Show RECENT LEGAL DECISIONS the following are embraced in a law column published by a journal entitled fabrics fancy goods and notions transfer anser of note on oh forged endorsement where the lawful custodian of a note payable to the order of a particular payee forges the payees hayees name and transfers the note to an innocent purchaser for value the latter acquires no title as against the payee roach vs VB woodall of tennessee ta 8 8 W rep bep damages for non delivery of goods where goods are purchased by ak merchant and vart part of the order is not delivered he albot recover damages ur for such don delivery unless he shows that he has had bad an opportunity anity to make sales which he was ilie thereby reby prevented from ngor has otherwise suffered actual damage from the breach of con tract vs via hall supreme court of colorado 28 pao rep bep 17 for accident where a person is injured by an accident occurring while the employee emp loyes of another are engaged la in work upon his premises he may recover it if the injury resulted from the negligence of the workmen but if it was an un avoidable accident untainted with negligence he is entitled to no damages steen v williamson supreme court of california 88 38 pao pac rep bep 62 52 Liability for or employed emp loyes depo deposit fig where a clerk deposits money with his employer to be held as an security for the faithful discharge of his duties the employers employer Is failure to return the money does not constitute the deposit creates a debt and not a trust where the clerk is employed for a month he is not entitled to a re return of the deposit before the end of the month unless his employer has in the mean time employed another per son to in his stead mulford v people supreme court of illinois 28 N E rep bep 1096 sale of goods under description where goods are ordered and sold by a trade abrade designation which imports ft a certain grade of the goods and without inspection by the buyer there in ig an implied warranty by the seller that the goods are of the quality indicated and where the nature of the granne tran sao tion is such that the selection of the particular articles is in necessarily left to the seller if he knows the use for which they are intended it is his duty to select those which are best adapted to that use morse v union stock yards supreme court of oregon 28 pao pac rep 2 damages for refusal to accept goods bought A firm bought a carload of goods to te shipped and paid for on delivery the seller shipped the car and for warded a draft the draft was presented before the car arrived and payment was refused and the buying firm notified the seller that he had bad viola ed ad the contract by demanding demand ling payment before the delivery of the goods and that they would not swept accept the goods good when they arrived when the ear car ar red it was waa tendered to the buyer id they refused it it was then sold I 1 what it would bring which was leu lea an the contract price the buyers etere liable for the deficit r mccord vs VB laidley supreme court gf georgia S E rep dm an assessments jat for lag losses Ws prior to 0 o admission of 0 member K A mutual assessment insurance 1 mcany has no power in the absence a vision in its or rules and regulation 9 to charge a member ember with an assessment made before he became a member or for losses lossee ing prior to his membership and te etore where the money deposited by a member to meet future assess aenas was sufficient to meet all lawful eee emente made before his bis deach he aj would not be in default by reason of tae fact that the company used the A money by applying it on an assessment lii acle e prior to his bis becoming a member jv everts vs ve U 8 mutual accident e 4 astion supreme court of new mew A 1411 crork arak 27 f notice of dissolution y where an attempt is made to charge alth with a person who has retired bronx M the firm on the ground that the reon selling the goods had never dever een n notified of the dissolution it w sues by the remaining partner phat tie he has so informed the agent of afa plaintiff and that the plaintiff bad 16 hanged his bills bill from the old style to ahe new style of the firm and had bad lived checks in payment signed in abbe new firm arm name is in sufficient to warrant rant a finding that there had bad been a otice ce although the agent testified fleo 7 abat he did not remember any such AU r jaunt hunt vs va colorado milling eleva aa r co court of appeals of colorado pao pac rep bep obtaining bank deposits under false prete pretense nw A banker backer who for the purpose of se ee a deposit depo eit fagely pret pretends ends that fubank lla back is solvent when he knows or HUM reason to believe that it la Is not and arho who represents to the depositor that he biad d adafe a safe place to invest the money so BO ciul piul to enable him to pay the depositor ix per r cent interest into refit there thereon n is guilty mf obtaining 0 r money under false fale prem though he be intended to repay 0 money within GOD gen st c 29 see ec t art 18 which defines that offense to r obtaining money or property from other bother by means of any false pre soil statement or token with intent ai 0 commit a fraud commonwealth vs VB schwartz Seh court ai 01 appeals of kentucky IS 18 8 W rep SS |