the children were she chews the betel nut, making her clover brought the soil up to such down and alight upon their to tve spectators carefully ecraping awakened from sleep and oddly given teeth as black as jet and her lips condition of fertility that wo could all right s Jump With this horn time to half dress, and there was fear stick out. The Siamese say that any theory Prof. foe material from his finger-nailLambs cannot be loft to shift for heaviest crops on the land ia disgusted. He says 'he has ISight-aeer- s kept coming and going, Dyche that the two little boys would betray dog can have white teeth, but that it grow the moved not a muscle, us by crying out Before starting I is only those who are rich enough to again with little trouble. Meanwhile themselves and produce a profit for seen mounta! sheep In all their native but tbe profeaor so Intent was he on bia and the whole bus- the breeder. simplicity, has given them every op-- apparently, afford the betel nut who can have we sold our hogs, whispered to Tommy. iness paid ns, we thought, at the rate Old ewes run down rapidly if the portunlty in the world to perform and task. "The Indians are coming butjif you black ones Well, this beaU a'l Ire seen yet" of 7 to $10 per acre. Iambs are allowed to run with them they have signally failed. Them, too, observed keep still we shall get away all right a gentleman, accompanied by nos he further foe Girl Bases a Drownlns Boj, exploded You will ride on my ksck. We are theory by too Is attention The fact is, little longer tan necessary. several ladles n other Everything looks naturalconsulting A braver rescue or one that required going among the bushes and trees, The meet cf castrated lambs Is ists, and they declare that foe story ia true to life here," he continued, expaid to rye, and especially those who where it is very dark. If I fall down greater coolness and nerve than the raise cept that old codger er there on the hogs for the market, says the better then that of those upon which all wrong. or the limbs switch your feed you saving of a boy from drowning by For late foil the operation haa not been perAmerican Cultivator. Prof. Dyche did not atop at moun- log, pointing to Trot Dyche. The must not cry out" four young women at Nantucket, tain aheap. When he made foie collec- letter wore an old slouch hat daubed Mo; me no ky out!" he whispered Mass, lately, has not been recorded, and early spring pasturage there Is formed. with the material ha bad bean using, as I bent down for him to climb on my and they are heroines of the hour with no crop that can equal it, and generA shelter that la dark, yet cooled tion he had the pelts of 147 wild ani- and tbe rest of his attire bad graduback. the hardy old islanders and the sum- ally rye la a safe crop. It will in by arrangements by which the air mals, mostfoeof them gathered by ally assumed foe co'orof foe rooks and in regions of foe United I heard the clatter of the ponies on mer contingency. The girls were one season prepare poor land so that can get through it. Is relished by himself States It took him two yeara, and he tumps As foe professor canght tha the hard road as 1 left the rack door Miss Alice Corse, Miss Alice Loring, a good catch of dover can he obin hot weather. traveled from foe sunny confines of remark be turned around. and was only fairly concealed by the Miss Ruth Loring and Mias Edna tained following, and tha two grow sheep d Why, it's alive," said one of foe Kansas to the lakes of Tests have shown will that cedars when the Indians began yelling Corse. They were summer visitors sheep like twin brothers. After in foe Rocky moun- party, who hesitated, apparently unManitoba, taking 600 eat and battering at the door. The others and were rowing in a dory from Mon- togetheria different plants, decided whether to stand her ground out, if so desired. In the which nearly an on foe way. had such a start that I could not over- oway in a rough sea, and when half the rye idea how easily sheep tains gives or ran. In northern of he clover foe Wisconsin will In be the season, pert proper across cries heard harbor take them. the for way may be kept, and how useful they are hot e bull moose. This wee a prise, And, too, they turned into the first help, A mile away they saw three such a condition as to furnish excel- as weed destroyers Lord XspUr1 Wands for besides leading a long ohaae, ns is ravine on the right, while I kept boys clinging to an upturned boat. lent pasture to the farm animale for Doctor When Holmes says foe lamp of a