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Show White Sands Missile Range Twenty Years Old Today WHITE White Sandi MISSILE RANGE, N.M. Missile Range will celebrate it's 20th birthday today, making it the old man of miaaile rangea in the United States. Initiated aa White Sands Proving Ground, July 9, 1945, the range was the first miaaile and rocket testing site established . by the United States government. WS .fENINi9 Tiny Tim rocket began the na- -' On tfaxis literally, aerospace activity. July 18. one week after the The testing of nuclear weap-Arm- y began operations here, onj has been shifted to Nevada the worlds first atomic bomb and the Pacific Ocean, but was successfully detonated at missile and rocket testing here has steadily increased. In its Trinity Site in the northern end firit year, there were 32 com- rane- pleted rocket firings at the weeks later, the desert s range. In recent years the silence was shattered again range has handled more than when the fjringof a modified 2ooo firings a year, making White Sands one of the busiest missile test centers in the country. WHITE SANDS Proving Ground was designated a national range by the Depart-- , ment of Defense in 1952, name was changed to White Sands Missile Range. As a national range, operated by the rmy, White Sands provides facilities for the testing of Army, Navy, Air Force, De- Sam with partment of Defense and National Aeronatucs and Space. Stata Farra tow totunflct Administration The commanding general of rates for White Sands Missile Range; careful driven Major General J. Frederick See me. . Thoriin,. through various administrative divisions, is responsible LEE for providing launch faclites, data collector and reduction in Fwiri Drive SS4 Seefb e struments and equipment, re- Teeeis, Utah Phono M24S4f covery equipment, support personnel and foe other services STATE FARM necessary to conduct effective test programs. MUTUAL There are four other national rangea. Air Force Eastern Test Range at Cape Kennedy, Fla., Air Force Western Test Range TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Vlrlday, July 9, 1965 Ely Golf Play Set July 16-1- 8 SANDS STOUT SCOUT OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT SHOES Scout about in theee official boy scout shoos I Thsy'rs made to moot the Mooting standards of the Boy Scouts of America Motional Council . . . look for tho authentic seal of approval. BOYS SIZES -- Do Your Port! The annual team play between Dugway and Ely Country Club will take place in Ely, Nevada on July 16, 17 and 18. Besides the team match for both men and women, there will be ample entertainment and fun provided, according to golf course manager Staff Ser. Need money for Hon"T geant Charles Byrd. are Golfers and welcome to make the trip. non-golfe- rs ! POLITICS A former professor of mine, of"f DURRANT Cost Reduction Is Everybody's Job ' E. Binkley, once defined politics as the art of shifting an unpleasant burden from one set of shoulders to another. W. ' - SOLDI PFC William Rearden was chosen as soldier of the month for Dugway Proving Ground for the month of June. Post Commander Colonel William W. Stone, Jr., presented. PFC Rearden with a Certificate of Achievement. (U.S. Army Photo) ER-OF-T- H . at Vandenburg AFB, Calif., Pa- - Rf fic Test Facility in the Pacific. OF THE five national rangea White Sands is foe only overland range. Its 4,089 square-mil- e area makes it the largest over-lan- d test range in the free worW nd 0,6 toigest military in reservation the United S tales. The ranges over-lan- d nature gives it some definite advantage!. Recovery preparations are simplified becauae the missiles impact on land. Tracking and data collection procedural are facilitated by the capability of having permanently positioned instrumentation sites along a. missile's flight path. During WSMR'a twentieth year, two major additions were made to the ranges facilities. THE $1 K million McAfee Army Hospital, a modem facility, was opened in July 1964 to provide the beat medical care possible for WSMR's military personnel and their families. The Nuclear Effects Laboratory, recently named Nuclear Effects Branch, was opened in August and began operation! studying the radiation effects on missile components. The lab is equipped with the U. S. Army's only unshielded fast burst reactor which can generate the radiation effects at a nuclear explosion without the heat and blast. Miaaile and space technology made several giant strides this pest year at White Sands. IN FEBRUARY, a high acceleration