Show MOTHER IF CHILDS CHILD'S TONGUE IS COATED If If- If cross feverish constipated f give California Syrup Of FigS A laxative to today JY f saves es a child tomorrow Children simply will not take talo the time from play pla to empty their bowels which become slogged up with waste liver Ji gets sluggish stomach a sour our Look at the tongue ue mother If It coated or Ot your our child Is listless cross feverish breath bad restless doesn't neat eat cat heartily full of or cold or has nas sore sora throat or any other childrens children's ailment give gire a n teaspoonful of California Syrup of ot Figs then dont don't worry because It Jt ItUs itis Us is hl perfectly and rd d in 10 a n few tew hours hours all this constipation lion poison sour our Lile and f fermenting waste will gently move 1110 out of the thc bowels and you ou will have a well playful child again A 1 thorough Inside cleansing Is wall all that is necessary It should be the tho first treatment given iv n in any sickness Beware of ot counterfeit tl fig syrups Ask your our druggist for Cor a cent 50 bottle of ot Syrup of Figs which has full directions for babies children rot Of all ages and for ups grown-ups plainly l printed on the tho bottlo bottle Look carefully and see BOO that it Is made mado b by the tho California Califor j nia FJ Fig Syrup Company AIl Advertise meat ment i r This Store Will Close at 1 I o'clock Arbor Day THE GREAT Half Price Sale of Suits and Dresses Dresses' CONTINUES TODAY d I New Suits j iL 2 P Price New Dresses 12 A choice of the assortment seasons season's 5 smartest styles in all the latest fabrics and colors The Suits range from 13 to 65 the Dresses from 1 12 2 to 45 J they are offered now at Half Price Corset Demonstration J JY Y You 1 0 arc especially invited in to attend our Corset n now w being held of Madame Lyra and American Lady Corsets Mrs Bell an expert fitter from the tl ea east t is here and will be glad to give you rou a 0 faultless 0 fitting fl JOUR OUR DRUG STORE IS AT Nf so MAIN lAL STREET DR J. J D. D M IVER OF DALLAS TEXAS PRESCRIBES FOR RHEUMATISM Says Mineral Remedy Brought Quick Relief to His Patient Officer Strait of Cole Avenue Dallas After getting no results from different different differ differ- ent remedies and treatments Dr J. J D. D Mclver Mciver 1514 4 Main street Dallas Tex prescribed for a case caso of ot muscular I rheumatism and the tho patient Officer Elmo Elino Strait Cole Colo avenue Dallas got the same quick relief relict front from pain that thousands s of ot similar cases have gotten So pleased are the they with the results obtained both Dr Mclver and Officer Strait unite In praising this new medicinal mineral remedy Their letters letters let Jet tel'S follow Dallas Texas Jan 18 1915 Gentlemen It gives me great reat pleasure to state that I 1 have prescribed your our In Ina Ina ina a case casc of oC muscular rheumatism with the greatest success In a case of a aman aman aman man aged 38 years ears who had been confined confined confined con con- fined to his bed almost six months with muscular rheumatism and could hardly move during the past two months your Akos proved pro Its virtue by bringing about a n. cure curo after nil all other methods of treatment were failures Yours respectfully J. J D. D Mclver McIver M. M r. r D. D 1514 Main St. St Dallas Texas Of Officer CicCI Elmo Strait t has this to say ay I r have suffered the past si six month with vcr very severe pains in all parts omy o 0 omy my bod body m my neck neele wa so stiff I hardly move it and I could not turl tun over I in n bed without ou t assistance ance the first application of koz I was decidedly h. h improved Taking th mineral water along alon- with the treatment I am getting wonderful re roo suits and m my general health is Im Improving proving er e every day I am so aged with Ako remedy that I nil wil continuO continue It a little HUla longer and am sur that I will be a well man soon I 1 hav hay been an officer for about six years am atH atHan anyone an one wishing to confirm this statement state ment meat ment ma may call on n me mt at m my home o ox 01 phone me Haskall 1532 ha has proved pro equally effective It Ii treating stomach liver er kidney am ant nr bladder troubles piles plIes ulcers anti and other ailments It Is la sold at nt al aJ Johnson Schramm-Johnson drug drug- stores tores and b I nil all other leading druggists Visit phone or 11 write for fot further regarding this advertisement What To Plant on n Arbor Day Shrubs and Vines And because of a surplus of or Here arc some suggestions in Fruit and Ornamental Trees named below And please remember the stock stok offered is notI not these varieties we offer the unheard unheard-of of prices Ad plea offered I culls culs I but robust thrifty clean and healthy fresh from our Nurseries COME COlIE AND ND l SI SEE E FOR YOURSELF F D VINES I ES 3 2 Old SHRUBS A AND FRUIT FRUIT TREES c 2 Years nr Old Oid Od Re Regular Sale n fleg u as' as Sale Sae e acT I cae each cacti Trice APPLE nIl APPLE nil c rc io JOe ir 1 60 Perfection 5 nud f Orb Orli Napoleon and nud May la 10 Fn FaY Far Prolific IC l Duke e Oc Smith Imp 1 l We c e ePI c nu Rd nud JOe PHA PiAR R 3 3 Oc SlI I Oo 00 Sc Bc PI R C c lc GRAPES WhIte GRAIES GRAIES ble ml purple HARDY ErAT VINES HARDY ORNAMENTAL s SHRUBS nuns 2 e Yean Old Yearn Old Uhl Field Gro Grown n I Regular Sele Sale he R Regular luar Snit each b. b Price L J IVY IY each ench elb Oc Pre Price Oc 3 c Pic It X V C XIA C HOc Wc Oe SNOWBALL nAT O J COMMON T 4 40 IU on OIL i. i X j 1 IVY n ir 1 e SNOWBALL L JAPAN 30 KID VINE ln c Oc HYDRANGEA Grand Oe 10 g c JOe SIBERIAN PEA JEA TREE 60 O 3 I j Ill I Oc PRIVET For Kor JE or Sc C CIt Ked while nail purple Oc Oc I 1 el I ROSES ROSES Red Red pink white nh null nul oUI Gi GRUS US A All 1 TEPLITZ The r red hedge r blue 3 c and rone rOle 10 Sole Sale h begin IQ today nt noon until 0 it t I p. p m. m anti nurl from 0 1 a n. n nl Ill m. m until 2 i p. p ni m. on Arbor day daj nt at our oar on CITY CIT STORE STOnE Conic Come Cure 1 anti 1 cl select cl vint you ou nut Taut yourself ouri elf before stocks are nr teil PORTERs WALTON COI CO SEED AND NURSERY SPECIALISTS I CORNER CORNEI STATE A AND BROADWAY I S |