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Show .. .ow ,,oL.ij. iMpastf-'-sjvMZvnzm3- .t haafr -, m v ' vS V & i a stampede as to whether they union. The mere prominent dele- most COUNCILS. LABOR A. should go to work or not Just at THE Charles defor M. Instant include a tes signal Daughter 's 7IIE REAL DOGS OF WAR time I, who had begun to work ianstlan, B. J. Buckley, James & that parture, and within half gp hoqr the the shopa four days and Gavton John reBaker, fleet messenger may thus make a prior to tha walk GREAT THE ABOUT UTAH SOMETHING . John TO Tonsing. HOW THEY ARC TRAINED KAYSV1LLE, turn trip of live or six mile ont, came around resolutions GATHERINGS. BECOME OP USE. The delegates will pass to the boys with a advocating governmental ownership W. . SMITH, Publisher. petition and ogree-meTHE OLD MAID. well m of telegraph and telephone combined, Te Culminate la a National Convention aa of They Die play Wonderful BegMlty eaC Ate forth that railway the restriction of i Mat AU Mafia Wise Are f the Creasetting m Meeeeaaen, Easily Lnitod Tufkt M ef the Confederation of labor la and the election of WORDS OF WISDOM. ses and Hear Kill -- . x each shop employ neeele aad Xnb aa Alda to Saalrlas States senators by direct vote of the 1 who would sign it Chicago la December Trades ConThere is no name in the English The Algerian Beatry IMfk The ask for a charter peopl to Acts York Recorder:" Now Fr with to tentions la bear it that ngi language appears Tho only considerable body of ffred of ibis country cannot bt dona so much scorn in the few letters that in the world which ia yjPmi oomea member ox workers I too is There wage of Gabriel hia in basis Garcia, a History gold maid." upon purely compose it as that of "old what ohall prohibited by ita eonstitntion from y Spade! Concspoadenea-- l nuch business to be done end too little San Domingo," apealca of bloodhounda The young girl just out of school freor from lstir aa tho Rail- in strikes part taking the had been exper- that trained to carry HE COUNTRY'S fering with or making a standard of him auxa wxisa way Shop Ete" gold to do it with to justify announces that she would quently as well as to track the fugitive rather various labor un- wages meets in national convention at iment of eurreney baaed wholly on one America. I bad some diffmarry any Tom. Dick or Harions have begun a Cleveland from September 9 to the Dth plovesatoffirst to pemotel, end that one the soareeit and Indians, but the Arst modern hint of ry than to become an old maid, never get signers to thtimen iculty series of gatherings Inclusive, and ia the National Associadetermined the dcareat of the two. The total was imitating that plan oame from Oran, dreaming that there are many noble I bnt tition, the tion of Stationary Engineer The should not be beaten if I eoald help it, throughout of silver aa a money metal, In Western Algeria, where the enter- women in the world bearing that tie country that will association has some 190 branches in and that day at noon I had whieh aeema to be the aim of the gold prise of the French scouts had been tle that have passed through more continue until the almost every state ia the Union, nnd 1 appointed the noxt day for extremists at Waahington, means a for weeks baffled by the vigilance of actual romance than bor silly little signer end of tho year, and thie, the twelfth annual convention, a meeting te organize them. When-thviolent and ruinoua contraction of the Bedouin shepherd dogs. Because a culminate in a middle can oonceive of. and most be will the far largest by hoar of meeting arrived there were alhaa In the winter of 1879 the com- woman does not ally herself with a of the Ameri- Important in the order's history. mustered urines The mere threat of it nineteen out of forty-fiv-e can Federation of Should nil the delegate alternate ready given the Aral sharp twiat to the mander of Fort Dupin was informed man is no reason why she could not and they were organized. Labor at Chicago in officers and committeemen elected at- signers ecrewa of oontraetion. To peraiat in that the conduct of the native do so if she chose. The Philadelphia "We have now nearly thirty lodge taDecember. The MM) and our from ailver of xouaves had become a subject of limes thinks there is not a woman tend there will be between the total elimination and are still growing. ble knife persons at the session not countLed by Grand Master Anthony and eureney ia madness frequent complaints; but knowing living, no matter how old or ugly, Inaugurated those affairs by a grinders national 1,000 Grand Treasurer Whelan the delethe jealousy of the French regulars, but who has had one offer convention which opened nt Walling-for- ing spectators or visitor beInTho engineers are locking to Money ia arti he did not pay much attention to of marriage, and if she haa been wise gatee expect to accomplish much end. Judge Amoe Steek: Conn., July H, and in turn unions crease their standsocial at aud financial sections Indianapolis the value doea fore Axed. Ita those rumors till ono evening their