Show CITY SCHOOl CHIlDREN TO GET fRUIT TREES TES Nursery Company Makes Free Distribution for Planting Arbor Day In tn connection with the tho celebration of oC Arbor dav day by the tho school children o of Salt Lake Lak through h tho the generosity of ot Burt Durt company compan choIce fruit trees will be distributed d free tree to the school chool children at nt the close of ot time the school exorcises exercises today In regard to this tree distribution John A A. A Burt Hurt of ot the tho company made tho following statement statement state state- ment Our Plan Is to distribute annually some ome tree treo or shrub to the thc children of oC tho time city dU This Thie year ear our distribution will win tako take the tho form orm of ot fruit trees We c have havo arranged with one of oC our home nurseries the time Jordan Nursery of oC Sandy for Cor Jonathan apple trees tree and Elberta peach trees to be he distributed distributed dis dis- through h the tho public schools and eYer every child In tho the city cHy Is expected to receive a 0 tree Wo Yo ar arc desirous of ot seeing Salt Lake the most homelike and attractive city in tho thu country countr and Rud tile the co operation of oC tho the school children will help to bring this about |