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Show k I I GIFT Post EM qPT, pjjRiOU' Published by the Tramcript-Bulleti- n Publishing Company, Tooele, Utah, a private firm, in no way connected with file Department of the Army. Opinions expressed by publisher and writers herein are their own and arr not to be considered an official expres Friday July 9, 1965 VoL No. Re-Organiz- Test Spt, Hq Co. Merge; Directorate Changed Softball Race Finds Three abouing ty In 1st Fight The softball race tightened this week as the end of the first round neared with three teams fighting for first place. TEST SUPPORT, No. 1, High School No. 1 and the Civilians each with only one loss were all bunched ahead of the Medical Det. with two losses. With a total of 16 games to play in both halves many teams have several make up games to play and the league championship is for from apparent although the first round of play is nearly finished. THE FOLLOWING ere the scheduled games which finirii out the first and second rounds 9 No, 1 sion by the Department of the Army. The appearance of advertisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army of file products or services advertised. Myers Retires, Mullin Leaves Major Jama L. Myera was presented the Army Commendation Medal June IS upon hi retirement from the Army. Hie same day Major William E. Mullin was presented with an Army Commendation Medal for his outstanding service as Finance and Accounting Officer.FOR THE PAST two yean Major Myers has been the Chief of the Army Aviation Division at Dugway. - Viet Nam Articles The Department of the Army recently released a bibliography of recent magazine articles which have appeared on the Viet Nam situation. The list includes articles which have appeared from February of this year through June The articles are: "The Fight for Freedom in Vietnam, Army Information Digest, February IMS, pages Viet Cong Village Army Information 1N5, 5841; Digest, March They Got the Word in Vietnam, Army Information DiThe gest, April 1965, 3648; Viet Cong Organization" and Army Support in Vietnam, Army Information Digest, May 5 and 5044; Vietnam 1865, A Day in Viet-naReappraisal", Airmobile War, Army Magazine, February 1965, pages MAJOR MYERS Team 3 - J o ' Teat Support No-- 1; SSlcsfTeam" Air Foroe A Me Teet Support No. I. Team 9 - stay at Dugway Major Mullin served as finance officer and Deputy Comptroller for Deseret Test Center in Sale Lake City. MAJOR MULL INS citation reads in part: During his tenure, Major Mullin displayed outstanding ini tiative, tact and professionalism hi his direction of budget, internal .review, management engineering end review end analy lie, aa well as bclAis relationship with key operating officials and scientists. His personal efforts in the review of and preparation FinanFunds Industrial Army cial Repots brought recognition by higher headquarters of the improved quality of the analyses fumidied. -MAJOR MULLIN was responsible for the development of a much improved Command Review and Analysis Conference technique which insured that only items of interest were brought to the Commanders at tention, within a minimum of time; thereby conserving the command's time as well as Rat of the key staff. Through his outstanding technical knowledge, astute judgment and com plete devotion to duty, Major Mullin provided solutions to the myriad of problems associated with the financing and operation of this complex organizaDuring his one-ye- ar . tion. next assign- Major Mullin ment will be in the D.C. area. Washing-Io- n Dugway Student In Music Clinic After two weeks of musical instruction st the Utah High School Music Clinic, 250 s public students presented the University of Utahcampus Test Friday. was Marilyn Participating ' Hatch, Dugway High School on V m h 200 The Military Police at Dugway who- had previously been assigned to Headquarters Company have been organized into the 65th Military Police Pla- y, toon. First Lieutenant Robert Kraus has been assigned to command the new platoon. Mrs. Victor Lidner and Miss Lynn Home treed a bobcat behind the hone corral on June 18. Mrs. Lidner and Miss Home spotted the bobcat as they rode toward the corral. They chased the cat until it ran up a tree. Lynn said that she wasnt frightened at all and Oat they let it come down, later. Its still hanging around near die corral but we dont bother it. . ., she said. (U.S Army Photo) BOBCAT-BY-THE-TA- IL - r the Tooele Scouts. MILITARY SECTION July 4th parade - Marching soldiers gave a military flavor to the in Tooele. In the miniature children's float division winners were -first place, Karen Christiansen, Keri Christiansen and Susan Hampton (Army); second prize went to Edith Singleton (Flag); third to Lory Bryan (Uncle Sam); and fourth to Cindy Olsen (Flowers). Skull Valley Grasshoppers To be Sprayed nt daugh-displaye- aircraft will spray 27,000 of Skull Valley ranch land Saturday and Sunday July 10 and II, reports Tooele County Agricultural Agent Ernest O. An acres th Biggs. It New Officer At Commissary Resor Named Sec of Army A Ifrnrt c. float diviCommunity Methodist Church received first place; Beta received second place, and Stockton Ward received third place. THE NOVELTY division winner was the Brownies and Rich-grou- -- V-v- - A In the miniature sion . 