enough to see that in a connection of of retail clerks, harness maker enAeial, arbitrary, The month of October will witneea ing, of course," uys Secretary P. U. not ariae out of ita eommereial or com truth was established by the report that kind there lay no happiness for gineer cooper plumbers, tailor Monro of the order, but they are national conventions of cotton mnle modify value. It's the stamp that of a strange visitor, a gaunt sheikh, her, how much better to go to the machlniata and every variety of manendeavoring to do it by educational spinners at Boston and of railway laborers will successively have a and makea the money. Aa money, it haa or patriarch, of a highland tribe, single than simply for the hon- ual grave legal method that U, by making trainmen in the mm city and of macities all in the principal aa pothering no relation to itaelf aa a commodity ; who had como afoot all the way from or of being called Mrs. Somebody In themselves more valuable to their em- chine wood workers in SL Loni Thev to San Francisco, Boston from Sldl llarrat. money, it ia a function, a uae, have to spend days of torment and era so timed as not to interfere with ployers M a class and hence being in a November the electrical workers will consistent position to ask for an in- send delegatee from all over the counto exchange all aervicea and commodWhere did you leave your horse, nights of agony, owing to the short- each other, while various measure crease of pay. These men constitute try to Cleveland. The journeymen ities The poeaibilitiea of our country emir?" inquired the colonel. comings of one who is in name only social, industrial and even political-w-ill one of the most important, even tha barbers do the seme in December, but are equal to the maintenance of free be taken np and dispoMd of in "It is goue, sir," said the sheikh; her better half. The very name old most important class in the nation. their representatives assemble In Cinall the and inditarn. alone crabbed a against maid with sour, coinage, conjures up my gambled away, together Not n wheel turns in manufactory or cinnati. world. Try it Bee what it will do. cows and my best rifle. Your soldiers vidual who haa met with disappointaaleamen and mill but n hat ia under their charge." The retell clerk Finally, on Dec. 11, the annual If unequal, it ean be repealed. at llarrat station are keeping up a ments and who, therefore, looks npon saleswomen that is, whose national The Coopers' International union meeting of the American Federation full legal tender will keep it at gambling den, and have smoking and all the world with cynical eyes. But protective union of Labor, at which will appear deleMilwankeeon at September gathers par. Free coinage will raiae all ailver danoing carousals every night at the real old maid, the woman whose meets In Nashville, 11 next These men have an elaborate gate elected at all these various conwill assemble in Chicago, to fl.SK) aud keep it there. Things their camp, where they receive visits hair is, perhaps, tinged with gray Ten, on July 11 series of stamps and labels to put on vention with Samuel Gompers presiding, and which are equal cannot be at adiapari-ty.- " from the loafers of all the neigh cor- but about whom there is no restless have not been genand there will be considtheir work, erally considered organized labors work for 18WJ will erable argument ing villages. They cheat at dice and desire to lasso some man, is a sweet i rad when it adjourn them over organising " among a whom creature lovable me cleaned and have out many Nevertheis when the delegates la Wolcott: make Senator his less they sent hunman would be proud to "Prophecy "Kvery night, you sayP Why, TRAVEL IN AFRICA. they settle down to futile, but I may be permitted to recon have ordered my patrols to Inspect wife. How much better for a woman dreds of delegates Tho bnsi nets myeonviction that when prosperity the camp after dark three following to choose to make her way in life to the southern union inane a lei el Joaraejrlng Is Mot a Flsaiaat doea come baek to this country, it wil times, and they found everything in alone than to join hands with some city, and thousands for alack work and female mala of and announced unconto the good order!" , man who is certain to prove be after we have hitlm la saegambla. stamp tor tight workers in retail In railroad built in the interior-ofirst world that we are a nation of business or or a in The whieh work are when genial mentally "Yes, they got there," tore large and list believing in hard money, both laughed the sheikh, "but It would sense her inferior. To be called an small, tropical Africa wm tho little line the recognized, over the rniup snows, all millers ninety miles long whieh connects the gold and ailver; when we have an have made them stare if they had old maid is much better than to be conntrv, follow the proceedings with first by tha towns of Kayes and Bafoalabe on tho and the second by nouneed to the nationa of Europe that seen the guard house an hour sooner called an unhappy wife, and many a member's