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Show July Draft Call Driving Range Is Now Open The golf coune driving range opened laat week and will be a wqek during opened live summer months. Club are available at no in the Pro Shop. The for a small charge cost is a quarter basket of balls and 39 cents tor a large basket. Children dubs are available. I WASHINGTON (ANF) The Selective Service System will call 17,100 men to Army duty during July. It is expected that enlistments will make up the balance of j July's ( - 27,400 overall Training to Get Review Ft pro- curement objective for enlisted men with no prior service. The other services do not intend to piece calls with Selective Service during July. ' Heed, Tex. '(AFPS) A board of officers has been established by the Secretary of the Army to review the Army system of officer education and. and determine its training adequacy. Lieutenant General Ralph E. Haines Jr., Ill Army Corps and Ft Hood commander is president of the board. As elements of this detailed the board will examination, study the faculties and requirements for special training for colonels and generals in such areas as automatic data processing, counterinsurgency, civil affairs and employment of tactical nuclear weapons. Hie board will weigh scholastic train tag in ' command responsibilities and Auctions, management of resources and foreign languages in the present school system. The board is composed of three other generals, five colonels and one civilian educator and will convene hi July at Washington. AB ASSAUT Family Nets wia in Goif STOUT: TwoMAWVeros raoa bua to mam On several occasions in recent months, Post Successes mili- er waithsr SECOND LIEUTENANT Roy Sugawa won the Championship Division first place, Kenneth Bearden took the A Flight first place, Mark Geeriings won the hard-hittin- d, As the demonstration begins, observation aircraft lacs the sky and UH-1- D Bearden took first in helicopters pommel the target area with rockets, guided missiles, Flight Fifty-fiv- e players participated and wittering madiinegun fire. tathe twcHlay tournament Artillery pieces are flown in. PathWinners scores with the finders parachute to set up a drop handicap subtracted were: area for ground --skimming cargo craft. CHAMPIONSHIP Division -- Men rappel from helicopters hovering Sugawa IM, A. Whitt 141, Bohr high above the treetope. 148, J. White 149. Then an entire Infantry company is A Flight - K. Bearden 131, sped into the assault aboard choppers. R. Gillies 134, Uatchah IM. The overall offset' of firepower and B Flight - M. Geeriings 143, speed leave the observers acred. C. Geerltag 149, Opasted 199, They have witnessed the result of study and planning Baal IM, Cooper 199. that began in February, 1968, when the 11th Air Assault C FLIGHT - Kelty Bearden Division was created for test purposes. 133, Home 139, EMard 148. In the words of Xaj. Gen. Harry W. O. Kinnard, Family combination won big sion Commanding General, "the teats subjected this air as Mr. Bearden end eon Kelly assault division to the closest scrutiny ever given any test boih took firsts, brothers Mark in Army history." and Craig Geeriings placed first The teat effort was climaxed when Secretary and second in B Flight and of Defense Robert 8. McNamara announced that the Army Mr. White and his son placed has been authorised to organize an Airmobile Division aa second and third ta dm Cham-pkxuhforce structure. part of Ha currently authorised Division. To be ealled the let Cavalry Division (Airmobile), the new organisation will be formed from the 2d Infantry Division and the 11th Air Aaaanlt Division, both at Fort Benning. At soma African diamond ' . It win have a strength of 15,849 personnel and win be mines, 79AM bushels of qgitt equipped with 4S4 