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Show German Syrup Mr. Albert Hartley of Hudson, V. C., was taken with Pneumonia. His brother had just died from it When he found his doctor could not Tally him he took one bottle of German Syrup and came out sound and welL Mr. S. B. Gardiner, Clerk with Druggist J. E. Barr, Aurora, Texas, prevented a bad attack of by taking German Syrup nmonialie was in the business and knew the danger. He used the great remedy Boschee's German ' Uaraaaa IJoaarlara. Ail Garniaa soldier., Including a and a corporal, all In full uniform alighted at Illjoii from the tram from Belfort anus two week ago and aaked to tie lakaa lo tha To kirn tbay ei- military commandant. plained that thejr bad Averted from tba tiarmaa army in order lo aaeaic the cmal traatUMnt lo wbleb they wara subjected by their olUuera. They kakad to ba aulutad In tba Franck army, algnod paper lo ba ad-- 1 milled to the foreign legion, and were isal to MaraelUaa, aa rout for Africa. , ; Unr Kaplg Tranaltarp Katatenne la brief anongk wllkoal oar teartralag It by aaah-la- in attire teat might be taken for TRI-COLO- R SIAM. I WORLDS FAIRLETTER are gaudy house gowns In then the girls dance on fcwurda and engage ia lerhaps a mure realistic pas du ventre PART OF SYSTEM CAUSES :hen do those in Cairo, There the FRANCE PLAYING THE TIIE PASS aggressor. almost aa be characterised dance may MAJOR HANDY TROUBLE. brutally Immodest, only relieved by the fact that tha clothing to even more Xa Mara Mights la tha Caoatry Than Sights In the Big BuUdlage nnd Along plentiful than in the Turkish Odeon. Hava tha ta Englteh or Hatch la Boath held of It intelligence by Syrians Ika MMwav Plnlaanaa Tha (Irlanlnl a that here these are dances Maitsontl Africa Caatarp ClrUltesimply IMnmonda Snath Iran Unaelng Ulrln custom of the Orient, a folk dance, eo Mm Africa. te apeak. Yet that ithaa its origin in IS Worid'i Fair Oorraapoadaaeal BE HOUTU AFBI-eaexhibits are calculated to make ones eyes openwiti astonishment and -aarvoaa an of tha eadalive." ayatam powerful porbapa arouse r ad. iaabta la caaaa wtera alight dlaordan every sentiment of call far Ite aaa of mlldar mcaaa af rarorer-iag- . envy and enpidity lnrolriag aa auhaMjumt dangar. bat aonally in the humen heart edclaat liuatatlrr'a Muaerh Hlllm kiH auiy bat altaaialrlr and coaipbeteljr mltanse dla npo i beholding It order of tha aluaurh, liter, linwala and uaraea. that lathe display It tea main. blr. healthfally illniulam tha Syrup for lung diseases. of diamonds from kldneya la a thumiub altrraiite. aad a amei the mines of South ibilla and fararand bilwaa praraaliteuf ranlttakL Tba atannl nnUnn raa be lepoard Africa. Tha diamond dtapUy at the la the parity and mfriy of I la aadldual Inf red - I Fair. In the hnneh. American nndit I English department particularly, a yachtsman blfubteoouriabsmuat someth lng marvelous but the Kimber-alsi. WIKI), urTICUM, US Snums at.UMW. When . shift bit aaadbaga. mining building, is State SI. HK.VUI TBMT ABO AWBIStt OO-jg. ghow, in theis educational aa well that something i ISntari TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM j M grtiftie. The exhibit is carefully Ssirbiiitef sfrl wind allta aad (tab medical aid, whan wa am aoaawhal aawell, Inm aoereaa wham it la only obtainable with gnat risk. Sraa If Ika old doctriaa wno in. that violent dlaeaaaa raqaln riatant remadlea, It doaa eat fullo that draatic psrgsllvM, aarcollte, maal-fntlj- Denver Directory. M0 UiIVim AOa.aar.lTlS (Id, irM. StarteBtegtaotw HOOFING lanitaUranl Raalai CtarSalLOtaaif.tt lBfSSal"Sk (X)KKl'OATKI) A SaUkaS Ut(. Ob Haterts r o impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken tha kidney and liver to a healthy activity, without Irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, eold or fovire, nee Syrup of PHOTO. SUPPLIES HU Hft DENVER It to not well for e airunger lo go alone beak whea he wishes to get a loan. a. Catalog aaHa Wlad Hllte ten . itatakwaa Ins. If AragaSoa M. PAY1S, TaaSa, (Ml Oar. tack A aaaa PBICES IX COLO LOWEST aod laMlar TBXD MUCLLKE, tall Lotata rada llaraaa VuESf TVE ATI! E IUI EA IT HATH BLEACHED, PYBO AX0 FSBMID. TROY LAUNDRY. orkara. f terteokla irBlg Wrlta aa. avcav oesommoN TNB PRINTING or (XX SMITH-SAOO- I ill Ateauoa HARDWARE JSSSf mm ite, I. HNvaa 4. M. MiKlKgl SOYA. TIHaamk ate Warn, tea. IRRIGATION PUMPS, muaa