interest Steamthe brewer disSenegal river in Senegambi we propose to have our ehare of the or later. The gambling outfit, the there are who scoff at this single, The teckmakers had a gathering at tillers and others ers run np the Senegal from the ocean woman who, in their hearts, Boston gold of the world; that we are rieh opium pipes and lota of plunder had -aged rax J. axthoxt. to Kaye where the river becomes July 1 This country and who use enough to hold it and are entitled by been stowed away under the rear would gladly exchange places with Canada was represented by some 90 package tight There has been friction nnnarigable; and the railroad line e our reeoureea and our credit to have porch of the whose principal business with employes here ana there attendis the first section of the ex- -' building in her and assume some of her bright, delegate tt, and that at the name time we have good time. Their dogs had warned womanly independence. A woman was the settlement of the eight hour ing the use of them, bnt the officers tension of steam facilities to tha Niger opened our minte to the free and un them before the patrol crossed the need be no less sweet and lovely be- question and aa election of represent- nnd members of the nnion have been river, which in time will give unintercause she has no one to call husband ative to the December convention of conciliatory in all negotiation and it rupted steam eommnnicetion between limited coinage of ailver and have re valley." seems certain that these matters will the sea end the upper Niger. A while or is not the mother of lisping little the American Federation of Labor. turned to the patba of the foundera o "What dogsP be satisfactorily adjusted. General ego e gentlemen wno traveled over thie sesaddle and The makers harness In home is a there one. the renublio, path which ao long many "The Arabian shepherd dogs they asSecretary Philip Strong predicts a toll railroad said that it wm in e very for Louis 8L lected their national aunt who maiden Anancia or ua sister followed we them, brought single attendance. keep for sentries," said the emir; cherishes shabby condition. Atone part of the 18. sociation's on meeting place July of a world fondness for the The order's affairs have proaperity and happiness, and which, "they send them out with every picket Machinists' Union line a force of 100 native supplied International The little attracted whenever we diverged from them post, and after dark nothing in the little folks not her own. and is as much general attention, aa the members do goes to tha World's Fair city on Sep- with long rope wm employed to give have brought ua Anancial diaaater am shape of a man or a horse can come beloved by them as though she were not ms rule become involved in tember 18. This ia one of the new a helpful tow to train serious disagree- organization and its existence ia daa near them within three miles without their own mother Instead of being panic. that terrible creature called by the ment with their to the fact, to quote General Secretary those brutes giving the alarm. " n N. Nora that the national employer The next day the post commander world an old maid. Omgrtuma Bryan of Nebmdta, to refused existence in The at already dog days "The question is not whether the sent out a strong uatachment, with St Paul will be a strike ont the color lice in its constIliad la Harness. President is honest or not It Instructions to straighten out that week ahead of the itution nnd affiiste with the American First New Yorker What! Starved whether be is right The President gambling camp and shoot those senTail- Federation of Labor." Journeymen was death? to I there eonfldenoe of the people, try dogs. One patrol left Oran at has won the thought ors union, which will represent about The now of all. for work but he has been deceived. He said in daybreak, but had not trotted more plenty meets in annual thirty-fiv- e delegates local unions and thousands Second New Yorker lie was not convention there on of member bis message the people demanded the than four miles when they were overThe settlement of the occuAug. 7. President hours of labor difficulty and the adrepeal of the Bherman act He has taken by a mounted orderly, who out of work. lie had a regular Frederick Jensen, from of a uniform wage scale will baud from boards of trade and handed their loader a note from the pation. who has held office justing be the two chief topics before them. "Hy stars! What at? the chambers of commerce, but be has commanding officer: I have changed for some rears now, Some of the radicals west a in "Collecting subscriptions for monnot beard from the farmers or the men my mind about those trick dogs. will doubtless be the apprentice system, andchange there is in the workshops; and he ean no more Catch all of them you can, but do uments and other patriotic object ' sweat- talk of order. The prohibiting strikes altogether. Texas Siftings, judge of the opinion of the people not kill them. Bring them to Oran ing system In large wholesale clothing the more notable men who 