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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Crooad, Friday, July 9, 1965 Seat Belts Work -- 1 The Gift Outright Know Service Group Studys Credit Practices - The editor of the Test Run eterted for Grand Canyon Fri-- . day, July 2, thinking he would spend the long weekend enjoying the sights and relaxing from office key pounding. INSTEAD, about 30 minutes after leaving Dugway he was lying ki an automobile which had rolled approximately twice. He and die driver received only a couple of motor cuts, a the seat belts were fastenbruise or two and some soreness ed. The car was badly damaged, the windshield smashed, the doors sprung, the front tenders dented, the sides and top slightbut when the car came to a stop upsidedown ly remodeled the occupants were held in the seats and were alive. The editor is quite happy to be alive but he had some second thoughts. He did not have his seatbelt on when leaving Post, nor did he when the car entered the Lockout Pan area. ABOUT FIVE MINUTES before the car rolled, happening to glance down, he saw the seatbelt on the floor and on impulse reached down and buckled it. The editor doesn't have seatblets in his car - but he intends to put them there and to wear them. - - . - Editorial The June M issue Times ran the following editorial concerning service drinking: THE CHARGES by a panel of psychiatrists that the services encouraged drinking by their traditions, low prices for alcoholic beverages and social pressures, are disturbing 'to many persons because of inferences that can be drawn. One might argue that such encouragement can be halted by closing the post package stores and clubs and raising the price of beer in Jhe exchanges. One might also argue that the serving of alcoholic beverages at official social functions should be banned. Such controls have been proposed from time to time, but wisely, they have not been approved. FOB GOOD OB ILL, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is an accepted practice in much of the world, and we think it is nonsense to suggest that the military tradition en- -. courages people ki imbibe. As the psychiatrists who wrote the report point out, the military legal system is much harsher on drunkenness than is civilian law. The psychiatrist should have realised (hat the practices they view as "encouragement"- - to drink are actually restraints of a kind. The lower prices in the clubs and exchanges tend to confine drinking to the post The social functions where alco- holic beverages are served are a kind of control, too, because each man knows the consequences of frequent drunkenness be- fore his superiors. dubs are more careful about FURTHERMORE, the age qualifications than are many town bartenders. Most of the incidents that require police action against drunken military men occur off the post where the prices are higher and the military tradition, that the psychiatrists complain about is less of an influence. We hope the psychiatrists report will not be used as ammunition against benefits benefits that are of value both to the military men and to the organizations they serve. (AFPS) Proposals are being examined by study group concerning present consumer credit practices affecting military personnel. The group was established by Assistant Secretary of Detense (Manpower) Norman S. Paul. Heading the group is Mr. to the Stephen S. Jackson, a senior provision prejudicial staff member in Secretary Pauls borrower. office. Another proposal mentioned by One proposal being consider- Secretary Paul would require ed is die requirement of cer- foe lender end foe borwwei to tification as a DOD approved execute a DOD term which financial company for guidance would require an accarate anof servicemen. nual krterest rate Secretary Paul said some of pertinent data to these possible requirements in- tnrih in tending. clude: compliance with a code Secretary Paul said that oppoof ethics and standards of busi- site each such an entry on the ness conduct to be developed form would be comparable inafter research and coordination formation pertaining to a loan with other Federal agencies in- from a Federal Credit Union. "If foe creditor refuses to cluding the Presidents Committee on Consumer Interests: execute such a form," the secdear concise disclosure of all retary explained, he would be costs, interest or otherwise in- advised that the military sercluded in the financing trans- vice would not render him any action; and the use of standard assistance with respect to reforms for the financing contract covering a default of payment or instrument, which must not on the part of the serviceman. The matter of denying the provide a penalty for prepayment of principal or interest, a serviceman an allotment unless waiver of rights or benefits un- this form is executed is also der the Soldiers and Sailors under consideration, Secretary Civil Relief Act, or any similar Paul said. an Wtafclagtoa inter-servic- e of Errors Dh1 wny 1 uwr by jerry M arcus tv as! Meads gal hi IrouMi Excessive speed caused 35 per cent of the 48,000 'highway deaths in America during 1964. Driving on die wrong side of the road and reckless driving accounted 1964. This is my Flag, Its stripes of red, Remembrance of Our hero dead. This is my Flag, Through bars of white Ever shall mine Hope, peace and right One of the moot interesting fields of photography is the home portrait. Sadly enough this kind of photography is perhaps the most neglected. Taking portraits of family members and friends can be fun and very rewarding. The amateur photographer will be surprised at the simplicity and the quality of the portraits that can be taken in his own living room. THE ABOVE photograph is an example of home portraits, camera, some (kily a roll-filliving room drapes for a background, and three inexpensive photoflood bulbs were used to capture the glamour of this beautifol girl. This "head type of portrait is the most common, both with the professional photographer as well as foe amateur. However, hand poses and length poses give a picture additional professional qua. la high places." three-quart- EDITORIAL during