aircraft, almost all of which will be heli-an- d gravel must be preeestod copters. By comparison, the present Army ROAD Infantry tor every carat of .diamonds Division has about 15,900 personnel, 101 aircraft, and 8,200 ground vehicles. produced. Rivers of UA. carry some According to Secretary McNamara, Tic introduction af Sirfinilliai tens of sediment ta this new kind of division into the Army will greatly into the seas each year. , . crease our growing capability to meet all kinds of threats. It plaesa the Any on the threshold of an entirety new approach to the conduct of the land battle " to B FLIGHT first place mud Ilttlo 'olo mot WASHINGTON (ANF) The Army has successfully fired two versions of a new Medium Anti-tan- k Weapon (MAW) at Redstone Arsenal, Ala. Designed as a shoulder-fire- d mieeile system for uee against tanks and armored vehicle!, the MAW will be light enough to be carried by one soldier. Considered both a defensive and an assault weapon, it would be used by Infantrymen at the platoon level. Self --coetallied Version One version, known aa the Directional Control Medium Anti-tan- k ), Weapon will feature a guidance system for swift flight along the ning, Ga. They looked out over several miles of hilly g terrain and witnessed a demonstration of the Armya Air Assault techniques in action. The 11th Air Assault Division created the show to display the development of Army air mobility concepts during the past two yean. Sophisticated weapons and flexible equipment are put through their paces following the newly defined tactics of Air Assault. fsst-pace- amendments. In Redstone Shots dignitaries, tary leaden, and students from Army schools have filled the tdeaehera at Concord Observation Post at Fort Ban- The Dugway Handicap Tournament finished play Sunday with some hot ta the N degree ttooting The average husband is one who laya dawn the law to hia wife and then accepts all the Kelly the C HOUSEWIVES (DC-MAW- gunners ' ( This ht version is being developed by the Army Missile Commands Research and Development Directorate at Redstone Ar-- , senal. Aircraft McDonnell Cor- poration is developing a MAW concept that uses fine connecting wires between the launcher and the missile guidance system. The Army will select one of the two version! for fur-thdevelopment in the near ip er future. ML YOU MAY QUALIFY. Dale Smart Jim Palmer Self respect in a man is kind salt in the soup - the too right amount is good much is awful. of like MACK Luke - W. Vine 26 882-02- 15 w LT. WILSBACHER First Lieutenant Charles L. Wilsbacher arrived at Dugway ta June and was promoted from Second Lieutenant en route. He received his bars June 11 in the Post Commanders Office. He has been assigned to toe Test Division and has taken qp residence at 171-E. 5th St. with his wife, Kathleen and A their e? You Down? Check Kleaf Officer Comes Is Promoted TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES S emt a par ward Regular M emte par verd BesiaeM M eeato per Issue ap to one tech (hnadity rates) per tech evsr one ladi (reonthty rates) i son Tony. . FOR SALE - bicycle (built for new. Schwinn two). Like model. Ph. RATES are tor d wMI wo aaty. Deepsleep Spring filled mattress. Good condition. 91 8. N. Glenwood Ave., Lawn 882-302- CASH IN AD , UNTIL JUNE 1 mowers precision sharpened. All makes. Small engine repair. Saws, scissors, knives sharpened. Cal Farrington, 287 MarViata Lane, o nil time. May M USED Trsasrrlnt . FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY 882-134- 2. . kONTHLY Lt. Wilsbacher received a BA I from Purdue in 1N2 and an MA in Chemical Engineering 'from Purdue ta 1M4. Rheumatic fever may affect any part of the batty. Hu effects on most parts of the are body tempoflry,' but damage to the heart - may be g says ahg.: Utah, .Heart Association. FUN SALE MISCELLANEOUS 85 : fhe I H? P LitWWHt --9-9 i P-t- MuFe FORTAuTlirutS Ave. Ph. . or 982-977- 2 4 wmKUKi 882-293- 0. limnn lum 4 . - bedroom 2 be the 2 fire place built-i- n kitchea basement garage lota USED WINDOWS, doors, toilets, after of extras, pail stalks, stoves, hot water heatP- Juty 13 . er. for app. . . EXCEL-LO- long-lastin- 3 C SEWING MACHINE REPAIR-All makes. Dealers in PfafF. Sewing Machines. Hemstitch, big. Gillespies Sawing Mach ine Center. 