1 - tion. Test Deputy Arrives Ento-Masoia- n, ns In what is called the best July 4th parade in Tooele in many years, several floats received prises. FIRST PRIZE went to the Tooele Fourth Ward; second prize went to the Tooele First Ward and third prise went to the Tooele Elka Lodge In the major float division. Eleventh Ward, Sixth Ward, Eagles Lodge and Allen's Food-tow- n Stake Primary (Tooele Float) received honorable men- Female Names Limit Confusion Washington (AFPS) - When the Weather Bureau gives a hurricane a girls name it is not playing games. The names have a definite purpose, officials of the National Geographic Society say. The use of short, easily reTONY AZZELIOS art class names membered helps to students had a variety of oil avoid errors in the transmission color and water paintings done of vital information between hi various techniques. Mrs. scattered stations, ships widely Paul Schlesers oil of a mounand hurricane- - hunting sea st Colonel Richard Lieutenant end tain goat in bright orange that fly into the center planes white and browns attracted O. Gordon arrived at Dugway of the storms. The names also much attention and comment. 'hi June and will be assigned reduce confusion when two or of Test Director as Another unusual work was 'The Deputy more storms occur at the same depicted on a black eratiens. time. Col. Gordon is married end velvet background by well- to 1960, a semi- - permanent wife His two children. has known local artist Gary Cook, of four seta of names roster Sergeant Padelford, a new- - Florence, is presently with him was introduced. A seperate set p comer to Dugway, displayed a st Dugway, while his son is used each year, beginning of oil paintings. Lieuten-- ard, Jr., is attending John Hop-awith the first name in the d Colonel Charles Anderson kins University and his After four years the rosome still lifes featur- - ter Sarah, is attending Roanoke group. of sets begins again. tation College. . ing fish designs. When a major hurricane affects Mrs. Charles James and Mrs. Col. Gordons last assignment United States, its name is Theodore Dozoia exhibited paint-- was with the 5th Logistical the for 10 years and another retired North ed scenes of Skull Valley and Command at Fort Bragg, substituted. Carolina. Alta. For the 1965 hurricane season IN WOODCRAFT,. Captaki He is a graduate of the names are: Anna, Betsy, the a holds Schemmer and Private veraity of Maine and Carol, Debbie, Elena, Frances, First Class William Fegan dis-- B.S. in Chemistry, Holly,. Gerda, Inga, Jenny, played furniture end fruit bowls Kara, Laurie, Mariha, Netty, made hi the Poet Craft Shop. Rhode, Sadie, Orva, Peggy, There were many other exand Wenda. Virgy Tanya, hibits including geodes and stones from local Second Lieutenant Jimmy K. rockhoundi, coral from the far east, and hand painted quilts. Olson arrived at Dugway July The many visitors to the ex- 2 to betin his assigned dirties hibit were surprised to see the as Post Commissary Officer. Lt. Olson, his wife Joanne great variety of work accom- Washington (AFPS) - Mr. old daughter. and three-wee- k plialied by Dugway artists. OTHER DISPLAYS in the ex- - Teresa, have made their home Stanley R. Resor, 47, has been nominated by President Johnhibit were: Mrs. W. Huffaker, at 147-East Fourth Street, hand LL Olson, an ROTC grade- - son to succeed the Honorable painted quilts; Chris Stephen Ailes as Secretary of Myers, ceramics; Mrs. Michael ate, received his BS in ceramics. mology from the University of die Army July 1. Ellis Serving as Under Secretary Vance, geodes and Idaho. .He was commissioned In Jewelry; James Norton, coral the U.S. Army Chemical Corps, of the Army since April 5, Mr. display; Robert La Rue-BuThe Fort McClellan, Alabama, Resor served w ith the 10th Arduring the ham, Sem stones; Maj. John Chemical Corps Officer Basic mored Division of the Bulge in 1M4 and Battle was last his Course assignwas decorated with the Silver ent First Class , ,ndJ!er' Mize, ment Buhl, Idaho, is the home of Star, Bronze Star and Purple . Two platoons of about 50 Dugway soldiers marched in the Tooele Independence Day parade Monday. Also participating in the parade were the Skull Valley Riders 0f Dwsi The lounge of the Service Club was converted into an exhibition hall to display the art work of Dugwayite on June 26, 27 and 29. The summer craft students displayed plaster, ceramics, leathercraft, and hand painted figures that the classes have been working on during the vacation period. semi-precio- 100 rBpid organization , , . because the workforce waa redistributed to Aortage areas, Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., Deputy Post Commander said. THE FORMER director of the P and E Directorate, William S. Harmon has