by Helen Fletcher CsUios m -- 4 The Color Bearer ' by Ogden Kraut A Tragedy ed for another 30 percent of fatal accidents. Of the 48,000 persons killed on the highways last year, 16,400 weje killed in accidents caused by exces slve speed. Driving on the wrong side of the road and reckless driving ranked second and third Vespectively and added 12,300 deaths to the toll. . Tragically the figures do not stop here. More than 3,840,000 persons suffered injuries in automobile crashes g Home Portraits on-po- st - by Robert Frost The land was ours before we were the lands. She was our land more than a hundred years Before we were her people. She was ours In Massachusetts, in Virginia, But we were Englands, still colonials, Possessing what we still were unpossessed by. Possessed by what we now no more possessed. Something we were withholding made us weak Until we found out that it was ourselves from our land of living. We And forthwith found salvation in surrender. Such as we were we gave ourselves outright (The deed of gift was many deeds of vm) To the land vaguely realizing westward. But still unstoried, artless, unenhanced, Such as she was, such as she would become. ..hi v The Travelers ky- - . - . . JW "Iddle, ale hay" jtehfy Service i Excessive spaed Is the causa of more than 40 highway accident casualHes. er of Hie ! 9 i Human error and lack of judgement, continue to be prime target for the safety message. Auto makers are adding more safety features to their product, but until the driver recognizes his responsibility, the fatality list will continue to increase. As an artist creates beauty, realism, and depth to his canvas by the use of various Blades of paint, so also can the photographer become an artist by proper placement of his lights. Good lighting creates a dimensional effect upon the subject, and only three lights are necessary to obtain a professional type portrait; The first, and most important light, is the main light which should dominate the subject. The secto sofond light is the fiU-i- n ten the hanh shadow areas. The third light is the back- ground light used to eliminate the shadows cast by the other two lights, giving a third dimensional effect to the subject. The type of lighting to be used can be determined by the Riadow from the- - nose. Flat lighting will render little, if any shadow from the nose. This lighting indicates the main light source is close to foe camera. Short lighting is a near silhouette type, often used in dramatic and in masculine type of 8824&05 Reminder of Our justice true. Also Matinee Sat. 1 p.m. cwGwrf Trevor IfisueCMm CjirMsiCoBpMyfafediM v Beivaraaf Moms a RITZ M ' Howaro ,DSC0flr Sun., Mon., lues. MOTOR VU Fri. MOTOR VU and Sat. Sun., Mon., Tuts. fWNEWMIN I mmsrvB.: at Your Best! by SSG Davis Two members of the CBR Detachment received promotions in June. Promoted to .Sp4: Edward A. Williams. Promoted to PFC: Willie R. Little. New arrivals to the CBRWOC are Sft Roy H. Haver from Fort Erwin, California. Sfc Haver is the NCOIC of the CBRWOC Transportation Section. The other new member of the CBRWOC is Pvt. Nichols. Pvt Nichols arrived from Fort McClellan, Alabama, where he recently finished advanced training. SP5 John J. Biaitp will depart Dugway to attend the Army Transportation School an Helicopter Maintenance at Ft. Eustis, Virginia. Specialist Biarbe was the assistant Chief of Transportation of the CBR Weapons Orientation Course. The CBR Bowling Team is now in fourth place in the Military Summer League. The CBR Golf Team, now in seventh place, is holding its own, considering that there are twenty-tw- o teams ki competition. The CBR Softball team. We are still trying for that all important first win, and we are thinking of changing our name to the CBR Meta. With Vacation time upon--, us and people departing for points all over the country, remember to drive DEFENSIVELY. Have a good vacation and a safe return. Take Advantage of Our Low, Low Prices' Store - Wide, While! Kb Mahs Room for 0 New Fall Goods IMiBM! TWO SALE TABLES aewD MINIIBASKET Ladies Nities, Bras For Woshables You Never Dared Straw Shoes Machine -- Wash Before $2.98 Use or CANVAS SHOES and other This Weeks Special If 59 VIve 4 Speed Trnsmission, Radio and Heater, NADA Book Price is Currently $640 - Buy it from Us This Week Only for $' LEONARD HANSEN 49 S 1st East Look Always CBR Detachment News YOUR QUALITY CADILLAC PONTIAC This is my Flag, Its starry blue R1TZ The Rembrandt portraits. type lighting mows a long shadow from the nose, and is the type of lighting most commonly used by the professional cameraman. The Butter fly lighting often used in glamour pictures, shows a very short shadow line. THE BACKGROUND, for portraits, may be a plain wall, a curtain, or a patterned, piece' of material. A simple and plain background is usually best for a quality picture. The world renowned portrait artist, Yosef Karsh of Ottawa, Canada, who has photographed famous personalities around the world, has used an army blanket for a. background. Controlled lighting can change the background to nearly any degree of contrast. Here are some basic pointers to begin practice on portraiture: 1) Keep the camera on level with the subjects chin or higher. 2) Keep the subject away from the background. 3) Use a telephoto or long focal length legs if available. 4) Set up the main light first before adding the others. 5) Check your-- exposure with your expo-- 1 sure meter. 6) Try a variety of poses, lighting, and expressions. I A good basic portrait lighting set can be purchased for less than $10.00, which is less than the cost of a portrait at almost any portrait studio. 1 Stoker Motor Co 3 cycles. $250 Plus Mark - Downs on Other Summer Dresses and Dusters i for last minute extras fabrics you'd normally aro thoroughly cleaned in regular basket with famous Filter-Fl- o washing action. 2 wash speeds All Maternity Lines Marked Down DEALER' o Up to 14 lb. family size loads of clothes Summer Flats White Sale Priced special-car- wash by hand. Styles $1.98 to $2.98 In Stylish MINI-BASK- ET Stule IB MOOEL WA-S54- Terrific Prices on all '65 Appliances, TV's BUY NOW and SAVE! lap north Main 1 1 & Stereos 7 |