xxoixia vateb wxxkls aid BMSKAL HTDXAOUO MaOMIBXiY X. W TlttaALFUMf A XAOUIXtBY (XL, IA1T i.uThompani Eyt Viler. DR. GUNN S unaovan LIVER PILLS HILO PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. lav ta Baaaaaary tar ikaarmta lateala kaallk. MaaIUaaalrkat anra Maalanka. trtahua ite aka II ragatar. aad alaar Ika Omglailaa kattar Ikaa aaa. Xjaa aMaa. Tka aac alliUr, aaitkar grlaiaarataaaa aa Out plllaaia. Ta auaalaaa raa ar tfcalr aalaaii WIU wall aaawlaa Oaa. ar a tan Malar Mania. Bak) avargwkara knaaalia MaA. Oat. PkitaAalgkia Pa A mavamat af tka tewala aaak nrr mBest i Coat m mtfi In the WORLD I LICSCER TkanRH BXAXD IMCKKB ta wwnwwt watar-naihaaaiiiaaaiMla. BawanaT tekallakb Baal X Ota TO taataaall. Flak Brand" POrillST fEESS AM " PEOPLE. cluba and apeara, give the beholder an idea of the Ideal muccnlarity that Haggard depleted in the pheno physique nf hie hero, Cmslopagaa Diamond digging la shown from beginning to and. Thera were 100 ton from Colony and a lo a of dirt brought miniature machine that demonstrates 0,000,00 It has been damonatroted that tha farmer of Iowa, Nebraska, Knaaaa, Michigan, Missouri, I 111 noli aad Wtoconiln would receive ISO, 000,000 more money for their wheat crops, providing they wjuld iced their land to Btl-is- ra World' Fair Winter Wheat. This tv rlety fate the quality of withstanding any kind of weather, aa drouth, ralut, frosts, and makes the acre produce from tan to thirty bushel mon thu It now yield. It to not a mens mouth to made to talk and cut, yet he often buna himself dreadfully by talking, aad kills hlmaelf by eating. Tha Western Normal College at Lincoln, Nebraska, baa made a wonderful record. It ta the youngest of Lincoln' colleges, yet It baa the largest altendanee, baring enrolled more than seventeen hundred different tudenu the pact year. Lincoln to tha charming capital city of Nebraska, the rat'mad center and the gateway uf the West where thou tends of students iff tba Western Normal ate located. Tbto great school baa more call for lla student than It can All. Your ear fan paid one hundred miles each ten weeks you attend. Catalogues and circulars free. Croon A Kinsley, Western Normal Cottage, Llnoola, Neb, They ere getting to ba such temps ranoe eraaka In Kaaua that they will not permit lha element to brew a storm. law'. This W offer One Ituuuiau Muiiari Howard for any caw uf Catarrh that cauuut be cured b Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. i. CHUNKY A CD.. Praia., Toledo, We, the undersigned, have knowa F. J. Cheney for tba tost 15 yrara, and believe him perfectly honorable In all businves traasactinue aad financially able to cany out any obllgv Uon mada by their firm. West A Tsuax. Wholesale Druggiata. Tulnio, 0. Waldiuo, Kibbax A Mabvix, Wbutaaato Drugg lit. Toledo, IX Hall's Catarrh Cura to taken Internally, acting directly upon the IiUnhI and mucous surface uf the (jilrin- - Price 75c. per bottia, gold by all Druggist. Teoilmoulala free. a "With the exception of apraerotlnut!on.' yon ore the greeted thief of time 1 ever beard of," remarked Judge Duffy to a prisoner In whoMt pockets no lea than Ilflern watches wars found." Man's Knoarsloa ta tha World's Fate Peraou whom time to valuable should resnnounoisg that 1 hsvt mada arrangements on behalf member that tha fast evening trains of tba ' Paclls consume but oil day on lbs the National Reform Presa Asaoeie-- t Unionand reach Chisago early In tba mornroad, on, whereby pistes and resdy-print- a of raulaa returning. C'botc ing. containing Populist matter officially A graaa widow to not Infrequently one approved and roeommended by the Na- whose child ran have a poor sort of fodder. tional Reform Press Aaaoeiation and IP tha lakr I (.Italian Twit, Chairman Taubeneek, in quantity deB an cad am dim .H aad wtal trtad mudy, Mia sired, will be furnished by WibhoWi Sosian. Bar tar Child. Titaklns THE WESTERN NEWSPAPER DNION Plenty of sleep to conducive to beauty. an n garment look old when It lose. Its Write to the Western Newspaper nap. Union for samples and prices. No Cools. Monte to tko World. Fain other house furnishes authorised matTaka tba fast evening train of the Union Pv ter. W. & MORGAN, Ban. National slfle Railway, arriving early In the morning Reform Proas Aaaoeiation. In Chicago, Only one day on tha train. Address to a new I tabs pleuure la E-- Win New