ever mounted. not have scab is the it largest sheep A on. times almost rowed I specimen dozen With haste to all their season. of BWhen the rest the straight rye is they The When killed he weighed 1,800 pounds. mans life has three wicks brain, fell headlong, and a dozen times the (stance, the orough and cho sea hogged down from two to three good enough to dip the sheep. foe beam at 100 blood and breath, and to turn down His antlers near boy was almost brushed off my back. breaking over their can be grown from, one sowing, fences, stables, everything that the pounds Hie tipped hide weighed 1A0 pounds any one of them makes the other two have I felt that he was crying, but very to the boat the boys pointed to a com- crops be should touched sheep ia and best the to this really his heart five pounds The fliooee go out The wounds a man will suro plan i feared that I sus-pe- d washed with some such mixture as and panion, Winchel Dunham, who was in tends to foe left of foe little qyclo-ram- s vive, and even disregard, so long ms his to take the water. He was trying to save adopt to hog down. It ie a heavy carbolic acid. Mr. Dyche can stand straight head, heart and lungs are unhurt, have he drew himself up and himself, but was so exhausted that he and unpleasant crop to harvest. The coat of producing a pound of end the top of his head Just touches long been one of foe wonders of war oould not reach the capsized craft. whispered in my ear: a whiskers on foe lower lew of foe history. Tbs London World mentions wool depends upon the circumstances, Popular Maplas. Me no ky out and make Injuns Miss Edna Corse caught hold of his The maple family is a deservedly says a writer. If we raised no lambs animal A cow moose, riding down e one conspicuous exsmpls arm and Mias Loring got a rope oomel It has occurred to noobituary writer tree, that her two selves may The redskins did not fire the house, around him and they hauled him into one, for there ia no other and wool was the only product it wse off the leaves, stands in front to notice Lord Napier of Maf dais's coat would in of as it would have been a beaoon light the boat He was unking for the last popular the treee on of so as drawn much neighborhood family lord. utter indifference to wounds, and foe her to their pursuers, but they smashed time and his face was black. He waa this one is for shade and ornamental fifty cents per pound With well of Nextliege foe railing ie a group of Vir- wonderful celerity of his recovery from his mind of times several and out tried took what breakable, and everything well cared for stock the ginia deer, sleek and fat and fit for the them. Two of bis wounds he bed not they purposes, says a writer in Practical elected wanted, and after about half an hour to jump overboard, but the girla recared to notice at all In hie record o( No doubt their case ol wool will cost nothing The lambs continued on their way. I reached a strained him while the others rowed Farmer. services furnished to Harts army list are the medium of profit. their a sailboat helps along for growth taken the land, popularity, having house the mile from and a about point He was severely wounded at then sat down on a rock in a deep ra- three lads off the capsized craft. They for a tree must not be an expensive in December, 1843, but bed reBoosahold Kelps. several waves, but landed one that Is to be generally planted. vine to pass the rest of the night, covered in time to take part in tbs Towels will give better wear 11 and energetically worked over Fashion ie a little capricious In took Tommy on my lap and hugged battle of Sobraon. seven weeks later. ly's prostrate form until they gard to trees, as it is in other mat- overcast between the fringe before him closely, but no words were exBefore Mooltan, in foe middle of him to are washed. brought changed. ters Some ten years ago the eugar they all bnt September, 1848, a cannot-eho- t Never After awhile I thought he dropped put patent fasteners on took off hie leg, but he was marohing maple was the principle tree deChildren's Gift. off to sleep and I was getting a bit shoes until they have been worn and and fighting again by foe second week The children of the Brockton branch manded of all other maples Before stretched for drowsy myself, when I suddenly heard in November. a couple of weeks. the had been that the sycamore Massachusetts maple of the The ravins. temperance the down a bear coming loyal On Jan. IS, following, lie waa severeWhen are Then favorite. turn you the pecking their your pretty Norways