6IV1X0 THZ TBAIM A LOT. than he ean measure the ooean. Let alive. I want to try some experifactorie although much less crying Among will figure in the convention besides Aa Vans sal Oesurrsaes. Jaime of tha French navy, Lieut an evil than formerly, will be rigidly K. Morse the friends of silver oall the battle 'on ments " The remarkable results of A. are John Smith, William Mr. Hudson Elvers I suppose investigated and much of the debate A. H. Morden, George who made e name by hia trip to Timand never leave until the people's those experiments were communiJ. Thompson, re-occurrence buktu are common e in of ia oonflrmi the subon to sessions bo of the that very fights gunboat, Fred cated to a French staff offloer, and a Heinzerling, Rudolph Btaug money is restored. town. ject Secrotair John H. Lennon of Behar, Ernst Kuehne, C. J. Soetrom, tort that the nativea are need for There ia no sueh thing as an honest military commission soon after re- in your native sum officer an is the executive union, Colonel there ranght purposes to eke ont the inis and Martin HilL Longhorn Yea, dollar beeouse an honest dollar will ai- ported in favor of utilising certain sufficient power of the locomotive of the American Federation of Labor, Aug. Waldinger disa so much when that the helots m fighting The helot" among rs have the same purchasing power broods for picket-pos- t This picture is taken from the book tho delegates who will go with duty in sparsekind is not taking and of the Journeyman net published by Lien the government has never tried to ly sottlod districts, and, perhaps for turbance of some Jelm him to Chicago in December are to be Henry Welaamann, a Confectioners' to and crowds Bakers' Union, says gather the train that took hie party chosen by the SL Lonis meeting. eeeure absolute stability in the dollar. the collection of abandoned valuables, place large have concraftsmen been fellow his over the several He The most dishonest dollar ever pro- or the discovery of wpunded soldiers what is the matter. Texas Sifting During the last ton years the tailors sidered in all age and conntrie have times road.the saya that the locomoduring journey Natbeen in strike have 1,000 some posed is that child of ignorance, the on extensive battlefield. three hundred nearly chosen Troabla Ahead, tive or one of the care wm derailed, the subject of disagreements to represent them in nationaldelegates convengold dollar, for it will rise in value Three of the Algerian aentary dogs, end honrs were lost In boosting them "I wonder what's the matter with urally ia one to be a with weighty Baltimore capital and cheat the debtor. While we can- fierce, shaggy and rather at tion beginning Septem- npon the track again. Once g in a of this new coat of mine, the pocket are tailors all when the difficulties chief together, 1L The these ber not secure an absolutely honest dollar, on the care would jump off, brutes, were taken to Feu, said Mr. Bingo on Sunday morning. very large number of visitors will settle ia to the one gentlemen hope we should approach u near aa possible, in Southern France, and, together in order to take a pull at the tow line "I cant seem to get my hand ia it " watch tiie convengrowing ont of the following state- or apply their shoulders and the standard ought to with a large number of collies and to the train. and And Bobby hurrlodout on the back tions doing of ment grievances: be adopted because with poodles, put in charge of systematic porch and said sorrowfully to him- the hotel keepers Our hours are excessively long, the money unit uqtuates less than trainers, whose success soon attracted self: "I wish I had found some other and excursion mantwelve to twenty per A Dtdm Dtogsns ranging from This under a single stem agers are ready to the attention of enterprising neigh place to hide that chewing gum." or night An old gentleman, evidently a gathsystem of overday woleome the bors. The drelbund got wind of work naturally produce a great army erer of 1811110 bnt with a kindly knlghta of the neeA. J. Balfour , Member of the Utmie the projoot, and bofore the end of of unemployed nt any time anxious to face that shaded off to something QUEER ANIMAL STORIES. dle warmly. We have claimed for another year regular drill barracks take the worst kind of n job. Then of Cbmmom: about the edge wm The Brotherhood, solthe system in vogue which compels gating abstracted lv down the ourselves that we lead the van of com- for the training of A street cow that gives milk whieh of Brass Workers' their with board men to employer Suddenly he stepped np to a gentlemerce because we are the great up- diers were established in Luellan, changes to bnttor without churning is ends ita represenof food the nnd Mt poorest quality, men who was a horse car, and. holders of the single gold standard, Saxony, and near Wells, in the up- claimed to be owned by Lawson E. tatives to New while tho lodgings meet not a single touching himawaiting York this year, and lightly on the shoulder, and yet there is not a man. 1 venture per valley of Fruun. Brown of Hosier, G