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Show w w Pro and Con Eavesdropping Marines Prove New Vaccine ... by Hsian Fletcher CaUtos "My kids dragged me out lest night to see Elvis Presley, And you know half complainingly said a young mother. it wasnt so bad. whet? die admitted, The speaker wee one of a smell group discussing the good points and the shortcomings of the Post theatre. Opinions and dogmatic statements, both of feet end fancy, were being tossed about recklessly. "MIGHT AS WELL take the Dugway there last word out of Welfare and Mk white Morale as far as Im concent- - will be four or five changes dur ed, said one grumbler. It ta comparable period, to we more good pictures does precious little for my "4 to too. morale when I have to look at and mon Voor As for those brief briefs on Class D pictures all the time." Are you sure all the films toe DB theater peg. I rather them. They dont tell at Dugway are Class D'? I've 19 seen some pretty good ones, enough to epoil the plot, but How about Spartacts, and theres still enough to work on , the Constant "W imagination. "King of Kings GRUMBLERS and compli-'MaViewer paused for breath, end Mad, Mad. Mad World menters alike agreed that time Honestly, I laughed myself sick wise, Dugway theater goers and I cant think really whet have ,mu reason for complaint I was laughing at, she con- - Most of the best Aims are drawn here before they reach eluded. theaters in And the noise! Some smart Ac neighborhood Lake City. And it is true Alec is always popping off in the wrong pieces, like the laugh tht even commercial outlets for ining and denting the nrt. have time troubles . Johnny Canons Friday night during a news reel show- bow appears here on the ing two racing cars in collision and a mangled body thrown Allowing Tuesday, and it hae bill weeks delay before ap- from the wreck. THE DISCUSSION was be- - Pearing in Alaska, Hawaii and ; coming increasingly seriotw. Puerto Rico. Someone mentioned a lack of Question after question follow- ed in close succession. Just how. Areign films. It is true that are. Poet movies selected: Who only a few foreign films are but that is because the t writes the capsule synopses in cben the Daily Bulletin? Wouldn't it recognized avant garde materiel be a good idee to form a dub 10 prevalent in films- of that precludes their use for and import some Shakeeperian Blowing. If a film is general Fesor Cannes a Film plays, the morally, tival award winner. Why tont Questionable popcorn and candy available? AAFMPS must determine its Then theres clothing - why do acceptability, Kids, kids, kids, always we have to have rules eiurat thinking about kids. Why not a what we wear? or two for adults? Again the voice of the Con- nunWed a voice from the rear. stent Viewer was heard, "For one, I think the doth- - M1 of e films drawn at ing regulations are reasonable Bugway ere classified as people, ores of the time. But, it did Are, mature-yountook sort of silly to me whena Amily audience. Since a young boy with his left leg in Arge segment of the military a cast to hie waist was denied PopuMtion is adult, the Motion to procure admittance. He had on jeans Plcture S1 mB het will' satisfy adults," cut open to accommodate the Furia commented, cast Any parent would have ADDED HE that Dugway a agreed that slitting jeans Aeater-goerare of all ages,, leg costa much leas than mu- tUating a pair 'of dress panto. Uld brgely from families who As a rule, though, going to the re genuinely end intelligently theater off Poet calls for ap- - Interested in what their younger vtew- - Because of the propriate clothing and I dont , member ee why it rtrauld be different tar8e number of youngsters on Post, the AAFMPS personnel on Post. to schedule Saturday films LT FURIA to ki charge of the Poet theater. He riwuM be uiuble for juvenile viewing, I m ltH uniting to hear more selective when he orders films. Guess hes sold on that ,boi,t Ae popcorn deal, said hungry- - Bounding voice. old raspberry that the avenge ,,Qh Aatl" interposed his American adult has a mental age of 12 years. And the Wed-- wife- - Lt- - Furia told me yester-nesda- y DB write ups! The day that sometime soon, either read as if the reviewer couhta' Ate July or early August, there stand to sit through the film will bea' concession stand enough to find out what ft teitedln. the ...theater. lobby, by was about, another grumbler Ae Poet Exchange." And we may as well forget mounted his soapbox. "Come down to earth," ad- - about the Import Chib, said The vised the Constant Viewer. "I Ae Constant Veiwer. asked Lt.. Furia your very ques- - AAFMPS regulations prohibit i tions. Theres nothing he can use of the theater and its equ o about the selection end ment for private or group film scheduling. All entertainment showings. But there is just one die added wishfully, thing, films are processed through the "Wouldn't it be nice if we could Army Air Force Motion Pic- - know when a good film is NOT ture Service (AAFMPS) and coming to Diuway? that is the sole source for Army Regional and Air Force theaters throughout the world. MpeaitlOIiary SP4 Molina, assistant manager. Dom Rep Duty and Lt. Furia have no control The over the films that are schedWedtington (AFPS) uled for Dugway. The Sen Fran Department of Defense has apcisco office of AAFMPS is re- proved the Armed Forces Exsponsible for all films shown in peditionary Medal for Dominithis area. And LL Furia says can Republic service from Apr. that AAFMPS does try to pro- 28, IMS, to a date yet undetervide us with the best possible mined. films as soon as they are avail Officials said changes will be in Army made to existing DOD instrucable for showing theaters. Another tiling we tions including the Dominican diould remember is that in off Republic in. the eligibility 1st. Post theaters a picture win usually be shown for at leasts P d. - BIBLE SCHOOL Nursery classes of the Protestant Vacation Bible School Mrs. James DeVore were but a small portion of the 159 students taught by school which ended June lS. The children were guidenrolled in the ed by adult teachers