stones on was the government click of bis claws legion presented city ly wounded in the trenches, but be waa soft between dresses and handsome is the with a came, fountain it the put hi paper was favorite, a bear, and hear, drinking proof that it able to inarch several hundred miles the other day. It is placed at the cor- though it has by no means displaced fold, and they will creese very little across the country and fight at GujraL step signified that he was a big one. Main School streets of and ner when inches reach the sugar, which is still very much oould not see my hand six you your journeys end. one month later to a day. It is of bronze, the top being sur- planted. There is again signs of re When foe eyes are tired, or inaway, but pretty soon I got the odor lie was shot in foe leg at the firs', A of Faith. statue a mounted re by of the bear. relief of Lucknow, but nevertheless affection for the European flamed from loss of sleep, apply an turning ice is for beneath the placed The ravine was about thirty feet ceptocle rode out next day and brought in foe It is a good tree, old linen handkerchief dripping with sycamore. wide, and I was sitting doM to the sidewalk. The bays and girls of the is of quick growth, really rear guard, after which throughout the has as smooth as water can hot clean, bear amount to raised the order you possibly purchase west wall. Bruin came down sniffing blockade be did continuous end ardubark and leaves The some large only it (300, by personal and growling, and juat opposite me he the fountain, ous service. At foe second relief he valid to and is one and is the in it not the it it, objection only In ordinary burns and scalds the was severely wounded, bnt foiedid not stopped and doubtless had a good look soliciting, great one, is, that the seeds do not only remedy required is to thoroughat the invaders. I had lost my revol- city. hinder him from taking up foe active were witnessed exercises The by drop at once when ripe, but hang on ly exclude the air from the ver in the flight and was perfectly duty of chief engineer at tbe Alum-baginjured of children the people, the better part of the winter. The pert Cotton a few days later. helpless. I simply shut my eyes and hundreds from lorter will do this in batting church a XAXIAS body common silver maple, or white most waited for the attack. It did not marching balcoxy of effectually. The drum. of exercises a to the tap nrii.mxe. come. used to bo a favorite tree Ingenious Smuggling. Ink etains on cloth may be taken flint-loc- k rifle of Daniel Boone. Beby Rev. F. P. Parkin, maple, The bear sniffed and growled for includedof prayer Some ingenious methods are embut for tbe its city, very large growth Methodist the moose and the mountain singout society, the with pastor first tween big by sudden washing a took pure panic awhile and then some of when ployed for transmitting valuable arage unfitted water, next with mule deer. ticles ing by the children of the order, soap and water, are a number of caribou orwhich and started off down the ravine, through tbe postoflice. Notlonj: for the purpose, end it Master Thomas Is it the the upon by speech ledge, presentation Below relief of and with if lemon juice; but was drawing long breaths lastly go a package from Germany wee so much used of not as a and are a used be. it Kutliffe to heavy-horneacceptance speech standing, by sheep and feeling glad that the boy jn my to contain a email roll of butter. But it is a fine tree for wide avenues old they must be treated with qxalic mountain lion is just ercening out of found Mayor Keith. A wire passed through it met with aU arms had known nothing of " acid. bowlders She two between or or lair for lots her elsewhere pasture drew when ho suddenly reached no, 1: An Inf ea Iona Friitn. obstruction, which proved to be a tn A blotter can be made that will has a n whelp by her aide. where the free growth will not be box filled with valuable jewelry. my head down and whispered on It requires a great deal of ingenuity undesirable his fore with ink remove Take A from paws bear, spots paper. grizzly The red maple is tbe Probably a dozen silk handkersuccessful become a to of the foe Boys printer. gaze is returning a thick a and log, blotting paper steep it found He went woof! woof! but I no ky with Mr. Dyche well remembers chiefs are found wrapped up in newspresses, and ambitious one usuallyis so in low situations several times In a solution of oxalic sight-seeprinting in every mail from China. The much admired beout and bring