291 So. 1st West CR Tooele. Ph. S82-0M- I. 882-25- 5 roE ELai ns. 171 meet ViTTU at days UN. Ip-a- i 1- -! ORDER LOYAL Mata. ihSS'e Jdiic'utol 7Sv3Er je nwblMbl SKSVfffiE 3ftSi.SK: ed. Lirge recreation area. Rates start at $75 per month with all utilities furnished. Rent by day. week, month or year. Linen service available. Western Apartment Motel. 515 North Main, Tooele 3 Phone W. K. WANTED WANTED horeea. - Corral apace tor 2 PJ9A. 883-173- 1. .983-009- ' ptan' ' ,?S FREE! 1 Month! RenT New one or two bedroom apte .1 . 2458 PM J-- 1 J11' 882-339- 7. Fit! FKEZE KEOETUT ()!? M2-994- 7TJ filled with M2-M- No Excise Tax nTitted 912-194- 1. P-9- 882-201- 2. P-4- CIEOttL :r SAI-1M- P-2--9 8C-130- 8. c- REr 184-340- 0. Bta 12.1 cs.fi. NEMA Certified Sspsrste freozet MMs 90 lbs. of frozen foods p. . 882-27- M ta ttie refrigerator ,i . , HGQ0II Full width noreebte anemsi Crisper holds H bushel Phike Dairy Bar door with SN-thButter Keeper mm ml mm bhi mi t m . 1 FOUR LOST AND FOUND TACKLE 13 year BOX tart old boy at Dam by FOR RENT Wed. Con- tents were a gift to three brothers by a recently deceased grandfather. Reward. 9. PA im 14 NORTH MAIN PHONE 4 APT. Cell 882- - clean modem Suitable for References required. - house. couple. Phone 882A152. PA-1-3 FOR RENT nice, new, secluded one bedroom home. 884- 3M7. PETS 882-066- ROOM p8 182-392- Radio Electric ft Hardware P-9- 882-310- NEED to ftad home for five CAA kittens. M2A393. FOR MISCELLANEOUS BACHELOR APT. - ooe room, Call or pA 1 - RENT Quiet, shady trail-era- . trailer apace for 884-389- 7. 40 ft. PAA19 .. 5 STmum 882-402- ' P-8- -9 FOR SALE - Schwta sting ray bike. Good condition, $52.95. original price. Sale price $25 3 or Ph. 882-039- ANNETTS HAIR STYLING M LON - 43 East 2nd across from Tooele Bowdh Alley. Cuts : pernumante test styles. Early and late apt . . point meats. 4. First Crop Hay for sale 9 Floyd Walters, Erda. GOOD SS2-447-1. 882-174- t P -19 PROFESSIONAL . CLEANING SERVICE Expert rug and upholstery cleaning. Wall washing. Guar anteed. Reasonable. Free e 3 timates. Call 'or 5. GUITARh7 AMPLIFIER sale. Good condition. for $100. ph P-- 8 882-309- 9. 882-414- 'FOR SALE - two nice fat sheep large ones. $15 each. Phone 7 p-or 1419. UOillOS UOfllfY . ' 882-075- 191 'NORTH Uftlfl 9, aHeffl . family home - four bedrooms, family room, large living room with fireplace, ITS terrific the way we're selling Blue Lustre for cleaning utility, double garage, coyer- rugs and upholstery. Rent patio, large yard, ftilty electric shampooer $1. Gorlandscaped. New school. don Furniture Cc., 60 South' Mata. LARGE P-- HAS IT? Pest ct . trol chart You name the in- -' sect - we nhme the kill. Parley Savage, 382 S. 1st W. CRI WATKINS FOR SALE - two horse Undes hone wheeled Rocking O trailer. $700. Excellent buy. i ELECntKTlRON REPAIRING 882-244- 0. makes. Steam irons cleaned and repaired. Elmers. 38 P to JutyM. West Vine. AN ROBINSON'S CUSTOM SPRAYING, ALL YARD INSECT 124 SOUTH 8di STREET. C-- 9. E!K9883!,II u I FOR SALE - TV, highchair, and mattress, 4 lawn : crib, i chairs, training chair. Phone SAGE KENNELS 75 boarding OR SALE HOUSES FOR small breed dogs. cents a TRADE - As I am now sell- Pd to July 23 . day. tag houses in both Salt Lake FOR SALE - weaner and feedCity and Ogden, areas, lam Made or Ready er pigs. Ready to go 882- - DRAPERIESbuilt. in position to accept trades All fabrics. custom 29 2010. Garth Stookey. on houses in Tooele, SaltLake Modem Gordons designs. Peder- Furniture. 