Show TUB TilE SALT REPUBLICAN HERALD ERALD Li TUe 10 Inter loter Est Eat Feb 1 1906 The Salt Herald Derald Est Eat June 6 6 1870 1810 GO 60 MAIN MAW STREET Published by Tho The Republican Herald 1 Publishing company company H. H E. E Booth president A. A I L. L Thomaa Thoma vice president Edward E. E Jenkins treasurer Adolph Adoph Anderson secretary E. E II U. 31 Manns Arthur J. J Brown Editor EASTERN EASTER ADVERTISING S Cone Lorenzen Woodman Brunswick ld New York City Advertising Bide Chicago III IU Gumble Elder Kansas ll Ctt City Mo Mci American Bids Detroit Mich lich PACIFIC COAST REP REPRESENTATIVES RI ENT It R. J. J BI Co H Market Markot tract San Francisco Associated with THE TIlE AUDIT BUREAU TIO S. Information concerning la- la this tion will wUI be supplied through association Railway Exchange C Chicago go S Only Republican Re daily newspaper in Salt Lako LaIo City Utah DAILY A- A AND SUNDAY delivered bY by carrier In Salt Lake City one week 15 c cents Sunday on only B S cents DAILY AND SUNDAY by mall One mail Ono month 7 75 16 one year SUNDAY SUNDY by mall Un In advance ono advance Ono year SEMIWEEKLY by mall mail In advance nd SIx Sir months 75 15 cente centa one years year Subscribers wishing Ad address of ot paper changed must give former as well aa as present address All papers are continued until explicIt explicit explicit ex ex- order Is received to discontinue All ArreArages arrearage must be paid pal 1 In tn every overy case e. e Entered at ot the postoffice at Salt Lako ako City as os second class matter THE REPUBLICAN HERALD Is I. not Dot responsible for tor any unsolicited manuscript manu menu script which I Is not plainly marked with the name namo and address of ot too tAo en sender and accompanied by stamps for tor return WEDNESDAY APRIL ArRIL 14 U 14 1015 1115 |