Injuns!" to develop into great printers, should and which that poise, for this was his first big papers remember this, and exercise their cause of the fine display its red flow- acid. While the ink is moist apply game and this identical beer bed his skill exhibited by the postal clerks in The Unselfish Do. such inclosures is wonderat every opportun- ers make in early spring, and the tbe blotter and tbe ink will be en- white dews on top of a fallen tree in detecting An Inddent related by Edwin Ginn Inventive qualities ful. It seems to partake of the nature removed. of tirely the forests mountains hue its assumes brilliant in the dense ity. foliage at that of Boston clearly evidences intuition. They say they do not Throe lengths ere now modish for when the bullet flew true to its mark. of A story is told of a Prague printer the fall. It is a slow growing tree, least one St. Bernard dog has not only who 10 feet 0 Inches know themselves now they do it, btft disof out a mammoth elk, himself A and capoe-T-onvery a to the and almost makes handsome but one got barely hips largo a newsiaper with a silk handkerreasoning faculties, but also dilemma by the use of his in time. There ere many other medi- made very full: another to the waist, from foe ground to the tip of foe that chief in it has sort of gritty feeling human sympathy. The dog belongs agreeable mind, to once was called lie ready appears antlers, away spring ingenious um sized ones and shrubs. but the tree and likewise very full, and a third to Mr. Ginn's little daughter, who a stretch of prairie to the right when manipulated. to print a report of the board of kinds are embraced in those Silk stockings and luce are posted named. half way to tha knee, made loss full upon extremely fond of it, anil usually it is upon is a huge buffalo and by bis front two in In native bis of trade city to be her playfellow. The sugar maple is plauted as much The fullness fulls from the shoulder, side cow and little buffalo calf, over from France in the same manner. An German of the Suite willing country, one morning the dog wanted languages and the set which the women visitors go into ecs- odd kind of smuggling is carried on Cxeck, representatives of for line autumn effect as for its shade. the cape bolng either shajicd or with the men, and all the and which consists of the to go on full a of its The bronze desired in tasies A rabbit nestles behind a tuft in this country, yoke. yellow either foliage nationality strenuously of mushrooms by post from blandishments of his little mistress sending feet of the near foe elk. of should autumn of the is grass the most are their occupy that entirely closing days tongue Isinglass and gelatine failed to turn him from his pur They are of a peculiar kind, In this respect it much different articles to produce the same Right seers have to look twice before Italy. and the parallel columns on each bcauiiful ere much relished by the Even her commands and calls made no first of The dried, him. of a catch of out glimpse they the popular favorite, the effect In the thickening of wary printer got the page. in the United States They surpasses Italians of front impression. Away he went aftermaid la in the one column railing Directly a, dilemma his by turning which changes its color but is a little tbe more expen- realistic bit of landscape are ei1 di men and horses, when the little .inTSU down throughout the bonk, Norway, gardening c?me links at all. keeping green up to the sive. It is said to be mode from foe that would tax the smell. In an average saw that she was deserted she broke upside by tmguished . best endeavors of the titles accordingly, arranging 1' falls from the' tree. out into a violent fit of weeping. The and This bladder of the sturgeon, and tbe best Uncle John Thorpe to equal. uu?1! No ycr packages ere con- so that each language had a front time the New nrk office and dog, hearing the child's cries, stopped, column on every page Harper's Iron is more round headed than any is that brought from Russia. It is flowers arc there, but tbe ground in as floated hesitated a moment, as if considering natural as mother earth. A hollow released on payment of fines which oi the others, and has larger leaves little more delicate than gelatine. to duties. the matter, and then turned about Young People. log ahowa tbe front entrance to the are jt Ami-Far- a t sea-llav- aa da-ela- ns e M - field-mous- Bman moss-cover- ed ds. well-know- snow-locke- 1 Fere-xesha- h. to-da- y h, to-da- y d half-grow- r. jelly-isinglas- s I ) |