health and of cleanliness requirement said, "Excuse me, bnt did yos Aug. 1 is the opento say, in the eity of London at the The sentry dogs are less available A hen's egg that weighed a quarter ia very vieion" bill? at the drops day of the eon- - mimmaht urns ing look would not who moment acuteness of but for their the time holding out in his hand the snm present of a pound and memaured nine inches vrntion. Secretary CL CL McGlogan is pets, However, the nnion may congrats with horror and some apprehension at lnstinots surpasses all belief at in circumference is owned by James already on the ground making his late itMlf on having done much to les- mentioned. The gentleman questioned a moment at the note, assumed every other nation following so good distance of two or three miles, accord-a- n Mogls, a farmer, at Cored F plan nnd President William Ander- sen the evils complained of. One gazed look of excitement mode a example. Was inconsistency ever ing to the direction of the wind, An elrphant haa become ao fond of son anticipates the attendance of 200 grievance continue Journeymen bak search of his pocket and said, hasty to My nothing of visitor era are engaged largely from the shown in more ludicrous eolors? It is they will "challenge" an approaching a Why, so I did, and 1 hadn't missed missionary in India that it follows delegate two about brotherhood is orthodox The is to "bakers' it only it" holdright, apparently stranger by stopping up close to him all over the country lilts a dog. ont on over now hand. ing has but house' eager it boarding forty old, have a single gold standard, but let their and When he calls at a house the heeat years The old man slowly drew forth the proprietors of local assemblies in the United States Germany have a gold standard, let In- intimate their suspicion by a low stands outside until he comes out, and and Canad hook end said, I The apprenticeshi which, according note thought sa" dia try for a gold standard, let the growl, becoming more or less em- then it to the men, play He then took the nemo end address of ; With delight and question will be the vexed point wit! trumpets for standard in a gold United States go into the hands of the loser, end, patting the note in hie The order is endeavorphatic as pauses of keen attention caresses him with its trunk. the delegate and a tremor seises every one of our scorn olther to calm or confirm tbeir the "bosae" The pocket turned ewey. ing to eataolish a uniform system of The sunfish is best known every"V ell, Hid the other, do you went eommereial magnates. They look for- misgivings. As a last resort they where in the trade through' apprenticeship y aueaticnof having the as smong youthful snglers bakers engaged at it ell m e reward?" out the country. The subject ia now ward to a catastrophe, and they know lay hold of their partners mantle seed, his peculiar shape "Oh. I did not find one. returned the nnion headbeing very amicably discussed by comthe ultimate result must be a slow ap-- to arouse him from a possible nap, the punkinthe resemblance to the seed the men ana their furnishing quarters instead of the benevolent old man, "bnt It struck preeiation of that standard of value but under no circumstances indulge of the pumpkin, while in the Atlantic mittees representing at these places will me that in a big place like New York Indeed, the brotherhood employer which has probably the most deaden- in an outright bark that might at- water be advocated and there must he a large quantity of which boys are aa plenti- is committed to the arbitration of all near influence which of an and tract the attention benumbing enemy ap- ful aa snnfteh, he ia ing strived for by the money lost end npon inquiry difficnltios.whenever possible. Those I find allowsd to hardly c. c. n'slooax. delegate can touch the springs of enterprise of proaching in superior force. York Thede. you ere the thirty-firs- t man who lost attain a size much exceeding that of represented at the coming New We now find that! mand to be submitted on behalf of the a On such occasions the dog will finisher a nation. moulder will note be convention this very morning. seed. 1 fear partly through our own fault follow lils friend to the next halting the pumpkin metal polisher plater chaser vice men by the coming convention will be A short time ago a hog belongitg to tor work a no of and more makers chandelier than roller day hand twelve is world divided into the place and reconnoitre the hostile Dan Sliliiliis became raasht ills Ms quite lam and the various branches of the brass in- honrs and fourteen hours on Saturday; countries countries and party in discreet silence, or at The other evening an revealed a peculiar dustry. The drilberetioM are expected that boarding with employers be abolthat the whole mechanism of exchange given signal slip away to summon an examination end slovenly dressed old man wm for a few minor change hour formation on one of its hind to be over in a week. Such well ished, and aasistem-- from the next bivouac. between the gold and th labor men as