nil, DENVER. COLO. "aSa ifliBnui MM. TlWHMUMltata WORLD'S- VMM Columbian Exposition Jaffa tha title of "A Mere Accident, Writ, If it waa a mere aceidsnt the public will overlook It tbto time, but the author uiuat not repent tbs offense. novel. Souvenir-18- 93 mna Ite. to Dr lumeui tw aa. iM tal'l Bte. Ba trial tettl. frte Writ KUtefta Ab eagagemeat to a dalleate thing, You eaa't drop not without breaking. Pills win ears wind and pain Xabteatifa! aad bright salon In Bncntu'i the siomaek. gldiilneM, fnllneas. dlssii uid the Itoataaa akllto and tow of appetite. drowalnma, ted-taU- tUte. 3nlntlnga iteO ed, wovu.1 Sr fe Vcipt!s The man with a strong mind who to aakad lo Bind tha baby generally doesn't mind IX At the World's Fair early In tha morning ta what yon aceomplith aa aaaet rapeodaettoa ot the by taking the Union PacWe't font awning Santa Marla la foUeaU, trains. abuwing the bn vs env tha amtoiadla dlaaovarlag AMIRI. The good humorist never amllee that to, CLoatke bottom toa dw nnlaaa somebody elie paya for H two the skewing nod the new Is wlywa Stagle Cara Balva." Warnmtat to rwra or auwer raftiailaA rear dniniita tar tx Prieeltcaaia tlaaioa'. . , Tbto to tha teanon iff tha year In which yon FAIR, l.'proaoaaitad ema eMhe' can get what yon do not want real cheap. auueat aad auiat attrasUte miwwIoM rat as a Boavnlr of the nrmt JCiporiNaai Caa ba If you art going lo tehool thto year lha or aa ak o Htatga, wnlaaa Western Nurmal College, Lincoln, Neb., offoe tka parjnr. MofM for anetoffM, Claka, Ctnrrkea, anil fka ten to pay your car fare to this tha greatest enrk, ar has Air Mr. of all great Normal school. A great many C&KftRKn!- JOteTl JMBTID Erahar. Prtaapartei.,Ot. Colorado people attend this Inntliul Ion. four term. hen. Mailed and driivand Spwial building being occupied by Colorado stmtania fna to nnr part of tka U.A or Canada. leal year. Fall term eommence ttaptember A MOUAN A C0H III t. CUK CHICACA 5. Ton aaa enter any time, and Bad suitable It, claws EQ.M leas car fare, pay for week; FM0.UU paya for nna year of 4H week. For particular adilrew Wm. M. Croan. dent Wetlern Nurmal College, Llncola, Nebraska. whs hava wwk Nan or AMV When an office to out seeking a man It to ahoata mm Pteo.C.ta tar a OoaMwaUoa. I: has aarwe like a ghoaX It itartle everybody. IkMnntaa Ithmaotlnjae ta Ion. Itteaat tei lolate, ladaermtela tar World's Flair TUUtera It tea ten weak afrap. SoM ntevvtera. Ste. are offered by tba fast evening tralna of the Union Paella Railway. Traveling by light you nark Chioago la the morning ; only on day na the road. VMlDt Boc-Uar- k, 111 lrL BY ABSINTHE- FolsuoaA By tate Car As Manpoteoiit tha UraClr Vrac. began The green devil, absinthe, d Maupaa- the destruction of Guy haohereh ant's brilliant mind, and " and opium completed the but it has been dead for teversl yeare, the heart only recently that sent ths Z for long had vainly asssrJfsftSn3 HE NEWS FROM 81am Indies tee that that country to cerbriUiant that aU his work, with tain to lose a large tag, then, to the yet poisoned .rtef ite territory, as it to, of ths The king of Siam curious morbidity of wsa hia has long indnded century? Gustave Flsubert to took learned he early and hto master, in possession lUrht high the in existence at region tba cast upon . knowngreatna Laos, the author of "Sal.mmbo" more waa east Flaubert extends which if of the Mekong river itman: ho waa content with tohabit 3. oTTr But the to the mountains tog hto own imaginaton. was aa artist, well aa and man Laos between pupil, his temperament to taste Annam. When Annsm came into thehe the painted, so death found conquerlion of the French lunatic asylum. "Bel Ami" that any part ng nation did not claim Lo Horla," "La followed was mountain the by of of ths country west deaertbed. it Horla the For Insanity them. waa tributary to by yean, deHe waa born Aug. & 1M0, in the however, there ha been a growing d est-ntheir sire among tha French to territorial poaeeaaiona west of the Into tha region which mountains DAXCU PBOM A LOURS one haa acknowledged and all every the Mohammedsn estimate of tho in- the mapa have represented to he a part feriority of women there is little of 8iem. doubt Tbs object in life of eastern Tha river to tha largest women to to afford pleasure to their river inMekong the peninsula master, man. Therefore, they minis- The French have long controlled