experimental missile booster, called the HIBEX was fired for the first time. Due to the high acceleration of this rocket a noise similar to a sonic boom was created. Another important first at foe range was the successful firing of a Sprint miaaile, foe U. S.'s most advanced ICBM-kille- r. The cone-shapmissile is designed to destroy' enemy warheads at low altitudes. Airmobile Division Now Authorized The Army has been authorised (ANF) to organize an Airmobile Division as part of its currently force structure ; according to an anauthorised- nouncement made by Secretary of Defense Robert S. Mcand will be new division organised Namara on June IS. The as expeditiously as possible at Fort Ben-nki-g, made combat-read- y Division Ga., and will be designated the lit Cavalry (Airmobile). Secretary McNamara said: ' The introduction of this new kind of division into the Army LiOIlClllCt will greatly increase our grow- . fog capability to meet all kinds of threats. It (daces the Army AWAFCIS JHAuC an the threshold of an entirely new approach to foe conduct of conduct Awards Six foe land battle. Use of the helb ere made to Dugway enlisted copter to deliver men and wea- - personnel for exemplary on foe battlefield will re- - havior, efficiency and fidelity, suit in greater freedom of Sergeant First Class James movement and exploitation of vore received the fifth award foe principle of surprise to " for foe period 2 June 1882 to 1 unprecedented degree. june jggs. The new division will be Specialist 6 Douglas Stolton-fcrme- d now resources from and Specialist Ruben the Army. within received g award for foe Personnel and equipment will g,inj ,lm. come from both the 2d Infantry Receiving the second award Division and the experimental were suff sergeant Milton Yar-Ut- h Air Assault Division now broughi specialist 5 Eugene at Fort Banning. The let Caval obmann and Specialist 4 Leo-r- y ! pvOOQj p II A AMAaMSoa sn sn le grind." BIG SAVINGS We are discontinuing some lines of j CHILDREN'S APPAREL 13 to 12 Off Division, now in Korea, try In-f- en Ask about credit Ufa and disability insuranca on loans at sreup rates Summer Dress SALE Continues Mill-availa- will be redesignated the 2d Rest and relax. Refresh and restore yourself, on your leave, and leave money worries behind at HFC. Household will provide money for every travel need: transportation, lodging, clothing, sports equipment-ev- en a cash reserve. You can repay HFC conveniently when you return. When you need money for any good purpose, trust the company trusted by 150,000 servicemen every year HFC in. be-po- 50-b- ed Get an HFC Traveloan WASHINGTON, P0C3AKK3Q ! GrtfioUtZion, HOUSEHOLD nsi, 101 aircraft ground vehicles. and 3,300 My little woman claims she'e the perfect wife because she let me out with the boys one night a week. Big deal! I'm a OUR BIGGEST SALE YET scoutmaster. Quality Washers at Tooele Merc's Clearancel. PLAYTEX Rubber Pants flnSMHfMrska(g- REG. 89C NOW 61C off Vs off WHITMAN CANDY KODAK FILM SALE - matkaBy, washes automatically! Black & White K0DAC0L0R MOVIE FILM Vi 127-02- 127 49c 99c 0 620 - $1.89 SPECIAL Party Goods REG. Netceps etc. Vl OFF KAHU for diapers, jeans. Action Patented Deep agitator creates jet currents to help remove heaviest soil! rinsing jets' away lint and scum. Spin! clothes extra dry. 4 water temperature choices ter correct Automatic Saak cycle ideal for diapers, jeans. Patented Deep Action agitator creates jet currants to help remove heaviest soil! washing. New mechanism designed for top dependability! Ist-Aw- ay $WS Jot-Simp- le C machanisml Avn rinsing jets" away lint and scum. Spins clothes extra dry. SudsWatar Saver Model WDR-6at extra cost Nurser Kit REG. Jet-Aw- sy 95 5 EXCH. NOW 8.75 $$ PKGS. $922 Bur 8 OZ PKG JL& V & MAX FACTOR SPRAY 15 OZ. CAN Perfumes, Va to A PINWHEELS, TOFFIES Hair Spray - A"- - WftfE S FAMOUS BRAND Cosmetics 2 3.98 NOW SUMNER CARMELS, PARTY CANDIES Vidaylin Chewable Vitamins off Naphtai, Placeman, CoaterpiHss, Coasters, a Automatic Soak cycle ideal 328-42- 81 Reduction V at a budget price! . STOCK 65 Washer UTAH Division. The new let Cavalry Division (Airmobile) will have a strength of 15,787 personnel and will be equipped with 434 aircraft, almost all of which w ill be helBy comparison, foe; icopters. present Army ROAD Infantry1 Division has about 15,800 person; CAMERAS Ilea! FRIGIDAIRE Soak eyele 09 160 South Main "st! PHONE: n,vi. ALL LOWEST PRICES on Highest i WOO atari Sr HNANCI COWORAHON &Q Stock Up Now and Save 3 pair 11 00 ABBOTTS VIDAYLIN LIQUID AND DROPS 2 off |