and teenage helpers in Bible stories, handicrafts, singing and films as well as outdoor recreational activities. (U.S. Army Photo) Pre me-mo- st s - CAPTURES HONORS This entry by the Tooele second in die Tooele Fourth of July parade. First Ward was judged Desert Survival Contrary to popular belief the chief killer of the desert is not the rattle snake but heat. Heat and a lack of water are the principle dangers of the desert. A person lost in the desert with a quart of water in temperatures between 110 and 120 can expect to survive three days --- if remaining immobile. THE BEST way to avoid being lost in the desert is not to become lost In other words if on a vacation, camping trip, or have maps of the outing area, plan the route carefully and be sure to take' extra food and water. If lost there are certain steps which may well mean the difference between life and death. Dont panic, construct a large signal which may be seen from the air. This signal can be constructed with rocks and may point in the direction 'traveled or form an X. A FIRE at night is the most effective method of attracting attention at night. inacive during Remaining the heat of the day is another vital element in remaining alive in the desert. Heat exhaustion and sun stroke are common perils of the desert especially when an excessive loss of water and salt from the body have occurred. - set of You will receive this beautiful PATIO WARE when you have your car serviced in our Service Department Made of durable Sterilite Plastic, each set has 4 divided grill plates with cutlery wells and 4 contrasting color cups, plus a setting of 4 knives, forks and spoons, plus one pickle fork and one mustard spreader. 22-pie- ce OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 31, 1965 Barms Motors 83 N Main Dial 882-287- 4 Waddagton (AFPS) - Anew oral vaccine has proven 100 per cent effective in protecting recruits from acute respiratory ailments,- Rear Admiral Robert B. Brown, Navy Surgeon General, has announced. The capsule vaccine was successfully field tested on 135 volunteers at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris S.C. and Camp Lejeune, N.C. during an epidemic. By contrast, almost 25 percontrol cent of the group, whoee members were fed a capsule without the vaccine, were hospitalized with severe respiratory diseases during the same epidemic. These diseases, called Adenovirus Type Four, are the leading cause of recruit hospitalization and outpatient treatment in all services, an official said. . About 10 per cent of all case lead to pneumonia and one epidemic at an installation was estimated to cost about $10 million through increased medical aid end loss of training. Before Summer heat melts away your comfort, have a reputable cooling contractor install an efficient air conditioning system in your home. Duy U.O. Savings Bonds star-spangle- All FOR AMEHICANS Just tell us how much you need to pay old bills, for home improvements, car repairs, for all your seasonal expenses. Phone now for prompt, courteous service. LOANS UP TO FIN AN Cl COMPANY of Tsssis Phone: 13 South Main Street Best of sH, they ore sHguuine We Need the Room We ore Overstocked BUICK - BEAUTIFUL RAMBLER HOME You sove Come on now!! Coma in and drive one talking dealing beats talking, ... Replacement cost of this fine property without lot would cost $30,000. This well constructed brick home is in the southwest part of Tooele, near schools and church. The large beautifully carpeted living room, having fireplace is entered from the entrance hall. Guest closet is handy to living room or entrance to kitchen. Kitchen has snackbar, built-i- n range and oven, many cabinets. A best grade inlaid is on all the floors except the many moms which are carpeted. Two full bathrooms and four large bedrooms make this home very desirable for foe large family. There are no end to foe many handy closets of every type, clothes closets, guest closet, linen closets, and utility closets. A room for television and another room for office or den both open onto patio with sliding glass dors. The utility room is large and handy as is the fruit room for food supplies. Most interesting is foe large double garage having over head door, also foe shop area large enough for another car and a boat or two. This area could be a Hobby Shop, shop for creating many new items for home use or market. Ideal for Beauty Shop in the home. Just seeing this property sets your mind to' working. The lot is large and well landscaped. Irrigation water from Settlement Canyon is right at rear of property. See this home constructed by an expert and listed to sell for only $26,900. Atkin Realty is ready and proud to show this fine property. ATKIN Realty & Construction 324 S. Main St. Phone 882-097- 6 ... driving-beat- A s Barrus Motors Now in Our 45th Winning Year! COMPLETE UHSHIC LMI1HD to IlIrnlMu-itliH&ii- INSURANCE COVERAGE U 111 0) 0 ii --nr" HIM' IM1 OLDS 1395 tns : Sedan Take it for a drive A fine second car. 600 F-8- 5 r, wagon Low Mileage Perfect family car! 1000 MI Plymouth $8 $595 Sedan Standard transmissin Radio and mere 1959 1IM Wl (ilMfft BUICK . BUICK $795 $1015 Invicta Beautiful Electra Air conditioned p cod Buy it 4-- dr now-Kee- IBS) nUfiyiBjflh Qttt 1999 m BUICK $995 m LeSabre Hardtop Sedan Priced Right! insr anuQ$ mb f 1959 1959 DODGE 'KOTO) CHEV $695 $815 Belair 4--dr hardtop Sporty car A real steal! -- Shop Area and 2 Car Garage For Sale by Atkin Realty and Construction USED CUE DOUBLE-CHECKE- That moans savings satisfaction in any mska or modal you choose. , Medll For 882-158- 8 -- ip-d- ... $2500 ' Y op-lo- ' savings plan d Sierra Wagon Sedan Vacation Special And specially priced! SUck Shift What youve wanted! 4 1959 iRiffiHI FORD $995 Sedan Galaxie See to appreciate A choice cider car 4-- qEnflflp QqflDQtips o OGcnmocBniilOP mai iBiRl!) QMEcp Helping Western Families Live Better 10,000 With the Purchase of Any New or Used Car at DBairims Rflaitfni?s Idf take fleet: M W U H. Mato. Tmfc Stall Money Problems: Try our EAR Dill-Consolida- Trad, Hwee: MI-21- tion GW WARRANTY ON EVERY CAR |