60 S. Main. CRI City or Ogden areas. ' 18 North sen Real Estate, st- . PAINTING Interior and Exterior. Preserving shingles, ph 12 old LARGE framei year 30 house. Moved to your tot. M500 complete. Financing. Ph EXPERT PAINTING, insideor u.. bm u dyi out. For free estimates call FOR SALE - 2 bedroom home Larry Hewitt p44 and $50 per month. Call 882- -, 3756 after 6 p.m. July 9 1957 Ford Sta. Wagon 312 GARDENS FOR SALE 3 bedroom brick radio and het-te- r home, attached garage, chain call or see at 401 W. link fence. Pay equity and Vise 5th South. take over payments. 445 So. P!uly 13 23 425 West, PIANO LESSON? BEDROOM brick, well rHRE PIANO TEACHER from .Den-- built, large rec. room 'TiT the ft pet d, basement, VER LaMont school of music;, wbar, now taking atuaer.u, ekpar-ie-- . yard, two car brick garage. ced in all grade levels. Beautiful view of lake. Car-- . Children, adults, begm-ieror peting, drape, warher, dry3 Advanced accepted. FOR RENT er. Moving aoon. Phone . CRI BOARD AND ROOM for one or for appointment. Jiuy2 two men or couple. See Mrs. PIANO and Guitar Lessons. Ph 3 bedroom NOTHING DOWN Mayer, 160 South 2nd West. . CRI Phone 9 brick, full basement, family PA-1- 3 room. Phone LAND APT for rent. Phone two story zpA-1- 3 ,FOR SALE DRY FARM, Grantsville. Mac. home. Excellent lo5 ac. wheat allot CLEAN two bedroom apt. Stor-ication. Reasonable. PA No utility deposit need. P-ed. Phone l r ly - 882-330- 3. 884-505- 5. iy . T0MAT0S 5. ly 25- 882-049- 8. P-t- o. AIS0P 334 W. 882-078- . 882-28- ly CORlRlOBd Printitnv 882-411- 882-21- 1. C-- 4. 882-41- 882-478- 9. 882-171- 9. Ceramic classes, custom firings for information! phone P to Juty 18 912-44- three-bedroo- m 882-283- w-3- 884-339- 1. 883-033- 6. I CRT . -1 rJLiy $189 J9 to $459 COPES RADIO TV SERVIC Radio - TV - HI FI - Stored Fm - Am - Two Wav CB Daytime call Service $82439$ YEARLING HENS for sale. Ph 0. . brick THREE bedroom home, finiah- ed basement. 227 East First g. 3 South. 882-29- 2. .. FROM 15 V J 2. Julwg AveLiSe Pm- - for iy " . MJ-2S- seiJS,r.1Srljrs.0'?K 882-413- WILL BUY batteries, scrap Iron radiators. Ernest Vario, 44 N. 1st West Ph. APTS FOR RENT Single oc- 23 cupancy M0 monthly. Kitchen-ettes, furnished, utilities ta- 365 Eaat WOMEN WANT WORK 7 Cali ... Vine. anytime. 2 after 5: M p.m. CH-2- 2 Win also NEED IRONINGS. baby ait Raba George. 1C- - ONE and two bedroom, furnish- P4-13- , Iqm. ad apartments. Air condition- . CR1 VEHICLES FOR SALE REE ! - FOR SALE - 1M4 airyslerNew GiilteUM45Solr Yorker. 4 door eedin, power M,uG P brakes, power steering air- 'llTOR RENT- bedTOm com. M244M after 8 oclock. p4 opt. Private Phone FOR SALE - 1159 ft ton Qwv CRI gM 10U 9 p-pickup. FOR RENT - fomiahed 93 JEEP for sale, sparq parts. , ant 4M East 3rd North. - three room for-FOR RENT 3 OorvairSw- FM niahed apt . der. turbo charger, posi-traconditton, tachometer. Good ."T FGR tion. Call fontaja apartr aee Hinl. : at 182 South Main or 5 ( ter 5 pm BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY -ti PR RENT - five room unfur-BEER 77rrnr in Grantsville niAi aU pt, in. 3 room for lease. apartment after attached, (tall 4:30 p.m. during week. AnyFOR RENT - nice three bedPA-1time weekends. room home. hfter DEEP FREEZE (upright). basement, duplex or 882 roR SALE 0R RENT carpets, drapes, refrig, stove, storage apace, standard. WILL FURNISH 4 or contact 260 N. Call 1st East.. Apt. 3, Tooele. GO GO GIRL over 21. Maverick Qumo. fii WHITE SEWING CENTER TOOELE MERC CO. P-- . 882-227- 4 FOR SALE older home 2 bed- - .FURNISHED APARTMENT- Stwo and three rooms. New OF MOOSE ?n. ssFWTiniS: a I 883-391- I t |