been appointed acting director of the new Logistical Operationa Directorate which had previously been called Logistical Services. The Technical Services Division has been eliminated and the Technical Systema Division has been established. One of the objective! of the is to combine the of various offices and individuals Into one central effort. ALL MANAGEMENT data and computer work has been combined into one operation; the Management Sciences and Data Systems Office whose chief is Major G. A. Germuga. Captain Harold J. Fagan has been assigned as Commandant and Company Commander of Headquarters and Headquarters Company. First Lieutenant Joel Silver-ma- n has assumed the duties of executive officer and the first sergeant of Headquarters is Franklin Meggitt. Other new assignments and changes include: Henry Whitaker, head of Consolidated Equipment Division; Lt. John Grim-mye- r, food service advisor; Allan Speirs, chief of Technical Kenneth Larson, Engineering; chief of Electronics Section; Lester Young, chief of Optical Mechanical Section and Charles Peterson, chief of Technical Systema Division. DugwayMarch e s July 4th Parade Now Platoon Arts and Crafts Show Held at Service Club na 20, vice category. The team shooting in the Master class, scored 747 out 07 PMible 800 Points In ndiyk,u1 competition, Sgt "taster. shooting a perfect rectorate consolidation of Til malntananCe, consolidation of Bu activities, engineering of the Support Bat ulion combining of Head quarters Company and Test Support Company, and a of the function of each office on the Post. Although many jobs and some offices were abolished there has been no change in the manpower force. No Dugway employees lost employment because of the re- The Dugway rifle team won first place in the Service category in the Regional High Pow er Rifle Championships held at Fort Douglas in Salt Lake City June 26 and 27. SECOND Lieutenant Clyde Hodge took first place in the in Excellence Competition Match. He sewed 243 out of a possible 250 to win a Leg and take his first step toward . the receiving distinguished markesman award. This award is presented only after a shooter has accumulated 30 points in Excellence in Competition Matches. Members of the teem won 7 individual medals in competition with shooters from all of the Intermountain States and many of the western states. THE DUGWAY team composed of LL Hodge, Lt. James Weeg, Sergeant Chesley Picket and Specialist 5 Neal Meador Military Police 46-5- 3; 66-7- 6; July Post Rifles Score High er 38-4- Counter-insurgenc- Eriessn The long contemplated gen- eral and con- rolidation of Dugway Proving Ground went into effect July 1. THE POST-WID- E changes hi- dude the abolMiment.of Technical Hans and Evaluation di- - Sharpshooter in the slow fire and the Regional aggregate William Sp5 Championship, Stephens placed second Sharp-diootin the offhand match, Staff Sergeant Charles Lloyd took second Marksmen in the 300 yard rapid fire match and Lt. Hodge took second master in the slow fire aggregate. The citation for Major Myera reads hi part: During his tenure. Major Myera served with great distinction in developing and implementing e successful aviation program for Dugway ProvAging Ground, tie' operated and 2247, 63, 66; supervised all command and gression from the North, Army staff aviation functions for the Magazine. April 1965, No More Koreaa, Army Mega, installation and ail activities of Michael Army Airfield. zine, May 1665, 2249; THROUGH HIS personal Military Review, The District April 1665, 2543; ability as an aviator, knowledge of aviation maintenance and Advisor, Military Review, May long hours of overtime, Major 1965, 34; "Monsoons and MiliMilitary ReMyers enabled the division, to tary Operations, perform its mission effectively view, June 1665, 25; The War at a time when it waa under- Crisis: How Dangerous Now? US News and World Report on strength. He rendered foil support and cooperation to the in- April 26, 1965, 4546; "Commustallations test missions, flying nism Has Many Faces in the aircraft in extreme condition, Vietnam War, US News and including low altitude, dssemi-nato- n World Report, May 3, 1965, 35; Whoa Fighting in Vietnam? and bombing missions, in order to attain the required re- Time, April 23. 1965, 2246. sults of a test program. Major Myers will begin his new job as Quality Control Manager for Page Aircraft Corporation at Libby Army AirFort Huachuca, Ari-sofield at 38-4- ed - This entry by the Tooele Fourth Ward won first prise in the major float division. WIN HONORS -- that the verted TBM aircraft will spray 6,000 acres at each flight of the Ma lath ion spray. It takes only eight ounces of the solution per acre to kill the grassexperts say. hoppers, ' A San Francisco company has the spraying contract and the spray- - aircraft and a small aircraft which carries observers will be based at the Tooele' City Airport for the two days. Sanpete County reports almost a 100 per cent kill with this method. is expected Miss Dugway Contest Soon i ' |