Show CO OPERATIVE cooperative creameries CREA CREAN MERIES ERIES THE subject ot of operation cooperation co Is ia being agitated among the farmers of this country and forma a topic for so some me of the agricultural and stock journals Journal fl the question is asked why farmers who raise the produce and own the cows from which milk is ia furnished to the dairies should not also own the factories which make the butter for the market the general answer to this la is that it takes practical experience and skill to manufacture butter that wit will command a good price and hold its ita place in the market but it ibis Is contended in response to this that capital iota who invest their money in such establishments establishment have to hire the skilled killed Ei labor required and there is no good reason why farmers should not combine and do the same this plan has been tried in many places and made a success why should not the farmers of utah try their hands at operation cooperation co in the dairy bus business iDess creameries Crea meries have been established here on a small scale and there are some now in operation which promise to give good returns for the means invested in thern them A great deal of very poor butter is put upon the market the product chiefly of small churn ings butter is received at county stores from different makers it is packed together and shipped to town and very often a pound or two of poor stuff mease measurably bably spoils all the rest creameries Crea meries ought to be established in our country districts on a business basis the milk from farm houses bouses could be received rece ivd from the farmers either by collection in the crea cans and wagons from the several places or by delivery from each farmer tests as to the quality can be made at the factory so that each farmer will receive credit for full value in richness as well as in bulk aud by the manufacture of butter in the best and most economical manner greater profits can be realized anu ana a better article supplied for the market in the winter time farmers could make a busi business of feeding and caring for their cows using up much material that now runs ru us to waste or is sold at a ruinous figure and good butter be produced at the creameries crea meries at a time when it is usually the scarcest and all this could be done by operative cooperative co effort the farmers owning conjointly oon jointly their own butter and cheese factories and making more than they can by farming that ia merely I 1 the raising of grain and roots operation cooperation co used to be a hobby bobby in utah it has baa almost died out in many places but it to ie being befog taken up outside and made profitable failure has baa been occasioned here in some cases cams by the readiness of small shareholders to sell out their stock in others by putting incompetent persons at thi the head of affairs afi airs and in others by boards of directors interfering in matters of detail and hampering and crippling the energies of the business superintend ent but there is no good reason w why by the people of utah should not eater into operative cooperative co industries and them to success as is done in owe r places and farmers who live in settlements could very readily combine for the establishment of operative cooperative co creameries crea meries and make their union exceedingly cee profitable Ore Orea ameriee meries too might be nau had at places where herds are taken in sumi mer and run for those months in the year when the feed holds out butter and cheese made there could be put down for winter use and the winter market and the owners of the cows taking stock in the creameries crea meries would double the profits they make now by simple increase our farmers ought to be reading and thinking men they should move out of the old ruts rut study the most scientific and practical methods of farming stock istock raising and utilizing what they have at command and supply themselves and their families with all that helps to make up a thrifty progressive gres sive and prosperous community |