James W. Ma- Charles 1 Aland, Peter lleinstadt and known leffcrMed in an arm When freL removed, it U be proved also mechcountries ia upsct.and with that lkigs of tho sauie breed are Neill Mcl'allum, James J. Gai- CL G. Block are the pioneers in this chair before the fire in the smoke-rooloney, bone of beef a which the in ring hsg one of of movement anism of exchange every merchant trained to carry messages in a small the bo will others ter and leading hotels In Boston. present His trousers were somewhat drawn who deals with South America, or In- leather Img between different de- its younger days had stepped on, W propose to go The carriage and wagon worker with up right bone along over one the working A of up actin part tachments of a ia incrossed, exposing to corps engaged dia, or Mexico, or China, onr work to help onr brother of toil, hampered marshalled by the president of the hoof to the the pastern manoeujoint in every transaction, and finds doubt ive service. During a field red; whit uiUss ternational union, William F. Stuart, is how lirand Master Frederick J. AnSamuel nd noticing two or lenn of Bridge street, are to assemble at Chicago on August thony forecasts the proceedings at the throe of fccWng. hanging over every element whioh vre these four footed adjutants may the was bound over by company looking stit and and what with debates over wage be seen darting along the line of the Frankford, eoming national convention of Railshould determine hia course of otherh lifted his foot vhe settlement of way Shop Employes at Indlanapoli Imaginary battlefield, heedless of Magistrate South' to answer the which opens Sept St Her in the into fall nkw ud Mid. with upper-entl- y strikes and the the crash of big and small guns, but charge of attempting to extort msnev much satisfaction: of arbi- grand master's own word ia the scope withal taking care to confuse the from Richard Itangh of Margaretta tht i8nt tration, not to men- of the movement: Cougrettmau Bourn of Gdifornia: aim of hostile marksmen by running street Kaugh alleged that Fena imbet there isn't another like ?(.111 tion the World's "About July 18. ISdl, at the New ? in room it "Many of the banks of the United slgag or taking advantage of every pounded several of his cow and deFair, the adjournMexico headquarter of the Atchison, manded various sums up te 10 a head with thsir bit of cover the ground afford States which arc ment will not come Topeka A Santa Fe railroad, a little that there would release doors closed, would be glad to race i vs before he replied one. them. for many day Arriving at the post of tho arose between shop employes it Done! trouble Where Is it?" asked the old A Louisville citizen With a following the dnllsr of our daddies. This the shaggy mail carrier This is alsohav-a and the master mechanic which led Bin. nation can make its own monsy will look about for a commissioned of large dogs has been sued for S.imi young order, to a strike of every man, although foot' Mid the bet- for its own people, and if Eng- officer, but privates attempting to damages by a nun bitten by om of ing been organized there wm only one branch ef cm in I.! with 490 ployea organized, tpiuphant laugh. land wants to put up the bars, all touch the collar will be stood off them while the noble animals ei e which were the g members all told. machinist and only half of them be- tata" Mhftk1 Wi".cre T0U n"lke out on the streets for an airing ThU right. Which can stand it lbs long- with a warning growL The members now longed to the union. Un the smil est? This great country, which could Should no answer be needed the is hard on the loving nutter ut u) morning run into the thou- of the second imui L. borx. those of the Couldnt lie sand many faithful creature produce every necessity and every lux dog will take a short rest and Pcny.nnfa are a conservative body machinists who didday They not belong to the comperSVn 8 the ground before running tho compromise with the chewed-ubeen have ury, must not surrender to the little and two strikes nnion began talking of going back to only piriv h PnHcd up the other leg island which must depend on what it gauntlet of another bullet shower. hy giving him a pal.' of the dog r inaugurated bv them onein Pitts- work, and when the other emplove ,nd' 10 th Mtonish-meA reply, deposited in this collar bag, promising him l .itter of pups? and another at Wheel- who had no organization at all to burg, gan obtain from other nations." of everyone bnt the loser, Both were won by the back them, heard of it there was al ing, W. V to view s block stocking. a, however, THE JAGLE. Secretary-Treaaur- er at 11 bo-Iu- h JtU It rff mee-eage- disfran-ehiaeme- a, 'J nt forty-fiv- eon-cla- oe.-tainl- y e. -- to-w- it: Abeo-lutel- y f . . middle- guard-hous- organi-Mtio- i wolfish-lookin- four-foote- while-eveiyhod- y d five-doll- ar j r j i ed two-legge- d follow-sentin- el . , i five-doll- ar gold-usin- g i I silver-usin- g eccentrie-look-in- I g e silver-usin- g m 7. I, con-due- t" 1 y j i m,H-to- recon-nolt- rg0.narSouk' er p P. nt ex-nos-ed |