its ter to hto several appetites Tha delta, one of the largest ia the world. World Fair to s greet teacher. Franco haa made up her mind to control tha upper part of the great river, It's s pretty euddea wrench to jump as well aa its delta, and thto accounts from tha peculiarities ot tha oriental for tha recent movement of troop np dancer horn to tba beauties of the the river. They met the Siamese force Japanese display. But there could be at tha large island of Khong and put no more decided Exposition in the them to rout y several thouor Id. The exhibit, like ell else that sand French troops occupy thia island the Jape have done at the Fair, to now and tha region around it, and have complete It defies description; it has taken their stand upon territory an indescribable tranquility about it claimed by Hiem, whose right there that to enchanting; it to supremely haa never before been disputed. artistic. The most striking pieoe in a case of might make It to the collection to a tapestry filling the right simply There to a good deal of exciteOUT he MAITAMAXT. aide of one room, tt to a species of, ment at Bangkok, the capital of Siam, or rather suggest ve of. Gobelin in and it ia proposed to rend an army district of Seine Inperteure, tha son of silk, and to worth $30 000. Its theme of 1,000 men or more to the a stock broker who deserted hto family to a festival procession leaving a Mekong in order to check the while Guy and his brother lierve were temple, and there are more than 1,000 French advance. It to probable, till boys For seven years he was a fignrea in tha work, some of which are however, that the proposal to clerk in the naval ofilce in Faria, where correct enough to be portraits In ll sesame a very aggressive attitude he earned money enough to keep his it to superb aa to garments, against France will end in talk. Siam brothers widow and children from foliage, birds aky and ao on. Thto to not in a position to court war with starvation. During all thto time he iece of work waa four years in loom. a powerful nation. If the kin? ahoul 1 was studying the art of writing, aa an e bronze department to beat shown ituh an army east to the ' Mekong, apprentice stndiea any other trade, in the center group, a quarrelsome 'ranee would'not only defend her po- - j under Flaubert, who had at once old cock on a tree ana an old hen and on that river, but would also ognlzed hto powers. At lost, in 1840, brood under him. The tail feathers end her to the Menem the master permitted him to make his of tha old disturber flutter in tha river, and Bangkok itself would prob- literarr debut end the event showed slightest draft, ao fine, ao realistic are ably fall an easy prey to the French tint Flaubert's pain had not been they wrought There are wood, ivory arms n Bangkok to a beautiful city, as wasted, for success was immediate ana other works of art The paintings great oriental centers of population and each of his works enjoyed greater are peculiar but fascinating. go, bnt It to not prepared to withstand popularity than its predecessor. A an attack from the war ships of year or ao ago the newspapers startled Two of the moat interesting ex- Franee. Ita forts are antiquated, and Iarta with the statement that Da hibits in the manufactures building could easily be knocked to pieces. The Maupassant has attempted hto life; are displayed by the two leading klng'a army ia no formidable obstacle and it wtt onlv a few weeks later that tha world baefe him farewell at ths jewelry eoneerna in the United fitetee in tha way of a European power. The probability to that the king will madhouse gate. "Bel Ami ia the Tiffany A Co. of New York and tha Mermoil A Jaocard Jewelry try to compromise with France, saving most generally liked of his novels. It editions to satisfy company of St Louis The former as much of hto required forty-fiv- e has heretofore been described. Tho Siam's position is not enviable, for the tin- - demand for thto masterpiece. But last named firm has revolutionized tha nation is aqneesed in between ths in- it ia ns a writer of short stories that trade of tho west and ie en- terest of England on the went and Da Maupassant will he remembered, titled io the creditof being the p'oneer France on the east It waa long ago nte "Contes" are compact and sparkin the country west of the Mississippi predicted that in time