Show UV ov TAX NOTICE IS 18 HEREBY HERI-DY HERI GIVEN THAT THATa I a 1 special tax for the tho purpose of or extending extending ex ex- tending the has been levied am antI uHl confirmed ng by liv ordinances I of the tho Board of Commissioners I and became a effective effective t tive April Apri 10 10 11 1916 Said special tax Is levied upon th the following described bed real property I ISalt iri lr Salt Sal Lake CI City wit to In Lots 44 H. H and 1 to 17 Ii incus Inclusive ve Block 1 1 Subdivision Subdivision Sub Sub- division of ot Block 86 SC 1 to t 1 1 Inclusive mock Block 8 85 J J. J 26 27 i and 2 Subdivision of or Block 85 lu to 18 18 Inclusive Block 2 i 9 10 and 11 11 1 Block 1 1 Subdivision of Block 83 81 1 and S. S Block 83 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 6 5 6 6 1 6 7 7 and S. S Block Bluck t S 14 4 all 1 In Pint C Ct 1 1 2 3 i 4 4 5 C 6 G. G 7 and S S. S Bl Block ck l 4 I ani and ana 5 6 Block uS 18 all aU In II Plat A A and all al in Salt Lake Lako City Survey Sune abutting on both sides Ide of Sixth West Wet Street ti between Third North rth and nol Fin Fifth North orth Streets un on tl both sides of l Fifth ith West Vest Street between Third North orth and Fifth North Streeta on the north side of ot Fourth rth North Street between Fourth West Vest elt and Sixth West Vest Streets on n the south 1 elde Ide of ot Fourth North Strict between Fifth West and Seventh V Vest st Streets on tho ho west side of or Fourth West B Street between Fourth North and Fifth North Streets and ou on 01 the ho south side of or Fifth North Street between Fourth West cst and Fifth Vc West Vest t Str Streets s. s in District No 2 of or Salt Lake ako City and nUl is dun duo and payable in ini 6 5 i equal annual Installments Insh be beginning April 10 10 1916 Interest at t the rate a of or orIx six Ix per cent per annum on the whole amount of or saul tax shall bo be computed front from rom the date dato tho tha ordinance confirmIng confirm confirm- Ing ng the tho Ie levy of said Id tax became effective Ive tive the wit to April Apri 10 1015 and interest interest inter inter- est at said ald rate on tho the whole amount of oC fal said tax unpaid shall shaH ho he he due u antI and with wih e each ch Installment If It I any installment or Interest aforesaid sall i l.-j l. 11 not paid o on tho the date wn same becomes become due then thon tho the whole holt amount of ot tho the tax unpaid at the thc time said Installment and interest are due duC will wil become duo and payable antI and will wil draw dw interest t at nt the tho rate rat of eight per cent per por PC annum until salo al of the tho property assessed One or more nore of or said Installments In tho the order In n which they th are arc payable aforesaid ll or orthe orthe the he whole holo tax may rny bo be paid without interest in- in tere terest t at nt an any time within thirty dR days after tho the ordinance confirming the tho levy of ot the thc tax became effective and one or more of or said Installments In the tho order In which tho they are ale or the tho whole tax ax unpaid In may bo be paid on the tho day any installment Is i duo dun h by pJ paying tho amount thereof and Interest to said eald day All special taxes are aro payable at m my office Al Room Boom City and ant County Building Salt Sal Lake Ike Cliv Dated Doted at Salt SnIt Lake City Utah this day of April Apri 1915 FRANK FRNK GODBE CitY Treasurer and Collector of Special cial Taxes Sewer Extension No o. o 33 Second Partial Estimate |