Show ANCIENT RELICS IN MEXICO 1 THE chicago inter ocean publishes the following brief account of ancient ruins in mexico describing some of the works of the former inhabitants of the laud further particulars of which may be round found exclusively in the book of mormon according to the stories atones told by a traveler who comes from nogales ariz the mountains of los Trino heras rais mex are worth scientific exploration the traveler is stopping at the lei leland aldand and tells of the wonders of los trincheras Trin cheras country the mountain is situated in the sonora plains about one hund hundred A and fifty miles from the gulf of california and twenty five miles from the town of altar it is near the placer gold fields which have veen lleen worked since 1804 and are still itch in ore the mountain of los trincheras Trin cheras is teet feet high and yards across large stone terraces terrace from six to ten feet high have been built on all sides from the base of the hill to its summit it must have taken men a year to build these terraces said the traveler several theories are advanced tor for the construct construction lon of these terraces terrace some think they were part of a tremendous amphitheatre where the people gathered to witness games others believe they were fortifications of aztec origin but they seem older that that at any rate the district seems worthy of a thorough exploration by scientific men ma many ny unique and valuable relies can be found around the curious los trincheras Trin cheras mountain and fox hundreds of miles in all directions showing that the country was once populous and rich |