Siam w oald ba ling. diamond jewelry, crashed by the pressure the two Euriver in high-elas- a A Great Scholar. silverwares and society stationery. ropean power would bring to bear on Its retail department to distinguished ita eastern and western frontiers. On Nov. 8 l'rof. Theodore Mommsen, by what may be termed an improveIt to not likely that tha French will the eminent German jurist and historment on oriental splendor. be able to utilize the Mekong river, ian, will celebrate the fiftieth anniverThia exquisite exhibit of diamonds, except in ita lower course, for commer- sary of hto doctorate. A number of jewelry, silverwares and stationery cial purposes Our picture ahowa a representative students in the chief waa designed and produced by thia characteristic stretch of the river. European countries have formed a firm expressly for the World's Fair, Within the Siamese domain the river committee to arrange for a commemeverything being new and almost ex- to obstructed by many rapids and cat- oration of thto occasion, and thsv now Soma of these can be so far invite tubseriptions to a fund for the clusively original in thought and de- aracts to render navigation pos- endowment of research and scholarsign, and ita loyalty to its home eity improved to ehown by the fact that its entire ex- sible, but it to not likely that the Ale-- ship of Mommsen's special field. Tha hibit to designed to typify Lonta IX. of France, tha sainted monarch after whom Mtoaonrl'e leading city was named, and Louis XV., during whose reign tothe city wee founded. The exhibit an exquisite pot trayal of the tG. -- ' com-peltod- hK. Indo-Chine- To-da- uaeummoa lo ban farmer report from thirty lo ility btuhate per acre. Hto foil catalogue tell 11 about It, also what gra end clover eeds .boo Id be town now. Cut tbto out and end 4 eenti In aumpe y to the John LmCrome, Wto., and rv Mlva free, a package of World Fair Winter Wheat and catalogue. A KILLED do-ta- DAXCKB PBOM DAXAICVA what tha proosss is whereby the soil Is robbed of its precious atones. This is worked dolly and the pebbles are extracted Just aa is done at the mines. Tbs rough diamonds are turned over to polinhars, who perform their work behind gloss cases Ths Midway Plalsance captures everybody nowadays but somehow visit-or-a are getting to be a little cantioua how they tell what particular theater they viatied, Junt aa the American in larls hints to hU friend from home who accidentally runs nrrons him at the Unllier that it doesn't go, yon know; and it isn't necessary to go into any particulars at home.'' bo ths Plaiaance. Hut everybody goes there, ly has good times, lUisnt panoramic effects of the region are kept up to n higher degree of attractiveness then ever before. There hna been a good deni of talk on the pert of some who are oversensitive or ovrrnlce to the effect that the Algerian theater should be abol iahed. and that the theater in Cairo street should be regulated a little more strictly on the lines of morality; but, on the whole, there cannot be said to be anything very objectionable Ths poetry of motion in the lTaleanee is largely muscular poesy, and will give tha casual beh ilder a sort of nightmare suggestive of the St, Vitos dauoe and a Southern negro "trot" In the Cairo theater there la a dusky beauty in a peacock bl to skirt with a waist to match. The skirt hangs upon the hipa, and anv man with gembung instincts would lay ten to one the moment she began to dance that the skirt would not stay on two minutes, and no taken. The skirt and waist are not on speaking terms, and tha space between them affording splendid free play for the abdominal mua lea, la covered with some thin atnff. To ths muaio of an ancient, feeble tambourine, a gourd fiddle with the asthma and a distracting monotonous tom-tothis "maiden" pirouettes. She trlea no high kicking, no skirt business, no modern ktage serpentine figures but Imply eidlea about tho stage in slow, gliding circles, her hands waving alowly over her head. Her main ambition seems to be to disjoint herself at the hips. The anatomy below tho breast performa a seriee of violent tremora, epaame and contractions With tiny cymbals like castanets to keep up a clanging aocompauimant to tho music." Thia aha keeps np for a long time, and until apparently dancer end musicians go to 'sleep; hntthey suddenly revive and the poor girl hna to do it all over again. Thia ia the reo-sit'o- , men-of-w- & m A ST. LOUIS EXHIBIT. beautiful style of art which waa developed during the period of tha "Louie'," including the peculiar her aldic, rococo, pompadour, bowknot, ribbon-wreat- h , and festooned characters which underlie all that to still regarded aa the most beautiful in graceful form and attractive line in art decoration. To carry ont thto beautifully conceived and ideal thought all tho furniture, show cases, draperies, fittings, and even merchandise, are of the characters mentioned. The pavilion to of truly royal character, worthy in ite graceful form and elegant finish to fittingly represent the period of Franco In which that nation obtained it highest glory. The external dsoorationa are of white end gold with the name "Faint Louie formed by electne lights so brilliant that tho words appear as though written in letters of fire in the sky. The solid silverware and diamonds la the exhibit harmonize with tha pavilion, free nee having been made of tho flenr-de-ltrococo, Louis Quince pompidour, and other exqntaite designs. The peaa business to one of tho thing Uiet give tothe Fair people moat e perpetual demand trouble. Thera upon them for free admissions. The largest number of passes go to exhibitors and their employe. Over t4,0J0 regular photographic peases hare been issued to exhibitore, concession sires, their employee end the prreae A PAXCRR PROM CAIRO, The presa of the world has been given Jen du ventre. In plain English it in round numbers, ,sno photographic passes. Workingmen have about ia known aa the stomach dance. Manv ladies get all the? want of it, after be- OOu passes. Directors, commissionersand territories, lady tnaueholding it but a little bit, and leave of states in on their and soma others the theater. It ia quite strain on Kra, dropping th-- ir go personal cards American proprieties, but evervbody into the boxes. United States senawants to see it and they do, There ar several varieties of this tors and other prominent officials have1 Nines May dance given in the Cairo street and in about 1,000 passes. Major Handy haa given ont over 35, the theater there. One female exhibit 000 single admission ticks to. From lh abdominal movement riding on Iromendarv when the procession these figures it assn a that on any one day there might be nearly 5,000 legitnovas up the street to the theater. imate free admissions to tha ground, of which, asy. 15,000 would b root A lx arise theater there era wreeal MovelMac Moat of the womaa but for one day. fleur-de-lta- a, y, THE MEKONG RIVER. kong, great as it to, will ever ba so nobis a medium for the spread of y commerce end civilization aa the to in Burnish. Tho other nations will look on and let France end Siam settle their trou-bl-s Siam to the under dog, Laoe belongs to tha king, if be haa rights in any part of Siam. But history will repeat itself, and a vary large slice, if not the entire eastern portion of the king'a territory, will soon raise tha tri-cor. Then Franca will be satisfied for a time, though there to no telling when farther land hunger will result in relieving the king of Siam from responsibilty for another large action of the country he now rales ultimata form of endowment will settled by the historian him sell treasurer of the general eommitte Trra-wad- Herr Ludwig Delbrnek, 61 and Mauera truss, Berlin. Dr. Moms was born at Girding in Schles Ha became profess law at Lai while still a y man. Having dismissed for ha took ii part Iitical affairs was made til Professor of at Zurich in at lireslan in and at Berlli 1838. In 1873 was apnointe feseor of jui thxoporx mrmvror denes in th of Leipsig. On June 15. jereity he was tried at Berlin for havini lection speech slandered lriu march, but waa acquitted. Thi 1 ol It hit Frtea for Blavaa. to very carious to read in an old Roman history of ths prices paid for alavrs in tha palmy daysof the empire, ito a general thing a laborer could be bought for about $s0 of our money, but after a province had been eon quered or a great" victory won hun- sometimes be bought for imertolhi Surt ofanM.l ligfinally wquit FLMm 0f t.he,'h,rY' In 18W lrof. $ sen s 5 ! : library waa destrovrd by s number of hto English admin th hippy idu of prewntit) hii ft Mleotion of rlaasicftl ft q1 his lB England to cc for Komi portioa of hi 52?, |